Yeah…more gun control in Europe..that's the ticket…since the illegal guns were obtained illegally...

hmmm 7 seconds to fire is prob. a no-go. ~shrug~ I guess we're back to there is no middle ground heh

Again, when the cops are required to use it, THEN I can see others being required.

The Police are normal citizens like the rest of us, they should not get more rights than the rest of us.

i cant see them being mandated

but then again we live in an obama world these days

however it is unlikely the leftists would welcome such

when their real intent is for you and others to lose a basic right

Oh, I agree 100%, its just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

The police would NEVER agree to this, and that should give everyone enough information to see that mandating these technologies is idiotic.

it is patently ridiculous to mandate bio locks on firearms

such a move would be careless and dangerous
Well the cops are for it. They won't get shot with their own guns then.

So me one Police Force that is mandating these things for their officers.
What matter most for these gun nuts is to sell more guns= more gun deaths.
More proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Dishonesty and ignorance?
Yes. Your statement that what matters most to the people who seeks to protect the right to arms from needless and senseless restriction is to :"sell more guns" a prime example of arguing from either / both.

Likewise, the statement that "more guns= more gun deaths".
I did my research about gun violence here and abroad. Bottom line is there is so much guns easily accessible to all American people here in this country.
Ownership/possession of guns is banned for several classes of people in this country -- how do you suppose guns are "easily accessible" to these people when it is illegal to sell guns to them?
And you want to flood this country with more guns.
Hyperbole much?
Research say more guns doesn't make me safer.
What do you want me to do? Go buy guns and armed myself?
We want your to recognize that your appeals to emotion, ignorance and/or dishonest in no way create a sound argument for the further restriction of the rights of law abiding Americans, and then leave us the hell alone.
Again, when the cops are required to use it, THEN I can see others being required.

The Police are normal citizens like the rest of us, they should not get more rights than the rest of us.

i cant see them being mandated

but then again we live in an obama world these days

however it is unlikely the leftists would welcome such

when their real intent is for you and others to lose a basic right

Oh, I agree 100%, its just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

The police would NEVER agree to this, and that should give everyone enough information to see that mandating these technologies is idiotic.

it is patently ridiculous to mandate bio locks on firearms

such a move would be careless and dangerous
Well the cops are for it. They won't get shot with their own guns then.

So me one Police Force that is mandating these things for their officers.
You can't get them here, they just want them.
Gun Grabbers is kinda cute, but no one wants to take your guns, just to do background checks. Why does that bother you?
We already have background checks.
We even have background checks on private sales in certain places, where, oddly enough, gun-related crime is higher than in places that do not have said checks.
And going your news papers.....

I do read. It's negligible at best...nothing to worry about at all.

You say that now....and since you guys are in denial about it it is only going to get worse...there is no incentive for criminals to stop using guns and they are learning each year that guns give them power over a population that has disarmed itself...
Now I am for common
sense to be used in anything we do as a people and a nation, and if we would use good common sense to not let idiots guide us, then we might just be OK again.

Guns need to be dealt with in a serious and careful manor, but it doesn't mean taking them from the good citizens in this nation or trying to set them up for that either. We should be focused only on keeping guns away from gangs, thugs and criminals. We know who all these people are, so why are they slipping through the nets like they are being allowed to do ? Tackle that one honestly, and we might start getting somewhere again.
gun control works like a charm in Europe...not one citizen had a gun in that concert hall...the terrorists...they used the favorite weapon of European criminals..the fully automatic rifle......
Yeah, the US awash with CCW really worked in Sandy Hook, Viriginia Tech, Aurora, Columbine.
All places where carrying a concealed weapon was prohibited.
.I could go on...
And further embarrass yourself? Please proceed, with haste.
How did the 15 year old immigrant get the hand gun he used to murder the police employee in a country with the strict gun laws that Australia has......and why do you still have mass shootings...?

What mass shootings? Dunno how he got the gun. Your own stats say there were 11,900+ gun deaths in the US. That is 1 death per 26,700 people. The rate in Australia in 2012 was 226, which is 1 death per 106,000. IOW I'm 4 times more likely to be killed in the US by a gun than Australia. Appalling statistic!

actually no.....if you aren't a criminal you have about the same chance of getting killed by a gun here as you do in Australia...should you ever come to America...find out where the democrats control a city......and stay away from it...especially neighborhoods that vote heavily democrat...those are the most likely to have massive gun crime rates....

And again....our gun crime rate is going down, yours is going up...after you confiscated your guns....
Your gun ownership rates are back up to the same level as before the confiscation...and your gun crime is going up as well.....after the too are about the same place as the United States was back in the 80s....and then gun crime went wasn't until we allowed people to actually carry guns, as is their right, that the gun crime rate went down...

And this doesn't count the two recent acts of terrorism that took place in Australia with illegal guns....

Where are you getting your stats from? Gun ownership rates are nowhere near 1996 rates. You have proved no correlation between gun crime in the US and gun ownership rates. Nor in Australia. Just anecdotal evidence, which is meaningless. At the end of the day, US gun crime is a lot higher than any other Western country. That aside, none of us down here are so insecure as to even think about guns....

Yeah....your countrymen disagree with your assessment of ownership rates...

Australia reloads as gun amnesties fail to cut arms

Australians own as many guns now as they did at the time of the Port Arthur massacre, despite more than 1 million firearms being handed in and destroyed, new research reveals.

A University of Sydney study has shown there has been a steady increase in guns imported into the country over the past decade, with the number of privately owned guns now at the same level as 1996.

Estimates suggest there were 3.2 million firearms in Australia at the time of the Tasmanian tragedy, in which 35 people were killed and 23 injured.

