YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Obama enforced DOMA
Obama didn't defend it in court.
Put simply for you. He enforced the law, until it was overturned.
you go with that, I'm not here to change your mind, you ain't got one to change. the facts are the facts. and on those you lose.
[His biggest crime, targeting US citizens for execution without due process. Even to the point of killing a very innocent 16 year old American. I realize that the left doesn't care about murdering children, as witnessed by Waco and Abortion. But to me killing Americans who are not a threat to this country is somehow wrong.
Personal Drone Assassination Program
2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved Personal Wars to help Terrorists
Refusal t Enforce Existing law - DOMA and US Immigration Law
Illegally Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
Financing, arming, supplying, training, defending, protecting terrorists
Illegally spying on Americans, the media, the Senate, and the USSC
Illegally using the IRS as a weapon against US citizens he called his 'political enemies'
Illegal Sharing of classified info
Illegal unmasking of Americans
Felony Espionage by Illegally leaking info
Violation of Election Laws by the FBI purchasing Ukraine/Russia-generated Propaganda to use politically
Protecting violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13 Gangs, & sanctuary cities
Releasing the Taliban 5
Paying ransoms to terrorists for release of US hostages
Paying ransoms to Iran for release of US hostages
Contempt of court for violating orders regarding his deep water drilling ban

...and this is nothing but the tip of the proverbial iceberg that was the worst, most criminal administration in US history.

You been cry Wolf too long.......

Hey CNN#2, you still never answered my questions...

You still think criminally non-complying with the FOIA and Federal Records Act are not crimes....still think refusing to comply with FBI orders to turn over everything and instead deleting thousands of e-mails, using Bleach-Bit to get rid of evidence, smashing devices with hammers, and removing the sim cards of the ones finally turned in is not criminal obstruction of justice?

"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?"
"That's not true."

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?"
"There was classified material emailed"

Republicans hit James Comey over Hillary Clinton email probe, say issue isn't over -
I didn't research it until now, here:

Vern Buchanan says Obama will no longer

"In a mailer, Buchanan said that "the Obama administration recently announced it will no longer enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman."

The Human Rights Campaign said that was wrong.

"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed," said the HRC."

Thank you accenting my point rather elegantly that DOMA was enforced the entire time until it was found unconstitutional by The Supreme Court.
if one doesn't defend it, how does one enforce it? you're lost.

It was defend in court by lawyers hired by the House and was enforced the entire. You can pretend otherwise until the cows come home, but the rest of us are no such obligation.
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Does that change the fact that DOMA was still enforced up until it was ruled unconstitutional? No, it doesn't.
well it depends on what the man said. now, I supposed you didn't take him at his word eh?
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Obama enforced DOMA
Obama didn't defend it in court.
Put simply for you. He enforced the law, until it was overturned.
you go with that, I'm not here to change your mind, you ain't got one to change. the facts are the facts. and on those you lose.
"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed,"
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Obama enforced DOMA
Obama didn't defend it in court.
Put simply for you. He enforced the law, until it was overturned.
you go with that, I'm not here to change your mind, you ain't got one to change. the facts are the facts. and on those you lose.
"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed,"
what part of this don't you understand?
his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court
Thank you accenting my point rather elegantly that DOMA was enforced the entire time until it was found unconstitutional by The Supreme Court.
if one doesn't defend it, how does one enforce it? you're lost.

It was defend in court by lawyers hired by the House and was enforced the entire. You can pretend otherwise until the cows come home, but the rest of us are no such obligation.
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Does that change the fact that DOMA was still enforced up until it was ruled unconstitutional? No, it doesn't.
well it depends on what the man said. now, I supposed you didn't take him at his word eh?

Show where and when it wasn't enforced then? How many gays got married as result of DOMA's alleged lapse?
what part of this don't you understand?
his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court

Just like the IRS enforcing a 39.6% federal income tax, until the top tax rate is changed.
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Obama enforced DOMA
Obama didn't defend it in court.
Put simply for you. He enforced the law, until it was overturned.
you go with that, I'm not here to change your mind, you ain't got one to change. the facts are the facts. and on those you lose.
"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed,"
what part of this don't you understand?
his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court
having trouble with the terms "enforcing" and "defending in court", eh?
Obama continued to enforce the law, while fighting to change it.

Kinda like Trump and Obamacare.
Do you remember that time when Obama refused to enforce DOMA? Yeah, me neither.
I did see when obummer refused to enforce his little red line in the sand. what a wimp and traitor

So you don't recall Obama not enforcing DOMA either? Makes sense considering that never occurred.
I saw him wimper in the corner cause his red line in the sand was breached, yep.

Sure he was......

Obama Seeks Approval by Congress for Strike in Syria
Good for the Republicans, glad to see they're concentrating on the important stuff.
Says the sour grapes, butt-hurt, Witch Hunting, self-declared 100% committed Obstructionist Ukraine/Russia-colluding jockstraps / defenders.... :p
You are so full of shit.

You had no problem with the Democrats running a proven criminal as their candidate

I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.

That type of propaganda may work on a large segment of the Russian population, and to some extent the certain types of Americans, but the pendulum is going to swing to the left, biggly.
The bitch is going to spend the rest of her life hiring $1000 per hour lawyers to try to keep her and her husband out of prison. That's enough for me.
Karma NEVER loses asshole!
Kewl. Get the rubes salivating. Maybe they'll find out the real truth behind Benghazi, Fast-n-Furious, the Sandy Hook false flag attack, her Alien Baby, and that Child/Slave/Porn/Prostitute pizzeria she was running.

Good for the Republicans, glad to see they're concentrating on the important stuff.

Wait...let me see if I understand how this works, Boo! Spending the better part of a year obsessing about alleged "collusion" even though none actually exists is "important stuff" but looking into widespread corruption of an administration that used it's Justice Department to obstruct justice isn't? God, I love you progressives!

How many times do you want an investigation into the squeaky clean Obama Administration?

How many folks from the former administration were ever charged with a crime?

Widespread? Hahaha.

Why do Republican want to shut down the current investigation before it is even completed?

How many times did they investigate the terrorist attack on Consulate Building in Benghazi?


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You are so full of shit.

You had no problem with the Democrats running a proven criminal as their candidate

I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.

That type of propaganda may work on a large segment of the Russian population, and to some extent the certain types of Americans, but the pendulum is going to swing to the left, biggly.
one doesn't need a conviction to know a criminal and that is just stupid. OJ didn't murder anyone either right?

Was OJ charged with a crime? Of course he was and he had his day in court. They can't charge her because they know the have no case. Spreading rumors and lies in the echo-chamber is much more effective isn't it?

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