yes, kids, he really is this stupid

I don't mind if the thread is about who is a dummy and who is not a dummy...lets debate...but now we have added kiddies and bathrooms...
That's where del's mind eternally resides. They won't ban him so you just have to get used to it. Once you realize the only motive of the left is to maul children everything makes sense.

Kosher girl, you are so wrong, del has no brain.
No, because most men don't get into the shower to look at the people around them. They go there to take a shower.
Lol, you don't get it. The more perverse society, the more liberals like it.

No I completely get it. You only think about these situations being perverse because that's what is on YOUR mind.
So if you had to chose, you would rather be around a group of dicks, than a group of pussies? Got it.

No, I'd chose to take a shower alone. But if I have to take a shower with someone else, then I just take a shower. I'm not sure why you want to make this so complicated.

Again, it sounds like it is you that is fascinated with sexual perversion while taking a shower.
It was liberals that did want this to happen not me.

No, just because you look at everything through the eyes of a pervert doesn't mean everyone else does too.
No, because most men don't get into the shower to look at the people around them. They go there to take a shower.
Lol, you don't get it. The more perverse society, the more liberals like it.

No I completely get it. You only think about these situations being perverse because that's what is on YOUR mind.
So if you had to chose, you would rather be around a group of dicks, than a group of pussies? Got it.

No, I'd chose to take a shower alone. But if I have to take a shower with someone else, then I just take a shower. I'm not sure why you want to make this so complicated.

Again, it sounds like it is you that is fascinated with sexual perversion while taking a shower.
The self-loathing, homophobic closet gays can turn ANY thread into a discussion of gay sex. It's a unique talent!
No actually I don't want to know none of it. Liberals are trying to make it normal.
Lol, you don't get it. The more perverse society, the more liberals like it.

No I completely get it. You only think about these situations being perverse because that's what is on YOUR mind.
So if you had to chose, you would rather be around a group of dicks, than a group of pussies? Got it.

No, I'd chose to take a shower alone. But if I have to take a shower with someone else, then I just take a shower. I'm not sure why you want to make this so complicated.

Again, it sounds like it is you that is fascinated with sexual perversion while taking a shower.
It was liberals that did want this to happen not me.

No, just because you look at everything through the eyes of a pervert doesn't mean everyone else does too.
Dumbass president obama wanted it, not conservatives. I never would've thought men showering with girls normal. Your president did.
No I completely get it. You only think about these situations being perverse because that's what is on YOUR mind.
So if you had to chose, you would rather be around a group of dicks, than a group of pussies? Got it.

No, I'd chose to take a shower alone. But if I have to take a shower with someone else, then I just take a shower. I'm not sure why you want to make this so complicated.

Again, it sounds like it is you that is fascinated with sexual perversion while taking a shower.
It was liberals that did want this to happen not me.

No, just because you look at everything through the eyes of a pervert doesn't mean everyone else does too.
Dumbass president obama wanted it, not conservatives. I never would've thought men showering with girls normal. Your president did.

I'm really really really not sure where the fuck you get this whole shower thing. It's very dishonest of you, which of course I wouldn't expect anything different.
Hillary wasn't smart enough to be president. Hillary is smart enough to escape criminal prosecution. Mueller conveniently forgets about Hillary, and Soros...Well: Bernie was too old and in the way...So I guess we will have to see if the Don is smarter than a 5th grader.
It is bad enough that middle America elected Trump. That, in itself is pretty close to clinical insanity. But what really confuses me is that they do not seem to be embarrassed by his lies, self-aggrandizement, narcissist personality, incompetence, 4th grade vocabulary, and downright ignorance. I honestly do not understand it.

Well..........there's a lot of things Democrats don't understand.

We didn't elect Trump to be a Jeopardy contestent, we hired him to run our country and we're pretty satisfied with the results.
The number on disability expanded under Obama, as did the food stamp program expand under Obama.

Nothing wrong with expansion is been going on since 1988.
That is just what happens in the middle of a depression duh...

It wasn’t a depression, it was a recession nd yes, rules were change by the Obama administration that allowed more on welfare and more on disability. Like I said, nothing different since 1988.
Technically it was only a recession the Great Recession because our government spent 7 trillion dollars...

Spend 7 trillion to bailout bad businesses, pretty stupid but politicians love the rich businesses.
More like 2 trillion to save our Auto industry and many other businesses and keep teachers and policemen and firemen working, and another four trillion for unemployment and Welfare for victims of the corrupt GOP World depression that you idiots don't even know about. ..

Auto plants--union
Other industries--mostly union.
Unemployment, welfare and food stamps--increase government dependency.
So if you had to chose, you would rather be around a group of dicks, than a group of pussies? Got it.

No, I'd chose to take a shower alone. But if I have to take a shower with someone else, then I just take a shower. I'm not sure why you want to make this so complicated.

Again, it sounds like it is you that is fascinated with sexual perversion while taking a shower.
It was liberals that did want this to happen not me.

No, just because you look at everything through the eyes of a pervert doesn't mean everyone else does too.
Dumbass president obama wanted it, not conservatives. I never would've thought men showering with girls normal. Your president did.

