YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

It is funny as hell that the snowflakes, as I believed they would, would howl like a scalded dog the moment they were served a dose of their own medicine.
It’s not just the “dose of their own medicine”. The idea of a dispassionate and public revelation of the truth behind what the liberals have been doing and what they intend, shakes them down to their bones. Even if they hadn‘t been investigating, smearing, and trying to destroy Republicans for the last 20 years, they would be going ballistic over this proposed 2nd Special Counsel now.

As they are.

The truth has always been to liberals, like sunlight to a vampire. It absolutely destroys everything they are trying to do, and is the thing to be avoided at all costs.

Remember how totally they slimed and attacked Ken Starr twenty-plus years ago when he was assigned to investigate the Clintons (funny how that name keep popping up)?

You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.

Hey UN-Reasonable, where is that list of Trump Constitutional Violations you were, talking about? I posted a partial list of Barry's, but I see you are dukcing your own accusation.....

Tick tock, snowflake...
You really are retarded. I've educated you on this a number of times. Hes in direct violation of the emolument amendment of the Constitution. He refuses to completely divest from his business interests. Why do you think he's scared shitless to release his tax returns?
That's OK. Mueller will get them.
2nd is obstruction of justice which the dope admitted on live TV in the Lester Holt interview.
Suck on that..
You can not walk up to a policeman and demand he start investigating your neighbor for murder when you do not have the 1st bit of evidence a crime has even been committed...unless you *OWN the police. This is exactly what Barry and the Democrats have done. .

The republicans are running four investigations, including judiciary, intelligence, intelligence, and rosenstein.
Jimmy Carter got rid of his beloved peanut farm to be president.,
Trump continues to enrich himself while on the public dime..

View attachment 140950
When all else fails, launch a distraction.
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?
Because Joachim Castro who knows the evidence has stated on two occasions that "there will be people going to prison."
Also Adam Schiff revealed back in April there is substantial evidence against the Trump administration.
If you hate liberals why do you engage in so many liberal tactics in argument? Example one: Personal attacks are always front and center. Name calling, accusations. My personal belief is that you hurt our conservative position by turning yourself into what you hate.
Pointing out that someone is a hypocrite when they are being hypocritical is not attacking someone. It's exposing the truth. Pointing out someone is lying when they lie is not attacking anyone. It's exposing the truth. Calling someone delusional or intentionally false when they are engaged in doing those things is pointing out the facts. Pointing out that someone is a 'snowflake', by definition, is acknowledging who people are. I don't like when people piss on my leg and try to tell me it's raining. I call them out for it.

We disagree.... Have a blessed day.
Thanks for your kind response, you have a blessed day too. I'm just leaving for surgery if you can believe that and am a bit anxious as you can imagine.

Only thing I'd say to you is that the tone you take in this post is different than many of your posts. Take a look at them.
Because that how we do it in the USA. Investigate and if there is evidence of a crime, indict them and let them have their day in court. If they have evidence, let them charge her and let her have her day in court.
You can not walk up to a policeman and demand he start investigating your neighbor for murder when you do not have the 1st bit of evidence a crime has even been committed...unless you *OWN the police. This is exactly what Barry and the Democrats have done. Without any shred of evidence that a crime had ever been committed, Barry began his own multiple investigations of Trump...breaking laws himself in order to get the investigation going.

Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.

More baseless partisan accusations. Just like the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Your blind loyalty to a guy that has skirted and mocked the rule of law all his life is laughable..
SERIOUSLY, snowflake?

Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law, aiding and abetting terrorists and Mexican Drug cartels while illegally shitting on Americans - murdering them abroad with his drones, abandoning them to die at the hands of terrorists, allowing terrorists to kill them here at home, illegally spying on them, illegally using the IRS against them, lying to them and ramming majority opposed socialist legislation into law, and starting 2 un-Constitutional Un-Approved Wars - and you make a hypocritical seditious BS comment like THAT?

In his last year as President Obama colluded with Ukraine and Russia, had his corrupt FBI PURCHASE fake Russia-generated propaganda for political use, illegally shared classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, and committed Felony Espionage against the US for political benefit.

The snowflakes on this board have demonstrated the most unbelievably blind unwavering support for some of the biggest corrupt, criminal seditious self-serving politicians I have ever seen over that to your country.

