YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

so why is there an investigation of interference in the 2016 campaign? thanks for agreeing, in our country one has a crime first. comrade.
BOO-YA! There was NEVER a crime involving Trump.

The Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that from the very start they made it clear than the information picked up though incidental collections NEVER showed any possible crimes and contained NOTHING of Intel Value.

NOW this past week evidence surfaces that the entire Witch Hunt started from the Obama / Comey's FBI PURCHASING false Ukraine-Russia-generated propaganda against Trump.

Snowflakes demand, however, a crime must be committed before anyone can be accused / declared guilty....but only if that person is a Democrat. LOL!
more exposure of the libturds double standard cry baby whining.
Still waiting for that list of Constitution violations by Trump so far, UN-Reasonable... tick tock, snowflake.
20 pages of discussion, and it is the same 3 - 4 panicked, desperate, lying snowflakes attempting to divert attention away from the topic, lying, pointing at others, defending the proven Democrat criminals, or trying to justify those crimes, proving their loyalty to criminals and a criminal party over their country.


If Democrats have nothing to hide and have done nothing wrong as you claim, then - as you have said about the investigation of Trump - you should have no trouble whatsoever with a 2nd Special Counsel being formed, filled with Trump Donors and lawyers, and them being given carte blanche to dig into anything they want to investigate thee 14 areas of concern. RIGHT?
If you hate liberals why do you engage in so many liberal tactics in argument? Example one: Personal attacks are always front and center. Name calling, accusations. My personal belief is that you hurt our conservative position by turning yourself into what you hate.
why do you care?
Because we'll never convince anyone of anything by turning ourselves into the opposition, using their tactics. All anyone objective sees and hears when they view these back and forth arguments is frankly white noise, all of which gets ignored. Too bad because we have a chance to win the day with the soundness of our arguments but so many give in to the same liberal tactics.
Republicans should make sure the team for this 2nd Special Counsel is made up of Trump Donors and Trump's own Lawyer, especially since Democrats see no Conflicts of Interest in doing such things!

Why am I not surprised that easy is calling for a partisan attack on Clinton and the FBI director?
ahhhh are you in bed with hitlery and comey?

Please don't share your sexual fantasies with us here at USMB.
If you hate liberals why do you engage in so many liberal tactics in argument? Example one: Personal attacks are always front and center. Name calling, accusations. My personal belief is that you hurt our conservative position by turning yourself into what you hate.
Pointing out that someone is a hypocrite when they are being hypocritical is not attacking someone. It's exposing the truth. Pointing out someone is lying when they lie is not attacking anyone. It's exposing the truth. Calling someone delusional or intentionally false when they are engaged in doing those things is pointing out the facts. Pointing out that someone is a 'snowflake', by definition, is acknowledging who people are. I don't like when people piss on my leg and try to tell me it's raining. I call them out for it.

We disagree.... Have a blessed day.
It was defend in court by lawyers hired by the House and was enforced the entire. You can pretend otherwise until the cows come home, but the rest of us are no such obligation.
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Does that change the fact that DOMA was still enforced up until it was ruled unconstitutional? No, it doesn't.
well it depends on what the man said. now, I supposed you didn't take him at his word eh?

Show where and when it wasn't enforced then? How many gays got married as result of DOMA's alleged lapse?
that isn't relevant to your question. you said did obummer enforce it. he did not.

Of course it's relevant to my question. DOMA not being enforced would have allowed many gay couples to marry. You appear to be laboring under the delusion that since the DOJ didn't defend the law in court that it suddenly stopped being enforced. That isn't the case in the least. It was enforced up until the very moment the court handed down it's opinion in Windsor. You're incorrect in your statement, but instead of just admitting it and moving on, you've decided to be willfully obtuse instead.
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.

Maybe in Russia they go straight to sentencing before a political opponent is even charged with a crime. But this ain't Russia, yet......
so why is there an investigation of interference in the 2016 campaign? thanks for agreeing, in our country one has a crime first. comrade.

