Yes it's Science republicans

Republicans Science??? BAH HUMBUG

Yeah we all know like the liberals do that a fetus could turn into a dandelion, a banana or a baby depending on what the mother eats.

How many of those unwanted children if moms gave birth to them, will you adopt??

So you concede that those abortions are killing living humans?
I can't concede that but I'm not smart enough to give a definitive answer I DO believe in Choice

Me adopt? What the heck for?


Because a person had sex and wasn't responsible enough to either take birth control or is not wanting to live up to their responsibility. After all we are non-thinking animals when it comes to sex. I against we haven't evolved enough.

So the responsibility lands on those that care and think about the seriousness of life and what bringing a child into the world means.
Today in Amarillo, it's 64 degrees, and is supposed to be above 60 on Christmas.
My goodness how will the armadillo's ever survive this climate change?

Hey...........don't laugh..........we're 20 to 30 degrees above what we normally are this time of year.
Don't bang your head against a wall Republicans don't believe in science
With all the FAKE news you left wing fools all report we cant tell when your not lying or pushing an agenda... By the way your forecast failed miserably.. They missed it by 48 degrees F to high..
More stinky 'facts' from the ass of Silly Billy.

Weather buoy near North Pole hits melting point

Santa may need water skis instead of a sleigh this year.

A weather buoy about 90 miles south of the North Pole registered a temperature at the melting point of 32 degrees (0 Celsius) early Thursday, as a giant storm east of Greenland drew abnormally warm air northward.

Weather models had predicted temperatures could get this warm and this buoy, part of the North Pole Environmental Observatory, provides validation.

[Pre-Christmas melt? North Pole forecast to warm 50 degrees above normal Thursday]

“It seems likely areas very close to or at the North Pole were at the freezing point” Thursday, said Zachary Labe, a doctoral student researching Arctic climate and weather at the University of California at Irvine.

Data from the buoy (No. 300234064010010, which can be downloaded here) show that air temperatures have risen more than 40 degrees in the past two days, when they hovered near minus-11 degrees (minus-24 Celsius) which, even then, was above average.


Too Funny;

An Ocean Buoy in the straights is proof of AGW...??? A high pressure passes over a buoy and you guys get all "were gonna die"...

You guys are grasping at straws... And then we ignore that median latitude temps are -7.2 deg F BELOW NORMAL... The major areas of the Northern Hemisphere are below normal and cooling trend is seen.. The slight of hand from you liars is stunning..
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No matter what you and the morons leading you say
Temperatures in the Arctic are predicted to rise nearly 50 degrees above normal from Thursday under the spell of a pre-Christmas heat wave. It means the frozen tundra is racing close to a melting point.

The surging warmth in the past two months has already left scientists jittery, as escalating temperatures are feared to hit ice formation or coverage next summer and bring it down to record low levels. More warming trends are hitting the region as a result of climate change effects.

Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Alarming Indicators
However, stark climate change indicators are setting off alarm bells. The record low polar sea ice is a big concern and the heat wave of November has led to the region losing 19,000 square miles of sea ice in less than a week, which was described as "almost unprecedented occurrence" by the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

There is worry that despite the North Pole lying in darkness after the Sun left in late October, high temperatures are going to reign the Christmas season.

- See more at: Arctic Forecast To Warm By As Much As 50 Degrees This Week

Arctic Forecast To Warm By As Much As 50 Degrees Th...
The rising spell of high warmth in the Arctic has unnerved scientists, who fear the jumping temperatures may lead to record-low ice coverage next summer....

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Look at the year 1922

How many ships went through the Northwest Passage in 1922?

How many ships wanted too?

Given the fuel savings from Europe to Asia, a good many would have used that Passage, had it been open. But, up to modern times, the only ships that went though the Passage were ice breakers, and an 80 ton refitted herring boat in 1903 to 1906. Took three years then for that small ship to get through. And last summer a luxury liner made that passage.


People preparing to take a polar plunge in the Bering Sea in front of the luxury cruise ship Crystal Serenity, which anchored just outside Nome, Alaska last month. MARK THIESSEN/AP

By MARK THIESSEN, Associated Press

NOME, Alaska (AP) — The giant luxury cruise liner was anchored just off Nome, too hulking to use the Bering Sea community's docks on its inaugural visit.
So what? Enjoy the warm weather. There isn't anything we can do about it and we did nothing to cause it.

It's the sun stupid.
I see the sun's TSI is actually decreasing, but that is causing the warming of the Earth. Any more wisdom you would care to impart to us?

Here's some, you are distressingly ignorant in science.
Unexploited treasure: Photos in the calcium II line


The Sun’s total radiative flux fluctuates over an 11-year cycle. The SATIRE-S model (red dots) reproduces over 92 percent of measured irradiance variations (black dots). When the short, deep drops in TSI occur, dark spots wander across the …more

Read more at:

OK, then link to sites refuting this. Come on, Pred, you made the claim, now show the evidence.

Knowing how to post someone else's work means nothing. Where your ignorance enters into the discussion is where what you reference doesn't help your claim. That's what's actually funny.
Winter sufferer: "Fuck it's cold! I thought you said it was supposed to be warming!"
Warm-ist: "That's weather, not climate."

Winter sufferer (next winter): "Fuck this blizzard shit! I thought you said it was supposed to be no more snow!"
Warm-ist: "That's weather, not climate."

Winter sufferer (next winter): "Fuck I'm freezing my ass off! I thought you said it was supposed to be The hottest winter ever!"
Warm-ist: "That's weather, not climate."

