YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

Name a deal the great "art of the deal" maker has done in his presidency.

Did he make a deal on healthcare?
Did he make a deal on paying for the wall?
Did he make a deal on anything?
Deflecting from the accomplishments I posted.......

All of Trumps accomplished you mentioned can be summed up as Trump the "auto-pen" president. The only thing Trump had to do with them, was his signature. Trump can't negotiate anything. Every negotiation he's been in as president has failed.

Why do you lie? The House just approved a $1.6 billion down payment on the wall for example.
Down payment to whom?

^^^ another uninformed liberal shocker.
Down payment to whom?
I think it is funny as HELL how the snowflakes who have been carrying out this Trump Witch Hunt for almost a year have nearly shit themselves and are in a complete and utter panic over a 2nd Special Counsel being called for to investigate the DEMOCRATS' crimes, attempting to argue and plead with non-snowflakes on this board, as if we had any control over it and could stop it from happening...even if we wanted to.

That's how it works here in America, Comrade. Maybe if you go back to Mother Russia you'll feel more comfortable with calling people proven criminals without trials and convictions.
Oh look ...the princess is invoking Russia - much like how Obama and Hillary and Comey reached out to the Ukraine and Russia for Putin-generated Propaganda to use against Trump - to attack others.


I think it is funny as HELL how the snowflakes who have been carrying out this Trump Witch Hunt for almost a year have nearly shit themselves and are in a complete and utter panic over a 2nd Special Counsel being called for to investigate the DEMOCRATS' crimes, attempting to argue and plead with non-snowflakes on this board, as if we had any control over it and could stop it from happening...even if we wanted to.

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Not panicking at all....what is the name of this Special Counsel who will be investigating Clinton, Comey and Lynch?
That's how it works here in America, Comrade. Maybe if you go back to Mother Russia you'll feel more comfortable with calling people proven criminals without trials and convictions.
Oh look ...the princess is invoking Russia - much like how Obama and Hillary and Comey reached out to the Ukraine and Russia for Putin-generated Propaganda to use against Trump - to attack others.


View attachment 140930
The Special Counsel's name, Comrade?
That's how it works here in America, Comrade. Maybe if you go back to Mother Russia you'll feel more comfortable with calling people proven criminals without trials and convictions.
Oh look ...the princess is invoking Russia - much like how Obama and Hillary and Comey reached out to the Ukraine and Russia for Putin-generated Propaganda to use against Trump - to attack others.


View attachment 140930
The Special Counsel's name, Comrade/
the speshial council [sic] will be orly taitz, sheriff joe, and sean hannity.
Congress has the power to refer charges to the US attorney. They didn't, get over it. The republicans in congress didn't refer any criminal charges. They washed their hands of it. To them, it was fully investigated, and was OVER.
you are truly a sad fk. sorry you don't understand the US constitutional law.

Following a contempt citation, the presiding officer of the chamber is instructed to refer the matter to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia;according to the law it is the "duty" of the U.S. Attorney to refer the matter to a grand jury for action.
That's how it works here in America, Comrade. Maybe if you go back to Mother Russia you'll feel more comfortable with calling people proven criminals without trials and convictions.
Oh look ...the princess is invoking Russia - much like how Obama and Hillary and Comey reached out to the Ukraine and Russia for Putin-generated Propaganda to use against Trump - to attack others.


View attachment 140930
The Special Counsel's name, Comrade?
will update once it is announced.
I did see when obummer refused to enforce his little red line in the sand. what a wimp and traitor

So you don't recall Obama not enforcing DOMA either? Makes sense considering that never occurred.
I didn't research it until now, here:

Vern Buchanan says Obama will no longer

"In a mailer, Buchanan said that "the Obama administration recently announced it will no longer enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman."

The Human Rights Campaign said that was wrong.

"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed," said the HRC."

Thank you accenting my point rather elegantly that DOMA was enforced the entire time until it was found unconstitutional by The Supreme Court.
if one doesn't defend it, how does one enforce it? you're lost.

It was defend in court by lawyers hired by the House and was enforced the entire. You can pretend otherwise until the cows come home, but the rest of us are no such obligation.
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.
That's how it works here in America, Comrade. Maybe if you go back to Mother Russia you'll feel more comfortable with calling people proven criminals without trials and convictions.
Oh look ...the princess is invoking Russia - much like how Obama and Hillary and Comey reached out to the Ukraine and Russia for Putin-generated Propaganda to use against Trump - to attack others.


View attachment 140930
The Special Counsel's name, Comrade?
will update once it is announced. mean all this hoo-ha and there's no one even appointed yet? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.
And we are still waiting...waiting...waiting for any indictments.

BTW...who is the Special Counsel appointed to investigate Clinton and Comey and Lynch?
will let you know once the name is announced. k?
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Obama enforced DOMA
Obama didn't defend it in court.
Put simply for you. He enforced the law, until it was overturned.
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.
And we are still waiting...waiting...waiting for any indictments.

BTW...who is the Special Counsel appointed to investigate Clinton and Comey and Lynch?
will let you know once the name is announced. k?
I'll keep reminding you. k?
[His biggest crime, targeting US citizens for execution without due process. Even to the point of killing a very innocent 16 year old American. I realize that the left doesn't care about murdering children, as witnessed by Waco and Abortion. But to me killing Americans who are not a threat to this country is somehow wrong.
Personal Drone Assassination Program
2 Un-Constitutional, Un-Approved Personal Wars to help Terrorists
Refusal t Enforce Existing law - DOMA and US Immigration Law
Illegally Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
Financing, arming, supplying, training, defending, protecting terrorists
Illegally spying on Americans, the media, the Senate, and the USSC
Illegally using the IRS as a weapon against US citizens he called his 'political enemies'
Illegal Sharing of classified info
Illegal unmasking of Americans
Felony Espionage by Illegally leaking info
Violation of Election Laws by the FBI purchasing Ukraine/Russia-generated Propaganda to use politically
Protecting violent illegals, human traffickers, MS13 Gangs, & sanctuary cities
Releasing the Taliban 5
Paying ransoms to terrorists for release of US hostages
Paying ransoms to Iran for release of US hostages
Contempt of court for violating orders regarding his deep water drilling ban

...and this is nothing but the tip of the proverbial iceberg that was the worst, most criminal administration in US history.

You been cry Wolf too long.......

will update once it is announced.
You're too kind. I simply ignored the insulting snowflake who childishly refers to others as the democrats' favorite people - 'comrades'. :p
So you don't recall Obama not enforcing DOMA either? Makes sense considering that never occurred.
I didn't research it until now, here:

Vern Buchanan says Obama will no longer

"In a mailer, Buchanan said that "the Obama administration recently announced it will no longer enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman."

The Human Rights Campaign said that was wrong.

"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed," said the HRC."

Thank you accenting my point rather elegantly that DOMA was enforced the entire time until it was found unconstitutional by The Supreme Court.
if one doesn't defend it, how does one enforce it? you're lost.

It was defend in court by lawyers hired by the House and was enforced the entire. You can pretend otherwise until the cows come home, but the rest of us are no such obligation.
you said obummer did you not? last time I checked the house wasn't the president.

Does that change the fact that DOMA was still enforced up until it was ruled unconstitutional? No, it doesn't.
And we'll keep reminding you how criminal your 'dear leaders' are. :p

You're at step 1 of the criminal justice systems determination of criminal status.
You'll need 8 more steps before declaring them to be criminals.

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