Yet Again- Obama By-Passes Congress

Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour
Yeah, right. The separation of powers means nothing to you commies
"DO WHAT YOU CAN" legally, dingbat dupe. "Commies" is your ridiculous level of insight. Read something.
First..Go fuck yourself.
You sit at your computer and whine like a school girl.
There is a reason why the Framers created three separate branches of government.
Obama is in violation of the US Constitution. He views himself as an elected king.
All of his shit is DONE once he's out of office. And you'll just have to deal with it.
Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour
Yeah, right. The separation of powers means nothing to you commies
Obama is operating under his executive powers

Why doesn't Congress use its legislative powers?
No, he isn't. he's usurping congressional authority.
Executive powers do not give the POTUS the power to create law. Do not give the POTUS the power to bypass congress. Do not give the POTUS the legal right to change existing law..
In any event, his shit is done in 2017
Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them

This is Obamas finest hour
Yeah, right. The separation of powers means nothing to you commies
Obama is operating under his executive powers

Why doesn't Congress use its legislative powers?
No, he isn't. he's usurping congressional authority.
Executive powers do not give the POTUS the power to create law. Do not give the POTUS the power to bypass congress. Do not give the POTUS the legal right to change existing law..
In any event, his shit is done in 2017
If he is.......then Republicans would have no problem taking the President to court to invalidate his executive orders

But even they know they have no grounds
Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them. This is Obamas finest hour
Finest hour? I suppose so if you're a communist. What about the constitution that points him towards Congress?
Why doesn't Congress do something about it then? If they think compromise is a dirty word, a notion as old as the Constitution, Obama will just have to go it alone. I can't imagine someone hasn't taken him to court over this. What have the courts said?

obama has lost his case in court 2 dozen times

So? Win some, lose some

Step back and keep passing new Executive Orders. Meanwhile, he won Obamacare, DOMA, same sex marriage, repeal of Republican abortion controls

Remind me what conservatives have won again?

Wow. You call that winning? Really?

There should be shame associated with being slammed 13 times by the courts? His wins mean nothing. Trying to rule in face of the Constitution holding you in contempt is shameful.

Obama took an oath to defend the Constitution. Not attack it.

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Not merely a mention of Congress and that pesky Constitution

Why does Obama refuse to Govern?

This is like a dictatorship



Obama’s Global Warming, Syria Push at United Nations Skips Congress

At the United Nations Monday, President Barack Obama touted what are probably the two biggest items left on his to-do list before leaving office — a global warming agreement later this year in Paris and a settlement to the Syria conflict. Congress barely got a mention.

The Paris accord, like the Iran deal before it, will be strictly an executive agreement, given that Obama wouldn’t have the votes to pass anything in either chamber

Obama's Global Warming, Syria Push at UN

How everyone forgets....
...OK, how 'bout the 5,000+ US troops dead and another 30,000 US troops maimed, lives ruined, families ruined...thats what happened the last time GWB by passed congress.
And I can see that you dont know what a dictatorship is.

GWB had Obama's and Hillaries vote to do so

Obama is a poster boy of a dictator.

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What is wrong with running on making America better?

Don't all Presidents do that?

obama didn't run on making it better, he ran on fundamentally transforming it.

fundamentally: the very core of

transform: make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.

America didn't need a fundamental transformation, it needed (and still needs) common sense, fiscally sound governing. Neither side provides this.

Feel free to link to any other president running on fundamentally transforming this country.

The only way he could achieve this transformation is via e/o. And I'd bet a buck he has something on Roberts.
The only way he could achieve this transformation is via e/o. And I'd bet a buck he has something on Roberts.

So, I'll ask again of right wingers......If Obama has "transformed" DC through executive orders.......PLEASE list the number of EOs by GWB vs. Obama's.....

Go on, we'd love to see your response.
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Took a while but Obama finally figured it out....Congress is useless, do what you can without them. This is Obamas finest hour
Finest hour? I suppose so if you're a communist. What about the constitution that points him towards Congress?
Why doesn't Congress do something about it then? If they think compromise is a dirty word, a notion as old as the Constitution, Obama will just have to go it alone. I can't imagine someone hasn't taken him to court over this. What have the courts said?

obama has lost his case in court 2 dozen times

So? Win some, lose some

Step back and keep passing new Executive Orders. Meanwhile, he won Obamacare, DOMA, same sex marriage, repeal of Republican abortion controls

Remind me what conservatives have won again?

Wow. You call that winning? Really?

I call that a butt kicking

All Republicans can do is whimper
What is wrong with running on making America better?

Don't all Presidents do that?

obama didn't run on making it better, he ran on fundamentally transforming it.

fundamentally: the very core of

transform: make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.

