Yes or no?

Yes or no

  • Yes, democrats would

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • No, democrats wouldnt

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • Yes, Republicans would

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • No, republicans wouldnt

    Votes: 5 33.3%

  • Total voters
If Mexico attacked the US, and a republican president(not trump)decided to throw all Mexican nationals in concentration camps, would democrats support that?
Would republicans?

Does California count as a concentration camp?
Dems wouldnt, and repubs would.
Thats hilarious considering dems think FDR was a fucking godsend and repubs were against internment in the 40s.
Dipshits like rightwinger think you should jail people by their nationality or heritage if we go to war.

In 1942, Republicans supported the internment of Japanese
So did the Supreme Court
In 1942, Repubs won many seats in congress. One doesnt have to wonder why.
Edwin Carr did a public message where he admitted he lost because he supported internment.
I assume you would support a republican president throwing all the mexicans into concentration camps if mexico attacked us, correct?

Carr was one of the few Americans who opposed Japanese internment. A very brave man. He was not representative of the Republican Party.

Of course I oppose internment except for certain USMB posters
So you only oppose internment for certain races?

No, I oppose internment in general

Except for certain USMB Posters
But you supported FDR doing it.

Different times
After Pearl Harbor the nation panicked. All advisors supported it, Congress supported it, SCOTUS supported it.

Seemed like a good idea at the time
Maybe all this anti asian bigotry is stemmed from FDR? :dunno:
Dems wouldnt, and repubs would.
Thats hilarious considering dems think FDR was a fucking godsend and repubs were against internment in the 40s.
Dipshits like rightwinger think you should jail people by their nationality or heritage if we go to war.

In 1942, Republicans supported the internment of Japanese
So did the Supreme Court
In 1942, Repubs won many seats in congress. One doesnt have to wonder why.
Edwin Carr did a public message where he admitted he lost because he supported internment.
I assume you would support a republican president throwing all the mexicans into concentration camps if mexico attacked us, correct?

Carr was one of the few Americans who opposed Japanese internment. A very brave man. He was not representative of the Republican Party.

Of course I oppose internment except for certain USMB posters
So you only oppose internment for certain races?

No, I oppose internment in general

Except for certain USMB Posters
But you supported FDR doing it.

Different times
After Pearl Harbor the nation panicked. All advisors supported it, Congress supported it, SCOTUS supported it.

Seemed like a good idea at the time
It was a good idea. Japanese spies on the Pacific Coast were radioing back all the ship repairs. We'd have lost the Battle of Midway if the Japs knew the Yorktown was repaired and setting out.

Hooray for FDR! That was the right decision. Buncha damn spies, the lot of them. AND illegal aliens, of course.
Different times
After Pearl Harbor the nation panicked. All advisors supported it, Congress supported it, SCOTUS supported it.

Seemed like a good idea at the time

This sure sounds like what Fauci did last year . . . .
Dems wouldnt, and repubs would.
Thats hilarious considering dems think FDR was a fucking godsend and repubs were against internment in the 40s.
Dipshits like rightwinger think you should jail people by their nationality or heritage if we go to war.

In 1942, Republicans supported the internment of Japanese
So did the Supreme Court
In 1942, Repubs won many seats in congress. One doesnt have to wonder why.
Edwin Carr did a public message where he admitted he lost because he supported internment.
I assume you would support a republican president throwing all the mexicans into concentration camps if mexico attacked us, correct?

Carr was one of the few Americans who opposed Japanese internment. A very brave man. He was not representative of the Republican Party.

Of course I oppose internment except for certain USMB posters
So you only oppose internment for certain races?

No, I oppose internment in general

Except for certain USMB Posters
But you supported FDR doing it.

Different times
After Pearl Harbor the nation panicked. All advisors supported it, Congress supported it, SCOTUS supported it.

Seemed like a good idea at the time

But it still obviously was illegal and unnecessary.
The number of people who were wrong about it did not make it any more right.
It made no sense at all.
Assuming those of Japanese descent did have divided loyalties, it is not like there was anything harmful they could possibly do as long as they had no direct communications means.

The advisors, congress, and SCOTOUS all should have been punished for their failure.
Maybe all this anti asian bigotry is stemmed from FDR? :dunno:

Other way around.
It was the prevailing bigotry against Asians what allowed FDR's trangressions.
The German US population was much more of a risk, but no one cared about them because they were not racially different.
Dems wouldnt, and repubs would.
Thats hilarious considering dems think FDR was a fucking godsend and repubs were against internment in the 40s.
Dipshits like rightwinger think you should jail people by their nationality or heritage if we go to war.

In 1942, Republicans supported the internment of Japanese
So did the Supreme Court
In 1942, Repubs won many seats in congress. One doesnt have to wonder why.
Edwin Carr did a public message where he admitted he lost because he supported internment.
I assume you would support a republican president throwing all the mexicans into concentration camps if mexico attacked us, correct?

Carr was one of the few Americans who opposed Japanese internment. A very brave man. He was not representative of the Republican Party.

Of course I oppose internment except for certain USMB posters
So you only oppose internment for certain races?

No, I oppose internment in general

Except for certain USMB Posters
But you supported FDR doing it.

Different times
After Pearl Harbor the nation panicked. All advisors supported it, Congress supported it, SCOTUS supported it.

Seemed like a good idea at the time
It was a good idea. Japanese spies on the Pacific Coast were radioing back all the ship repairs. We'd have lost the Battle of Midway if the Japs knew the Yorktown was repaired and setting out.

Hooray for FDR! That was the right decision. Buncha damn spies, the lot of them. AND illegal aliens, of course.

Japanese could hire mercenaries of any race to send out ship information.
And Japanese have no more radio access than anyone.
There is no way for someone without inside information to know anything useful like when ships leave or what their destination is.
If Mexico attacked the US, and a republican president(not trump)decided to throw all Mexican nationals in concentration camps, would democrats support that?
Would republicans?
They likely both would just as they did with Japanese Americans during WWII by Stalin’s Stooge.
Japanese could hire mercenaries of any race to send out ship information.
And Japanese have no more radio access than anyone.
There is no way for someone without inside information to know anything useful like when ships leave or what their destination is.
No, that was the reason, the spying. I read a lot about World War II.

I'm a little surprised people don't look at WHY the Japs were interned. They were all on the Left Coast, and yeah, they were spying and radioing over intel to Japanese ships.
Different times
After Pearl Harbor the nation panicked. All advisors supported it, Congress supported it, SCOTUS supported it.

Seemed like a good idea at the time

This sure sounds like what Fauci did last year . . . .
Fauci did a great job.

Too bad Trump ignored him

No, I am extreme left wing, but Fauci totally and completely botched the job.
The LAST thing you ever want to do in any epidemic is "flatten the curve".
The epidemic ends when you reach the % of immune needed for herd immunity.
So slowing the rate of infection does no good at all.
You still need at least the same number of people to get infected and increase the count of those immune.
But slowing the rate of infection can do serious harm, because it gives the virus more time, and that means it can spread wider and deeper, to areas it might not have gotten to otherwise, as well as allowing it to evolve variants that may be more endemic to humans.
By lowering the initial peak, Fauci may have keep the virus around so long that it could have evolved a strain that will never leave and stay with humans now forever.

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