Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Line up every President in American history and ask someone to see if they can visually pick out the one that Birthers demand the record of, and pretty much anyone could.

Not every Birther is a racist- but pretty much every racist here at USMB is a Birther- like Stevie the Racist.
No doubt McGarrett is racist and a disgusting one, but that doesn't make him wrong.

And your statement makes no sense. What about Leftist racists here like Ass-lips? Is he a birther?

My statement stands- not all Birthers are racists, but every anti-black racist I have observed here at USMB has come out at one time or another as a Birther. There is a strong racist element within the Birther community.

Which is why I have often observed birthers refer to Barack Obama as 'boy', as 'half breed', as 'mulatto' as 'African'
You're full of crap. You twats have been playing this race card since before the election and like tone deaf juveniles who have yet to learn to pick up on social cues you keep repeating it even though the opposition-to-obama-is-racism line is nauseating to the adults.!

You confuse 'opposition to Obama' with Birther batshit craziness.

Most of the opposition to Obama is political- but even you should be able to admit that there is opposition that is racist- certainly going into the 2008 election I- and people I knew-received some very vile racist anti-Obama emails that were being circulated.

But that is really just the batshit crazy wing of the Obama opposition.

Birthers are Batshit crazies who happen to very often be racists- they opposed Obama first because of his race- second because of his politics- and suddenly discovered a passion for eligiblity.

You're on the list of batshit crazies seeing racism everywhere whether it exists or not. There is no significant opposition to Obama that's race based because there simply aren't that many Americans who are racists. That's a left wing slander on the decency of most Americans.

You Leftists, knowing there isn't any significant amount of viable racism have devised a strategy to cope with the lack of evidence. You now say it's "coded" or "dog whistle" racism. And Obama, smirking while he flings out the N word, made the case that Americans are racist whether they use slurs or not. What a neat way of making a claim without any proof....kinda like what you say is happening on this thread.

I see Birthers who are racists- like Stevie the racist wonder boy(and big time Trump supporter)
And I see Birthers who demand from Barack Obama what they have demanded from no other President- and no other Presidential candidate.

Not all Birthers are racists- but there is a significant element there- far, far, more than in the general population

But you go ahead- continue to support Birthers and their odd demands of this President- the only non-white President.
Line up every President in American history and ask someone to see if they can visually pick out the one that Birthers demand the record of, and pretty much anyone could.

Not every Birther is a racist- but pretty much every racist here at USMB is a Birther- like Stevie the Racist.
No doubt McGarrett is racist and a disgusting one, but that doesn't make him wrong.

And your statement makes no sense. What about Leftist racists here like Ass-lips? Is he a birther?

My statement stands- not all Birthers are racists, but every anti-black racist I have observed here at USMB has come out at one time or another as a Birther. There is a strong racist element within the Birther community.

Which is why I have often observed birthers refer to Barack Obama as 'boy', as 'half breed', as 'mulatto' as 'African'
You're full of crap. You twats have been playing this race card since before the election and like tone deaf juveniles who have yet to learn to pick up on social cues you keep repeating it even though the opposition-to-obama-is-racism line is nauseating to the adults.!

You confuse 'opposition to Obama' with Birther batshit craziness.

Most of the opposition to Obama is political- but even you should be able to admit that there is opposition that is racist- certainly going into the 2008 election I- and people I knew-received some very vile racist anti-Obama emails that were being circulated.

But that is really just the batshit crazy wing of the Obama opposition.

Birthers are Batshit crazies who happen to very often be racists- they opposed Obama first because of his race- second because of his politics- and suddenly discovered a passion for eligiblity.

You're on the list of batshit crazies seeing racism everywhere whether it exists or not. There is no significant opposition to Obama that's race based because there simply aren't that many Americans who are racists. That's a left wing slander on the decency of most Americans.

"Opposition' to Obama is one thing. Birther batshit is another. If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin, this conversation wouldn't be happening.
White? This has nothing to do with skin color.

Then its just a grand coincidence that you give every white president who failed your standard a pass......while obsessing exclusively about the only black one?

Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more completely than any president in history, with the State of Hawaii affirming his Hawaiian birth 6 times. In Press Releases, from the Republcian Governor, from the Republican appointed Director of the Department of Health (three times), from the Registrar of the State of Hawaii.

You ignore them all. Yet give every white president a complete pass when they don't have half the verification that Obama did.....and honestly try to convince us that race had nothing to do with it? Bullshit yourself if you'd like, but don't bother bullshiting us. If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin....

