Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

Location may be everything.

In my opinion, solving simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States can only provide more metadata for that sector and those market based metrics for our economy.

What market sector would be worse off with better market participation?
Nice way of dressing up socialism.
No need to dress it up. Government is socialism defined by our Constitution.
HAha... you all or none folks are funny.
All governments have some socialist aspect to them, but that doesn't make them socialist.
Not all aspects of socialism is bad, it is not being a socialist to borrow what is good about it and apply that.
As long as you stick to capitalism as the theme.
There is no other form of controlling production that improves the lot of the common man more than capitalism.
I would think by now this shouldn't have to be pointed out 12,000,000 times before it is understood.
HAha... you all or none folks are funny.
All governments have some socialist aspect to them, but that doesn't make them socialist.
Not all aspects of socialism is bad, it is not being a socialist to borrow what is good about it and apply that.
As long as you stick to capitalism as the theme.
There is no other form of controlling production that improves the lot of the common man more than capitalism.
I would think by now this shouldn't have to be pointed out 12,000,000 times before it is understood.
We have a mixed market economy that is part socialism and part capitalism. It really is that simple.

Our Constitution declares that we have delegated the social power of taxation to our federal Congress.

Capitalism is only about voluntary social transactions that result in mutually beneficial trade.
We have a mixed market economy that is part socialism and part capitalism. It really is that simple.

Our Constitution declares that we have delegated the social power of taxation to our federal Congress.

Capitalism is only about voluntary social transactions that result in mutually beneficial trade.
So you agree.
Socialism is about social power not capitalism.
Socialism is about a handful of elitist controlling everything while telling everyone they are doing it for them while destroying every possible chance you have of escaping your predestined lot in life.
Capitalism is about controlling everything by a large number of risk takers while giving you every possibility to be one of them.
Socialism is about a handful of elitist controlling everything while telling everyone they are doing it for them while destroying every possible chance you have of escaping your predestined lot in life.
Capitalism is about controlling everything by a large number of risk takers while giving you every possibility to be one of them.
Only because you misunderstand our federal Constitution.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
You sound like Gracie and what she was talking about in California

Go to south Carolina or Wyoming.
SC not much better. My daughter recently lost her apartment to a neighboring fire. They wouldn’t let her move in to another apt while they redid hers, because they could remodel and charge $100s more.

She found a different apartment for $150 more than she was paying.
Unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed can help this sector as well. Increasing market participation can only be beneficial to any market based economy.

No, it would not. Your fantasy of getting a check for doing nothing will never come to be.
You need valid arguments not just you assuming your own conclusions.

I have provided you valid arguments over and over and over. You choose to ignore them. And you continue to plead for this "unemployment compensation" pipedream for those who refuse to work, quit their job, or were fired because of their own behavior. It would cost billions of dollars. Get on welfare or draw disability if you can't work.
I have provided you valid arguments over and over and over. You choose to ignore them. And you continue to plead for this "unemployment compensation" pipedream for those who refuse to work, quit their job, or were fired because of their own behavior. It would cost billions of dollars. Get on welfare or draw disability if you can't work.
You are merely a parrot who understands nothing about the law.
You are merely a parrot who understands nothing about the law.

I understand the law quite clearly. I also understand that you CAN work, but refuse to do so. And you want to be paid for sitting at home, even if you do not NEED the money.

Your plan is parasitism, nothing more.
One cannot fully assess this whole situation without citing the illegal alien component, as well as Biden's blame for dumping so many of them here (and elsewhere-this isn't only Tampa's problem)

Actually, I can, and just did. I can easily notice who is moving into the working class neighborhood, apartment complexes, duplex houses, low income neighborhood single family homes, displacing poor blacks and whites, mobile home parks, and even camping site areas. The overwhelming majority are Hispanics. They are taking over whole areas of suburban, and out lying areas of cities and towns, and with 15 of them working various jobs, traveling construction crews, and Latinas working multiple low income jobs. They can easily share a $1200-$2400 monthly rent, and are doing it right before your very eyes. Why do you think these investors are buying up every real estate listing at asking or above?

It ain't Joe Biden that's your problem son.

And Donald Trump ain't your solution either sunshine.

But you tired ass conservatives keep right on believing that shit. Let me know how it's working out for you, when some fat little Latina is wiping your ass, after you just shit on yourself, when you are in your 80's in the old folks home.
I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.
Giving government more control over our lives is not the answer.

You can't say moving is too expensive if you're willing to stay there and absorb the increase.
I understand the law quite clearly. I also understand that you CAN work, but refuse to do so. And you want to be paid for sitting at home, even if you do not NEED the money.

Your plan is parasitism, nothing more.
You obviously don't understand that employment is at the will of either party and there is no right to work even in alleged Right to Work States.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Just admit you don't have a problem with wage-slavery because you learned nothing from history.
You obviously don't understand that employment is at the will of either party and there is no right to work even in alleged Right to Work States.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

Just admit you don't have a problem with wage-slavery because you learned nothing from history.

I said nothing about wage slavery. I called you a parasite.

I am willing to fight for workers to have a livable wage. But I will fight against people who want to be paid to sit on their ass when they are fully capable of working.

And if you know the law so well, why has your lawsuit not accomplished anything? (if it exists)

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