Yet another school shooting

More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

You cannot control points of entry to a school any more than you can have two gates for an NFL stadium! It's stupid and every one of you nimrods need to catch a clue!

Ever notice that there are no metal detectors in large venues anymore? Because they are pieces of shit!

I went into the VA office one day and it took them at least three minutes to determine I was NOT carry a gun because:

1) the buttons on my jacket were metal, so each sleeve and the front alarmed.
2) my belt buckle was metal, so it alarmed.
3) the fly in my pants alarmed
4) both of my shoes alarmed from the metal in them
5) my tie tack alarmed and it was smaller than a penny!

It was a good thing that there wasn't a line of people behind me!

Now, repeat that about 3000 times for kids carrying backpacks with metal zippers, metal in pens and pencils, spiral notebooks, metal baseball bats for practice, etc.

Heck, our archery teams carry their bows and arrows to class with them each day, and they are locked up during the day!
Listen you nimrod, the metal detectors are the start, and of course the attire that sets the thing off will have to change, and a dress code would be in order. Then just like airlines you will find out as students what you can bring and what you can't bring in. Everything else is supplied beyond the check point by the school to the students if need be.

It will work, and it should work... Stop with the idiotic excuses already. It's not like they will be getting surprised at the check points having the same students and staff attending all year. Good grief.

Have you ever been in a school where metal detectors are used?

Red Lake MN had a metal detector for their school. When the gunman thought he might get caught, he shot and killed the unarmed security guard operating the metal detector. How well did that help?
Not a very well thought out excuse on your part. Just saying... Everything is crude and full of holes in the beginning, but improvements are always next as each hole is closed, and a system or doing better is always welcome. Do you think the first automobile could be made safer and added to in order to make it more safer, reliable, and more efficient over the years ??
Wrong! - The Repubtards allow crazies to be armed!

Ok moron. Get your facts straight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
He's right. Illegal sales that are protected by the NRA make up half of the illegal guns used in crimes. The NRA protects the fast and loose retail and resale markets that ensure a heavy flow straw purchased and/or trafficked guns get into the hands of people who are not supposed to have them. The criminals and crazies. It's why city wide gun bans are not effective. Chicago for instance is not far from two states with some of the loosest gun laws. I have not doubt that theres some shit eating Republicans from those states illegally selling guns that are run into chicago. They aren't outed though because regional authorities don't share or collect the necessary information to trace the guns back to the source and points of failure and in general the regulatory framework isn't there to address it. The NRA has done extensive work to ruin the laws and enforcement, so really everytime someone crows "gun bans don't work" they are telling half the story of the nefarious actions of the NRA.

Criminals don’t buy guns they steal them. Always have and always will. You can buy guns on the street. I would know as a retired police officer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yep, and what he refuses to acknowledge is who exactly is it that is taking these weapons (that are obtained in anyway they can get them), and then next are going crazy with them in these ways ?? IT'S easy to blame an object while hiding the real threat (in which is a demented human being turned animal ), and protecting it from the scrutiny he or she should have gotten prior to these tragic events.. Afterwards they (these shooters) should be delt a heavy blow by the system if need be in life accordingly. I am in strong favor for the death penalty in regards to these henious crimes being committed.
What do you sadly and mistakenly think I personally am refusing? Go sit on your hands for a day. You're cut off.

Gun violence can be attacked from multiple sides and my take is that it should be. Research the situation which may be unique for a region, apply pressure, measure the outcome, rinse and repeat. This would include mental health, general crime and motivations for it, gang and drug activity, turrorist activity(eeeek!), policing, criminal justice, education, and easy guns. It's a lot but if we are saying it's this big ofba problem then we should fully understand it and fund the right buttons to push for effective and efficient outcomes.

On guns, we aren't going to let you guys continue rewriting 2a to mean anything and everything. Gun control is part of the solution, no doubt. Your rights are not being infringed by improving a background check or improving or better enforcing anti straw purchase or traffic laws (these are mostly already illegal but poorly identified and enforced). More specifically, locking down the trafficking and straw purchasing is key. If the NRA continues protecting these illegal activities they need to be outed for it and corrected.
Please give proof of the NRA doing the things you accuse it of.. Thanks
Achieves what? Criminals simply do not care.

