Yikes, sky dad...morals are absolute, though

There is no invisible being that rules over whoever "us" is...For me God is closer to a like minded friend.

You are on your own, remember? For you there is no God. No divine law, No instructions, no guidance, no help from above. Only deformed babies, cancer, cum dribbles, and the deep mystery of the kangaroo .

Everything in your head, your defective perceptions of life, all of your confusion and related pain is all on you. If your life is screwed up, if you feel like you are living in hell, its the one that you created for yourself.
My life is great, stop projecting. You haven't proven your god, so you only have a delusion of communing with it. Meaning that you're actually one your own as well.

lol... anyone who gets stumped by kangaroos in a fairy tale that has nothing to do with kangaroos doesn't have the intellectual capacity for a great life.

Unless of course you are an unclean creature who stumbled into a garbage pit fill with the trash thrown away by more highly evolve creatures and couldn't be happier.

But then again why would you be seeking something else if living at the destination for all of the garbage in the world was so great...

And, BTW, I bear the seal of the living God. Relax, don't freak out. I already know that you do not know what that means. Suffice it to say, my claims have already been put to the test left by Moses decades ago by dedicated people with no tolerance or pity for false prophets. In addition to that, everything that I am revealing to you, things unheard before and kept secret since the creation of heaven and earth, is irrefutable proof of my communion with God.

Why do you think the other kids have all backed down?
You're the most deluded person here, bar none.

lol.... sure, sure, thats what they all say.

So according to you, is Jesus the son of god, or is the story of Jesus bullshit as well, and is another fairy tale that means something else?

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.

My life is great, stop projecting. You haven't proven your god, so you only have a delusion of communing with it. Meaning that you're actually one your own as well.

lol... anyone who gets stumped by kangaroos in a fairy tale that has nothing to do with kangaroos doesn't have the intellectual capacity for a great life.

Unless of course you are an unclean creature who stumbled into a garbage pit fill with the trash thrown away by more highly evolve creatures and couldn't be happier.

But then again why would you be seeking something else if living at the destination for all of the garbage in the world was so great...

And, BTW, I bear the seal of the living God. Relax, don't freak out. I already know that you do not know what that means. Suffice it to say, my claims have already been put to the test left by Moses decades ago by dedicated people with no tolerance or pity for false prophets. In addition to that, everything that I am revealing to you, things unheard before and kept secret since the creation of heaven and earth, is irrefutable proof of my communion with God.

Why do you think the other kids have all backed down?
You're the most deluded person here, bar none.

lol.... sure, sure, thats what they all say.

So according to you, is Jesus the son of god, or is the story of Jesus bullshit as well, and is another fairy tale that means something else?

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.


So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?
lol... anyone who gets stumped by kangaroos in a fairy tale that has nothing to do with kangaroos doesn't have the intellectual capacity for a great life.

Unless of course you are an unclean creature who stumbled into a garbage pit fill with the trash thrown away by more highly evolve creatures and couldn't be happier.

But then again why would you be seeking something else if living at the destination for all of the garbage in the world was so great...

And, BTW, I bear the seal of the living God. Relax, don't freak out. I already know that you do not know what that means. Suffice it to say, my claims have already been put to the test left by Moses decades ago by dedicated people with no tolerance or pity for false prophets. In addition to that, everything that I am revealing to you, things unheard before and kept secret since the creation of heaven and earth, is irrefutable proof of my communion with God.

Why do you think the other kids have all backed down?
You're the most deluded person here, bar none.

lol.... sure, sure, thats what they all say.

So according to you, is Jesus the son of god, or is the story of Jesus bullshit as well, and is another fairy tale that means something else?

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.


So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
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You're the most deluded person here, bar none.

lol.... sure, sure, thats what they all say.

So according to you, is Jesus the son of god, or is the story of Jesus bullshit as well, and is another fairy tale that means something else?

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.


So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.

I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?
lol.... sure, sure, thats what they all say.

So according to you, is Jesus the son of god, or is the story of Jesus bullshit as well, and is another fairy tale that means something else?

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.


So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.

