Yes, Biden Is Hiding His Plan To Rig The 2022 Midterm Elections

Probably a response to the 400 laws by Republicans designed to suppress turnout.

Look around. Everyone who is genuinely concerned about our free and fair elections are raising red flags over that and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act.
Look around everyone thinks you are a troll

and of course, the usual trolls will be along to say this is nothing or a lie. but if trump were doing this, they'd make jan 6th look like a picnic in riots.
Please post the Facts that support Biden's plan to rig the coming election.
They did not turn, or even announce, they were going to turn community health centers into voter registration agencies.

And if they were using thousands of health care facilities to focus on voter registration and turnout then those thousands of health care facilities could not be focused on their regular duties.

There is not one bit of evidence offered yet that it is taking away from their regulars duties. If it is not taking away from their regular duties then this is more of a a nothing burger than I first thought.
Did they or did they not say they would stop doing their regular duties?

I am not chasing squirrels with you. You said the article made that claim, quoting the article.

I requoted it.

Where is that said?
They did not turn, or even announce, they were going to turn community health centers into voter registration agencies.

And if they were using thousands of health care facilities to focus on voter registration and turnout then those thousands of health care facilities could not be focused on their regular duties.

There is not one bit of evidence offered yet that it is taking away from their regulars duties. If it is not taking away from their regular duties then this is more of a a nothing burger than I first thought.
Now if your argument is they are not doing it, then the EO itself says ALL AGENCIES.

which I believe would include the ones in question.

Of which the article never said they'd stop doing regular duties as you claim it claimed.
Did they or did they not say they would stop doing their regular duties?

I am not chasing squirrels with you. You said the article made that claim, quoting the article.

I requoted it.

Where is that said?

The article said " the Department of Labor boasted that it was turning 2,300 American Job Centers previously focused on helping displaced workers find jobs into hubs of political activism.".

This is a lie and it says they will no longer be focused on helping displaced workers find jobs...that is what the word "previously" means.

Then it says this....The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services likewise announced plans to turn community health centers into voter registration agencies

This is a lie, as they are still community health centers and not voter registration agencies
The article said " the Department of Labor boasted that it was turning 2,300 American Job Centers previously focused on helping displaced workers find jobs into hubs of political activism.".

This is a lie and it says they will no longer be focused on helping displaced workers find jobs...that is what the word "previously" means.

Then it says this....The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services likewise announced plans to turn community health centers into voter registration agencies

This is a lie, as they are still community health centers and not voter registration agencies
Previously focused. Were they?

Yes. Does it say ENTIRE FOCUS will change? No. It does not. Bit if they do shift and do this, as you point out they can be, is their focus not shifting at least to a degree?


But not entire.
Previously focused. Were they?

According to your link they were.

Does it say ENTIRE FOCUS will change? No. It does not. Bit if they do shift and do this, as you point out they can be, is their focus not shifting at least to a degree?


But not entire.

And if that is the case and their mission is not being harmed then I cannot see any problems with this.

Do you think more people voting is a good thing or a bad thing?
According to your link they were.

And if that is the case and their mission is not being harmed then I cannot see any problems with this.

Do you think more people voting is a good thing or a bad thing?
i think it's a sideshow that we're on which is ignoring the real reasons i posted this all so we can chase down a LIE that in fact, was NOT a lie. but we did this your way and went through the facts.

to answer your question, sure.more people voting is great. but if you believe that is their motivation, we do most certainly disagree. this is the camp that wanted to Federalize Elections with HR1 and the "progressives" have a habit of never giving up on their desires, just getting more sneaky about it.

example -
Cant ban the AR15 - close down Lake City.
demonize the 9mm round as being able to blow out lungs (hell, police moved to the 40 cause the 9mm wasn't enough)
and so forth - so the history is there of saying one thing and doing another.

now, my issues with what he is doing overall -

issue 1 -
voting is a state right and process. why is biden sticking federal noses into it?

issue 2 -
why is he ignoring all calls for explanation on what he is doing? he is telling 600+ agencies to be doing this. this is in the EO for reference of which i've already quoted. WHY do we suddenly need 600+ agencies fixing problems with issues like "blacks not being able to vote" or have to show ID when again, state issue and 2, these are at best, rare occurrences. he needs to be open and transparant on his plans or yes, there will be these types of discussions. you can't "mobilize" 600+ agencies for a singular purpose and not tell people what is going on.

issue 3 -
combat misinformation. since when is this the governments to say what information is correct or not?

these are all valid issues you've yet to even touch because, it would seem, you don't like the wording of the paragraph so you say they are LYING when in fact, they are not. you are taking implications out of what they said so you can scream LIAR and ignore the rest of the information.

that you simply "skimmed" over.
issue 1 -
voting is a state right and process. why is biden sticking federal noses into it?