What you are so wrong about and never have 'gotten' it yet is that I DO NOT CARE IF EVIDENCE ENOUGH IS FOUND TO INDICT, PROSECUTE, AND CONVICT DONALD TRUMP. I really don't. I want what is 'best' for the country (and Trump was definitely a helluva lot better than that criminal the Democrats ran).

I have not defended Donald Trump. I have defended the President of the United States from a bunch of liberal sore-loser butt-hurt hypocritical criminal defender sore losers who have made false accusations without any evidence. I have defended the President who have been attacked him while the liberal crimes, scams, and schemes have blown up in their faces.

If you are going to provide any evidence, if you can prove your accusations then I will stand with you...but you CAN'T.

EVERY accusation you have made has proven to be false, wrong, some scam or scheme by Democrats that have self-destructed exposing democrat crimes.

And in the face of REAL EVIDENCE, nothing being 'held close to the chest' but exposed for the world to see, you still partisanly ignore it, deny it, justify it, excuse it, and defend it as it pertains to Democrats. They can do NO WRONG in your pathetic,. partisan eyes.

I dare you to prove me wrong! Criticize any of the Democrats who have recently been exposed as having committed crimes. I dare you! I bet, instead, you will say no Democrat has done so.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
And that is the difference between ordinary people and hyper-partisans who own the WH, own the DOJ / US AG, own the Director of the FBI....

Democrats had / have no evidence, no evidence of a crime having been committed or the person they are going after has committed a crime.

They broke laws to attempt to politically manufacture a crime (colluded with Ukraine / Russians to buy Putin-generated propaganda, illegally shared classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally committed Felony Espionage by leaking classified).

They have used the all-in fake news media to push the false talking points and scenario in the public because they have nothing that could survive the rigorous scrutiny of the legal process...and they could do all of that because the President owned the DOJ and the FBI.

Had this been a case of walking up to a cop and reporting a crime, the Democrats would be in jail by now for filing a false report.
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.

Hey UN-Reasonable, where is that list of Trump Constitutional Violations you were, talking about? I posted a partial list of Barry's, but I see you are dukcing your own accusation.....

Tick tock, snowflake...
You really are retarded. I've educated you on this a number of times. Hes in direct violation of the emolument amendment of the Constitution. He refuses to completely divest from his business interests. Why do you think he's scared shitless to release his tax returns?
That's OK. Mueller will get them.
2nd is obstruction of justice which the dope admitted on live TV in the Lester Holt interview.
Suck on that..
hahahahahahaaha dude are you truly this stupid?
View attachment 140950
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?
Because Joachim Castro who knows the evidence has stated on two occasions that "there will be people going to prison."
Also Adam Schiff revealed back in April there is substantial evidence against the Trump administration.
so nothing eh? just as I have been stating, another round of nothing burgers from you.
View attachment 140950
When all else fails, launch a distraction.
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?
easy, cause he is sharing only with the dems that's close to the vest in their eyes. he's sharing nothing. fk easy, we just can't make this kind of stupid up can we? what a delight daily in here.
View attachment 140950
When all else fails, launch a distraction.
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
And when your hero Mueller comes out and tells the public he could find ZERO evidence of Russian collusion on the part of Trump or anyone involved with his campaign what are you going to say then asshole?
I can read your stupid excuses now: "Trump must have bought off all those DEM lawyers in the Mueller investigation!" Mueller turned out to be the wrong man for the job".

You'll come up with ANY excuse not to accept Mueller's decision. I guarantee it!
The other 'investigations' haven't turned up fuck all in eight months of SERIOUS trying on the part of the DEMs.
Face it asshole. You have once again climbed aboard a dead stinking rotting horse.
Any luck getting rid of all those 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodies in your garage?
Fucking LOSER!!!!!!
Democrats Runnin' The Trump-Putin Witch Hunt Be Like...


"We got Trump now. When this
baby goes off it's going to F*
GOP shit up...."

...not realizing they have strapped themselves to a nuke. :p
View attachment 140950
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?
Because Joachim Castro who knows the evidence has stated on two occasions that "there will be people going to prison."
Also Adam Schiff revealed back in April there is substantial evidence against the Trump administration.
We are all looking forward to Schiff's revealing of the "substantial evidence".
You're an idiot!

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