Yes, it was all a lie about Obamacare

Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.

The fear: Government-subsidized premiums will disappear at the end of the year under a provision in the health care law that nudges aides and lawmakers onto the government health care exchanges, which could make their benefits exorbitantly expensive.

Read more: Obamacare? We were just leaving ? - Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman -

Poor Greenie
June 07--The Ohio Department of Insurance said most companies statewide will likely see their health insuance rates increase as a result of the the Affordable Care Act, the question is by how much.

State officials are still waiting for health insurers to file rate requests for the company-sponsored insurance plans they hope to sell next year in the private market and on the state's federally-run online health exchange.

So far, it is difficult to determine how much premiums will rise, said Ohio Lt. Governor and Ohio Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor. But many small businesses -- defined by the health care law as those with up to 100 employees -- could be in for serious sticker shock.[dayton-daily-news-ohio]-a-383814.html?newswires

Poor Greenie
Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.

The fear: Government-subsidized premiums will disappear at the end of the year under a provision in the health care law that nudges aides and lawmakers onto the government health care exchanges, which could make their benefits exorbitantly expensive.

Read more: Obamacare? We were just leaving ? - Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman -

Poor Greenie

Wait till the IRS begins its coming reign of terror. Most Americans have no idea what 'Obamacare' really means. They're even less informed than the idiot Politicians who voted for it. It is going to be a monumental catastrophe.
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You mean government fucked something up again?

I was so sure that THIS TIME they would get it right...

906 pages of law should have covered everything right?


It was obvious to me that when Obama repeatedly used 46 million as number of uninsured this was going to be a GIGANTIC cluster...K!
When his own Census said 10 million uninsured were not citizens, and 14 million only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered it proved to me they didn't know what they were doing!
But when he falsely included 18 million people THAT didn't want health insurance I KNEW this was a huge fraud!
Subtract that 42 million above and you find ONLY 4 million that truly wanted and needed health insurance.
So that's why taxing lawyers 10% of $200 billion income would pay a $5,000 a person premium. BUT then I found out lawyers gave OBAMA/Congress $300 million in 2008!
Unlike the tanning salon lobby that didn't and found themselves now responsible for 10% tax all because tanning causes cancer!
Well lawyers cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine... why are they exempt other then they are fellow lawyers with Obama and 47% of Congress!

Obama never used the 46 million number.
You may be right. I seem to recall him using 47 million instead.

There are lots of links to this bullshit.
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It was obvious to me that when Obama repeatedly used 46 million as number of uninsured this was going to be a GIGANTIC cluster...K!
When his own Census said 10 million uninsured were not citizens, and 14 million only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered it proved to me they didn't know what they were doing!
But when he falsely included 18 million people THAT didn't want health insurance I KNEW this was a huge fraud!
Subtract that 42 million above and you find ONLY 4 million that truly wanted and needed health insurance.
So that's why taxing lawyers 10% of $200 billion income would pay a $5,000 a person premium. BUT then I found out lawyers gave OBAMA/Congress $300 million in 2008!
Unlike the tanning salon lobby that didn't and found themselves now responsible for 10% tax all because tanning causes cancer!
Well lawyers cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine... why are they exempt other then they are fellow lawyers with Obama and 47% of Congress!

Obama never used the 46 million number.

Uhm, wrong again... yes he did:

Obama Again Inflates Number of Uninsured Americans--Falsely Claiming '46 Million of Our Fellow Citizens Have No Coverage' | CNS News

I stand corrected. I'm going to give you what I think are the first positive reps I've ever handed out on this forum, thus breaking my own rule.
June 07--The Ohio Department of Insurance said most companies statewide will likely see their health insuance rates increase as a result of the the Affordable Care Act, the question is by how much.

State officials are still waiting for health insurers to file rate requests for the company-sponsored insurance plans they hope to sell next year in the private market and on the state's federally-run online health exchange.