Achieves what? Answer. Nothing.

Might have slowed down Nik Cruz who bought an AR-style rifle 4 days after his 18th birthday.

Nikolas Cruz was investigated after cutting himself on Snapchat, state report shows

Might have? Killers kill, lacking one tool just leads them to another
But other tools don't allow angry suicidal white guys to shoot 600 people at a concert.
Funny how that went hush, hush huh ?... I think there was a motive, and I think it is known what the lead up to it was or what the over all motive was. How can it not be known by now ? Unless we have an enept justice system anymore or a cover up is in the makings or a simple answer is looking at everyone right in the face, but yet they just refuse to see it because it makes them uncomfortable.
Or a car, like at Nice France and taken out 80.

To assume the amount of body bags required would be less or more?

Let’s look at how we make it zero.

Link me to a motor vehicle attack in the US that killed 17 people like in Parkland, 12 like in Aurora, 28 like in Newtown, 49 like in Miami, 10 like in Santa Fe TX or 58 like in Vegas.


Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.
Or a car, like at Nice France and taken out 80.

To assume the amount of body bags required would be less or more?

Let’s look at how we make it zero.

Link me to a motor vehicle attack in the US that killed 17 people like in Parkland, 12 like in Aurora, 28 like in Newtown, 49 like in Miami, 10 like in Santa Fe TX or 58 like in Vegas.


Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.

Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
Or a car, like at Nice France and taken out 80.

To assume the amount of body bags required would be less or more?

Let’s look at how we make it zero.

Link me to a motor vehicle attack in the US that killed 17 people like in Parkland, 12 like in Aurora, 28 like in Newtown, 49 like in Miami, 10 like in Santa Fe TX or 58 like in Vegas.


Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.

Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
So do nothing ?? Not a good solution.
Or a car, like at Nice France and taken out 80.

To assume the amount of body bags required would be less or more?

Let’s look at how we make it zero.

Link me to a motor vehicle attack in the US that killed 17 people like in Parkland, 12 like in Aurora, 28 like in Newtown, 49 like in Miami, 10 like in Santa Fe TX or 58 like in Vegas.


Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.

Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
So do nothing ?? Not a good solution.

He didn't say do nothing, he wants to do something that will actually do something, like arming and training school staff, and getting rid of school gun free zones that leave students unprotected when killers walk into the gun free zones to murder them....
Or a car, like at Nice France and taken out 80.

To assume the amount of body bags required would be less or more?

Let’s look at how we make it zero.

Link me to a motor vehicle attack in the US that killed 17 people like in Parkland, 12 like in Aurora, 28 like in Newtown, 49 like in Miami, 10 like in Santa Fe TX or 58 like in Vegas.


Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.

Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
So do nothing ?? Not a good solution.

He didn't say do nothing, he wants to do something that will actually do something, like arming and training school staff, and getting rid of school gun free zones that leave students unprotected when killers walk into the gun free zones to murder them....

Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

There are the numbers in the link.

And, as far as school shootings? Ban SSRI class meds for people younger than 24 and you eliminate over 90% of them and a large number of suicides as well

What’s the issue here?

Guns are not a requirement of suicide and Gang members do not care about regulations.
Or a car, like at Nice France and taken out 80.

To assume the amount of body bags required would be less or more?

Let’s look at how we make it zero.

Link me to a motor vehicle attack in the US that killed 17 people like in Parkland, 12 like in Aurora, 28 like in Newtown, 49 like in Miami, 10 like in Santa Fe TX or 58 like in Vegas.


Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.

Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
So do nothing ?? Not a good solution.

He didn't say do nothing, he wants to do something that will actually do something, like arming and training school staff, and getting rid of school gun free zones that leave students unprotected when killers walk into the gun free zones to murder them....

Not that I totally disagree, but it, as is the position of the left, useless and overkill.

Lock down schools, arm teachers will help in the school, but killers aren’t stupid, they will simply change the target location. 10 dead at inside a school, or 10 dead riding a bus. The numbers remain the same.

Ban guns, 10 dead shot in a hallway, or 10 killed by a kid ramming a group of other kids hanging out at the mall. Better killed by a car than killed by a gun? I don’t get it.