I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God in the divine commands, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
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So according to you, is Jesus the son of god, or is the story of Jesus bullshit as well, and is another fairy tale that means something else?

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.

So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why doesn't god reveal his own teachings? Why did he have to get someone else to deliver His "secret Teachings"? That's pretty dumb, admit it.
Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.

So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why doesn't god reveal his own teachings? Why did he have to get someone else to deliver His "secret Teachings"? That's pretty dumb, admit it.

You might not realize this but some people cant see or hear God, but they might see and hear one person who can.
So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why doesn't god reveal his own teachings? Why did he have to get someone else to deliver His "secret Teachings"? That's pretty dumb, admit it.

You might not realize this but some people cant see or hear God, but they might see and hear one person who can.
Ya, some people are realists and some people are fantasists. Nothing new there, but if god wants me to believe, why doesn't he tell me himself? Wouldn't that be the LOGICAL thing to do?
Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why doesn't god reveal his own teachings? Why did he have to get someone else to deliver His "secret Teachings"? That's pretty dumb, admit it.

You might not realize this but some people cant see or hear God, but they might see and hear one person who can.
Ya, some people are realists and some people are fantasists. Nothing new there, but if god wants me to believe, why doesn't he tell me himself? Wouldn't that be the LOGICAL thing to do?
What makes you think that God wants anything of you? God doesn't need you, you need him. Seems to me that God has abandoned you to your own devices. Get your priorities straight.

The logical thing to do would be for you to purify your own mind and be refined so that you might become a more highly evolved creature that is capable of perceiving the living God, that is if YOU want to better yourself.

Or you could always just sit around doing nothing but complaining about the legion of things you don't understand for the rest of your life while waiting for the magic wand of an invisible sky fairy to heal you..


There is no magic wand. If you want to improve your lot in life you have to work at it doofus, God isn't going to do it for you.

Believe that.
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I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why doesn't god reveal his own teachings? Why did he have to get someone else to deliver His "secret Teachings"? That's pretty dumb, admit it.

You might not realize this but some people cant see or hear God, but they might see and hear one person who can.
Ya, some people are realists and some people are fantasists. Nothing new there, but if god wants me to believe, why doesn't he tell me himself? Wouldn't that be the LOGICAL thing to do?
What makes you think that God wants anything of you? God doesn't need you, you need him. Seems to me that God has abandoned you to your own devices. Get your priorities straight.

The logical thing to do would be for you to purify your own mind and be refined so that you might become a more highly evolved creature that is capable of perceiving the living God, that is if YOU want to better yourself.

Or you could always just sit around doing nothing but complaining about the legion of things you don't understand for the rest of your life while waiting for the magic wand of an invisible sky fairy to heal you..


There is no magic wand. If you want to improve your lot in life you have to work at it doofus, God isn't going to do it for you.

Believe that.
What I'm asking is that if god has some "secret teachings" that he wants us to have, why not simply teach us himself? And purify my mind for what? A book of fairy tales that have nothing to do with an invisible being? You don't know anything about what god wants, it's laughable. Why would god abandon me? Because I don't read a book of fairy tales? REALLY? :lol:
I challenge Hobelim to provide one single "teaching" of the Biblical stories that isnt easily, and without said Bible stories, surmised by most communal humans.
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So according to you, is Jesus the son of god, or is the story of Jesus bullshit as well, and is another fairy tale that means something else?

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.

So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God in the divine commands, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Just like I said.

What was the water turning into wine?
lol... you might want to personalize that to be more accurate.
Hmm, no, it's accurate. Whenever anyone tries toake sense of your words, you chastise them as not understanding you. I used to think you were too dumb to articulate yourself well. Upon further review, it is clear that you are intentionally vague, because then you can avoid your magical nonsense having to stand up to scrutiny.

Sorry, as much as you obviously think of yourself, this is a very old tactic that you did not invent.
Yes, Jesus is the son of God. The story is not bullshit but like a fairy tale the title "son of God" is not about God having offspring, it is about something else.

Jesus gave sight to the blind but it was not about him curing vision. it is about something else.

Jesus raised the dead but it was not about corpses coming to life. It was about something else.