....we wouldn't be having the conversation.
I don't ignore any of it. For the people I trust, I believe in trust but verify. For the people I don't trust, like people who burn and destroy public property that is evidence of wrong doing, I believe in verify, verify, verify. We're talking about a guy who had IRS officials destroy IRS email documents and computer hardware to hide wrong doing. We're taking about a guy who had his secretary of state destroy official email servers and email documents to hide wrong doing. We are talking about a guy who has a very questionable history past and present. We are not talking about a forthright person, are we?

And you have the verification- and you choose not to believe the verification.

Remember- this has never been about believing Barack Obama about his place of birth- from the beginning Birthers have refused to believe the State of Hawaii.
I believe that the verification was provided. I don't trust it. .

Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
Why would I want to believe a conspiracy theory? That sounds dumb.
Then its just a grand coincidence that you give every white president who failed your standard a pass......while obsessing exclusively about the only black one?

Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more completely than any president in history, with the State of Hawaii affirming his Hawaiian birth 6 times. In Press Releases, from the Republcian Governor, from the Republican appointed Director of the Department of Health (three times), from the Registrar of the State of Hawaii.

You ignore them all. Yet give every white president a complete pass when they don't have half the verification that Obama did.....and honestly try to convince us that race had nothing to do with it? Bullshit yourself if you'd like, but don't bother bullshiting us. If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin....

....we wouldn't be having the conversation.
I don't ignore any of it. For the people I trust, I believe in trust but verify. For the people I don't trust, like people who burn and destroy public property that is evidence of wrong doing, I believe in verify, verify, verify. We're talking about a guy who had IRS officials destroy IRS email documents and computer hardware to hide wrong doing. We're taking about a guy who had his secretary of state destroy official email servers and email documents to hide wrong doing. We are talking about a guy who has a very questionable history past and present. We are not talking about a forthright person, are we?

And you have the verification- and you choose not to believe the verification.

Remember- this has never been about believing Barack Obama about his place of birth- from the beginning Birthers have refused to believe the State of Hawaii.
I believe that the verification was provided. I don't trust it. .

Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
Why would I want to believe a conspiracy theory? That sounds dumb.

You keep on spouting Birther Konspiracy theory right here- today.

And yeah- that sounds dumb.
Then its just a grand coincidence that you give every white president who failed your standard a pass......while obsessing exclusively about the only black one?

Obama's place of birth has been affirmed more completely than any president in history, with the State of Hawaii affirming his Hawaiian birth 6 times. In Press Releases, from the Republcian Governor, from the Republican appointed Director of the Department of Health (three times), from the Registrar of the State of Hawaii.

You ignore them all. Yet give every white president a complete pass when they don't have half the verification that Obama did.....and honestly try to convince us that race had nothing to do with it? Bullshit yourself if you'd like, but don't bother bullshiting us. If he were Barry O'Bama whose dad was from Dublin....

....we wouldn't be having the conversation.
I don't ignore any of it. For the people I trust, I believe in trust but verify. For the people I don't trust, like people who burn and destroy public property that is evidence of wrong doing, I believe in verify, verify, verify. We're talking about a guy who had IRS officials destroy IRS email documents and computer hardware to hide wrong doing. We're taking about a guy who had his secretary of state destroy official email servers and email documents to hide wrong doing. We are talking about a guy who has a very questionable history past and present. We are not talking about a forthright person, are we?

And you have the verification- and you choose not to believe the verification.

Remember- this has never been about believing Barack Obama about his place of birth- from the beginning Birthers have refused to believe the State of Hawaii.
I believe that the verification was provided. I don't trust it. .

Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?

I do understand the difference- apparently to you- if an American's father is not an American- you suddenly care about his eligibility.
At the time of Obama's birth only the Father could confer citizenship if born off American soil and the mother was underage, which she was. We know his mother visited her new husband's home in Kenya.

No, we don't. You assume it.....and you can't back the claim with anything. There's no evidence that Obama's mother ever visited Kenya.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

We know the father was a bigamist. We know the grandmother mistakenly or correctly stated that she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya.

She stated about a half dozen times in that conversation that Obama was born in Hawaii. It was the Birther caller who kept saying that she was there for Obama's birth.

We have the transcript right here. Would you care to listen to it? You'll quite literally have to ignore Obama's grandmother say he was born in Hawaii.....about 6 times.

But we both know you will. As ignoring overwhelming evidence is what Birthers do.
Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage.