I'm really really really not sure where the fuck you get this whole shower thing. It's very dishonest of you, which of course I wouldn't expect anything different.
It goes back to Obama threatening federal funding to schools if they didn't allow this perversion.
And if we could find a way to stop that, I would be for it too.

Only a liberal would want to make 99% of the population uncomfortable so that we could accommodate the other less than 1%.

Only a Trumpbot idiot would think that 99% of the population is uncomfortable with their sexuality.

Not wanting to take a dump in a stall with a hot chick next to you is not being uncomfortable with their sexuality. It's called being decent--something liberals would not understand.
You spend way too much time thinking about being in the girls' bathroom, ya know it?

And you don't spend enough time thinking about it. That's why you know so little about the subject.
I beg your pardon? I've used the girls' room for many decades, Grasshopper. Your shyness using a public toilet is your problem, not mine. We have stalls and the vast majority of us do not spend our time in the stall envisioning or worrying about who is in the one next to us. Jesus Jumpin' Jehosephat! Get help.

No, it's everybody's problem, especially when we are talking about kids.

But you want girls and boys to use the same restroom because it's the liberal thing to do, and tell me I need help???
And if we could find a way to stop that, I would be for it too.

Only a liberal would want to make 99% of the population uncomfortable so that we could accommodate the other less than 1%.

Only a Trumpbot idiot would think that 99% of the population is uncomfortable with their sexuality.

Not wanting to take a dump in a stall with a hot chick next to you is not being uncomfortable with their sexuality. It's called being decent--something liberals would not understand.

You spend way too much time thinking about being in the girls' bathroom, ya know it?

And you don't spend enough time thinking about it. That's why you know so little about the subject.

how often do you fantasize about taking a dump next to a hot chick?

frankly, it's kind of creepy

God you liberals love to take words and create lies out of them, don't you? That old trick isn't going to work with me. I know what I said and you know what I said. It's like the old George Carlin joke: If two people are in an elevator and one of them farts, you both know who did it.
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And? You don't feel comfortable. A lot of people don't feel comfortable doing lots of things. I'm sorry you have a problem with your sexuality that you think everyone is interested in you.

Wanna hear something scary? You have no clue how many gay men have been taking a piss in the urinal right next to you over your entire life. Wanna hear something else? Most if not all of them where thinking about looking at your dick while they were taking a piss.

And if we could find a way to stop that, I would be for it too.

Only a liberal would want to make 99% of the population uncomfortable so that we could accommodate the other less than 1%.

Only a Trumpbot idiot would think that 99% of the population is uncomfortable with their sexuality.

Not wanting to take a dump in a stall with a hot chick next to you is not being uncomfortable with their sexuality. It's called being decent--something liberals would not understand.
You spend way too much time thinking about being in the girls' bathroom, ya know it?
I hate to admit it, but if I was given the choice whether to shower with a bunch of men, or a bunch of women. I'm showering with the women.

Correct, if that was our choice. But what if it was your daughter in school or your wife in a gym shower and they had no choice? Talk about who is actually starting a war on women.
It is bad enough that middle America elected Trump. That, in itself is pretty close to clinical insanity. But what really confuses me is that they do not seem to be embarrassed by his lies, self-aggrandizement, narcissist personality, incompetence, 4th grade vocabulary, and downright ignorance. I honestly do not understand it.

Well..........there's a lot of things Democrats don't understand.

We didn't elect Trump to be a Jeopardy contestent, we hired him to run our country and we're pretty satisfied with the results.

...and that is even more unfathomable. (sorry, for the five syllable word. Substitute "weird".
Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him


What President Trump is quoted as saying is entirely correct. It's been a year and one would think that the losers would get tired of their slander and childish whining by now but apparently not.
It is bad enough that middle America elected Trump. That, in itself is pretty close to clinical insanity. But what really confuses me is that they do not seem to be embarrassed by his lies, self-aggrandizement, narcissist personality, incompetence, 4th grade vocabulary, and downright ignorance. I honestly do not understand it.

Well..........there's a lot of things Democrats don't understand.

We didn't elect Trump to be a Jeopardy contestent, we hired him to run our country and we're pretty satisfied with the results.

...and that is even more unfathomable. (sorry, for the five syllable word. Substitute "weird".

Why is that?

The economy is doing great. Strong stock market. Lowest unemployment figures in over two decades. Consumer and corporate confidence at the highest it's been in years. He put a great justice in the Supreme Court not to mention all the other appointments we like. Most everybody is paying less in taxes. He fixed the Obama F-up in Iraq and got ISIS out of there. We are no longer the country with the highest corporate tax rates and that's always good for future jobs. Working stiffs making more money and some getting bonuses. What''s not to like, his Tweets?

You guys elected a community organizer who never so much as run a hotdog stand to run this country, and you got what you bargained for. We elected a professional businessman who ran multiple companies to run our country, and we got what we bargained for.
Which business are you referring to? His university? Vodka business? Mail order steaks? His airline? Maybe you are talking about his casinos? Then, there was, "Trump, The Game", not to mention Trump mortgage,, and Trump Magazine.

