YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

View attachment 140916

House Judiciary Republicans Call For Second Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch

"Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are asking the Justice Department to appoint a second special counsel, this one to investigate Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the Judiciary Republicans say they want a second investigator to match Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a sprawling investigation of the Trump campaign and various Trump associates.

“The unbalanced, uncertain, and seemingly unlimited focus of the special counsel’s investigation has led many of our constituents to see a dual standard of justice that benefits only the powerful and politically well-connected,” the Republicans say.

In their letter, the Republicans list 14 separate categories they say should be investigated by the additional special counsel.

They are calling for a deeper investigation of Hillary Clinton and her potential mishandling of classified information."

Republicans should make sure the team for this 2nd Special Counsel is made up of Trump Donors and Trump's own Lawyer, especially since Democrats see no Conflicts of Interest in doing such things!

There should be a special counsel against the clinton foundation, against the comey leaking to the press, against loretta lynch and her attempt to obstruct justice, and against clinton and obama and hilary's secret and illegal servers as well as her illegal handling of top secret documents......let's throw one in for lois lerner at the CIA and for the democrat party and stealing the primary from bernie sanders...
Without any shred of evidence that a crime had ever been committed, Barry began his own multiple investigations of Trump...breaking laws himself in order to get the investigation going.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
Just off the top of my head:

1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

2.) DNC staffer Seth Rich, who had access to many of the emails from Hillary and her staff, was found murdered in Washington DC. Rich was found shot in the back twice, but not robbed. His wallet, money, cell phone, keys, watch and a necklace were all left on him. The murder is unsolved. The FBI reported that shortly before the murder, Rich had sent 44,053 of their emails to Gavin McFayden, an American reporter and Wikileaks director based in London, who is now also dead.

These are certainly crimes. Some people dispute the details. But it is clear that these matters should be looked into closely. And the evidence is clear and documented.

And this is just a few, there are many more.

Anything else I can clear up for you?

Don't you agree that a Special Counsel would be a good way to bring out the real truth about these (and similar) matters?
Your blind loyalty to a guy that has skirted and mocked the rule of law all his life is laughable..
SERIOUSLY, snowflake?

Obama spent 8 years violating both Constitution and Law, aiding and abetting terrorists and Mexican Drug cartels while illegally shitting on Americans - murdering them abroad with his drones, abandoning them to die at the hands of terrorists, allowing terrorists to kill them here at home, illegally spying on them, illegally using the IRS against them, lying to them and ramming majority opposed socialist legislation into law, and starting 2 un-Constitutional Un-Approved Wars - and you make a hypocritical seditious BS comment like THAT?

In his last year as President Obama colluded with Ukraine and Russia, had his corrupt FBI PURCHASE fake Russia-generated propaganda for political use, illegally shared classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, and committed Felony Espionage against the US for political benefit.

The snowflakes on this board have demonstrated the most unbelievably blind unwavering support for some of the biggest corrupt, criminal seditious self-serving politicians I have ever seen over that to your country.

What you are so wrong about and never have 'gotten' it yet is that I DO NOT CARE IF EVIDENCE ENOUGH IS FOUND TO INDICT, PROSECUTE, AND CONVICT DONALD TRUMP. I really don't. I want what is 'best' for the country (and Trump was definitely a helluva lot better than that criminal the Democrats ran).

I have not defended Donald Trump. I have defended the President of the United States from a bunch of liberal sore-loser butt-hurt hypocritical criminal defender sore losers who have made false accusations without any evidence. I have defended the President who have been attacked him while the liberal crimes, scams, and schemes have blown up in their faces.

If you are going to provide any evidence, if you can prove your accusations then I will stand with you...but you CAN'T.

EVERY accusation you have made has proven to be false, wrong, some scam or scheme by Democrats that have self-destructed exposing democrat crimes.

And in the face of REAL EVIDENCE, nothing being 'held close to the chest' but exposed for the world to see, you still partisanly ignore it, deny it, justify it, excuse it, and defend it as it pertains to Democrats. They can do NO WRONG in your pathetic,. partisan eyes.

I dare you to prove me wrong! Criticize any of the Democrats who have recently been exposed as having committed crimes. I dare you! I bet, instead, you will say no Democrat has done so.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
And that is the difference between ordinary people and hyper-partisans who own the WH, own the DOJ / US AG, own the Director of the FBI....