'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.
Why not prove she didn't go.. won't that clear it up? What are you afraid of?
I don't ignore any of it. For the people I trust, I believe in trust but verify. For the people I don't trust, like people who burn and destroy public property that is evidence of wrong doing, I believe in verify, verify, verify. We're talking about a guy who had IRS officials destroy IRS email documents and computer hardware to hide wrong doing. We're taking about a guy who had his secretary of state destroy official email servers and email documents to hide wrong doing. We are talking about a guy who has a very questionable history past and present. We are not talking about a forthright person, are we?

And you have the verification- and you choose not to believe the verification.

Remember- this has never been about believing Barack Obama about his place of birth- from the beginning Birthers have refused to believe the State of Hawaii.
I believe that the verification was provided. I don't trust it. .

Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

I do understand the difference- apparently to you- if an American's father is not an American- you suddenly care about his eligibility.
At the time of Obama's birth only the Father could confer citizenship if born off American soil and the mother was underage, which she was. We know his mother visited her new husband's home in Kenya.

No, we don't. You assume it.....and you can't back the claim with anything. There's no evidence that Obama's mother ever visited Kenya.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

We know the father was a bigamist. We know the grandmother mistakenly or correctly stated that she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya.

She stated about a half dozen times in that conversation that Obama was born in Hawaii. It was the Birther caller who kept saying that she was there for Obama's birth.

We have the transcript right here. Would you care to listen to it? You'll quite literally have to ignore Obama's grandmother say he was born in Hawaii.....about 6 times.

But we both know you will. As ignoring overwhelming evidence is what Birthers do.

Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?

There's no record of her ever going to Kenya. Of any kind. No plane ticket, no passport stamp, no account from anyone, nothing. She was 18 years old when she had Obama, a year out of high school. Sneaking through customs like a 9 month pregnant James Bond wasn't in the cards.
You have proof there was no passport, no passport stamp? Link please.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

What an idiot you are, none of your retarded nonsense means anything. No one can testify to where they were born, because they have no memory of what country they were in when they popped out of their mothers birth canal. So Barack Obama saying where he was born means nothing. Only adults present at the birth can testify as to where someone is born.

Also the person who wrote that about Barack Obama being a Kenyan, retracted it & said it's a mistake & that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
No doubt McGarrett is racist and a disgusting one, but that doesn't make him wrong.

And your statement makes no sense. What about Leftist racists here like Ass-lips? Is he a birther?

My statement stands- not all Birthers are racists, but every anti-black racist I have observed here at USMB has come out at one time or another as a Birther. There is a strong racist element within the Birther community.

Which is why I have often observed birthers refer to Barack Obama as 'boy', as 'half breed', as 'mulatto' as 'African'
You're full of crap. You twats have been playing this race card since before the election and like tone deaf juveniles who have yet to learn to pick up on social cues you keep repeating it even though the opposition-to-obama-is-racism line is nauseating to the adults.!

You confuse 'opposition to Obama' with Birther batshit craziness.

Most of the opposition to Obama is political- but even you should be able to admit that there is opposition that is racist- certainly going into the 2008 election I- and people I knew-received some very vile racist anti-Obama emails that were being circulated.

But that is really just the batshit crazy wing of the Obama opposition.

Birthers are Batshit crazies who happen to very often be racists- they opposed Obama first because of his race- second because of his politics- and suddenly discovered a passion for eligiblity.

You're on the list of batshit crazies seeing racism everywhere whether it exists or not. There is no significant opposition to Obama that's race based because there simply aren't that many Americans who are racists. That's a left wing slander on the decency of most Americans.

You Leftists, knowing there isn't any significant amount of viable racism have devised a strategy to cope with the lack of evidence. You now say it's "coded" or "dog whistle" racism. And Obama, smirking while he flings out the N word, made the case that Americans are racist whether they use slurs or not. What a neat way of making a claim without any proof....kinda like what you say is happening on this thread.

I see Birthers who are racists- like Stevie the racist wonder boy(and big time Trump supporter)
And I see Birthers who demand from Barack Obama what they have demanded from no other President- and no other Presidential candidate.

Not all Birthers are racists- but there is a significant element there- far, far, more than in the general population

But you go ahead- continue to support Birthers and their odd demands of this President- the only non-white President.
Got it. Race card again because you got nothing else. If you can't refute the message, slander the messenger.
I do understand the difference- apparently to you- if an American's father is not an American- you suddenly care about his eligibility.
At the time of Obama's birth only the Father could confer citizenship if born off American soil and the mother was underage, which she was. We know his mother visited her new husband's home in Kenya.

