Yepp, Trump is still a birther!!

Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

What an idiot you are, none of your retarded nonsense means anything. No one can testify to where they were born, because they have no memory of what country they were in when they popped out of their mothers birth canal. So Barack Obama saying where he was born means nothing. Only adults present at the birth can testify as to where someone is born.

Also the person who wrote that about Barack Obama being a Kenyan, retracted it & said it's a mistake & that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
All true.. Still, very odd set of circumstances surrounding Barry's birth. I wonder if Barry is the first POTUS who's father was a foreign bigamist.

Which part do you find odd?
That he was born in a hospital?
That he was born in Hawaii?
That he has a birth certificate?

Oh- what you find odd- is who his father is. Because of course.....what?

Because his father was 'foreign'? Not the first American President whose father was not an American citizen when he was born.

That his father was a 'bigamist'? Yeah this may be a first- though I doubt it is provable. Why exactly are you bothered that President Obama's father was a bigamist?

The father he met exactly one time after he was in infant.
I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I'd like to seem them debunked with verified facts.

Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Where did I make a demand that your group (we?) prove Birthers wrong. Cite please. Or are you pulling that conspiracy out of your ass. Do you work for Obama?

Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage. 'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.
What part of me asking for verification confused you? Were you born stupid, or did it take practice?
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

What an idiot you are, none of your retarded nonsense means anything. No one can testify to where they were born, because they have no memory of what country they were in when they popped out of their mothers birth canal. So Barack Obama saying where he was born means nothing. Only adults present at the birth can testify as to where someone is born.

Also the person who wrote that about Barack Obama being a Kenyan, retracted it & said it's a mistake & that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
All true.. Still, very odd set of circumstances surrounding Barry's birth. I wonder if Barry is the first POTUS who's father was a foreign bigamist.

Which part do you find odd?
That he was born in a hospital?
That he was born in Hawaii?
That he has a birth certificate?

Oh- what you find odd- is who his father is. Because of course.....what?

Because his father was 'foreign'? Not the first American President whose father was not an American citizen when he was born.

That his father was a 'bigamist'? Yeah this may be a first- though I doubt it is provable. Why exactly are you bothered that President Obama's father was a bigamist?

The father he met exactly one time after he was in infant.
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.
Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Where did I make a demand that your group (we?) prove Birthers wrong. Cite please. Or are you pulling that conspiracy out of your ass. Do you work for Obama?

Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage. 'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.
What part of me asking for verification confused you? Were you born stupid, or did it take practice?

You asked us for verification- after you told us that his mom had gone to Kenya- and we pointed out that she had not.

Do you always get so pissy after your own falsehoods have been exposed?
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

What an idiot you are, none of your retarded nonsense means anything. No one can testify to where they were born, because they have no memory of what country they were in when they popped out of their mothers birth canal. So Barack Obama saying where he was born means nothing. Only adults present at the birth can testify as to where someone is born.

Also the person who wrote that about Barack Obama being a Kenyan, retracted it & said it's a mistake & that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
All true.. Still, very odd set of circumstances surrounding Barry's birth. I wonder if Barry is the first POTUS who's father was a foreign bigamist.

Which part do you find odd?
That he was born in a hospital?
That he was born in Hawaii?
That he has a birth certificate?

Oh- what you find odd- is who his father is. Because of course.....what?

Because his father was 'foreign'? Not the first American President whose father was not an American citizen when he was born.

That his father was a 'bigamist'? Yeah this may be a first- though I doubt it is provable. Why exactly are you bothered that President Obama's father was a bigamist?

The father he met exactly one time after he was in infant.
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.

What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement

What an idiot you are, none of your retarded nonsense means anything. No one can testify to where they were born, because they have no memory of what country they were in when they popped out of their mothers birth canal. So Barack Obama saying where he was born means nothing. Only adults present at the birth can testify as to where someone is born.

