YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

House Judiciary Republicans Call For Second Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch

"Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are asking the Justice Department to appoint a second special counsel, this one to investigate Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the Judiciary Republicans say they want a second investigator to match Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a sprawling investigation of the Trump campaign and various Trump associates.

“The unbalanced, uncertain, and seemingly unlimited focus of the special counsel’s investigation has led many of our constituents to see a dual standard of justice that benefits only the powerful and politically well-connected,” the Republicans say.

In their letter, the Republicans list 14 separate categories they say should be investigated by the additional special counsel.

They are calling for a deeper investigation of Hillary Clinton and her potential mishandling of classified information."

Republicans should make sure the team for this 2nd Special Counsel is made up of Trump Donors and Trump's own Lawyer, especially since Democrats see no Conflicts of Interest in doing such things!
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If Sessions does not agree to and appoint a Special Counsel to investigate these 3 criminals he should be immediately FIRED.

The Name that comes to my mind immediately who should be selected to be the Special Counsel Lead is Rudolph 'Rudy' William Louis Giuliani...followed by Trey Gowdy, who unfortunately can not do so while maintaining his other responsibilities as an elected official.
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lol, it could not be funnier that this is now what modern American conservatism cares most about.
Bwuhahaha....this is what you snowflake assholes have been living for the last 10+ months....

It is funny as hell that the snowflakes, as I believed they would, would howl like a scalded dog the moment they were served a dose of their own medicine. ROFLOL!

It is even funnier to see them wet themselves as they try to hypocritically attack others for doing what they have been doing for almost a year!

Oops.................the Dems no longer own the DOJ......................who covered for them for far too long..............

Plenty of juicy evidence out there against them.........

You snowflakes wanted to root out crime, protect US elections from foreign interference...HERE YA GO!

Ukraine / Russian Collusion, Campaign violations of paying for Russia-generated fake 'dirt' to use politically, illegal leaking of classified, illegally unmasking Americans, Felony Espionage, Criminal Mis-management of classified information, over 1,000 separate criminal violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, sedition...

Light those criminal, hate/division/Russia Propaganda-pushing, seditious SOBs up like the 4th of July, proving to America NO ONE is above the law, not even a d@mn Democrat!



lol, it could not be funnier that this is now what modern American conservatism cares most about.
Bwuhahaha....this is what you snowflake assholes have been living for the last 10+ months....

It is funny as hell that the snowflakes, as I believed they would, would howl like a scalded dog the moment they were served a dose of their own medicine. ROFLOL!

It is even funnier to see them wet themselves as they try to hypocritically attack others for doing what they have been doing for almost a year!

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Oh, on the contrary, we get why you people are now obsessed with posting about this.

Bashing Hillary Clinton is easy.

Defending President Trump is hard.
Oops.................the Dems no longer own the DOJ......................who covered for them for far too long..............

Plenty of juicy evidence out there against them.........




If not, you better learn to say it!

Despite the Liberal Propaganda-Pushing, DNC Ass-covering media now AWOL in regards to the Wasserman-Schultz/Clinton Terrorist-Connected Pakistani Spy Ring Scandal, the story is EXPLODING ... and could be the NEXT Special Council called for.

Barry and Hillary should have gotten out of town and laid low when they had the chance...

Kangaroo investigations have become the favorite way for the Republican Party and its lipspittle supporters to seek and maintain power. Easy65 is an example of an uneducated fool who echoes every conspiracy theory as a great threat to Western Civilization.

There is NO evidence to suspect any of his hysterical calls for investigations are anything more than the normal course of political behavior on both sides, and yet the sycophants like easy65, Gingrich and the R's leadership act on the pretense that Republicans do everyday what they accuse Democrats of doing.

Congressional Republicans pretend to be pious, and yet bear false witness to individual Democrats, and in particular those of color and women.

As an agnostic I can still wish there is a hell, a special place for Easy65 and others like him!
Coming into office, Donald Trump offered Democrats an olive branch telling them that he didn't favor going after Hillary Clinton for the violations of the law she committed while Secretary of State! He was willing to let it all go if that made it easier to gain cooperation from the left. So what did you poor losers do? You attacked Trump with a made up narrative about Russian "collusion" nonstop with zero proof that it took place.

So guess what? After six months of non stop attacks by you snowflakes...Trump has had enough! You want to appoint Special Prosecutors to investigate every business deal that Trump or anyone he knows has done in the last twenty years? Fine...let's do that! But you better be sure that YOUR house is in order because two can play at that game!

For eight years, the Obama White House used the Justice Department as cover for their illegal activities. There isn't an Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch running interference for you anymore...blocking investigations into things like the IRS scandal, Benghazi and the Clinton email scandal!

People like the Clinton's and Debbie Wasserman Schultz should get ready for their worst nightmare...people like Trey Gowdy with subpoena powers and a Justice Department ready to prosecute.
If Sessions does not agree to and appoint a Special Counsel to investigate these 3 criminals he should be immediately FIRED.

The Name that comes to my mind immediately who should be selected to be the Special Counsel Lead is Rudolph 'Rudy' William Louis Giuliani...followed by Trey Gowdy, who unfortunately can not do so while maintaining his other responsibilities as an elected official.
Sessions recused himself from anything Clinton in his confirmation hearing so it would have to be Rosenstein...
Kangaroo investigations

As an agnostic I can still wish there is a hell, a special place for Easy65 and others like him!
You are so full of shit.

You had no problem with the Democrats running a proven criminal as their candidate, having to help her take the nomination because she could not do it on her own, protecting her from prosecution because she was the 'chosen one', and it was 'her turn'.

You have had no problem with the continues exposing of Democrat crimes, defending, justifying, and attempting to explain them away.

You have had no problem with a candidate who should have been forced out of the race because of multiple investigations of crimes already proven she committed.

You have had no problem with the fake news all-in, false, Russia / Ukraine Propaganda supported accusations and ensuing Witch Hunt Investigations that have produced no crime, no criminal activity, no collusion, no obstruction, and a whole lot of evidence of Democrat crime!

You had no problem with a Special Counsel made up of unprecedentedly partisan Trump Haters and Clinton lawyers sent out to take down the GOP President who defeated your criminal candidate...'for the good of the country' (you mean for the good of the DNC!).

So finally the Democrats are being called out for those exposed crimes...and you're whining like a little bitch because the snowflake crimes, scandals, and schemes have blown up in your faces, because it is the Democrats who are now under the judicial microscope.

You wanted Special Counsels to investigate crimes....I said be careful what you ask you got what you wanted.

F* you, you little hypocritical, partisan crime-enabling bit@h! You and your criminal party called down the thunder with your criminal, seditious law breaking. Now you can SUCK IT!
Sessions recused himself from anything Clinton in his confirmation hearing so it would have to be Rosenstein...

Sessions also said he would recuse himself if he was part of the russia investigation. Do you expect Trump to listen to what Sessions says?
When all else fails, launch a distraction.
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
You had no problem with a Special Counsel made up of unprecedentedly partisan Trump Haters and Clinton lawyers sent out to take down the GOP President who defeated your criminal candidate...'for the good of the country' (you meand for the good of the DNC!).

Trump job approval is down to 36%, or as they say to his core, which is barely more than relatives and close friends. With such low approval it's hard to find anybody competent who's pro Trump.

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