No, we don't. You assume it.....and you can't back the claim with anything. There's no evidence that Obama's mother ever visited Kenya.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

We know the father was a bigamist. We know the grandmother mistakenly or correctly stated that she witnessed Obama's birth in Kenya.

She stated about a half dozen times in that conversation that Obama was born in Hawaii. It was the Birther caller who kept saying that she was there for Obama's birth.

We have the transcript right here. Would you care to listen to it? You'll quite literally have to ignore Obama's grandmother say he was born in Hawaii.....about 6 times.

But we both know you will. As ignoring overwhelming evidence is what Birthers do.
Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage.

'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.
Why not prove she didn't go.. won't that clear it up? What are you afraid of?

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?
My statement stands- not all Birthers are racists, but every anti-black racist I have observed here at USMB has come out at one time or another as a Birther. There is a strong racist element within the Birther community.

Which is why I have often observed birthers refer to Barack Obama as 'boy', as 'half breed', as 'mulatto' as 'African'
You're full of crap. You twats have been playing this race card since before the election and like tone deaf juveniles who have yet to learn to pick up on social cues you keep repeating it even though the opposition-to-obama-is-racism line is nauseating to the adults.!

You confuse 'opposition to Obama' with Birther batshit craziness.

Most of the opposition to Obama is political- but even you should be able to admit that there is opposition that is racist- certainly going into the 2008 election I- and people I knew-received some very vile racist anti-Obama emails that were being circulated.

But that is really just the batshit crazy wing of the Obama opposition.

Birthers are Batshit crazies who happen to very often be racists- they opposed Obama first because of his race- second because of his politics- and suddenly discovered a passion for eligiblity.

You're on the list of batshit crazies seeing racism everywhere whether it exists or not. There is no significant opposition to Obama that's race based because there simply aren't that many Americans who are racists. That's a left wing slander on the decency of most Americans.

You Leftists, knowing there isn't any significant amount of viable racism have devised a strategy to cope with the lack of evidence. You now say it's "coded" or "dog whistle" racism. And Obama, smirking while he flings out the N word, made the case that Americans are racist whether they use slurs or not. What a neat way of making a claim without any proof....kinda like what you say is happening on this thread.

I see Birthers who are racists- like Stevie the racist wonder boy(and big time Trump supporter)
And I see Birthers who demand from Barack Obama what they have demanded from no other President- and no other Presidential candidate.

Not all Birthers are racists- but there is a significant element there- far, far, more than in the general population

But you go ahead- continue to support Birthers and their odd demands of this President- the only non-white President.
Got it. Race card again because you got nothing else. If you can't refute the message, slander the messenger.

Birthers do a fine job of displaying their true colors all on their own.
And you have the verification- and you choose not to believe the verification.

Remember- this has never been about believing Barack Obama about his place of birth- from the beginning Birthers have refused to believe the State of Hawaii.
I believe that the verification was provided. I don't trust it. .

Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
You're full of crap. You twats have been playing this race card since before the election and like tone deaf juveniles who have yet to learn to pick up on social cues you keep repeating it even though the opposition-to-obama-is-racism line is nauseating to the adults.!

You confuse 'opposition to Obama' with Birther batshit craziness.

Most of the opposition to Obama is political- but even you should be able to admit that there is opposition that is racist- certainly going into the 2008 election I- and people I knew-received some very vile racist anti-Obama emails that were being circulated.

But that is really just the batshit crazy wing of the Obama opposition.

Birthers are Batshit crazies who happen to very often be racists- they opposed Obama first because of his race- second because of his politics- and suddenly discovered a passion for eligiblity.

You're on the list of batshit crazies seeing racism everywhere whether it exists or not. There is no significant opposition to Obama that's race based because there simply aren't that many Americans who are racists. That's a left wing slander on the decency of most Americans.

You Leftists, knowing there isn't any significant amount of viable racism have devised a strategy to cope with the lack of evidence. You now say it's "coded" or "dog whistle" racism. And Obama, smirking while he flings out the N word, made the case that Americans are racist whether they use slurs or not. What a neat way of making a claim without any proof....kinda like what you say is happening on this thread.

I see Birthers who are racists- like Stevie the racist wonder boy(and big time Trump supporter)
And I see Birthers who demand from Barack Obama what they have demanded from no other President- and no other Presidential candidate.

Not all Birthers are racists- but there is a significant element there- far, far, more than in the general population

But you go ahead- continue to support Birthers and their odd demands of this President- the only non-white President.
Got it. Race card again because you got nothing else. If you can't refute the message, slander the messenger.