Also the person who wrote that about Barack Obama being a Kenyan, retracted it & said it's a mistake & that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
All true.. Still, very odd set of circumstances surrounding Barry's birth. I wonder if Barry is the first POTUS who's father was a foreign bigamist.

Which part do you find odd?
That he was born in a hospital?
That he was born in Hawaii?
That he has a birth certificate?

Oh- what you find odd- is who his father is. Because of course.....what?

Because his father was 'foreign'? Not the first American President whose father was not an American citizen when he was born.

That his father was a 'bigamist'? Yeah this may be a first- though I doubt it is provable. Why exactly are you bothered that President Obama's father was a bigamist?

The father he met exactly one time after he was in infant.
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.

What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.
Yes, you're busy, I can see that by how many posts you have posted on this thread....:rolleyes:

busy? sure....
I wasn't busy... then I was busy. It comes and goes with the territory. I looked into this in detail many years back. I don't care to look into the one that was messed up again because it was messed up and as I stated there's no was no way to tell if the edits were done by the adobe software itself, or by some user. What was clear was that it had been edited. Editing can be done automatically by computer software in the processing of images. It's not necessarily malicious. Thus, my request to see a high resolution photo of the original document or to have a document expert review the document at the source. For once, I'm not trying to be an ASS I'm trying to point out what would be sufficient to clear up the so called "mystery." One person "saying" it's all good the document is legit don't worry about all these inconsistencies, well just not good enough for most people that give a shit about this country.

Pretty much anyone who actually gives a shit about this country- does not give a shit about how many layers an image of a birth certificate on the internet has.

The image is no legal document- the originals handled and viewed by reporters were legal documents. The legal statements by the State of Hawaii are legal documents. There have been 2 elections- the voters voted that this was a non-issue to them. Congress confirmed the elections twice- again a non-issue for them. Multiple secretaries of states- including for example the Secretary of State of Arizona- have accepted the legal documents from Hawaii and have no issue.

So everyone who matters has weighed in- everyone who gives a shit about this country- the ones that are left are those who do not give shit about this country- and would prefer to spend 7 years trying to find a reason that our legally elected President cannot possibly be President.
I understand your argument. Not sure why you feel the need to replace it. We are to believe this one person that provided the evidence without question. I don't trust it.

If you're going to ignore the issuing agency of any document, then no president has ever established their eligibility. Which begs the question, why are you obsessed with Obama while ignoring every other president who has ever lived who failed the same standard by your metric?

Gee. Tough one.
It does not "feel" right to me.

Your feelings are irrelevant. As the president's eligibility to be [president is a legal question. His 2008 COLB is prima facie evidence of his place of birth in any court of law. All legal requirements are met.

Your emotions, your willful ignorance of all evidence, your batshit conspiracy theories.....are all irrelevant. As we don't base anyone's eligibility to be president on any of them.
You wept when McCain lost, didn't you?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement
Stop kazzing about that. It's been firmly established that you can't prove your delusions are real.
Wouldn't a rational person demand that batshit conspiracies be backed by evidence before you start demanding they be disproven?
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Where did I make a demand that your group (we?) prove Birthers wrong. Cite please. Or are you pulling that conspiracy out of your ass. Do you work for Obama?

Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage. 'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.
What part of me asking for verification confused you? Were you born stupid, or did it take practice?

You have verification. Obama's COLB alone is prima facie evidence in any court of law. And resolves any legal issue.

It was verified by the Governor of the State of Hawaii, two directors of the Department of Heath, and the Registrar of Hawaii. Twice. There are press releases from the State of Hawaii, Obama's name in public Hawaiian registries, 2 birth in local Hawaiian papers in 1961.

For fuck's sake, there's a scan of his long form birth certificate with the attending doctor's signature right on it, verified by the State of Hawaii as valid.

You've ignored it all.....for no particular reason.