A crime, btw, deleting 33k of emails under subpoena, illegal server in the garage, allowing private citizens access to classified documents. See crimes like these should be investigated. we will now.

oh and, pay for play may come up.

Because that how we do it in the USA. Investigate and if there is evidence of a crime, indict them and let them have their day in court.

If they have evidence, let them charge her and let her have her day in court.
Because we'll never convince anyone of anything by turning ourselves into the opposition, using their tactics. All anyone objective sees and hears when they view these back and forth arguments is frankly white noise, all of which gets ignored. Too bad because we have a chance to win the day with the soundness of our arguments but so many give in to the same liberal tactics.
What's going on right now is the result of refusing to engage in the knife-fight we find ourselves in, of being 'too nice', of trying to adhere to the civil rules, integrity, etc against a domestic seditious enemy who refuses to do the same. Good luck with continuing with that.
Being accused by your political opponent his hardly new nor is it proof of criminal activity.


"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?"

"That's not true."

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?"

"There was classified material emailed"

Republicans hit James Comey over Hillary Clinton email probe, say issue isn't over -

Actually the FBI director explained why she was not charged with any crime.
Yes, because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law. While completely believable, ignorance is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking the law / committing Felony Espionage...even for a Democrats. :p

No need to spread more propaganda about what he said. His statement is online.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI
View attachment 140950
When all else fails, launch a distraction.
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
Because that how we do it in the USA. Investigate and if there is evidence of a crime, indict them and let them have their day in court. If they have evidence, let them charge her and let her have her day in court.
You can not walk up to a policeman and demand he start investigating your neighbor for murder when you do not have the 1st bit of evidence a crime has even been committed...unless you *OWN the police. This is exactly what Barry and the Democrats have done. Without any shred of evidence that a crime had ever been committed, Barry began his own multiple investigations of Trump...breaking laws himself in order to get the investigation going.
It is funny as hell that the snowflakes, as I believed they would, would howl like a scalded dog the moment they were served a dose of their own medicine.
It’s not just the “dose of their own medicine”. Liberals are always terrified of the public finding out what they are really doing and why. A Special Counsel looking into them, that they can neither stop nor deflect, is their worst nightmare.
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For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
No crime.
No evidence of any crime EVER being committed.
No an GOP member.
No any GOP member.

Get ready for a 'Scooter Libby' so snowflakes can justify their Witch Hunt in the end.
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.

Hey UN-Reasonable, where is that list of Trump Constitutional Violations you were, talking about? I posted a partial list of Barry's, but I see you are dukcing your own accusation.....

Tick tock, snowflake...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
No crime.
No evidence of any crime EVER being committed.
No an GOP member.
No any GOP member.

Get ready for a 'Scooter Libby' so snowflakes can justify their Witch Hunt in the end.
I guarantee you will eat your words.
Your blind loyalty to a guy that has skirted and mocked the rule of law all his life is laughable..
And you know this how?
1. No crime proven.
2. No evidence of crime proven.
3. FBI and NSA Directors testified there was NO CRIME and NO Intel-Worthy info
4. Evidence this week showing the whole Witch Hunt began due to the false Ukraine/Russia-generated propaganda Comey and his FBI were paying for in order to use against Trump
5. Proven illegal classified info sharing by Obama's administration
6. Proven illegal unmasking of Americans by Obama's administration
7. Proven Felony Espionage by the Obama administration by leaking classified
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View attachment 140950
When all else fails, launch a distraction.
That is all the Trump Witch Hunt has been, as the evidence to that came out this week. The Investigations / Special Counsel was born from the Trump Dossier, Russia/Ukraine-generated Propaganda BOUGHT by Obama's Director of the FBI!

ZERO evidence of opposed to the Democrat crimes that have already been proven to have been perpetrated.
Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?

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