So far, it is difficult to determine how much premiums will rise, said Ohio Lt. Governor and Ohio Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor. But many small businesses -- defined by the health care law as those with up to 100 employees -- could be in for serious sticker shock.[dayton-daily-news-ohio]-a-383814.html?newswires

Poor Greenie
What is never mentioned is that coverage also increase such as elimination of life time maximums, lower yearly out of pocket expense limits, elimination of pre-existing condition, and no deductible or copay for preventive services plus significant tax credits for middle class families to reduce the premium costs. Funny how the OP never mentions any of this.
June 07--The Ohio Department of Insurance said most companies statewide will likely see their health insuance rates increase as a result of the the Affordable Care Act, the question is by how much.

State officials are still waiting for health insurers to file rate requests for the company-sponsored insurance plans they hope to sell next year in the private market and on the state's federally-run online health exchange.

So far, it is difficult to determine how much premiums will rise, said Ohio Lt. Governor and Ohio Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor. But many small businesses -- defined by the health care law as those with up to 100 employees -- could be in for serious sticker shock.[dayton-daily-news-ohio]-a-383814.html?newswires

Poor Greenie
What is never mentioned is that coverage also increase such as elimination of life time maximums, lower yearly out of pocket expense limits, elimination of pre-existing condition, and no deductible or copay for preventive services plus significant tax credits for middle class families to reduce the premium costs. Funny how the OP never mentions any of this.

LOL, miss the point.

The level of coverage is IMMATERIAL if one CANNOT afford the try and keep up.
Here's another lie about obamacare:

"There are no death panels!"

In fact, as we all knew, there will be death panels in obamacare. Kathleen Sebelius just conducted the first death panel when she denied the lung transplant for that little girl. Thank God a judge told her to fuck off and allowed the girl to get her lung and have her life saved.
Here's another lie about obamacare:

"There are no death panels!"

In fact, as we all knew, there will be death panels in obamacare. Kathleen Sebelius just conducted the first death panel when she denied the lung transplant for that little girl. Thank God a judge told her to fuck off and allowed the girl to get her lung and have her life saved.

I was crucified by both sides last week for making this very point.

"Some live, some die."
Here's another lie about obamacare:

"There are no death panels!"

In fact, as we all knew, there will be death panels in obamacare. Kathleen Sebelius just conducted the first death panel when she denied the lung transplant for that little girl. Thank God a judge told her to fuck off and allowed the girl to get her lung and have her life saved.

I was crucified by both sides last week for making this very point.

"Some live, some die."

The left can never ever argue, they can only ridicule.

You mean government fucked something up again?

I was so sure that THIS TIME they would get it right...

906 pages of law should have covered everything right?


It was obvious to me that when Obama repeatedly used 46 million as number of uninsured this was going to be a GIGANTIC cluster...K!
When his own Census said 10 million uninsured were not citizens, and 14 million only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered it proved to me they didn't know what they were doing!
But when he falsely included 18 million people THAT didn't want health insurance I KNEW this was a huge fraud!
Subtract that 42 million above and you find ONLY 4 million that truly wanted and needed health insurance.
So that's why taxing lawyers 10% of $200 billion income would pay a $5,000 a person premium. BUT then I found out lawyers gave OBAMA/Congress $300 million in 2008!
Unlike the tanning salon lobby that didn't and found themselves now responsible for 10% tax all because tanning causes cancer!
Well lawyers cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine... why are they exempt other then they are fellow lawyers with Obama and 47% of Congress!

