Yet Another Obama Administration Lie

And once again, RWNJs are howling like Coyotes over---- uh, a man who landed on the wrong side of the border.

Stat, tell me that it is slightly more than interesting that the president will trade 5 high ranking terrorists for a questionable soldier yet he won't lift a finger to a soldier who had good standing in the services when he makes a wrong turn and ends up in Mexico, who is supposedly 'our friend'. Fourteen years!!!

Empathy not your strong suit? I have more respect for you than that.

Actually, I am full of empathy for both young men.

But we don't know all the facts in the Bergdahl case and the whole thing reeks of secret ops to me. Why in the world would you call him "questionable"? Do YOU really know what happened, or have you already convicted that man in your own mind?

And then, you want to question MY empathy?

Funny, that.

The men that served with Bergdahl say he just walked off the job and his patriotism was questionable. We don't hear that from Tahmooressi's buddies in the service. If he had PTSD, that may explain his getting his directions mixed up, I don't know. But I doubt if he was gun running with three weapons in his truck.

Jackson, gun runners don't register their weapons. Those were his personal, legally owned firearms.
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.

Why should he be released after he broke the law?

Should Obama release all the Mexican citizens in our jails?

He will in time to vote Democratic in the 2016 election.

Link to any illegal Mexicans voting in our elections

Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers

Thanks to Democrats Masses of Illegals Are Voting in US and State Elections

Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections

Complaint Filed over Illegal Alien Voters FrontPage Magazine

The video is from April 2012, more than 2 years ago.

It shows that the TV crew made a list of approximately 100 names THROUGHOUT the state of people they claimed were not US citizens who voted.

100 / 8,495,000 = 0.0012%.

So, you are saying that 12 one-thousandths of one percent is massive? Really?


That being said, no non-american should ever vote in a US election.

I wonder how many of them do it in North Dakota, a Ruby Red state with absolutely no voter registration and no voted ID requirements at all? Hmmmm......

Thanks to Republicans, lots of illegal immigrants are voting in US and state elections!!!


One small TV crew was able to find that many without much investigation. Just imagine what a full scale investigation in the state would reveal. It's just accepted that illegals are voting and we can make a pretty good guess which way they are voting...the uninformed usually vote democratic.

Now back to topic at hand...Mr. Obama and his reluctance to help a veteran who allegedly took a wrong turn that may cost him 14 years...

Just a thought for you.

Do you think that the Mexican police and there entry ports are not equipped with cameras? Don't you think it can be proven in a millisecond that this veteran really was trying to turn around, or was trying to travel deeper within Mexico? And if he was trying to turn around, don't you think they would have let him go? They have enough problems on their hands, they don't need an extra one.

And what exactly would you suggest that our President do, hmmmm?

Since we have so generously taken the lowest grade of citizens off their hands, the Mexican president would likely be open to oblige our 'leader' in a request to review the case of Tahmooressi. El Presidente Obama could indicate that he might not be so open to allowing these Mexican citizens to run rampant across the boarder if the Mexican President does not find in favor of Tahmooressi. Even hints on blocking the act of sending back $ to Mexico could be brought up. Our King can do anything with his pen!

Have you considered doing a number on the John Stewart show?


You do know they have closed the asylums and let the occupants loose?
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.
What's the lie? Did the president promise to address this issue if a petition crossed his desk?
The President stated that if he got enough signatures on an initiative on his website he would respond to it.

Well, technically, he responded. He said he wouldn't do a damned thing about him.

Several months later when inane bullshit gets answered in a month or less...

I admit, I hadn't heard about the response to the petition over the labor day weekend.
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.

Are you kidding me?

With rightwing America using him as their poster boy? You telling me they are not coughing up big money for his legal defense?
All the corrupt fool Obama would have to do to get the Marine's release, is call the corrupt fool running the Mexican government (aka cartels) and demand his release....and it is done.

He will not because the military generally did not vote for him, dislikes him just as he dislikes them. Plus being an avid hater of the Second Amendment (except for his personal safety he gets protected by men carrying guns)...makes the Marine's case a double whammy.

Let him rot in that Mexican prison....says Obama...he has better things to do.

Why should he be released after he broke the law?

Should Obama release all the Mexican citizens in our jails?

He will in time to vote Democratic in the 2016 election.