Read more: Australia reloads as gun amnesties fail to cut arms
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How did the 15 year old immigrant get the hand gun he used to murder the police employee in a country with the strict gun laws that Australia has......and why do you still have mass shootings...?

What mass shootings? Dunno how he got the gun. Your own stats say there were 11,900+ gun deaths in the US. That is 1 death per 26,700 people. The rate in Australia in 2012 was 226, which is 1 death per 106,000. IOW I'm 4 times more likely to be killed in the US by a gun than Australia. Appalling statistic!

actually no.....if you aren't a criminal you have about the same chance of getting killed by a gun here as you do in Australia...should you ever come to America...find out where the democrats control a city......and stay away from it...especially neighborhoods that vote heavily democrat...those are the most likely to have massive gun crime rates....

And again....our gun crime rate is going down, yours is going up...after you confiscated your guns....
Awh hec you know the answer to those heavily democrat controlled cities don't cha? I mean they say it all the time. You are at fault, and you and every other citizen that thinks like you will be at fault until the agenda is finished here.
i cant see them being mandated

but then again we live in an obama world these days

however it is unlikely the leftists would welcome such

when their real intent is for you and others to lose a basic right

Oh, I agree 100%, its just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

The police would NEVER agree to this, and that should give everyone enough information to see that mandating these technologies is idiotic.

it is patently ridiculous to mandate bio locks on firearms

such a move would be careless and dangerous
Well the cops are for it. They won't get shot with their own guns then.

So me one Police Force that is mandating these things for their officers.
You can't get them here, they just want them.

Your gun ownership rates are back up to the same level as before the confiscation...and your gun crime is going up as well.....after the too are about the same place as the United States was back in the 80s....and then gun crime went wasn't until we allowed people to actually carry guns, as is their right, that the gun crime rate went down...

And this doesn't count the two recent acts of terrorism that took place in Australia with illegal guns....

Where are you getting your stats from? Gun ownership rates are nowhere near 1996 rates. You have proved no correlation between gun crime in the US and gun ownership rates. Nor in Australia. Just anecdotal evidence, which is meaningless. At the end of the day, US gun crime is a lot higher than any other Western country. That aside, none of us down here are so insecure as to even think about guns....

And more on Australia...

Gun crime in Australia: as bad as we think? | Peter Winters

Official statistics fluctuate from year to year and recently there does appear to have been an upsurge in gun violence and consequent deaths, particularly, it seems, in Western Sydney. Conflict between rival criminal gangs in the region is often reported prominently in the media, sometimes, unfortunately, in a sensational way that doesn’t reflect the realities of community life. Criminal activity is as much a part of life in this area as it is anywhere, but there isn’t a gang in every street. Even so, the Australian Bureau of Statistics ranked NSW as the state with by far the highest incidence of firearm use in criminal acts 2012, and Australia-wide it also appears that the number of people who possess firearms has returned to 1996 levels.


We might be hearing more about firearms on Australian streets these days, as well as about the unfortunate people who fall victim to them. But at least it isn’t a silent issue. Every reported discovery of illegal firearms foils another dangerous criminal’s intention to do harm. The more we hear about this issue, the more convinced we can be that our law enforcers are doing the right job.

And this is after the confiscation.......and the gun murder rate in the U.S. is going down, not up, and we have 13 million people actually carrying guns for self defense...
How can we advocate gun control so much, and especially to the point of making our own citizens vulnerable, when in fact we arm so many in the world in order to try and help them become free from their oppressors ? It's totally ludicris is what we are being spoon fed here, but the sheeple just goble up the slop as if it is nutritional food for our body called America.
The government response to this stuff everytime, should be a huge eye opener to what this type of government control is for this nation. It creates the problem, then it uses the problem to shape and mold policy around it all afterwards. We have been fools in this game, but because of our greed we have opened ourselves up to just about anything. I see greedyness opening the door for terrible things, but to self regulate greed seems to be something that's almost impossible to do.
Oh, I agree 100%, its just another attempted end run around the 2nd amendment.

The police would NEVER agree to this, and that should give everyone enough information to see that mandating these technologies is idiotic.

it is patently ridiculous to mandate bio locks on firearms

such a move would be careless and dangerous
Well the cops are for it. They won't get shot with their own guns then.

So me one Police Force that is mandating these things for their officers.
You can't get them here, they just want them.

No gun in the US will allow them in. They ones that tried received death threats, Here are the guns the NRA doesn't want you to get
You say that now....and since you guys are in denial about it it is only going to get worse...there is no incentive for criminals to stop using guns and they are learning each year that guns give them power over a population that has disarmed itself...

I don't do "the sky is falling". I do facts...
How did the 15 year old immigrant get the hand gun he used to murder the police employee in a country with the strict gun laws that Australia has......and why do you still have mass shootings...?

What mass shootings? Dunno how he got the gun. Your own stats say there were 11,900+ gun deaths in the US. That is 1 death per 26,700 people. The rate in Australia in 2012 was 226, which is 1 death per 106,000. IOW I'm 4 times more likely to be killed in the US by a gun than Australia. Appalling statistic!

actually no.....if you aren't a criminal you have about the same chance of getting killed by a gun here as you do in Australia...should you ever come to America...find out where the democrats control a city......and stay away from it...especially neighborhoods that vote heavily democrat...those are the most likely to have massive gun crime rates....

And again....our gun crime rate is going down, yours is going up...after you confiscated your guns....

Er no, it's going down. Australian Institute of Criminology - Homicide statistics
Feel free to never come here - your absence is welcome.

You guys are making the assertion that there are more firearms deaths in gun-free zones than not. It's yours to assert. I'm giving an alternative. I have no idea. Thing is, neither do you.

Absolutely. I have no reason or rhyme to ever visit the US..

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