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"Yes, Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally"

Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Courtā€™s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didnā€™t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Hereā€™s a quick sampling:

Angel: Youā€™re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: Youā€™re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? Youā€™re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And thatā€™s really mean to say. But good lord heā€™s an awful human..

Annie: Iā€™d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*leā€¦ Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. Itā€™s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

Thereā€™s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as weā€™ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto theyā€™ve been assigned, donā€™t really understand what theyā€™re doing or why theyā€™re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

Iā€™m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). Iā€™m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. Theyā€™re just wrong about everything. Fine. Thatā€™s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The ā€œit doesnā€™t affect usā€ mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. Itā€™s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. Itā€™s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and itā€™s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Courtā€™s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didnā€™t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Hereā€™s a quick sampling:

Angel: Youā€™re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: Youā€™re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? Youā€™re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And thatā€™s really mean to say. But good lord heā€™s an awful human..

Annie: Iā€™d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*leā€¦ Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. Itā€™s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

Thereā€™s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as weā€™ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto theyā€™ve been assigned, donā€™t really understand what theyā€™re doing or why theyā€™re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

Iā€™m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). Iā€™m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. Theyā€™re just wrong about everything. Fine. Thatā€™s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The ā€œit doesnā€™t affect usā€ mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. Itā€™s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. Itā€™s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and itā€™s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
It sounds like gay rights supporters want to hurt you, though. In their moralistic self righteous fury, they want to kill and destroy and humiliate in the name of self righteousness. Gays Always had the same rights as anyone else. But now we have to custom tailor rights to fit a single group, or they have hissy fits. Not how this is supposed to work, people. It's insulting.
Ha ha ha! Either submit to homosexual activist dogma or you are a Nazi. What a drama queen! lol
I find it odd to hear black people being anti gay when it was them experiencing it just about 50 years ago themselves. And the only argument they have is that being gay is a choice which it is not unless you are bi, and being black is not a choice.

Even if it is a choice so what?
Any Black person that has an issue with gay people needs to take a deep look at themselves. They dont have to want to be gay to see the parallels.
One last time .... it isn't about gay people ... it's about the government interfering with my individual rights. Try to keep up.
It's about you trying to impose your morals on folks, spare. MYOB.
And homos and gay are not trying to impose their morals on other folks? Really? Spare us...please!
No just balancing the scales
Who judges what moralty is more important?
As long as you understand that "love" is a human construct and has nothing to do with otherwise "normal biological relationships.
There is no normal in biology , there is what works and what's reached it's evolutionary end.
normal is also a human construct.
Thanks for playing.
I'm not having kids so I guess I have reached my evolutionary end. So what? The planets already overpopulated. Maybe that's what this planet needs? Less breeders.

I have 2 nephews so I'm not sad. The sealybobo namesake will continue.
And homos and gay are not trying to impose their morals on other folks? Really? Spare us...please!
who is making you marry someone of your own sex? who is telling your church whom to marry or not marry? Who is forcing you to believe that Jesus loves gays just like you? MYOB.
And yet your camp focuses on who marries whom?
What business is it of yours who marries who? You are an Alaskan, and of all the Americans I have known in my life, those bad boys and bad girls were the most freedom loving freaks of all. They were wonderful.
MaryL wrote the most stupid post of the day so far, "It sounds like gay rights supporters want to hurt you, though. In their moralistic self righteous fury, they want to kill and destroy and humiliate in the name of self righteousness." What an irony alert. No one wants to kill the idiot. The good people want to make sure everyone else understands just what an idiot he is, for sure. And Keys, in my opinion, is quite willing to use violence in the defense of his immorality.
Ok you believe Gallup. Bless your heart.
Umm, Gallup wasn't alone in finding those results. Virtually every pollster determined most Americans supported gay marriage. Just how fragile is your position?
No they don't. You like guys we get it for God's sake. You have your rights with no judgement. Why does everyone have to agree with your position? Straight people don't. Get gay married butt fuck and move on already.
No they wont. Only a few kooks like yourself will resist long enough for it to get like that. At that point you will be classified as a cult and dealt with accordingly.

Your math is as abysmal as your English. The kooks are not on my side, and the majority is not on your side.
There is no math to it. You kooks will lose. You always do. You either ride or collide with us. There is no other option.
No, we don't always lose. We're the ones who win. You're the ones that are on the side of the Nazis. Like the idiot Germans, you don't get it.

But you will.
Funny about winning...since no real offspring can come of such "same sex" unions, eventually normalcy will reign...provided the government feel good PCers eventually fall to the wayside, as they must.