Link to any illegal Mexicans voting in our elections

Illegal Aliens Caught Voting and Stealing Elections In Florida In Vast Numbers

Thanks to Democrats Masses of Illegals Are Voting in US and State Elections

Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections

Complaint Filed over Illegal Alien Voters FrontPage Magazine

The video is from April 2012, more than 2 years ago.

It shows that the TV crew made a list of approximately 100 names THROUGHOUT the state of people they claimed were not US citizens who voted.

100 / 8,495,000 = 0.0012%.

So, you are saying that 12 one-thousandths of one percent is massive? Really?


That being said, no non-american should ever vote in a US election.

I wonder how many of them do it in North Dakota, a Ruby Red state with absolutely no voter registration and no voted ID requirements at all? Hmmmm......

Thanks to Republicans, lots of illegal immigrants are voting in US and state elections!!!


One small TV crew was able to find that many without much investigation. Just imagine what a full scale investigation in the state would reveal. It's just accepted that illegals are voting and we can make a pretty good guess which way they are voting...the uninformed usually vote democratic.

Now back to topic at hand...Mr. Obama and his reluctance to help a veteran who allegedly took a wrong turn that may cost him 14 years...

Just a thought for you.

Do you think that the Mexican police and there entry ports are not equipped with cameras? Don't you think it can be proven in a millisecond that this veteran really was trying to turn around, or was trying to travel deeper within Mexico? And if he was trying to turn around, don't you think they would have let him go? They have enough problems on their hands, they don't need an extra one.

And what exactly would you suggest that our President do, hmmmm?

Mr. Research, you're talking out your ass. There IS video, dickhead. Google it.
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.

Are you kidding me?

With rightwing America using him as their poster boy? You telling me they are not coughing up big money for his legal defense?

Kinda hard to do fundraising when you're stuck in a Mexican prison and don't have a puppet in the oval office doing it for you.
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.

Are you kidding me?

With rightwing America using him as their poster boy? You telling me they are not coughing up big money for his legal defense?

Kinda hard to do fundraising when you're stuck in a Mexican prison and don't have a puppet in the oval office doing it for you.

All this time and the Fox/NRAbots have not raised any funds?
It is not up to the President to make sure that gun runners get out of jail free

He broke the law, then tried to escape. He will face the legal consequences. If he gets a good lawyer, he should get out with time served
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.

Are you kidding me?

With rightwing America using him as their poster boy? You telling me they are not coughing up big money for his legal defense?

Kinda hard to do fundraising when you're stuck in a Mexican prison and don't have a puppet in the oval office doing it for you.

It is not up to the President to make sure that gun runners get out of jail free

Gun runners don't register their weapons, dumbass.

He broke the law, then tried to escape. He will face the legal consequences. If he gets a good lawyer, he should get out with time served

He made a wrong turn. He couldn't get turned around. He asked the border guards ON OUR SIDE OF THE BORDER to let him turn around, and they directed him to drive through.

Educate yourself, idiot.

If he gets a good lawyer, he should get out with time served

Post your qualifications to make such an assertion or admit you're talking out your ass.
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.

Are you kidding me?

With rightwing America using him as their poster boy? You telling me they are not coughing up big money for his legal defense?

Kinda hard to do fundraising when you're stuck in a Mexican prison and don't have a puppet in the oval office doing it for you.

Reagan was able to do has every president since Reagan..
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.

Are you kidding me?

With rightwing America using him as their poster boy? You telling me they are not coughing up big money for his legal defense?

Kinda hard to do fundraising when you're stuck in a Mexican prison and don't have a puppet in the oval office doing it for you.

Reagan was able to do has every president since Reagan..

Do post links where Reagon was fundraising while in Mexican prison. I'm just dying to read them.
Yes, I believe Mexico has a legitimate legal system and Tahmooressi will get a fair trial. He will also have some of the best lawyers money can buy

You're talking out your ass. He's already burned through most of his savings thanks to our corrupt government not lifting a finger to help him.

Are you kidding me?

With rightwing America using him as their poster boy? You telling me they are not coughing up big money for his legal defense?

Kinda hard to do fundraising when you're stuck in a Mexican prison and don't have a puppet in the oval office doing it for you.

Reagan was able to do has every president since Reagan..

Do post links where Reagon was fundraising while in Mexican prison. I'm just dying to read them.

Bring those links and back up your claim, AssShine.
How should Mexico respond?

1. Give in to pressure from the American gun lobby and release Tamoressi with a slap on the wrist
2. Make an example of Tamoressi and throw the book at him

How do you think it will play out ?

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