YES!! House Judiciary Republicans Call For 2nd Special Counsel To Investigate Clinton, Comey, Lynch!

I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.
You are a filthy, partisan LIAR just like all the delusional snowflakes. You want FACTS? here you go:

"In a decision described as "shocking" and "breathtaking," the Obama administration announced this afternoonthat the Justice Department will no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act, a federal law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

The highly unusual move hands gay rights advocates a major victory they have worked years to secure--but is also certain to provoke intense controversy and trigger a heated political battle with Congressional Republicans, who support the law and have refused to repeal it.

The Justice Department is tasked with defending laws passed by Congress--even those laws the sitting President may not like or have supported. Only a few times in history has a President decided his Justice Department will not defend an existing federal law. "

Obama Administration decision to not defend Defense of Marriage Act will trigger heated political battle

Now STFU, snowflake.

DOMA was still enforced during that whole process, dumb fuck. How many gays got married as result of the alleged lapse of DOMA's enforcement? Hint: Zero.

Again, I am those facts hurt your delicate little pussy and narrative. Truly, I am.
no it wasn't, sorry friend.
"one doesn't need a conviction to know a criminal".....actually, in America, you do. If you don't like that, Comrade, go back to Mother Russia.
That's not what snowflakes have been saying about Trump for almost a year now, princess. Snowflakes only drag out and dust off that shtik when a Democrat suddenly finds themselves in the same circumstances.


"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?"
"That's not true."

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?"
"There was classified material emailed"

Republicans hit James Comey over Hillary Clinton email probe, say issue isn't over -
Do you remember that time when Obama refused to enforce DOMA? Yeah, me neither.
I did see when obummer refused to enforce his little red line in the sand. what a wimp and traitor

So you don't recall Obama not enforcing DOMA either? Makes sense considering that never occurred.
I didn't research it until now, here:

Vern Buchanan says Obama will no longer

"In a mailer, Buchanan said that "the Obama administration recently announced it will no longer enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the federal law defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman."

The Human Rights Campaign said that was wrong.

"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed," said the HRC."

Thank you accenting my point rather elegantly that DOMA was enforced the entire time until it was found unconstitutional by The Supreme Court.
if one doesn't defend it, how does one enforce it? you're lost.

It was defend in court by lawyers hired by the House and was enforced the entire. You can pretend otherwise until the cows come home, but the rest of us are no such obligation.
"one doesn't need a conviction to know a criminal".....actually, in America, you do. If you don't like that, Comrade, go back to Mother Russia.
That's not what snowflakes have been saying about Trump for almost a year now, princess. Snowflakes only drag out and dust off that shtik when a Democrat suddenly finds themselves in the same circumstances.


"Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her emails, either sent or received. Was that true?"
"That's not true."

"Secretary Clinton said, 'I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail, there is no classified material.' Was that true?"
"There was classified material emailed"

Republicans hit James Comey over Hillary Clinton email probe, say issue isn't over -
trump isn't a criminal....he's not been indicted and convicted of anything. He and his peeps are simply being investigated.....there IS a difference that I can distinguish...a difference you seem to not be able to see, Comrade.
if one doesn't defend it, how does one enforce it? you're lost.

You can't read?

Obama did not defend it IN COURT. But continued to ENFORCE it.

"While President Obama announced last year that his administration believed the law to be unconstitutional and could not continue to defend it in court, he also made clear that the law would continue to be enforced unless struck down or repealed," said the HRC."

Thank you accenting my point rather elegantly that DOMA was enforced the entire time until it was found unconstitutional by The Supreme Court. - MDK
Name a deal the great "art of the deal" maker has done in his presidency.

Did he make a deal on healthcare?
Did he make a deal on paying for the wall?
Did he make a deal on anything?
Deflecting from the accomplishments I posted.......

All of Trumps accomplished you mentioned can be summed up as Trump the "auto-pen" president. The only thing Trump had to do with them, was his signature. Trump can't negotiate anything. Every negotiation he's been in as president has failed.

Why do you lie? The House just approved a $1.6 billion down payment on the wall for example.
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
Relax Twinkle Toes, you're going to blow a gasket.
I was wondering how long it would be before you lied. Please list the crimes Sec. Clinton was been convicted of.
Bwuhahaha...what a pathetic ploy from another pathetic snowflake trying to defend their proven criminal politician.