Killers kill, they don’t care where or how. And they are far more creative than us.
Achieves what? Criminals simply do not care.

Achieves what? Answer. Nothing.

Might have slowed down Nik Cruz who bought an AR-style rifle 4 days after his 18th birthday.

Nikolas Cruz was investigated after cutting himself on Snapchat, state report shows

Might have? Killers kill, lacking one tool just leads them to another
But other tools don't allow angry suicidal white guys to shoot 600 people at a concert.
Funny how that went hush, hush huh ?... I think there was a motive, and I think it is known what the lead up to it was or what the over all motive was. How can it not be known by now ? Unless we have an enept justice system anymore or a cover up is in the makings or a simple answer is looking at everyone right in the face, but yet they just refuse to see it because it makes them uncomfortable.

They can’t admit it, it would hurt the liberal agenda.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You ever work with metal detectors? They are somewhere below worse than useless because of all the false alarms.
More excuses... So we do nothing ??

Guns are non-negotiable, so you best figure out something else before more kids die at the hands of evil.

Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

You cannot control points of entry to a school any more than you can have two gates for an NFL stadium! It's stupid and every one of you nimrods need to catch a clue!

Ever notice that there are no metal detectors in large venues anymore? Because they are pieces of shit!

I went into the VA office one day and it took them at least three minutes to determine I was NOT carry a gun because:

1) the buttons on my jacket were metal, so each sleeve and the front alarmed.
2) my belt buckle was metal, so it alarmed.
3) the fly in my pants alarmed
4) both of my shoes alarmed from the metal in them
5) my tie tack alarmed and it was smaller than a penny!

It was a good thing that there wasn't a line of people behind me!

Now, repeat that about 3000 times for kids carrying backpacks with metal zippers, metal in pens and pencils, spiral notebooks, metal baseball bats for practice, etc.

Heck, our archery teams carry their bows and arrows to class with them each day, and they are locked up during the day!
Listen you nimrod, the metal detectors are the start, and of course the attire that sets the thing off will have to change, and a dress code would be in order. Then just like airlines you will find out as students what you can bring and what you can't bring in. Everything else is supplied beyond the check point by the school to the students if need be.

It will work, and it should work... Stop with the idiotic excuses already. It's not like they will be getting surprised at the check points having the same students and staff attending all year. Good grief.
The issue is self expression vs. conformity. There is some good evidence that shows wearing a uniform can decrease the risk of violence and theft, instill discipline and help school officials recognize intruders who come to the school. However, is that evidence strong enough for the government to tells us how we are to dress our kids?
You just outed yourself. If you knew anything about how schools are required to treat students with a disability, you would know what 504 plan is.

Still waiting for that link on the SSRI meds. You fucked up the last one so bad it wasn't funny!

All you seem to do is spew hyperbole. Where are your FACTS?

You got the link dunce.

And if you ask about a single fucking form, and it rules your entire knowledge base, it is you, and a profit motive that’s being outed.

What a dumblefuck.

Listen up you simpleton, a 504 plan is not a form! Why are you such an idiot that you go into a battle of wits unarmed?

Fuck off. Results are what I seek. Ending the creation of Monsters that shoot up schools is far more important then some damn “plan”.

Do you even listen to the stupidity you spout?

Yes, harden the damn target as damn much as you want ( and make a buck while doing so). KILLERS DON’T MUCH CARE, THEY JUST ATTACK A DIFFERENT LOCATION!

Good God Chief, use the brain god gave ya!

You come off as some kind of "expert" on this topic, yet you can't find links to back up your claims. When you do find a link it doesn't agree with you. Plus, your base knowledge is kindergarten level when it comes to education.

Why don't you start using YOUR brain?

You amuse my captain.

Care to explain what a 504 plan, under the ADA has In keeping SSRI class antidepressants out of the hands of teens that those drugs turn into murdurous Monsters.

Let the pretzel twisting begin!

I could explain it but you are obviously too stupid to understand it, so why bother? It will just piss you off and make you feel like a moron.
You just outed yourself. If you knew anything about how schools are required to treat students with a disability, you would know what 504 plan is.

Still waiting for that link on the SSRI meds. You fucked up the last one so bad it wasn't funny!

All you seem to do is spew hyperbole. Where are your FACTS?

