Yet Again- Obama By-Passes Congress

Obama has given future presidents power they haven't had in the past. So don't bitch when a republican president acts like a dictator. Like rightie said it will be his finest hour.

Not to interfere with your stupidity......BUT, if executive orders equal "dictatorship". then know that GWB signed almost 300 of them. while Obama has signed less than 200 so far.

Facts are a bitch, aren't they?
Obama is doing what he thinks is necessary for the good of the country

Republicans are doing the same....nothing for the good of the country
There's one irrefutable truth that will be underscored in Nov. 2016......There will be LOTS of new right wingers' screen names claiming that they never stated what some republican morons have stated just on this thread.
There's one irrefutable truth that will be underscored in Nov. 2016......There will be LOTS of new right wingers' screen names claiming that they never stated what some republican morons have stated just on this thread.

We saw alot of conservative posters drop off after 2012
By his own words, obama fails as a leader.

obama does not play well with others, he does not possess the skills needed to lead, so he e/o's it. The very thing he bashed W for, the very thing he wasn't going to do ... obama has turned around and doubled down on it. And the left cheers.

obama is many things but a leader is not one of them.

Our President is the only one showing leadership in Washington today

Do Republicans think firing Boehner substitutes for leadership?
Obama has given future presidents power they haven't had in the past. So don't bitch when a republican president acts like a dictator. Like rightie said it will be his finest hour.

Not to interfere with your stupidity......BUT, if executive orders equal "dictatorship". then know that GWB signed almost 300 of them. while Obama has signed less than 200 so far.

Facts are a bitch, aren't they?
Don't complain when Carson or Trump does the same.
obama does not play well with others, he does not possess the skills needed to lead, so he e/o's it. The very thing he bashed W for, the very thing he wasn't going to do ... obama has turned around and doubled down on it. And the left cheers.

obama is many things but a leader is not one of them.

Again, facts are anathema for right wingers....

Question: How many executive orders has Obama signed, versus GWB???

Answer the above question without your usual hatred...and even a moron would see how wrong you are.
Here's a horrible truth about the GOP front runner that most witless right wingers fail to acknowledge:

Trump’s miserable 13 percent favorable rating with Hispanic voters suggests that if he becomes the Republican nominee, the GOP will suffer worse numbers with Hispanic voters than they did in 2012. Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote in 2012 by a crushing 71-27 margin to Barack Obama. By comparison, George W. Bush only lost the Hispanic vote to John Kerry by a closer 58-40 spread. Whatever other faults George W. Bush had, he did not practice demagoguery on the immigration issue, and as a consequence, he was able to maintain a moderate base of support with Hispanic voters.

With such dismal levels of support from Latino voters, Trump has very little chance of ever becoming president.
obama does not play well with others, he does not possess the skills needed to lead, so he e/o's it. The very thing he bashed W for, the very thing he wasn't going to do ... obama has turned around and doubled down on it. And the left cheers.

obama is many things but a leader is not one of them.

Again, facts are anathema for right wingers....

Question: How many executive orders has Obama signed, versus GWB???

Answer the above question without your usual hatred...and even a moron would see how wrong you are.

It's not the number of it's the content of that you need to look at.
Here's a horrible truth about the GOP front runner that most witless right wingers fail to acknowledge:

Trump’s miserable 13 percent favorable rating with Hispanic voters suggests that if he becomes the Republican nominee, the GOP will suffer worse numbers with Hispanic voters than they did in 2012. Mitt Romney lost the Latino vote in 2012 by a crushing 71-27 margin to Barack Obama. By comparison, George W. Bush only lost the Hispanic vote to John Kerry by a closer 58-40 spread. Whatever other faults George W. Bush had, he did not practice demagoguery on the immigration issue, and as a consequence, he was able to maintain a moderate base of support with Hispanic voters.

With such dismal levels of support from Latino voters, Trump has very little chance of ever becoming president.

So, how well does the GOP front runner, Trump, do with ANOTHER minority bloc of voters???

Quinnipiac University released a national poll [Sept. 24] showing that while Trump is leading the Republican Party nationally, he is polling poorly with black Americans in the general election.

The poll found:

  • When asked "Would you say that Donald Trump cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?" 92% of black people said no.

  • 52% of black people said Trump does not have strong leadership qualities.

  • 73% of black people said Trump is not strong or trustworthy.

  • 79% of black people said they have an unfavorable view of Trump.
They can also tell liberals they can get on the bus, but they will have to sit in the back. You know the way Obama told the republicans.

Well, no wonder you're pissed......That darn Obama has had you sit in the back of the bus these last 7 years????

That is just horrible......and di someone also steal your lunch money?
Seriously good folks......Just take a look at Texas' and Florida's changing demographics, and bear in mind that without those 2 states electoral college votes, the GOP may not see the WH for decades....unless, that is, they dramatically change their disdain for and the way they are treating minority voters.
They can also tell liberals they can get on the bus, but they will have to sit in the back. You know the way Obama told the republicans.

Well, no wonder you're pissed......That darn Obama has had you sit in the back of the bus these last 7 years????

That is just horrible......and di someone also steal your lunch money?
Like I said don't complain, if you do I will call you out on it.
By his own words, obama fails as a leader.

obama does not play well with others, he does not possess the skills needed to lead, so he e/o's it. The very thing he bashed W for, the very thing he wasn't going to do ... obama has turned around and doubled down on it. And the left cheers.

obama is many things but a leader is not one of them.


This lacks any sort of context at all.

President Obama started his administration with an opposing party that never ever gave him a chance. At his inauguration, the Republicans hosted a power point slide show that presented a plan of complete obstruction. They would oppose, obstruct and filibuster any legislation that Obama supported. Mitch McConnell said openly that he was dedicated to making the Presidency of Obama's, one term. Rupert Murdoch and Freedom Works used their vast resources to cobble together a new "party" based completely on the racist elements in the American Population, called the "Tea Party" (Which isn't the Ron Paul version).

Given all of this, President Obama constantly reached out to Republicans to work on policy together. The ACA was the Heritage foundations "alternative" to HillaryCare and was introduced to a state by Republican Governor Mitt Romney. Even with Republican contribution and input, they still blocked it. President Obama crafted a "Grand Bargain" with Speaker Boehner, which was rejected by Republicans. A Sequester was put into place instead, something suggested by President Obama as a way to get a continuing resolution through congress. Still? Congress shut down the government. He's invited them to luncheons, dinners and other events and was constantly and consistently snubbed. He even deported more "illegal immigrants" then any other modern President and beefed up the border in hopes of passing comprehensive immigration reform. Republicans balked on that too.

No other modern President has had to deal with this sort of nonsense.
Undoubtedly, Obamas first two years were his best. Obamacare, Stimulus, DADT repeal, START treaty. But he had a Democratic Congress and a short term super majority

When Republicans took Congress, they taunted Obama as a lame duck. Republicans are now calling the shots and Obama is Mr Irrelevant

But Obama kicked it into gear. Immigration reform, recognition of Cuba, Iran nuclear agreement, trade and environmental agreements with China. The courts backed him on Obamacare and same sex marriage......all with a Republican Congress

In the absence of leadership in Congress, Obama has substituted leadership from the White House

But, those are all LIBERAL issues!! That is not leadership to REAL Americans. :alcoholic:

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