Yet another made-up Hate Crime


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?

The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?
Isn't Atlanta a Democrat run city?
Why do these things always happen in Democrat run cities.....but they think they can get away with blaming Republicans for it?

The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?
It's hardly made-up, when the president was stigmatizing Asians by calling Covid-19 the "Wuhan flu". His demagoguery on the subject gave a signal to the less evolved that being angry and taking action was OK. It's similar to the speeches he gave that led to 1/6, so much of what happened is on his head. He gave license to the worst of us. Then to top if off with an another massive instance of hypocrisy, the same elements are carrying water for the Chinese on the Alaska meeting.
Should we wonder why no one is reporting the sad and terrible reality of women kidnapped for sex jobs, those that came to this country illegally and fell into sex work or those who choose to work as "massage therapists" were killed by a john?

Of course not. The victim du jour are Asians with special bonus if you call it hate.
Trump saying loudly and publicly that the pandemic was, if not CAUSED by the CCP, exacerbated by the CCP is hardly an excuse to shoot Koreans, is it?

You idiot.

Herd mentality, dude. If you can't see that then you're not paying attention.
That's the mentality of lemmings. You get one parrot up there constantly spewing rhetoric, then it spills out and gets amplified by right wing media,
and then holds sway and influence over the loyal masses. You see a "different" looking face on the streets and you immediately have a knee jerk
reaction. "It's your fault!". That's how violence happens. Especially among the right wingers who seem to have little in the way of physical or verbal self control.
It's hardly made-up, when the president was stigmatizing Asians by calling Covid-19 the "Wuhan flu". His demagoguery on the subject gave a signal to the less evolved that being angry and taking action was OK.

Ok correct me if I am wrong here: The virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, right? So, what would you have called it? Of course, he is going to call it the Wuhan Flu....or Wuhan Virus. He was stating that the Chinese were responsible for this COVID. These Asian Hate crimes isn't because of why it's spiking in the first place. It's just another excuse for the Democrat platform to use. They won't go after the Mexicans or Latinos - since they are openingly letting these illegal immigrants across the border into our country. You don't think they are bringing that stuff (and other diseases) into the country?
It's hardly made-up, when the president was stigmatizing Asians by calling Covid-19 the "Wuhan flu". His demagoguery on the subject gave a signal to the less evolved that being angry and taking action was OK. It's similar to the speeches he gave that led to 1/6, so much of what happened is on his head. He gave license to the worst of us. Then to top if off with an another massive instance of hypocrisy, the same elements are carrying water for the Chinese on the Alaska meeting.
They know this. Buyt they have a lot to deny. They know who is attacking these people, and they know why.

Their hero gives them license to lie all they want.

The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?
Isn't Atlanta a Democrat run city?
Why do these things always happen in Democrat run cities.....but they think they can get away with blaming Republicans for it?
The only person playing the blame game and pointing fingers is you..
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The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?
Vice President Harris's comments are welcome, for sure and are hardly anti-American. They are anti-hate. The majority of Asian anti-hate crimes are inflicted by Trump supporters, who are riled by Trump's anti-Chinese rhetoric as he essentially encouraged their outrageous behavior, as he did on Jan 6. Trump should speak up and condemn this behavior, but no because he likes it.
We deserved the mocking by the Chinese, and I find Sharpton to be a repulsive, 2 faced individual (Tawana Brawley comes to mind).
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The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?
Murder is a hateful crime.
It's hardly made-up, when the president was stigmatizing Asians by calling Covid-19 the "Wuhan flu". His demagoguery on the subject gave a signal to the less evolved that being angry and taking action was OK.
Ok correct me if I am wrong here: The virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, right? So, what would you have called it? Of course, he is going to call it the Wuhan Flu....or Wuhan Virus. He was stating that the Chinese were responsible for this COVID. These Asian Hate crimes isn't because of why it's spiking in the first place. It's just another excuse for the Democrat platform to use. They won't go after the Mexicans or Latinos - since they are openingly letting these illegal immigrants across the border into our country. You don't think they are bringing that stuff (and other diseases) into the country?
The accepted name is Covid-19, so "Wuhan flu" is just a dog whistle. It's telling that you didn't cite the rest my post that pointed the hypocrisy of the same characters now carrying water for the Chinese over the Alaska meeting. Be prepared for that to be brought up REPEATEDLY anytime this kind of trash thread is posted.

The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?
Good time for the President to say something, but it is far from clear that it was a race thing.
Trump saying loudly and publicly that the pandemic was, if not CAUSED by the CCP, exacerbated by the CCP is hardly an excuse to shoot Koreans, is it?

You idiot.

