Yes, trump should be called to testify before the Select Committee

The cops testifying were worried about democracy and they went through hell with the terrorists.. If the insurrection was completed that would mean we would lose our democracy.

Doesn't democracy and the rule of laws mean anything to you republicans, I guess not.
how come it didnt mean anything to the democrats last summer?...
I wouldn't give him a microphone. the hearings are designed to hurt him and the Republicans in congress.
If Trump did nothing wrong then he should testify & clear his name, right Ace? Or is he too much of a fucking coward who will use the old bonespurs routine again? And that goes for:

Don Jr.

Make the whole mob testify & see how tough they are when confronted with their own cowardice.
What Trump witch hunt are we on now? Four? Russia, Impeachment I, Impeachment 2, this ...

I listened to some of the testimony this morning. What's sick is that cops, including black cops, told you the same thing after the traitor Democrat party supported leftists insurrectionists all last summer as antifa, BLM and other leftist extremist groups screamed and attacked them the same way.

And you didn't care.

Now you're just coming out with the crocodile tears. Oh the humanity! You're a traitor, the Democrat party committed treason
There will be rioters in every protest. This is completely different. A group that was called out by the then Former Guy called his thugs out to attack and stop the electoral vote count. He had been signaling the attack for weeks. He knew EXACTLY what was going to happen. The House Select committee is getting closer to the truth. trump is a giant, smelling, POS. And evidently, you love to hump the POS.
He was giving his speech when it started you fucking fool.

Ohhh I hope he testifiies
No way the coward testifies, even if forced to show up. He would have a lawyer with him and take the 5th, over and over, and over again. Bigly!!!

Then he can tell the truth and let us all know what he was doing while his cult invaded the US Capitol and tried to stop the certification of BIden's win. I would like to know what he did while this was happening. Wouldn't you? Or are you Kevin?
Not only Trump, Stone was actually at the Capitol talking with the militia leaders. Coordinating the attack ?
The protest at the Capitol was anything but peaceful...
Damaged Eagle is just another trump humper carrying the old tired lie. We all saw it on TV and we all have seen the violence that was January 6th. Independent Voters will not forget January 6th and the DNC will not let them.

So....repub party, please run trump again. And see how his cultist candidates do in the primaries.
If Trump did nothing wrong then he should testify & clear his name, right Ace? Or is he too much of a fucking coward who will use the old bonespurs routine again?

Sorry, but that's not how our system of justice works.

Donald Trump doesn't have to prove that he's innocent, He doesn't have to "clear his name", nor should he just because some internet pinhead like you thinks he should.

If there is serious evidence which demonstrates that he's acted illegally, then let's see it. Charge him, try him, convict him and sentence him. If he broke the law I'll support that 110%.

By suggesting he take the stand to clear his name, you're suggesting that you need his testimony to build a case against him. If that's the case, then you've already lost...

Then he can tell the truth and let us all know what he was doing while his cult invaded the US Capitol and tried to stop the certification of BIden's win. I would like to know what he did while this was happening. Wouldn't you? Or are you Kevin?

Then he can tell the truth and let us all know what he was doing while his cult invaded the US Capitol and tried to stop the certification of BIden's win. I would like to know what he did while this was happening. Wouldn't you? Or are you Kevin?

The DOJ has now officially cleared the way for Trump and his mafia to be forced to testify about the January 6 insurrection! No executive immunity. Subpoenas will be going out very soon.

Then he can tell the truth and let us all know what he was doing while his cult invaded the US Capitol and tried to stop the certification of BIden's win. I would like to know what he did while this was happening. Wouldn't you? Or are you Kevin?
He would steam roll your idiots lol
The protest at the Capitol was anything but peaceful...


Well yeah they did wave Old Glory and sing patriotic songs.




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If Trump did nothing wrong then he should testify & clear his name, right Ace? Or is he too much of a fucking coward who will use the old bonespurs routine again? And that goes for:

Don Jr.

Make the whole mob testify & see how tough they are when confronted with their own cowardice.
His speech that day cleared his name from you smearmongering fuckwits.
The DOJ has now officially cleared the way for Trump and his mafia to be forced to testify about the January 6 insurrection! No executive immunity. Subpoenas will be going out very soon.
What do you think Pelousy's Clown's will get Trump to say, Dumbass.

"I was at the WH watching it on TV while eating 2 scoops of ice cream"..

If Dotard is supeoned he'll have another attack of bonespurs the day he is scheduled to testify & pay a visit to Walter Reed because he's a fucking coward.

Then he can tell the truth and let us all know what he was doing while his cult invaded the US Capitol and tried to stop the certification of BIden's win. I would like to know what he did while this was happening. Wouldn't you? Or are you Kevin?
Then he can tell the truth, har har.

Anyway, talk about must see TV. That’s pay per view material right there.
There will be rioters in every protest. This is completely different. A group that was called out by the then Former Guy called his thugs out to attack and stop the electoral vote count. He had been signaling the attack for weeks. He knew EXACTLY what was going to happen. The House Select committee is getting closer to the truth. trump is a giant, smelling, POS. And evidently, you love to hump the POS.
Trump knows more then what we are told about you Progs and some Repubs and what he called the swamp.
Sorry, but that's not how our system of justice works.

Donald Trump doesn't have to prove that he's innocent, He doesn't have to "clear his name", nor should he just because some internet pinhead like you thinks he should.

If there is serious evidence which demonstrates that he's acted illegally, then let's see it. Charge him, try him, convict him and sentence him. If he broke the law I'll support that 110%.

By suggesting he take the stand to clear his name, you're suggesting that you need his testimony to build a case against him. If that's the case, then you've already lost...
Donald trump instigated the entire attack. His role in this cult attempt parallels the person who yells "FIRE" in the crowded theater. That person also should be held accountable.

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