They are helping people to register, that is all. Not really "sticking" a nose into anything.

issue 2 -
why is he ignoring all calls for explanation on what he is doing? he is telling 600+ agencies to be doing this. this is in the EO for reference of which i've already quoted. WHY do we suddenly need 600+ agencies fixing problems with issues like "blacks not being able to vote" or have to show ID when again, state issue and 2, these are at best, rare occurrences. he needs to be open and transparant on his plans or yes, there will be these types of discussions. you can't "mobilize" 600+ agencies for a singular purpose and not tell people what is going on.

We do not know that he actually has ignored anything, your article is not really all that trustworthy. Secondly, what is there really for him to explain? The EO is there for everyone to see and the agencies have been publishing what they are doing about it. Your link even gave a few links to those things. Do you think that the POUTS knows the exact actions of every 600 agencies are taking?

That seems a bit unrealistic. If they want to know what an agency is doing, they should ask the individual agency.

issue 3 -
combat misinformation. since when is this the governments to say what information is correct or not?

This one is bad, I do agree. Not the job of the Govt at all. They could not be trusted to do such a thing

and of course, the usual trolls will be along to say this is nothing or a lie. but if trump were doing this, they'd make jan 6th look like a picnic in riots.
They rigged them for Hillary, rigged them for Biden in my opinion. They stole the 2020 election and they will try to steal 2022 and 2024.
They are helping people to register, that is all. Not really "sticking" a nose into anything.

We do not know that he actually has ignored anything, your article is not really all that trustworthy. Secondly, what is there really for him to explain? The EO is there for everyone to see and the agencies have been publishing what they are doing about it. Your link even gave a few links to those things. Do you think that the POUTS knows the exact actions of every 600 agencies are taking?

That seems a bit unrealistic. If they want to know what an agency is doing, they should ask the individual agency.

This one is bad, I do agree. Not the job of the Govt at all. They could not be trusted to do such a thing

He gives the agencies X number of days to say how they are complying. If simply registering people what's to report back? And do all 600 agencies need to be doing it?

I do agree the article goes overboard in highlighting BAD Biden but the EO is pretty explicit in who they are to be targeting and how, report back by X day on how you will do this.

If simply registering to vote, sure. No issue.

But the EO itself is way beyond that regardless of the article.

Valid questions out there he's not answering.
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He gives the agencies X number of days to say how they are complying. If simply registering people what's to report back? And do all 600 agencies need to be doing it?

I do agree the article goes overboard in highlighting BAD Biden but the EO is pretty explicit in who they are to be targeting and how, report back by X day on how you will do this.

If simply registering to vote, sure. No issue.

But the EO itself is way beyond that regardless of the article.

Valid questions out there he's not answering.
Questions like,

"Why do you want more people to vote, when lower turnout favors republicans?"
“Get out the vote” isn’t a plan to rig the election.

You guys just want to have an excuse ready in case you lose.
When Republicans are this focused on stopping people from voting, you know they're terrified of losing big.

Go on, fascists. Tell us _specifically_ what this Democrat cheating is. You brainwashed fascists don't even read the propaganda you post. You're all just looking for excuses for your own side to break out the brownshirts and jackboots.

You dumb fuck, it's illegal for federal agencies to engage in political activities. Individuals can do it when they are OFF THE CLOCK.

Yes, there was really nothing to see here in my opinion.

I am of the mind that the more people voting the better. The more people participate the better off we are in my view. Thus I do not have a problem with an effort to get more people to register to vote.

Did you bother to follow any of the links in your link?

Take this one for example...the Department of Labor boasted that it was turning 2,300 American Job Centers previously focused on helping displaced workers find jobs into hubs of political activism.

If you follow the link to the announcement from the DOL you find that nothing of the sort took place. They are still focused on helping displaced workers find jobs, but they have now added some verbiage to their websites about voting and how to register and they are allowed to hold voter registration drives at their sites. None of this takes away from their mission, but your article lied about it and chances are you did not even check to see if they were telling the truth or not

Federal employees are not allowed to conduct voter registration drives while they are on the clock, or using federal facilities or supplies. Why don't you tell the class how many republican organizations will be invited to conduct these voter registration/education drives. Oh, and where are the public announcements of available dates and times? Come on, tell the world how this EO is to be implemented with equity.

that's the part that scares me. the R's have had control before and didn't do much about it. i see a few that put up a fight but most talk and then sit back down.

but you can't say joe has gotten everything he wants. H1 didn't go through and the SCOTUS has shot down a lot of his moves. the bad part is, joe doesn't care and does them anyway. when you're the branch responsible for enforcing the law, you're not likely to enforce it on yourself.

That's because they are political class.

They think they are better than us.
Well, according to Trump supporters, the VP can just ignore the electoral college and declare the President the winner. No worries.

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