Yes or No?

Yes. (probably too often)

Do you feel like you still have a lot to learn in life?
No. I guess it's like people that don't believe in God. I have never seen one or even felt the presence of one. I do believe there is a spirit world, somewhere. I also believe there is a lot that is naked to the eye that we don't know about nor are our brains able to comprehend.

Do you believe there are other beings like us on another planet in space somewhere?
Yes of course, it is inconceivable that in the trillions of trillions of solar systems across the estimated 100 billion galaxies, that we are the only planet with sentient life.

Spend a few nights in my home Bonzi - and your beliefs about "something out there" would change. Our home was built in 1895, it is quite active.

Do you get the "winter blues" towards the end of winter?
Yes. But I get them in January/February too!

Do you like to grill out?
Yes. But I get them in January/February too!

Do you like to grill out?

Yes, but I actually prefer to cook on a good gas stove.

I get downright grumpy by late February. I really do. I will most likely be a snowbird when I retire and have a small winter home in the south. But not Florida, not a big fan of their weather.

Do you think more about the past, or the future?
I think my past was not bad. I think some things that happened kinda messed with my head. I'm very intuitive and aware of the people around me, their body language etc. I can usually sense when someone is not totally relaxed around me, and, I prefer to be around people that are very self confident and like to be 100% themselves (not so guarded). I had a "traditional" upbringing. My parents did divorce, but, there was not raping, beating or any kind of verbal abuse going on. Yet, I still wish it had been different. The main thing was growing up without any kind of relationship with my Dad and not really liking or being close to my Step Father. (PAST) - future, who knows. I see myself growing old with my husband. If anything ever happened to him, to be honest, I have no clue. I would be afraid to jump into any relationship because I have made so many many mistakes in the past. Oh, I totally misread that !

I think more about the present actually. But between the two, the future. I'm not one to dwell in the past, unless it's reflecting on a happy memory......

Do you have a person in your life that you have great respect and admiration for?
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No. Not that I wouldn't. If asked, I would. I will help people like if they drop something in the store I will pick it up things like that....

Have you ever done charity work?
Yes, a lot of it.

For instance, just last week I ripped out and replaced an elderly neighbor's front porch and steps.

The old concrete was cracked and was a tripping hazard. Bricks were falling off. And there is no way she could have afforded to fix it.

Do you like fishing?
Can or have you ever been able to do a cartwheel?
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LOL I could....not so sure now..

Can you cut and style your own hair?
Yes. (I still do - have been doing it for hmmmm 10 years or so)

Does it take you a long time to find clothes you like?
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Yes, sometimes,,,I am picky, and don't like to settle for just anything.

Do you wear thongs (on your feet lol)
I think my past was not bad. I think some things that happened kinda messed with my head. I'm very intuitive and aware of the people around me, their body language etc. I can usually sense when someone is not totally relaxed around me, and, I prefer to be around people that are very self confident and like to be 100% themselves (not so guarded). I had a "traditional" upbringing. My parents did divorce, but, there was not raping, beating or any kind of verbal abuse going on. Yet, I still wish it had been different. The main thing was growing up without any kind of relationship with my Dad and not really liking or being close to my Step Father. (PAST) - future, who knows. I see myself growing old with my husband. If anything ever happened to him, to be honest, I have no clue. I would be afraid to jump into any relationship because I have made so many many mistakes in the past. Oh, I totally misread that !

I think more about the present actually. But between the two, the future. I'm not one to dwell in the past, unless it's reflecting on a happy memory......

Do you have a person in your life that you have great respect and admiration for?

Hmm...good question. I don't think there is any one person. But several. Different people that taught me things that made me who I am.

Do you look forward to Christmas?
I used to quite a lot but not anymore. I would like to enjoy Christmas again. I'm not sure what has happened.

Do you have family traditions?
All of our Christmas ornaments are special. Every year since the children were born we bought one ornament. We now have 46 ornaments that they picked out each year. That damn tree means a lot because of that.

Do you watch TV every night?

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