You got the link dunce.

And if you ask about a single fucking form, and it rules your entire knowledge base, it is you, and a profit motive that’s being outed.

What a dumblefuck.

Listen up you simpleton, a 504 plan is not a form! Why are you such an idiot that you go into a battle of wits unarmed?

Fuck off. Results are what I seek. Ending the creation of Monsters that shoot up schools is far more important then some damn “plan”.

Do you even listen to the stupidity you spout?

Yes, harden the damn target as damn much as you want ( and make a buck while doing so). KILLERS DON’T MUCH CARE, THEY JUST ATTACK A DIFFERENT LOCATION!

Good God Chief, use the brain god gave ya!

You come off as some kind of "expert" on this topic, yet you can't find links to back up your claims. When you do find a link it doesn't agree with you. Plus, your base knowledge is kindergarten level when it comes to education.

Why don't you start using YOUR brain?

You quote one single instance that I claimed to be an expert. Just one captain dumblefuck!

I quote and link to experts, like someone who thinks everyone should know what a 504 plan should!

I wonder if Gilligan has read this?

The Hidden Harm of Antidepressants

These ARE the experts you dorkwad.

You never present an argument, you twist like a damn pretzel

You don't even know what a metastudy is, so why argue with a simpleton?
Put guns in the schools and you eliminate the soft target. No one holds up gun stores, police stations, or anywhere they know they will meet opposition.

The allure of a target rich environment with no chance of anyone else shooting back will be history!
Points of entry and metal detectors are best. A secure system can be created at these schools. Gun's could play a roll, but maybe not as heavy a role that you might imagine.

You cannot control points of entry to a school any more than you can have two gates for an NFL stadium! It's stupid and every one of you nimrods need to catch a clue!

Ever notice that there are no metal detectors in large venues anymore? Because they are pieces of shit!

I went into the VA office one day and it took them at least three minutes to determine I was NOT carry a gun because:

1) the buttons on my jacket were metal, so each sleeve and the front alarmed.
2) my belt buckle was metal, so it alarmed.
3) the fly in my pants alarmed
4) both of my shoes alarmed from the metal in them
5) my tie tack alarmed and it was smaller than a penny!

It was a good thing that there wasn't a line of people behind me!

Now, repeat that about 3000 times for kids carrying backpacks with metal zippers, metal in pens and pencils, spiral notebooks, metal baseball bats for practice, etc.

Heck, our archery teams carry their bows and arrows to class with them each day, and they are locked up during the day!
Listen you nimrod, the metal detectors are the start, and of course the attire that sets the thing off will have to change, and a dress code would be in order. Then just like airlines you will find out as students what you can bring and what you can't bring in. Everything else is supplied beyond the check point by the school to the students if need be.

It will work, and it should work... Stop with the idiotic excuses already. It's not like they will be getting surprised at the check points having the same students and staff attending all year. Good grief.

Have you ever been in a school where metal detectors are used?

Red Lake MN had a metal detector for their school. When the gunman thought he might get caught, he shot and killed the unarmed security guard operating the metal detector. How well did that help?
Not a very well thought out excuse on your part. Just saying... Everything is crude and full of holes in the beginning, but improvements are always next as each hole is closed, and a system or doing better is always welcome. Do you think the first automobile could be made safer and added to in order to make it more safer, reliable, and more efficient over the years ??

Excuse? It is not an excuse by any stretch of the imagination, If you arm teachers and/or security guards/resource officers inside the school, no shooter will try to take them on for fear that what happened in Illinois the other day will happen to them. The school resource officer shot him before he hurt anyone. Didn't make much of a news splash did it? It didn't feed the liberal gun-grabbing agenda! That what these shooters crave! They need the attention. Without it, they will no longer shoot up schools because they will no longer be soft targets.
Link me to a motor vehicle attack in the US that killed 17 people like in Parkland, 12 like in Aurora, 28 like in Newtown, 49 like in Miami, 10 like in Santa Fe TX or 58 like in Vegas.


Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.

Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
So do nothing ?? Not a good solution.

He didn't say do nothing, he wants to do something that will actually do something, like arming and training school staff, and getting rid of school gun free zones that leave students unprotected when killers walk into the gun free zones to murder them....

Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

There are the numbers in the link.

And, as far as school shootings? Ban SSRI class meds for people younger than 24 and you eliminate over 90% of them and a large number of suicides as well

What’s the issue here?

Guns are not a requirement of suicide and Gang members do not care about regulations.

bodecea asked on another thread...

If it's about SSRI's, why aren't young girls going off half cocked and shooting up places?
You're such a fucking moron

You said yourself all the gun laws and bans you want won't stop all school shootings but you know what will?

Don't let people with guns into the school

I've never talked about a gun ban. That makes you the fucking moron.

You may also have missed the memo that not all mass killings happen on school grounds.
You don't want to ban so called assault rifles?

And FYI this thread is about school shootings

No - 21 minimum age - 3 day waiting period.

I am quite on topic.

Then stick to school shootings and none of that shit will stop a person from walking onto a school with a gun

If you want to prevent school shootings you have to prevent people from walking into a school with a gun
The gun needs to be kept out of the hands of people with mental problems or those who are experiencing nervous breakdowns in their lives. If can't do that then make it a two shot capacity magazine where as the gun once unloaded will need to change clips or reload the clip before continue. This would hopefully give the victims a chance to subdue the threat before reloading the weapon or changing a clip.

Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
So do nothing ?? Not a good solution.

He didn't say do nothing, he wants to do something that will actually do something, like arming and training school staff, and getting rid of school gun free zones that leave students unprotected when killers walk into the gun free zones to murder them....

Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

There are the numbers in the link.

And, as far as school shootings? Ban SSRI class meds for people younger than 24 and you eliminate over 90% of them and a large number of suicides as well

What’s the issue here?

Guns are not a requirement of suicide and Gang members do not care about regulations.

bodecea asked on another thread...

If it's about SSRI's, why aren't young girls going off half cocked and shooting up places?

Girls still exhibit violent behavior but will commit suicide more than murder
You got the link dunce.

And if you ask about a single fucking form, and it rules your entire knowledge base, it is you, and a profit motive that’s being outed.

What a dumblefuck.

Listen up you simpleton, a 504 plan is not a form! Why are you such an idiot that you go into a battle of wits unarmed?

Fuck off. Results are what I seek. Ending the creation of Monsters that shoot up schools is far more important then some damn “plan”.

Do you even listen to the stupidity you spout?

Yes, harden the damn target as damn much as you want ( and make a buck while doing so). KILLERS DON’T MUCH CARE, THEY JUST ATTACK A DIFFERENT LOCATION!

Good God Chief, use the brain god gave ya!

You come off as some kind of "expert" on this topic, yet you can't find links to back up your claims. When you do find a link it doesn't agree with you. Plus, your base knowledge is kindergarten level when it comes to education.

Why don't you start using YOUR brain?

You amuse my captain.

Care to explain what a 504 plan, under the ADA has In keeping SSRI class antidepressants out of the hands of teens that those drugs turn into murdurous Monsters.

Let the pretzel twisting begin!

I could explain it but you are obviously too stupid to understand it, so why bother? It will just piss you off and make you feel like a moron.

^^^^ twisting like a pretzel
Most gun deaths are actually suicide. Roughly 2/3rds. 80% of the rest are gang related.

Clip limits do nothing in these cases.

Of the rest, 5 to 6 hundred are accidental. Which these policies won’t dent. There are very few where any of these policies would have any effect what so ever
So do nothing ?? Not a good solution.

He didn't say do nothing, he wants to do something that will actually do something, like arming and training school staff, and getting rid of school gun free zones that leave students unprotected when killers walk into the gun free zones to murder them....

Putting Gun Death Statistics in Perspective

There are the numbers in the link.

And, as far as school shootings? Ban SSRI class meds for people younger than 24 and you eliminate over 90% of them and a large number of suicides as well

What’s the issue here?

Guns are not a requirement of suicide and Gang members do not care about regulations.

bodecea asked on another thread...

If it's about SSRI's, why aren't young girls going off half cocked and shooting up places?

Girls still exhibit violent behavior but will commit suicide more than murder

Not so:

“Sex ratio. In the U.S, male adolescents commit suicide at a rate five times greater than that of female adolescents,“—Wikipedia

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