Well, you have to understand how homosexuality is manifested.

A sexual deviant molests an infant/toddler. The molestation is in the form of play, wherein there is much smiling and cooing... the play involves the stimulation of the genitals which triggers a premature hormonal reaction that imprints the experiences... associating sexual stimulation with play, resulting in the relating of sexual attraction to the gender of the molester.

Do not project your experiences on others.

The age of the rape is critical, in that during infancy and toddler development, speech and long term memory are not developed, thus there is no chance that the child could, even innocently relate its experience when "Uncle Cab touched his privates" or any memory of the encounter.

The perspective being that they 'had always been that way'... .

More projection.

This is why you will find that homosexuals relate sex with "FUN", as demonstrated by the endless parade of Deviants who demand that the human physiological standard 'conflates FUCKING with Marriage'.

Dude...sex IS fun. If not, you're doing it wrong.

Sex is merely 'fucking'... OKA: FUN.

They simply have no means to accept that sex is purposed for procreation... as they lack the objectivity to even recognize that otherwise SELF EVIDENT, thus obvious fact of nature.

Most sex is not for procreation.
"Gay Activists Demand Churches Lose Their Tax Exempt Statusā€¦ Already?!"

Remember how the leftists said all of the Christian worrying over the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage was bunk? Christians pointed to other countries where the church had lost its religious liberties. The left said they were crazy. Well, leftists are already foaming at the mouth calling for just that. Hold onto your buttsā€¦

Wellā€”it just so happens the New York Times published an article literally titledā€¦

ā€œNowā€™s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutionsā€

The argument in a nutshell: churches should now be considered ā€œpoliticalā€ entities, therefore the government should be allowed to take away their tax exempt status. Of course the entire goal here is to effectively terminate the church.

Boom. Would an ā€˜I told you soā€™ here be too clichĆ©? In record time too!

Read more: Gay Activists Demand Churches Lose Their Tax Exempt Status... Already Louder With Crowder

Now... knowing that, it should be clear to you the deception in which our in-house cultists have been advising you.

Again... they are Relativists, thus unworthy of your trust.

Churches should never have had tax exempt status.
Religious organizations have no business in politics, none. If they want to be so, let them voluntarily give up their tax-exempt status
Last edited:
Ok you believe Gallup. Bless your heart.
Umm, Gallup wasn't alone in finding those results. Virtually every pollster determined most Americans supported gay marriage. Just how fragile is your position?
No they don't. You like guys we get it for God's sake. You have your rights with no judgement. Why does everyone have to agree with your position? Straight people don't. Get gay married butt fuck and move on already.
You're simply wrong. Like I said, virtually every poll showed a majority of people favored legalizing gay marriage.

Civil Rights

You can wish this wasn't the case, but you can't change reality.
And we are not anywhere near interested support in polygamous marriage.

Support for polygamy is rising. But it s not the new gay marriage. - The Washington Post

But while support for polygamy is rising, it has a ways to go before it catches up with same-sex marriage, and there are plenty of reasons it's unlikely to catch on in anywhere near the same way.

For now, it's illegal nationwide, recent legal attempt to overturn bans have been unsuccessful, and public support is low. But that support is increasing.

According to data from Gallup, support has increased from 5 percent in 2006 to 16 percent today. The biggest one-year jump happened in 2011, after TLC's "Sister Wives," about a polygamist family who lived in Utah and later Nevada (the Colliers also have appeared on the show), first aired.
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Courtā€™s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didnā€™t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Hereā€™s a quick sampling:

Angel: Youā€™re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: Youā€™re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? Youā€™re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And thatā€™s really mean to say. But good lord heā€™s an awful human..

Annie: Iā€™d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*leā€¦ Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. Itā€™s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

Thereā€™s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as weā€™ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto theyā€™ve been assigned, donā€™t really understand what theyā€™re doing or why theyā€™re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

Iā€™m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). Iā€™m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. Theyā€™re just wrong about everything. Fine. Thatā€™s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The ā€œit doesnā€™t affect usā€ mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. Itā€™s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. Itā€™s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and itā€™s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
Ran across this over at The Blaze... it's a great read.

"I received a lot of feedback this past weekend about my piece responding to the Supreme Courtā€™s gay marriage ruling. Many people seemed to take exception to my radical position that men and woman can conceive children. They didnā€™t explicitly disagree with that theory, but they did deny the one single conclusion that inevitably stems from it, which is that the union between a man and a woman is special and different.