Jesus bodily ascended into heaven, but it was not about him floating up into the sky. It is about something else..

For as long as you refuse to apply your mind to think deeply about it, you will never grasp what the subjects or the teachings in stories are actually about.

So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God in the divine commands, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Just like I said.

What was the water turning into wine?

Jesus was at a wedding where the guests are supposed to be festive, hopeful and happy for the couple which was hard to do during such a harsh time of corruption and brutal foreign oppression. Running out of wine just means that the happy conversations ran dry and there was nothing left to talk about but the bitter waters of daily life.

When His mother suggested that he do something she was prodding him to talk about the ideas he was developing which turned the bitter waters of their harsh lives into a finer wine than the false hope that was being served before, reinvigorating the festivities and faith and joy of everyone there.

It was like taking the messed up things everyone has been dealing with for decades and turning it into good news, Turning the waters of affliction into the finest wine they ever tasted..Basically, he rescued a party from disaster.

A miracle!
So you believe that Jesus existed, but everything attributed to him is bullshit. Do you realize that the people who wrote these stories thought they actually happened? So you'd be misreading their intent?

Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God in the divine commands, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Just like I said.

What was the water turning into wine?

Jesus was at a wedding where the guests are supposed to be festive, hopeful and happy for the couple which was hard to do during such a harsh time of corruption and brutal foreign oppression. Running out of wine just means that the happy conversations ran dry and there was nothing left to talk about but the bitter waters of daily life.

When His mother suggested that he do something she was prodding him to talk about the ideas he was developing which turned the bitter waters of their harsh lives into a finer wine than the false hope that was being served before, reinvigorating the festivities and faith and joy of everyone there.

It was like taking the messed up things everyone has been dealing with for decades and turning it into good news, Turning the waters of affliction into the finest wine they ever tasted..Basically, he rescued a party from disaster.

A miracle!
Do you have any idea how stupid that sounded?

I'm pretty sure everyone realizes you are a fake now.
lol... you might want to personalize that to be more accurate.
Hmm, no, it's accurate. Whenever anyone tries toake sense of your words, you chastise them as not understanding you. I used to think you were too dumb to articulate yourself well. Upon further review, it is clear that you are intentionally vague, because then you can avoid your magical nonsense having to stand up to scrutiny.

Sorry, as much as you obviously think of yourself, this is a very old tactic that you did not invent.

I see. you are one of those people who says that something makes no sense when you don't understand, blaming someone else for your failure to comprehend. Why don't you just ask a question?


Whats worse is then you try to accuse me of promoting some obscure magical bullshit based on what you admit not understanding even though I have said nothing that requires a suspension of disbelief, an acceptance of magical bullshit or blind faith.

In fact the use of metaphors, homonyms, hyperbole, and mythological creatures are well known and ancient method of teaching children about the realities of life. That sounds like magical bullshit to you?


A talking serpent in scripture represents a despicable type of human low life that you are resembling more and more perfectly each day.

What the fuck does that have to do with me?
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Those things did actually happen, you just don't understand the way in which those fantastical claims are true. As far as their intent, they were as clear as can be.

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations." rev. 19:15

Still works like a charm.
I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God in the divine commands, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Just like I said.

What was the water turning into wine?

Jesus was at a wedding where the guests are supposed to be festive, hopeful and happy for the couple which was hard to do during such a harsh time of corruption and brutal foreign oppression. Running out of wine just means that the happy conversations ran dry and there was nothing left to talk about but the bitter waters of daily life.

When His mother suggested that he do something she was prodding him to talk about the ideas he was developing which turned the bitter waters of their harsh lives into a finer wine than the false hope that was being served before, reinvigorating the festivities and faith and joy of everyone there.

It was like taking the messed up things everyone has been dealing with for decades and turning it into good news, Turning the waters of affliction into the finest wine they ever tasted..Basically, he rescued a party from disaster.

A miracle!
Do you have any idea how stupid that sounded?

I'm pretty sure everyone realizes you are a fake now.

Jesus was not a magician..

If you cannot explain the so called miracles in a way that conforms to reality you have nothing to offer but a delusion pal.