America didn't need a fundamental transformation, it needed (and still needs) common sense, fiscally sound governing. Neither side provides this.

Feel free to link to any other president running on fundamentally transforming this country.

The only way he could achieve this transformation is via e/o. And I'd bet a buck he has something on Roberts.

Didn't need a transformation?
Our Congress hasn't worked in over a decade, we were in economic collapse, 30 million without healthcare, we were involved in two wars
There should be shame associated with being slammed 13 times by the courts? His wins mean nothing. Trying to rule in face of the Constitution holding you in contempt is shameful.

Obama took an oath to defend the Constitution. Not attack it.


That is why we have courts. To settle differences in interpreting the laws. Sometimes you are right, sometimes the other guy is right
The only way he could achieve this transformation is via e/o. And I'd bet a buck he has something on Roberts.

So, I'll ask again of right wingers......If Obama has "transformed" DC through executive orders.......PLEASE list the number of EOs by GWB vs. Obama's.....

Go on, we'd love to see your response.

Again, it's not the quantity of it's the context of.
Since that's always been my stance, no.

Give it a rest.....Fine, you hate Obama....but you're a powerless right winger who likes to bitch and moan for the sake of bitching and moaning.....Stock up on laxatives for another 15 months of executive orders by Obama.
Awwwwwwwwwww. Are you sad today? What can we do to make you feel better?

The dude is POTUS. He just did things that presidents do. Should he ask congress if it's OK to wipe his ass too?

Congress is elected by the people. So was Obama. Why does Obama think the House and Senate should not have a say in things that impact America?

He rules like a dictator and refuses to govern.



Not merely a mention of Congress and that pesky Constitution

Why does Obama refuse to Govern?

This is like a dictatorship



Obama’s Global Warming, Syria Push at United Nations Skips Congress

At the United Nations Monday, President Barack Obama touted what are probably the two biggest items left on his to-do list before leaving office — a global warming agreement later this year in Paris and a settlement to the Syria conflict. Congress barely got a mention.

The Paris accord, like the Iran deal before it, will be strictly an executive agreement, given that Obama wouldn’t have the votes to pass anything in either chamber

Obama's Global Warming, Syria Push at UN



Since that's always been my stance, no.

Give it a rest.....Fine, you hate Obama....but you're a powerless right winger who likes to bitch and moan for the sake of bitching and moaning.....Stock up on laxatives for another 15 months of executive orders by Obama.

My stance has been consistent. obama was firmly against e/o's ... before he was for them.

“I taught constitutional law for ten years. I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.”

Guy Benson - Pure Gold: Obama Slams Bush for Expanding Executive Power, Ignoring Congress

Pen-and-phone phoney strikes again.

Keep on


My stance has been consistent. obama was firmly against e/o's ... before he was for them.

ANY leader who does NOT adapt his or her strategy to the changing situation is NO leader......For example:

When Obama asked republicans for an immigration bill....they REFUSED to act........ergo, an executive order was essential.....and even when he signed the EO, he asked republicans to come up with something better......He's still waiting.
Since that's always been my stance, no.

Give it a rest.....Fine, you hate Obama....but you're a powerless right winger who likes to bitch and moan for the sake of bitching and moaning.....Stock up on laxatives for another 15 months of executive orders by Obama.

My stance has been consistent. obama was firmly against e/o's ... before he was for them.

“I taught constitutional law for ten years. I take the Constitution very seriously. The biggest problems that we're facing right now have to do with George Bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not go through Congress at all, and that’s what I intend to reverse when I’m President of the United States of America.”

Guy Benson - Pure Gold: Obama Slams Bush for Expanding Executive Power, Ignoring Congress

Pen-and-phone phoney strikes again.

Keep on



April 30, 2006

President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.

Among the laws Bush said he can ignore are military rules and regulations, affirmative-action provisions, requirements that Congress be told about immigration services problems, "whistle-blower" protections for nuclear regulatory officials, and safeguards against political interference in federally funded research.

Legal scholars say the scope and aggression of Bush's assertions that he can bypass laws represent a concerted effort to expand his power at the expense of Congress, upsetting the balance between the branches of government.

The Constitution is clear in assigning to Congress the power to write the laws and to the president a duty "to take care that the laws be faithfully executed." Bush, however, has repeatedly declared that he does not need to "execute" a law he believes is unconstitutional.

...But with the disclosure of Bush's domestic spying program, in which he ignored a law requiring warrants to tap the phones of Americans, many legal specialists say Bush is hardly reluctant to bypass laws he believes he has the constitutional authority to override.
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