Birthers do a fine job of displaying their true colors all on their own.
So do Leftists. You people have no clue what bigots you are.
You confuse 'opposition to Obama' with Birther batshit craziness.

Most of the opposition to Obama is political- but even you should be able to admit that there is opposition that is racist- certainly going into the 2008 election I- and people I knew-received some very vile racist anti-Obama emails that were being circulated.

But that is really just the batshit crazy wing of the Obama opposition.

Birthers are Batshit crazies who happen to very often be racists- they opposed Obama first because of his race- second because of his politics- and suddenly discovered a passion for eligiblity.

You're on the list of batshit crazies seeing racism everywhere whether it exists or not. There is no significant opposition to Obama that's race based because there simply aren't that many Americans who are racists. That's a left wing slander on the decency of most Americans.

You Leftists, knowing there isn't any significant amount of viable racism have devised a strategy to cope with the lack of evidence. You now say it's "coded" or "dog whistle" racism. And Obama, smirking while he flings out the N word, made the case that Americans are racist whether they use slurs or not. What a neat way of making a claim without any proof....kinda like what you say is happening on this thread.

I see Birthers who are racists- like Stevie the racist wonder boy(and big time Trump supporter)
And I see Birthers who demand from Barack Obama what they have demanded from no other President- and no other Presidential candidate.

Not all Birthers are racists- but there is a significant element there- far, far, more than in the general population

But you go ahead- continue to support Birthers and their odd demands of this President- the only non-white President.
Got it. Race card again because you got nothing else. If you can't refute the message, slander the messenger.

Birthers do a fine job of displaying their true colors all on their own.
So do Leftists. You people have no clue what bigots you are.

Yeah I can live with your misconceptions.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

What an idiot you are, none of your retarded nonsense means anything. No one can testify to where they were born, because they have no memory of what country they were in when they popped out of their mothers birth canal. So Barack Obama saying where he was born means nothing. Only adults present at the birth can testify as to where someone is born.

Also the person who wrote that about Barack Obama being a Kenyan, retracted it & said it's a mistake & that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
All true.. Still, very odd set of circumstances surrounding Barry's birth. I wonder if Barry is the first POTUS who's father was a foreign bigamist.
I believe that the verification was provided. I don't trust it. .

Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Where did I make a demand that your group (we?) prove Birthers wrong. Cite please. Or are you pulling that conspiracy out of your ass. Do you work for Obama?
I believe that the verification was provided. I don't trust it. .

Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Third trimester pregnant women, for the most part, were not allowed to fly back then...same with now, only now it is without a doctor's permission up to a certain point, and not until the near end of pregnancy either...all are forbidden and there ARE HEALTH RISKS FOR FLYING IN THE THIRD trimester that many doctors will not put them at risk for, with a note from them to the Airlines, giving the permission for their patient to fly....

the risk of flying third trimester in 1961 were much, much greater than they are now with flights available to reach near everywhere, including Kenya, but back then, not so much and the ability to get to a hospital in these remote regions would have lead the pregnant woman's Doctor to never, ever give permission for that kind of arduous trek in the third trimester of pregnancy, and a super duper never if she was near her delivery, like 8 months pregnant or so....

I too have never seen ANY credible or even non credible evidence that she ever made a trip to Kenya in her third trimester, from the Birthers either?
Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Third trimester pregnant women, for the most part, were not allowed to fly back then...same with now, only now it is without a doctor's permission up to a certain point, and not until the near end of pregnancy either...all are forbidden and there ARE HEALTH RISKS FOR FLYING IN THE THIRD trimester that many doctors will not put them at risk for, with a note from them to the Airlines, giving the permission for their patient to fly....

the risk of flying third trimester in 1961 were much, much greater than they are now with flights available to reach near everywhere, including Kenya, but back then, not so much and the ability to get to a hospital in these remote regions would have lead the pregnant woman's Doctor to never, ever give permission for that kind of arduous trek in the third trimester of pregnancy, and a super duper never if she was near her delivery, like 8 months pregnant or so....

I too have never seen ANY credible or even non credible evidence that she ever made a trip to Kenya in her third trimester, from the Birthers either?

The only 'evidence' exists strictly in the minds of Birthers.

7 years of digging for dirt on Obama and they can't even find any record of her owning a passport when she was 17.
Absolutely your right to believe any Konspiracy theory you want.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Where did I make a demand that your group (we?) prove Birthers wrong. Cite please. Or are you pulling that conspiracy out of your ass. Do you work for Obama?

Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage. 'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.

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