You are a fake.
What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Why doesn't god reveal his own teachings? Why did he have to get someone else to deliver His "secret Teachings"? That's pretty dumb, admit it.

You might not realize this but some people cant see or hear God, but they might see and hear one person who can.
Ya, some people are realists and some people are fantasists. Nothing new there, but if god wants me to believe, why doesn't he tell me himself? Wouldn't that be the LOGICAL thing to do?
What makes you think that God wants anything of you? God doesn't need you, you need him. Seems to me that God has abandoned you to your own devices. Get your priorities straight.

The logical thing to do would be for you to purify your own mind and be refined so that you might become a more highly evolved creature that is capable of perceiving the living God, that is if YOU want to better yourself.

Or you could always just sit around doing nothing but complaining about the legion of things you don't understand for the rest of your life while waiting for the magic wand of an invisible sky fairy to heal you..


There is no magic wand. If you want to improve your lot in life you have to work at it doofus, God isn't going to do it for you.

Believe that.
What I'm asking is that if god has some "secret teachings" that he wants us to have, why not simply teach us himself? And purify my mind for what? A book of fairy tales that have nothing to do with an invisible being? You don't know anything about what god wants, it's laughable. Why would god abandon me? Because I don't read a book of fairy tales? REALLY? :lol:

Purify your mind for what? So that it functions well enough to understand what ancient children were expected to learn before they left home at 14.

Why would God abandon you? Because you don't have the sense to protect the sanctity of your own mind but instead love to revel in your own ignorance, perversions, and pathetic aberrations.

No one, even God, can add anything to the cup of the person who is already full of shit.
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I challenge Hobelim to provide one single "teaching" of the Biblical stories that isnt easily, and without said Bible stories, surmised by most communal humans.
Most communal humans are not in the least bit discriminating about what they will or will not allow a place in their mind, not in the least bit aware about how what is in their mind affects their mental health, their perceptions, their thought patterns, their level of intelligence, their emotional state, their actions, and consequently, the quality of their own lives.

This is one important biblical teaching that many otherwise intelligent people seem to have missed.

If you fill your head with the teaching of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, it will defile and contaminate your mind and you will degenerate into an unclean creature that cannot ruminate.

If you don't believe me, have a talk with captain kangaroo, dingbat, or that crafty guy going ooh ooh ahh ahh with that ornamental magical bullshit bone in his nose.
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I believe you are being disingenuous when you say you believe those things really did happen. You don't believe that Jesus performed any miracles, right?

What you call miracles were really just signs that Jesus was the expected messiah.

Revealing the hidden teaching and wisdom of God in the divine commands, what no other man but the messiah could do, was the greatest sign.

Just like in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves, it was not about Jesus feeding fish sandwiches to 5000 people out of thin air, it was about him teaching such a large crowd of skeptical people well acquainted with liars and false prophets what they hungered for, a clear revelation from God that was pleasing to the eye and good to eat.Instructions from God that satisfied all of their doubts and answered all of their questions.

Every miracle attributed to Jesus is like a giant X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value was buried and hidden.

" The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
Just like I said.

What was the water turning into wine?

Jesus was at a wedding where the guests are supposed to be festive, hopeful and happy for the couple which was hard to do during such a harsh time of corruption and brutal foreign oppression. Running out of wine just means that the happy conversations ran dry and there was nothing left to talk about but the bitter waters of daily life.

When His mother suggested that he do something she was prodding him to talk about the ideas he was developing which turned the bitter waters of their harsh lives into a finer wine than the false hope that was being served before, reinvigorating the festivities and faith and joy of everyone there.

It was like taking the messed up things everyone has been dealing with for decades and turning it into good news, Turning the waters of affliction into the finest wine they ever tasted..Basically, he rescued a party from disaster.

A miracle!
Do you have any idea how stupid that sounded?

I'm pretty sure everyone realizes you are a fake now.

Jesus was not a magician..

If you cannot explain the so called miracles in a way that conforms to reality you have nothing to offer but a delusion pal.

You are a fake.
Jesus was not a magician. He was much much more.

I can explain the miracles in a way that conforms to reality. He was exactly who he said he was.

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