Winter sufferer (next winter): "Wow! This is nice. It's not so cold this Christmas!"
Warm-ist: "See there! Global warming! I told you! WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!"
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Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Why do some folks doubt the science? Read the above quote from the OP. In particular the "frigid air part". To me that implys it might be a tad chilly up that way. My next thought is, are we talking VODOO science here. Perhaps I don't understand the term frigid!
Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Why do some folks doubt the science? Read the above quote from the OP. In particular the "frigid air part". To me that implys it might be a tad chilly up that way. My next thought is, are we talking VODOO science here. Perhaps I don't understand the term frigid!
Republicans and science?? BAH HUMBUG
It's 81 here. I'll bet there's a goat rodeo somewhere.

I'm here in the Artic and I can say without a shadow of a doubt that all this talk of melting ice is pure nonsense.
Right now in Barrow Alaska it's 5 degrees and blowing snow.
Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Why do some folks doubt the science? Read the above quote from the OP. In particular the "frigid air part". To me that implys it might be a tad chilly up that way. My next thought is, are we talking VODOO science here. Perhaps I don't understand the term frigid!
Republicans and science?? BAH HUMBUG

This coming from the guy that told us he isn't smart enough to determine when life begins when scientists tell him life begins at conception but thinks a Global Warming THEORY is science gold.

Like I said earlier, you only agree with science if it fits your liberal agenda. Hypocrites like you have no room argue that point.
Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Why do some folks doubt the science? Read the above quote from the OP. In particular the "frigid air part". To me that implys it might be a tad chilly up that way. My next thought is, are we talking VODOO science here. Perhaps I don't understand the term frigid!
Republicans and science?? BAH HUMBUG

This coming from the guy that told us he isn't smart enough to determine when life begins when scientists tell him life begins at conception but thinks a Global Warming THEORY is science gold.

Like I said earlier, you only agree with science if it fits your liberal agenda. Hypocrites like you have no room argue that point.
Hey the only thing i believe in as far as conception goes is that a women has CHOICE You nitwits want to take that from them Please your daughters ,,,not mine
Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Why do some folks doubt the science? Read the above quote from the OP. In particular the "frigid air part". To me that implys it might be a tad chilly up that way. My next thought is, are we talking VODOO science here. Perhaps I don't understand the term frigid!
Republicans and science?? BAH HUMBUG

This coming from the guy that told us he isn't smart enough to determine when life begins when scientists tell him life begins at conception but thinks a Global Warming THEORY is science gold.

Like I said earlier, you only agree with science if it fits your liberal agenda. Hypocrites like you have no room argue that point.
Hey the only thing i believe in as far as conception goes is that a women has CHOICE You nitwits want to take that from them Please your daughters ,,,not mine

So you believe life begins at conception? This isn't about you being pro-abortion, it is about science determining when life begins.
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Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Why do some folks doubt the science? Read the above quote from the OP. In particular the "frigid air part". To me that implys it might be a tad chilly up that way. My next thought is, are we talking VODOO science here. Perhaps I don't understand the term frigid!
Republicans and science?? BAH HUMBUG

This coming from the guy that told us he isn't smart enough to determine when life begins when scientists tell him life begins at conception but thinks a Global Warming THEORY is science gold.

Like I said earlier, you only agree with science if it fits your liberal agenda. Hypocrites like you have no room argue that point.
Hey the only thing i believe in as far as conception goes is that a women has CHOICE You nitwits want to take that from them Please your daughters ,,,not mine
You butchers need to make your choice on whether or not to get pregnant, not to end a childs life.
No matter what you and the morons leading you say
Temperatures in the Arctic are predicted to rise nearly 50 degrees above normal from Thursday under the spell of a pre-Christmas heat wave. It means the frozen tundra is racing close to a melting point.

The surging warmth in the past two months has already left scientists jittery, as escalating temperatures are feared to hit ice formation or coverage next summer and bring it down to record low levels. More warming trends are hitting the region as a result of climate change effects.

Walt Meier, a NASA scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center, said the current warmth is an offshoot of fluctuations in the jet stream that is passing frigid air to North America and parts of the Arctic.

Alarming Indicators
However, stark climate change indicators are setting off alarm bells. The record low polar sea ice is a big concern and the heat wave of November has led to the region losing 19,000 square miles of sea ice in less than a week, which was described as "almost unprecedented occurrence" by the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

There is worry that despite the North Pole lying in darkness after the Sun left in late October, high temperatures are going to reign the Christmas season.

- See more at: Arctic Forecast To Warm By As Much As 50 Degrees This Week

Arctic Forecast To Warm By As Much As 50 Degrees Th...
The rising spell of high warmth in the Arctic has unnerved scientists, who fear the jumping temperatures may lead to record-low ice coverage next summer....

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Is there Global Cooling? Welcome. There has now been over 18 years with no measurable atmospheric global warming (with the exception of the recent El Nino from natural causes) link I will try to give you the answer to the question "is there global cooling?" As you are well aware there is a huge effort around the globe to counter the alleged impact of mankind on the world's climate. If in fact mankind will cause the seas to rise appreciably by causing CO2 induced global warming then certainly let's do something about it. But, what if the impact from rising CO2 levels will not have the same impact that many claim? Global temperatures increased for twenty years from the late 1970s to the late 1990s but have either stopped warming or have even begun to cool in the last eighteen years. The global warming and subsequent cooling were even predictable due to hundreds of years of historical trends and observation of the impact of variations in solar activity and ocean cycles on global temperatures.

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