Most of the comments, emails, and messages I read this weekend eschewed the process of even attempting to debate that point and skipped right to the insults. Hereā€™s a quick sampling:

Angel: Youā€™re an idiot.

Jonathan: Hi, kill yourself. Thanks

Jim: Youā€™re a f**king clown. That drivel you wrote on the Blaze is the biggest piece of sh*t since Atlas Shrugged. You call yourself a journalist? Youā€™re a f**king mope living in a vacuum of fear and hate. SMFH.

Nikki: I kind of really hope Matt Walsh burns in hell. And thatā€™s really mean to say. But good lord heā€™s an awful human..

Annie: Iā€™d like to let you know that you are a privileged piece of trash and everything that comes out of your mouth is complete and utter bullsh*t.

Bella: the Supreme Court matters more than some bigot with a sh*tty blog and ugly kids. Try again

Anthony: Oh Matt, you are a perfect assh*leā€¦ Take your worthless version of the bible, and set yourself on fire. That would make my Sunday:)

Marc: Matt Walsh is a F**king MORON!

Steven: F**k you, you f**king worthless douche.

Maria: Matt you really are a piece of sh*t.

Brian: The world would be so much better off with you.

Matthew: Go f**k yourself, Walsh. You not only are a bigot, but you ignore facts and twist and distort truths to make your false point. Itā€™s a common tactic I see from people like you. Equality wins out, bigot.

Thereā€™s nothing like being called a bigoted pile of garbage in the first sentence and being told in the next that love has won. Indeed, you know love has emerged victorious when a bunch of liberals are screaming in your face, calling your children ugly, and urging you to kill yourself. ...

Progressivism, as weā€™ve seen, is a bubbling cauldron of vile, hideous hatred. They dress it up in vacuous, absurd little symbols and hashtags and bright colors, yet the elites who drive the gay agenda are not out to spread love and happiness, but hostility and suspicion. And the obedient lemmings who blindly conform, with rainbows in their Facebook photos and chanting whatever motto theyā€™ve been assigned, donā€™t really understand what theyā€™re doing or why theyā€™re doing it. The fact that this is the same ideology to come up with vapid slogans like #LoveWins is an irony too bewildering to comprehend. ...

Iā€™m not proud to say it, but I feel an immense disgust for these Apathetic, Weak, Oblivious, Scared, Distracted, Impotent, Frivolous, Christians And Conservatives (AWOSDIFCACs for short). Iā€™m not saying disgust is the correct emotional response, but I admit I experience it. I can deal with liberals. Theyā€™re just wrong about everything. Fine. Thatā€™s simple. But AWOSDIFCACs know and understand the truth, yet yawn or shrink away in fear.

The ā€œit doesnā€™t affect usā€ mantra has become one of the more common, and absolutely the most damaging, idea circulating through the ranks of the defeatists. Itā€™s a gross and ridiculous lie, one which accomplishes the impressive feat of being wrong in two different ways. Itā€™s wrong when it says we should only care about things that have an impact on our lives, and itā€™s wrong when it says gay marriage will have no impact on our lives. ..."

Yes Gay Marriage Hurts Me Personally TheBlaze.com
It sounds like gay rights supporters want to hurt you, though. In their moralistic self righteous fury, they want to kill and destroy and humiliate in the name of self righteousness. Gays Always had the same rights as anyone else. But now we have to custom tailor rights to fit a single group, or they have hissy fits. Not how this is supposed to work, people. It's insulting.

You are either lying or you are an idiot.

Up until recently homosexuals could be arrested - and were arrested for having sex together.

That is not 'have always had the same rights'

For centuries Christian conservatives attacked homosexuals- attempting to hurt them through imprisoning them and firing them.

You call the fight against that 'hissy fits'

You are an idiot.
Ok you believe Gallup. Bless your heart.
Umm, Gallup wasn't alone in finding those results. Virtually every pollster determined most Americans supported gay marriage. Just how fragile is your position?
No they don't. You like guys we get it for God's sake. You have your rights with no judgement. Why does everyone have to agree with your position? Straight people don't. Get gay married butt fuck and move on already.

LOL- he mentions that the polls show that most Americans support gay marriage- and you whine about 'why does everyone have to agree with your position'- he never said you had to.

Most Americans support the right of Americans to marry- regardless of the gender of the person they want to marry.

So you can butt fuck whoever you want- but move on already. Marriage is legal and being accepted by the majority of Americans now.
The active management of the family company is instituting a new personnel policy to be expanded to include a directive that no one will be allowed to discuss homophobia or heterophobia or marriage equality on site during works hours. It is part of an universal respect one's fellow workers.

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