I never said she had been convicted...but I did point out her crimes, how Comey under oath laid out her crimes, exposed her crimes, and then gave some bullshit excuse why she should not be indicted by giving an excuse that is NOT a legally accepted defense for breaking the law.

YOU are a JOKE. Your continued attempt to defend proven criminals is embarrassing.
BTW, since she never went to trial, she is still eligible to be sentenced for all of those crimes. he ain't too bright.
And we are still waiting...waiting...waiting for any indictments.

BTW...who is the Special Counsel appointed to investigate Clinton and Comey and Lynch?
no it wasn't, sorry friend.

Perhaps you can tell me: How many gays got married as result of the alleged lapse of DOMA's enforcement? The answer was zero five minutes ago and will remain zero five minutes from now.
Kangaroo investigations have become the favorite way for the Republican Party and its lipspittle supporters to seek and maintain power. Easy65 is an example of an uneducated fool who echoes every conspiracy theory as a great threat to Western Civilization.

There is NO evidence to suspect any of his hysterical calls for investigations are anything more than the normal course of political behavior on both sides, and yet the sycophants like easy65, Gingrich and the R's leadership act on the pretense that Republicans do everyday what they accuse Democrats of doing.

Congressional Republicans pretend to be pious, and yet bear false witness to individual Democrats, and in particular those of color and women.

As an agnostic I can still wish there is a hell, a special place for Easy65 and others like him!
this is a poster child of why shit is so fucked up right now.

nothing to investigate the bad guys for but keep making shit up on the other side and crying foul.
Name a deal the great "art of the deal" maker has done in his presidency.

Did he make a deal on healthcare?
Did he make a deal on paying for the wall?
Did he make a deal on anything?
Deflecting from the accomplishments I posted.......

All of Trumps accomplished you mentioned can be summed up as Trump the "auto-pen" president. The only thing Trump had to do with them, was his signature. Trump can't negotiate anything. Every negotiation he's been in as president has failed.

Why do you lie? The House just approved a $1.6 billion down payment on the wall for example.
Down payment to whom?
"one doesn't need a conviction to know a criminal".....actually, in America, you do. If you don't like that, Comrade, go back to Mother Russia.
That's not what snowflakes have been saying about Trump for almost a year now, princess. Snowflakes only drag out and dust off that shtik when a Democrat suddenly finds themselves in the same circumstances.

Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad.
Everything Republican, good, good, good.

Your side is ALWAYS wrong.
My side is ALWAYS right.

SSDD from the blindfold-wearing partisan hack, who lives in the alternate reality gop bubble,


Chill out Twinkle Toes, and just enjoy the fantastic job your orange messiah is doing.

Name a deal the great "art of the deal" maker has done in his presidency.

Did he make a deal on healthcare?
Did he make a deal on paying for the wall?
Did he make a deal on anything?
Deflecting from the accomplishments I posted.......

All of Trumps accomplished you mentioned can be summed up as Trump the "auto-pen" president. The only thing Trump had to do with them, was his signature. Trump can't negotiate anything. Every negotiation he's been in as president has failed.

Why do you lie? The House just approved a $1.6 billion down payment on the wall for example.
Down payment to whom?

^^^ another uninformed liberal shocker.
Kangaroo investigations have become the favorite way for the Republican Party and its lipspittle supporters to seek and maintain power. Easy65 is an example of an uneducated fool who echoes every conspiracy theory as a great threat to Western Civilization.

There is NO evidence to suspect any of his hysterical calls for investigations are anything more than the normal course of political behavior on both sides, and yet the sycophants like easy65, Gingrich and the R's leadership act on the pretense that Republicans do everyday what they accuse Democrats of doing.

Congressional Republicans pretend to be pious, and yet bear false witness to individual Democrats, and in particular those of color and women.

As an agnostic I can still wish there is a hell, a special place for Easy65 and others like him!
this is a poster child of why shit is so fucked up right now.

nothing to investigate the bad guys for but keep making shit up on the other side and crying foul.

Leave Darryll Issa alone!
The only "lie" being told here, that any of the investigations into the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal or the Clinton email scandal was ever done by the Obama Justice Department "fully"!.

They were fully investigating by the republican congress.

Now they may be investigated again but this time with a competent DoJ.
A competent DOJ led by a man trump calls beleaguered and weak? LOL.

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