The real question is....who gives a fuck? I have yet to figure out why I should care that you arbitrarily ignore legal documents, repeated verification and overlapping evidence. Your willful ignorance is not a standard of evidence. Nor does it obligate anyone to do anything.
Good news for the GOP: The Don is not going to let the birther thing go.....just great PR for the GOP!

Trump I m still a birther - Nick Gass - POLITICO

Donald Trump is still not sure whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States.

In an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that aired Thursday night, the Republican presidential candidate said he was not that interested in talking about the issue, compared to other ones.

“Honestly, I don’t want to get into it,” Trump said.

Asked whether he thought Obama was born in the U.S., Trump responded: “I don’t know. I really don’t know. I don’t know why he wouldn’t release his records.”


Ahem, Donny:


Discuss. Will the birfers enjoy a fantastic comeback in the 2016 election??


Obama really pulled a boner when he started that whole ridiculous movement by telling his publisher he was born in Kenya, didn't he? Obama is the original birther, patient zero of the movement
Stop kazzing about that. It's been firmly established that you can't prove your delusions are real.

Yup. He's Kazzing out again. Insisting that he knows better than the woman who wrote the pamphlet he's referencing. Despite the fact that she's the world's leading authority. And Kaz doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
What an idiot you are, none of your retarded nonsense means anything. No one can testify to where they were born, because they have no memory of what country they were in when they popped out of their mothers birth canal. So Barack Obama saying where he was born means nothing. Only adults present at the birth can testify as to where someone is born.

Also the person who wrote that about Barack Obama being a Kenyan, retracted it & said it's a mistake & that Barack Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
All true.. Still, very odd set of circumstances surrounding Barry's birth. I wonder if Barry is the first POTUS who's father was a foreign bigamist.

Which part do you find odd?
That he was born in a hospital?
That he was born in Hawaii?
That he has a birth certificate?

Oh- what you find odd- is who his father is. Because of course.....what?

Because his father was 'foreign'? Not the first American President whose father was not an American citizen when he was born.

That his father was a 'bigamist'? Yeah this may be a first- though I doubt it is provable. Why exactly are you bothered that President Obama's father was a bigamist?

The father he met exactly one time after he was in infant.
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.

What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.
All true.. Still, very odd set of circumstances surrounding Barry's birth. I wonder if Barry is the first POTUS who's father was a foreign bigamist.

Which part do you find odd?
That he was born in a hospital?
That he was born in Hawaii?
That he has a birth certificate?

Oh- what you find odd- is who his father is. Because of course.....what?

Because his father was 'foreign'? Not the first American President whose father was not an American citizen when he was born.

That his father was a 'bigamist'? Yeah this may be a first- though I doubt it is provable. Why exactly are you bothered that President Obama's father was a bigamist?

The father he met exactly one time after he was in infant.
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.

What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.
Which part do you find odd?
That he was born in a hospital?
That he was born in Hawaii?
That he has a birth certificate?

Oh- what you find odd- is who his father is. Because of course.....what?

Because his father was 'foreign'? Not the first American President whose father was not an American citizen when he was born.

That his father was a 'bigamist'? Yeah this may be a first- though I doubt it is provable. Why exactly are you bothered that President Obama's father was a bigamist?

The father he met exactly one time after he was in infant.
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.

What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.
Y'all already look like fools.
You find nothing odd about Barry's birth? You must be one of drunk on the koolaid or to busy on your knees to pay attn to anything else.

What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.
Y'all already look like fools.

Well, if thats what you think, complete the destruction. Post the college records. Do it !
What is odd about an American being born in a hospital in Honolulu?

There are thousands of them every year.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.
Y'all already look like fools.

Well, if thats what you think, complete the destruction. Post the college records. Do it !
The destruction is complete. His birth certificate alone rendered y'all complete bumbling fools.
Already said what's odd. You must have some sort of mental dysfunction.

No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.
Y'all already look like fools.