Obama never used the 46 million number.
OOPS....Well the Office of Management and Budget used this very figure.
You should punt. 4th and 15.
Counting the Uninsured: 46 Million or ?More than 30 Million?? | The White House
It was obvious to me that when Obama repeatedly used 46 million as number of uninsured this was going to be a GIGANTIC cluster...K!
When his own Census said 10 million uninsured were not citizens, and 14 million only needed to register with Medicaid and they were covered it proved to me they didn't know what they were doing!
But when he falsely included 18 million people THAT didn't want health insurance I KNEW this was a huge fraud!
Subtract that 42 million above and you find ONLY 4 million that truly wanted and needed health insurance.
So that's why taxing lawyers 10% of $200 billion income would pay a $5,000 a person premium. BUT then I found out lawyers gave OBAMA/Congress $300 million in 2008!
Unlike the tanning salon lobby that didn't and found themselves now responsible for 10% tax all because tanning causes cancer!
Well lawyers cause $850 billion a year in defensive medicine... why are they exempt other then they are fellow lawyers with Obama and 47% of Congress!

Obama never used the 46 million number.
OOPS....Well the Office of Management and Budget used this very figure.
You should punt. 4th and 15.
Counting the Uninsured: 46 Million or ?More than 30 Million?? | The White House

Carb is willingly obtuse, he/she/it will simply in effect say "nuh-uh".
It's an intentional goat fuck. It was designed to be a complete disaster from the get go. It took 10 years of revenue collection for 7 years of "benefits", and the math was done by morons.

Now when the whole trillion dollar goat orgy shits the bed, the left will insist it was because of republican obstruction, and I won't be surprised if Bush gets blamed somewhere too. The next step will be single payer.

Mark my words.

The goal of Obamacare IS single payer. Obama stated many times he supported single payer.
He tried that path. He found that it was a non-starter then threw the ACA piece of garbage together.
He then tried to get the GOP to go along for the sole purpose of gaining political cover. The GOP would have none of it. So the democrat leadership closed the GOP out of all negotiations and with the help of the insurance industry, cobbled this POS together. All 2500 mind boggling pages of it.
Here's another lie about obamacare:

"There are no death panels!"

In fact, as we all knew, there will be death panels in obamacare. Kathleen Sebelius just conducted the first death panel when she denied the lung transplant for that little girl. Thank God a judge told her to fuck off and allowed the girl to get her lung and have her life saved.
Sarah Palin is credited with the death panel myth. In August 2009, she claimed Democrats would create a “death panel,” in which government bureaucrats would decide whether disabled and elderly patients are “worthy of healthcare.” Despite being debunked by fact-checkers and mainstream media outlets, this myth has persisted.

The rules that govern who get's organs is determined by UNOS, a nonprofit corporation whose board is made up of half organ transplant doctors and half organ recipients. The determination of who gets the transplants must be made based on science not emotions. Sebelius did exactly what she should have done. To have the HHS step in and attempt to override transplant rules based on emotional appeals would be wrong.
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The conclusion from your link
So, are there really 46 million uninsured? It's the current best guess, but it might be off by several million.
Whatever the exact figure, tens of millions of people don't have insurance. But that doesn't mean they don't cost money. In fact, they may cost more.

"The barriers the uninsured face in getting the care that they need means they are less likely to receive preventive care, are more likely to be hospitalized for conditions that could have been prevented, and are more likely to die in the hospital than those with insurance," according to the Kaiser Family Foundation report.

And that's a challenge for us all.

"Tens of millions don't have insurance"?????

OK let's do the numbers again!
18 million DON"T WANT HEALTH insurance because they don't need it and pay their expense out of their pocket! WHY force them to buy insurance?
That means 32 million either don't want or don't know they are covered.
Finally even the census says there are 10 million that are COUNTED AS UNINSURED that are ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Do you understand?
That leaves 4 million NOT TENS of millions!!!