Democrats had / have no evidence, no evidence of a crime having been committed or the person they are going after has committed a crime.

They broke laws to attempt to politically manufacture a crime (colluded with Ukraine / Russians to buy Putin-generated propaganda, illegally shared classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally committed Felony Espionage by leaking classified).

They have used the all-in fake news media to push the false talking points and scenario in the public because they have nothing that could survive the rigorous scrutiny of the legal process...and they could do all of that because the President owned the DOJ and the FBI.

Had this been a case of walking up to a cop and reporting a crime, the Democrats would be in jail by now for filing a false report.

Repeating your allegations doesn't make them any more true than the first time you parroted them.
View attachment 140950 Zero evidence of crimes?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?
Because Joachim Castro who knows the evidence has stated on two occasions that "there will be people going to prison."
Also Adam Schiff revealed back in April there is substantial evidence against the Trump administration.
We are all looking forward to Schiff's revealing of the "substantial evidence".
You're an idiot!
You will piss your pants when the findings are revealed.
Why do you think Trump is scared shitless about releasing his tax returns?
A question EVERY deplorable runs away from.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
And that is the difference between ordinary people and hyper-partisans who own the WH, own the DOJ / US AG, own the Director of the FBI....

Democrats had / have no evidence, no evidence of a crime having been committed or the person they are going after has committed a crime.

They broke laws to attempt to politically manufacture a crime (colluded with Ukraine / Russians to buy Putin-generated propaganda, illegally shared classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, illegally committed Felony Espionage by leaking classified).

They have used the all-in fake news media to push the false talking points and scenario in the public because they have nothing that could survive the rigorous scrutiny of the legal process...and they could do all of that because the President owned the DOJ and the FBI.

Had this been a case of walking up to a cop and reporting a crime, the Democrats would be in jail by now for filing a false report.

Repeating your allegations doesn't make them any more true than the first time you parroted them.
like russia, russia?
No crime.
No criminal activity.
No indictment.
No charges.
No prosecution.

As seen by the squealing of panicked snowflakes in this thread, according to them you have no case. Next...
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?
Because Joachim Castro who knows the evidence has stated on two occasions that "there will be people going to prison."
Also Adam Schiff revealed back in April there is substantial evidence against the Trump administration.
We are all looking forward to Schiff's revealing of the "substantial evidence".
You're an idiot!
You will piss your pants when the findings are revealed.
Why do you think Trump is scared shitless about releasing his tax returns?
A question EVERY deplorable runs away from.
dude you're a hoot. got anything of value to state today?
Why did Grump start looking into pardoning himself after he found out Mueller is indeed looking into his personal finances after he forbade him to do it?

More urine soaked deplorables underwear..
For the 100th time, Bob Mueller is keeping his evidence very close to the vest. He's a professional. I know that's an alien concept for you following this out of control prez.
He is, hmmmm if he's keeping things very close to the vest, how do you know he has anything?
Because Joachim Castro who knows the evidence has stated on two occasions that "there will be people going to prison."
Also Adam Schiff revealed back in April there is substantial evidence against the Trump administration.
We are all looking forward to Schiff's revealing of the "substantial evidence".
You're an idiot!
You will piss your pants when the findings are revealed.
Why do you think Trump is scared shitless about releasing his tax returns?
A question EVERY deplorable runs away from.
dude you're a hoot. got anything of value to state today?
Can't answer the question can you. Just as I predicted. Now run along to your next cross burning.
Would like it a lot if we would get off the impeach Trump talk, also don't want to spend a nickel more trying to jail Hillary, 30 or more times trying is enough. she is not in government any more. Muller's job is to clear up if Russia was tampering with our election. working together has been thrown under the bus, why? do you really think that only one group of people have all the right answers. life should have taught you different.
Repeating your allegations doesn't make them any more true than the first time you parroted them.
How about these? For some reason you haven't replied to this post:

Just off the top of my head:

1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

2.) DNC staffer Seth Rich, who had access to many of the emails from Hillary and her staff, was found murdered in Washington DC. Rich was found shot in the back twice, but not robbed. His wallet, money, cell phone, keys, watch and a necklace were all left on him. The murder is unsolved. The FBI reported that shortly before the murder, Rich had sent 44,053 of their emails to Gavin McFayden, an American reporter and Wikileaks director based in London, who is now also dead.