Well, if thats what you think, complete the destruction. Post the college records. Do it !
The destruction is complete. His birth certificate alone rendered y'all complete bumbling fools.

Nope, sorry. But if you would post his Harvard and Columbia records showing how a poor half breed from hawaii paid those very expensive tuitions we would be glad to look at them.

Show us what kind of scholarships and grants he got and show that none of them were reserved for foreign students.

Then you can claim victory, until then you are just shoveling shit.
No- I am not a Birther- I leave all the mental dysfunction to you and your pals.

then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.
Y'all already look like fools.

Well, if thats what you think, complete the destruction. Post the college records. Do it !
The destruction is complete. His birth certificate alone rendered y'all complete bumbling fools.

Nope, sorry. But if you would post his Harvard and Columbia records showing how a poor half breed from hawaii paid those very expensive tuitions we would be glad to look at them.

Show us what kind of scholarships and grants he got and show that none of them were reserved for foreign students.

Then you can claim victory, until then you are just shoveling shit.
Obama is a two-term president with a legacy of a national healthcare plan, the Supreme Court reversal on same-sex marriage, and pulling us out of the Great Recession. I already claim victory.
then post his college records and make us all look like fools. Should be simple and something you would love to do. We'll be waiting.
Y'all already look like fools.

Well, if thats what you think, complete the destruction. Post the college records. Do it !
The destruction is complete. His birth certificate alone rendered y'all complete bumbling fools.

Nope, sorry. But if you would post his Harvard and Columbia records showing how a poor half breed from hawaii paid those very expensive tuitions we would be glad to look at them.

Show us what kind of scholarships and grants he got and show that none of them were reserved for foreign students.

Then you can claim victory, until then you are just shoveling shit.
Obama is a two-term president with a legacy of a national healthcare plan, the Supreme Court reversal on same-sex marriage, and pulling us out of the Great Recession. I already claim victory.


Obozocare is a disaster. Yeah, its great if you are getting it free, but for those who are paying it sucks. Higher premiums, higher deductibles, less coverage, being forced to buy coverage you don't want or need.

same sex marriage, polygamy is next, then sibling marriage, and parent/child marriage. Sorry, dude thats not an accomplishment

pulling us out of the "great recession" are you fucking crazy?

But you are correct that the corrupt media and an ignorant voter base elected the worst president in history twice.

we will anxiously await your post of his college records. :2up:
I am demanding that the conspiracies be backed by evidence, that is why I'm asking for a simple investigation to prove the conspiracies wrong by showing she never went to Kenya. Put it to bed. Show that there is no record of Obama's mom traveling to Kenya. Seems simple enough.

No- you only demand that we prove Birthers wrong.

You have never asked- or expected any Birther to prove any of their batshit conspiracies- you eat them up whole sale

Like your claim that Obama's mother went to Kenya.
Where did I make a demand that your group (we?) prove Birthers wrong. Cite please. Or are you pulling that conspiracy out of your ass. Do you work for Obama?

Mom never went to Kenya? Ok, thanks. My bad. Have we looked at her passport records to verify that?
Yes, I understand that Obama's grandma corrected her statement. I suppose she misspoke or was confused in the translation.
Yes, I suppose Obama's wife merely meant Obama is Kenyan from the perspective of heritage. 'my bad'

You said 'we know she went to Kenya' - now you want us to prove that she didn't?

Did you:
a) pull the idea that his mother went to Kenya out of your ass? or
b) just believe some statement that some Birther told you- and believed it without any verification?

Funny thing is- you appear to believe anything a Birther tells you without any verification.
What part of me asking for verification confused you? Were you born stupid, or did it take practice?

You asked us for verification- after you told us that his mom had gone to Kenya- and we pointed out that she had not.

Do you always get so pissy after your own falsehoods have been exposed?
You have no proof she did not go to Kenya. I have no proof she did go. There is nothing here but speculation either way. I'm pissy all the time.

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