NOW you never ever addressed the issue of taxing lawyers at 10% since like tanning salons that Obama taxed because tanning generates cancer /insurance claims,
TAX the lawyers $200 billion a year! Since you don't seem to respect the EXPERTS who are telling you that nearly $850 billion in DUPLICATE TESTS are caused by FEAR of
LAWYERS! Lawsuits! So take the 10% tax like Obama taxed tanning salons and use the $20 billion to buy insurance for the 4 million uninsured!
Then when the uninsured goes to hospital the hospital means tests "uninsured" finds can't pay.. registers and then HOSPITAL BILLS the Uninsured Health Ins. Co.©!
The hospitals then are audited to make sure they are NOT "padding and Passing" sometimes at 6,000% over costs and watch Medicare/insurance cos. claims cost drop!
Between the two less $850 billion defensive medicine and the padding and passing" easily $200 billion a year in cost savings!

Please think what I'm writing about!
A) There are only 4 million truly that want and need insurance... the rest don't want, are covered or not legal!
B) Lawyers cause $850 billion in defensive medicine costs.. tax them 10% and use to pay the 4 million that need coverage!

Why are these two concepts totally ignored by you???
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It's an intentional goat fuck. It was designed to be a complete disaster from the get go. It took 10 years of revenue collection for 7 years of "benefits", and the math was done by morons.

Now when the whole trillion dollar goat orgy shits the bed, the left will insist it was because of republican obstruction, and I won't be surprised if Bush gets blamed somewhere too. The next step will be single payer.

Mark my words.

The goal of Obamacare IS single payer. Obama stated many times he supported single payer.
He tried that path. He found that it was a non-starter then threw the ACA piece of garbage together.
He then tried to get the GOP to go along for the sole purpose of gaining political cover. The GOP would have none of it. So the democrat leadership closed the GOP out of all negotiations and with the help of the insurance industry, cobbled this POS together. All 2500 mind boggling pages of it.
The law as enacted in 906 pages, not 2500 pages. It's amazing how it keeps growing.
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The conclusion from your link

Whatever the exact figure, tens of millions of people don't have insurance. But that doesn't mean they don't cost money. In fact, they may cost more.

"The barriers the uninsured face in getting the care that they need means they are less likely to receive preventive care, are more likely to be hospitalized for conditions that could have been prevented, and are more likely to die in the hospital than those with insurance," according to the Kaiser Family Foundation report.

And that's a challenge for us all.

"Tens of millions don't have insurance"?????

OK let's do the numbers again!
18 million DON"T WANT HEALTH insurance because they don't need it and pay their expense out of their pocket! WHY force them to buy insurance?
That means 32 million either don't want or don't know they are covered.
Finally even the census says there are 10 million that are COUNTED AS UNINSURED that are ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Do you understand?
That leaves 4 million NOT TENS of millions!!!

NOW you never ever addressed the issue of taxing lawyers at 10% since like tanning salons that Obama taxed because tanning generates cancer /insurance claims,
TAX the lawyers $200 billion a year! Since you don't seem to respect the EXPERTS who are telling you that nearly $850 billion in DUPLICATE TESTS are caused by FEAR of
LAWYERS! Lawsuits! So take the 10% tax like Obama taxed tanning salons and use the $20 billion to buy insurance for the 4 million uninsured!
Then when the uninsured goes to hospital the hospital means tests "uninsured" finds can't pay.. registers and then HOSPITAL BILLS the Uninsured Health Ins. Co.©!
The hospitals then are audited to make sure they are NOT "padding and Passing" sometimes at 6,000% over costs and watch Medicare/insurance cos. claims cost drop!
Between the two less $850 billion defensive medicine and the padding and passing" easily $200 billion a year in cost savings!

Please think what I'm writing about!
A) There are only 4 million truly that want and need insurance... the rest don't want, are covered or not legal!
B) Lawyers cause $850 billion in defensive medicine costs.. tax them 10% and use to pay the 4 million that need coverage!

Why are these two concepts totally ignored by you???
Where did you get your numbers? 18 million don't want health insurance??? :cuckoo:

Medicaid home
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Here's another lie about obamacare:

"There are no death panels!"