And, yes, He did get a tax cut passed. That took some really savvy politicking! The cut disappears in, I think 2022 for individuals (not for him) and will carve another $1 1/2 trillion deficit for your kids and gran-kids to pay off. In one year, the only two promises he kept was the tax cut and the Supreme Court appointment. I am very relieved that he prefers to play golf than to actually work, myself. I no longer travel oversees, so i don't have to face the rest of the world's derision for a guy that even our allies refer to as a clown. i won't even go in to his dismantling consumer protection, unleashing the financial industry from regulations (Because it worked so well back in 2008!), gutting the environmental protections, opening up the Gulf to new drilling (because the horizon oil spill would NEVER happen again!) Appointing DeVoss to the Dept of Ed. (which is a cruel joke), having over a 30% turnover rate of his own appointees in one year, and now ranked the worst president ever by almost 200 presidential scholars, and we must not forget his inspiring speeches about himself in his 4th grade vocabulary!

But, hey, as Ben Franklin once wrote to a guy who was asking for a reference on someone that he had fired from his print shop for incompetence, "If this is the caliber of employee that you are looking for, you won't be disappointed!".
Which business are you referring to? His university? Vodka business? Mail order steaks? His airline? Maybe you are talking about his casinos? Then, there was, "Trump, The Game", not to mention Trump mortgage,, and Trump Magazine.

And, yes, He did get a tax cut passed. That took some really savvy politicking! The cut disappears in, I think 2022 for individuals (not for him) and will carve another $1 1/2 trillion deficit for your kids and gran-kids to pay off. In one year, the only two promises he kept was the tax cut and the Supreme Court appointment. I am very relieved that he prefers to play golf than to actually work, myself. I no longer travel oversees, so i don't have to face the rest of the world's derision for a guy that even our allies refer to as a clown. i won't even go in to his dismantling consumer protection, unleashing the financial industry from regulations (Because it worked so well back in 2008!), gutting the environmental protections, opening up the Gulf to new drilling (because the horizon oil spill would NEVER happen again!) Appointing DeVoss to the Dept of Ed. (which is a cruel joke), having over a 30% turnover rate of his own appointees in one year, and now ranked the worst president ever by almost 200 presidential scholars, and we must not forget his inspiring speeches about himself in his 4th grade vocabulary!

But, hey, as Ben Franklin once wrote to a guy who was asking for a reference on someone that he had fired from his print shop for incompetence, "If this is the caliber of employee that you are looking for, you won't be disappointed!".

Yeah? Well I work with some real clowns, but the only reason my employer keeps them is because they are doing a good job. Same holds with politicians. I don't care if you dislike him or not, but the truth of the matter is if Hil-Liar was in there doing the exact same thing or perhaps not quite as good, you leftists would be holding parades for her in the street.

As for the things he promised that he can't get done, don't blame him, blame the Democrats for that and perhaps a few liberal Republicans we have in the Senate that I hope we get rid of. A bunch of leftists ranked him the worst President? The hell you say. :21:

If you want a party that's going to represent Americans, vote Republican. If you want a party that's going to represent foreigners, vote Democrat.
Haha...what a bunch of overwrought garbage. The tax cut passed IN SPITE of Trump. The best thing Trump did for the economy was NOTHING. The Republican Congress is openly frustrated at how feckin stupid Trump is and at how little they got done because of him. Fuck he is awful.
Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him

Is he wrong?

generally, yes

if you'd care to be more specific, feel free

it's not the press' fault that he's an incompetent asshat surrounded by even bigger asshats

And it's not his MSM's fault their reporting on Trump is over 80% negative all the time either, huh?

do stupid shit

win stupid prizes

the man is a dumpster fire, and you clowns line up to kiss his ass

btw, when people use the term msm, i discount their iq by 50%

you didn't have much to start with, either

I use the acronym MSM and if you discount my IQ by 50% you re an ignorant fool.

I am reasonably certain that my education is superior to yours. I have an MBA with a 4.0 GPA and a JD (Juris doctorate). I also passed the BAR.

I am also reasonably certain that my IQ is at least 20 points higher than yours. No intelligent person would accuse a person of having a low IQ Simply because he/she uses the three letters to which you have an irrational aversion.

And, finally, I know a lot more about what's happening in the world than you and anyone else who gets their news solely from the MSM. The MSM has been proven to withhold information and even to lie about important issues, but you probably don't know that,

Now, I told you I know more about what's going on in the world than you do and I think I can prove it. I could ask you why the two alleged voice exerts in the George Zimmerman case were nothing but quacks but I won't. I could ask you to provide evidence that shows Hillary Clinton's server was not hacked by Russia but I won't. I could ask you hundreds, perhaps thousands of questions you cannot answer but I don't have the time. I will, however ask you one question, an important one, one which places the FBI an a very bad light, but one of which you are most likely completely clueless:

QUESTION: What was the FBI's involvement in the Texas Jihad Shooting in Garland, Texas? (I am talking about the FBI's actual participation in the shooting.)

WARNING: If you cannot answer this question I will have to discount your IQ By 50%.

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