Herd mentality, dude. If you can't see that then you're not paying attention.
That's the mentality of lemmings. You get one parrot up there constantly spewing rhetoric, then it spills out and gets amplified by right wing media,
and then holds sway and influence over the loyal masses. You see a "different" looking face on the streets and you immediately have a knee jerk
reaction. "It's your fault!". That's how violence happens. Especially among the right wingers who seem to have little in the way of physical or verbal self control.
The herd mentality in a city as compared to more rural areas may be different. Frankly, with all of the close contact and riots in the cities there is a pattern of living that should produce an answer. But having deep state organizations like the CDC and frauds like Fauci it is hard to believe.
Trump saying loudly and publicly that the pandemic was, if not CAUSED by the CCP, exacerbated by the CCP is hardly an excuse to shoot Koreans, is it?

You idiot.

Herd mentality, dude. If you can't see that then you're not paying attention.
That's the mentality of lemmings. You get one parrot up there constantly spewing rhetoric, then it spills out and gets amplified by right wing media,
and then holds sway and influence over the loyal masses. You see a "different" looking face on the streets and you immediately have a knee jerk
reaction. "It's your fault!". That's how violence happens. Especially among the right wingers who seem to have little in the way of physical or verbal self control.
The herd mentality in a city as compared to more rural areas may be different. Frankly, with all of the close contact and riots in the cities there is a pattern of living that should produce an answer. But having deep state organizations like the CDC and frauds like Fauci it is hard to believe.

Yeah, except with the rise of the alt-right Internet media and right wing talk radio and now television, it's easier than ever to stir the grievance pot. You can be rural or urban. Most of the people involved in the January 6th insurrection did not hail from urban America. Say the phrases "Wuhan Flu", "Kung Flu", "Chicom" and beat the Chinese narrative enough, you get what you got the other day. Even if the people you are blaming..are actual American citizens.
Trump saying loudly and publicly that the pandemic was, if not CAUSED by the CCP, exacerbated by the CCP is hardly an excuse to shoot Koreans, is it?

You idiot.

Herd mentality, dude. If you can't see that then you're not paying attention.
That's the mentality of lemmings. You get one parrot up there constantly spewing rhetoric, then it spills out and gets amplified by right wing media,
and then holds sway and influence over the loyal masses. You see a "different" looking face on the streets and you immediately have a knee jerk
reaction. "It's your fault!". That's how violence happens. Especially among the right wingers who seem to have little in the way of physical or verbal self control.
The herd mentality in a city as compared to more rural areas may be different. Frankly, with all of the close contact and riots in the cities there is a pattern of living that should produce an answer. But having deep state organizations like the CDC and frauds like Fauci it is hard to believe.

Yeah, except with the rise of the alt-right Internet media and right wing talk radio and now television, it's easier than ever to stir the grievance pot. You can be rural or urban. Most of the people involved in the January 6th insurrection did not hail from urban America. Say the phrases "Wuhan Flu", "Kung Flu", "Chicom" and beat the Chinese narrative enough, you get what you got the other day. Even if the people you are blaming..are actual American citizens.
Trump knows these attacks are happening, and he's not stopping.

That tells you all you need to know.
It's hardly made-up, when the president was stigmatizing Asians by calling Covid-19 the "Wuhan flu". His demagoguery on the subject gave a signal to the less evolved that being angry and taking action was OK.

Ok correct me if I am wrong here: The virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China, right? So, what would you have called it? Of course, he is going to call it the Wuhan Flu....or Wuhan Virus. He was stating that the Chinese were responsible for this COVID. These Asian Hate crimes isn't because of why it's spiking in the first place. It's just another excuse for the Democrat platform to use. They won't go after the Mexicans or Latinos - since they are openingly letting these illegal immigrants across the border into our country. You don't think they are bringing that stuff (and other diseases) into the country?

Let's not forget, that in addition to 'book burners', the Leftists are 'word burners,' too.

The President has done his Leftist duty by flitting out to Atlanta to scold Americans about the phony surge in anti-Asian hate crimes, based on a horrific crime that from all indications had nothing to do with anti-Asian hate, but rather the self-loathing perpetrator's desire to "punish" the local prostitution community.

From every indication, anti-Asian hate crimes are on the rise, but the actual numbers are positively microscopic when compared to anti-Black and anti-Jewish hate crimes, and furthermore, the majority of anti-Asian hate crimes are inflicted by African Americans. One might recall that during one of the more riotous periods in our recent history, the exalted "Reverend" Al Sharpton directed his hate toward Korean grocers in New York, for having the audacity to build successful businesses in Black neighborhoods.

Is it any wonder that Chinese representatives in Alaska used just this sort of destructive, empty-headed anti-American rhetoric - spoken by Americans, no less, like "President" Harris - to mock us for our duplicity?
Here are some stats on interracial crime to ponder.
Race and Crime: Who Attacks Whom? - American Renaissance (





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