These are certainly crimes. Some people dispute the details. But it is clear that these matters should be looked into closely. And the evidence is clear and documented.

And this is just a few, there are many more.

And I'm not just "parroting" them.

Don't you agree that a Special Counsel would be a good way to bring out the real truth about these (and similar) matters?
Look up the word criminal in the dictionary you freaking moron.


"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?"

"That's not true."

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?"

"There was classified material emailed"

Republicans hit James Comey over Hillary Clinton email probe, say issue isn't over -
Moron is still focused on " emails."
That's the definition of being butthutt.


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Without any shred of evidence that a crime had ever been committed, Barry began his own multiple investigations of Trump...breaking laws himself in order to get the investigation going.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
Just off the top of my head:

1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

2.) DNC staffer Seth Rich, who had access to many of the emails from Hillary and her staff, was found murdered in Washington DC. Rich was found shot in the back twice, but not robbed. His wallet, money, cell phone, keys, watch and a necklace were all left on him. The murder is unsolved. The FBI reported that shortly before the murder, Rich had sent 44,053 of their emails to Gavin McFayden, an American reporter and Wikileaks director based in London, who is now also dead.

These are certainly crimes. Some people dispute the details. But it is clear that these matters should be looked into closely. And the evidence is clear and documented.

And this is just a few, there are many more.

Anything else I can clear up for you?

Don't you agree that a Special Counsel would be a good way to bring out the real truth about these (and similar) matters?

Say, you should take all your newly found evidence of crimes to the nearest office of the FBI. I'm sure they will open that case based on such compelling evidence.
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.

Maybe in Russia they go straight to sentencing before a political opponent is even charged with a crime. But this ain't Russia, yet......
But they sure admire Russia and its laws, don't they?
View attachment 140916

House Judiciary Republicans Call For Second Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch

"Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee are asking the Justice Department to appoint a second special counsel, this one to investigate Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

a letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, the Judiciary Republicans say they want a second investigator to match Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a sprawling investigation of the Trump campaign and various Trump associates.

“The unbalanced, uncertain, and seemingly unlimited focus of the special counsel’s investigation has led many of our constituents to see a dual standard of justice that benefits only the powerful and politically well-connected,” the Republicans say.

In their letter, the Republicans list 14 separate categories they say should be investigated by the additional special counsel.

They are calling for a deeper investigation of Hillary Clinton and her potential mishandling of classified information."

Republicans should make sure the team for this 2nd Special Counsel is made up of Trump Donors and Trump's own Lawyer, especially since Democrats see no Conflicts of Interest in doing such things!

Do you think this will be as successful as the Republicans repealing Obamacare? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha......

So a few 'Pubes wrote a letter to the ostracized and marginalized Jeffy Sessions, who's somewhere in Central America right now hiding from Trump, and probably scared to return because of the other midget in the room who said on the record to the New Yorker that he thinks Steve Bannon sucks his own dick, and who's going to make sure Reince Preibus is gone, too. Still proud to be a Trumpie, dickhead?

We tried to warn you fucking idiots what would happen if Trump got into office. But I was wrong. I thought it would take a least a couple of years before it went to hell in a handbasket.
Without any shred of evidence that a crime had ever been committed, Barry began his own multiple investigations of Trump...breaking laws himself in order to get the investigation going.
Sure you can, but you'd better have evidence or the investigation will not go anywhere and you might be charged with a crime yourself.
Just off the top of my head:

1.) Classified emails were found on Hillary’s unprotected email accounts.

2.) DNC staffer Seth Rich, who had access to many of the emails from Hillary and her staff, was found murdered in Washington DC. Rich was found shot in the back twice, but not robbed. His wallet, money, cell phone, keys, watch and a necklace were all left on him. The murder is unsolved. The FBI reported that shortly before the murder, Rich had sent 44,053 of their emails to Gavin McFayden, an American reporter and Wikileaks director based in London, who is now also dead.

These are certainly crimes. Some people dispute the details. But it is clear that these matters should be looked into closely. And the evidence is clear and documented.

And this is just a few, there are many more.

Anything else I can clear up for you?

Don't you agree that a Special Counsel would be a good way to bring out the real truth about these (and similar) matters?

Say, you should take all your newly found evidence of crimes to the nearest office of the FBI. I'm sure they will open that case based on such compelling evidence.
If they have evidence, they NEED to report it to the FBI or else they can be considered assessories to these crimes they are talking about.

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