In fact, as we all knew, there will be death panels in obamacare. Kathleen Sebelius just conducted the first death panel when she denied the lung transplant for that little girl. Thank God a judge told her to fuck off and allowed the girl to get her lung and have her life saved.
Sarah Palin is credited with the death panel myth. In August 2009, she claimed Democrats would create a “death panel,” in which government bureaucrats would decide whether disabled and elderly patients are “worthy of healthcare.” Despite being debunked by fact-checkers and mainstream media outlets, this myth has persisted.

The rules that govern who get's organs is determined by UNOS, a nonprofit corporation whose board is made up of half organ transplant doctors and half organ recipients. The determination of who gets the transplants must be made based on science not emotions. Sebelius did exactly what she should have done. To have the HHS step in and attempt to override transplant rules based on emotional appeals would be wrong.



So I suppose you have NO problem that 670,000 fetuses are aborted each year strictly because of emotion, not science?
Why not sterilize those women that come in for their 2nd or more abortion of which 47% of all abortions are by these women?
Science would say letting these poor ignorant women go through the pain of abortion is just medieval!
Using your "SCIENCE" not emotion shouldn't that apply to those women that keep getting pregnant???
Here's another lie about obamacare:

"There are no death panels!"

In fact, as we all knew, there will be death panels in obamacare. Kathleen Sebelius just conducted the first death panel when she denied the lung transplant for that little girl. Thank God a judge told her to fuck off and allowed the girl to get her lung and have her life saved.
Sarah Palin is credited with the death panel myth. In August 2009, she claimed Democrats would create a “death panel,” in which government bureaucrats would decide whether disabled and elderly patients are “worthy of healthcare.” Despite being debunked by fact-checkers and mainstream media outlets, this myth has persisted.

The rules that govern who get's organs is determined by UNOS, a nonprofit corporation whose board is made up of half organ transplant doctors and half organ recipients. The determination of who gets the transplants must be made based on science not emotions. Sebelius did exactly what she should have done. To have the HHS step in and attempt to override transplant rules based on emotional appeals would be wrong.



So I suppose you have NO problem that 670,000 fetuses are aborted each year strictly because of emotion, not science?
Why not sterilize those women that come in for their 2nd or more abortion of which 47% of all abortions are by these women?
Science would say letting these poor ignorant women go through the pain of abortion is just medieval!
Using your "SCIENCE" not emotion shouldn't that apply to those women that keep getting pregnant???
Your post is a diversion.
If you want to switch topics, open an abortion thread.
Here's another lie about obamacare:

"There are no death panels!"

In fact, as we all knew, there will be death panels in obamacare. Kathleen Sebelius just conducted the first death panel when she denied the lung transplant for that little girl. Thank God a judge told her to fuck off and allowed the girl to get her lung and have her life saved.
Sarah Palin is credited with the death panel myth.

Not really. She was only repeating what others said before.

In August 2009, she claimed Democrats would create a “death panel,” in which government bureaucrats would decide whether disabled and elderly patients are “worthy of healthcare.”

The point she was attempting to make was specifically about the elderly because of the context of the discussion. She knows, as everyone who correctly predicted death panels in obamacare knows, it will make decisions on who gets care and who is told "tough luck".

Despite being debunked by fact-checkers and mainstream media outlets, this myth has persisted.

What has persisted beyond logic is the left's claim that there aren't any death panels now so there never will be. Fact check all you want to NOW, but what everyone says is that there will be death panels and you cannot fact check something that hasn't happened yet.

Of course it has now.

The rules that govern who get's organs is determined by UNOS, a nonprofit corporation whose board is made up of half organ transplant doctors and half organ recipients. The determination of who gets the transplants must be made based on science not emotions. Sebelius did exactly what she should have done. To have the HHS step in and attempt to override transplant rules based on emotional appeals would be wrong.


Kathleen Sebelius denied the girl her chance to get her transplant. She did not pass the buck, she denied it. It took a federal judge to over rule her. Sebelius and the Government should have no business making any decision like that at all. Of course she will when obamacare is in full swing.
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