Yo! USMB Conservatives....

here's a related though, at least to me it's related.

Should the gop go back to the Gephart Rule, as McConnell sort of suggested, and just let the debt limit rise w/o an express vote, and then put the entire fight on CRs, and not play games with our credit rating? Either party could still shut it down, if they felt there was a reason.
That's right. Follow that conservative playbook and commit to nothing so you can deny responsibility whenever you want.

WTF are you talking about? My answers are committed. They are my opinion and they won't change. With the exception of the deficit which I don't know about so unlike most on here I won't "fake"jake my answer.

LOL, there isn't a single firm "Yes" or "No" for any of your half-assed answers.

Number 1 is opinion no matter who responds so a yes or no is pointless.

Number 2 is honesty. Sorry that escapes you.

Number 3 can ONLY be speculation since its NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE

Number 4 is an obvious yes. Sorry I forgot there are retards that couldn't figure that out.
here's a related though, at least to me it's related.

Should the gop go back to the Gephart Rule, as McConnell sort of suggested, and just let the debt limit rise w/o an express vote, and then put the entire fight on CRs, and not play games with our credit rating? Either party could still shut it down, if they felt there was a reason.

I am of the opinion that the debt ceiling is ridiculous. So I am OK with that.
Moody's is saying that if there is a crisis, it would be a false one brought on by the talking down of the economy by the Democrats.

They beleive that there is more than enough income coming in for the U.S. to pay it's bills.. It just can't take on new debt like Obama-care.
Moody's is saying that if there is a crisis, it would be a false one brought on by the talking down of the economy by the Democrats.

They beleive that there is more than enough income coming in for the U.S. to pay it's bills.. It just can't take on new debt like Obama-care.

It the US can only pay 40-60% of the rest of the budget, do you really think foreign investors won't require more interest for the risk in supporting a TMP govt? which is an oxymoron, btw.
Moody's is saying that if there is a crisis, it would be a false one brought on by the talking down of the economy by the Democrats.

They beleive that there is more than enough income coming in for the U.S. to pay it's bills.. It just can't take on new debt like Obama-care.

The question though is that since Obama has actually been trying to cause pain because the leftist media won't report it, would he consider directing the treasury to not make debt payments on purpose?

The left are ideologues, they will pay any price to advance their cause. Like they did when they passed Obamacare and got thumped in the next election, knowing it would happen.
Moody's is saying that if there is a crisis, it would be a false one brought on by the talking down of the economy by the Democrats.

They beleive that there is more than enough income coming in for the U.S. to pay it's bills.. It just can't take on new debt like Obama-care.

The question though is that since Obama has actually been trying to cause pain because the leftist media won't report it, would he consider directing the treasury to not make debt payments on purpose?

The left are ideologues, they will pay any price to advance their cause. Like they did when they passed Obamacare and got thumped in the next election, knowing it would happen.

Would you say that risking default is " paying any price "?
Moody's is saying that if there is a crisis, it would be a false one brought on by the talking down of the economy by the Democrats.

They beleive that there is more than enough income coming in for the U.S. to pay it's bills.. It just can't take on new debt like Obama-care.

The question though is that since Obama has actually been trying to cause pain because the leftist media won't report it, would he consider directing the treasury to not make debt payments on purpose?

The left are ideologues, they will pay any price to advance their cause. Like they did when they passed Obamacare and got thumped in the next election, knowing it would happen.

Would you say that risking default is " paying any price "?

We're not risking default since we have plenty of tax revenue coming in to pay our debts. That is why as I point out Obama would have to do it on purpose. And he's just the pathetic whack job who would do it.
Moody's is saying that if there is a crisis, it would be a false one brought on by the talking down of the economy by the Democrats.

They beleive that there is more than enough income coming in for the U.S. to pay it's bills.. It just can't take on new debt like Obama-care.

The question though is that since Obama has actually been trying to cause pain because the leftist media won't report it, would he consider directing the treasury to not make debt payments on purpose?

The left are ideologues, they will pay any price to advance their cause. Like they did when they passed Obamacare and got thumped in the next election, knowing it would happen.

Would you say that risking default is " paying any price "?

There is NO RISK. We have the money. You are a tard.
The question though is that since Obama has actually been trying to cause pain because the leftist media won't report it, would he consider directing the treasury to not make debt payments on purpose?

The left are ideologues, they will pay any price to advance their cause. Like they did when they passed Obamacare and got thumped in the next election, knowing it would happen.

Would you say that risking default is " paying any price "?

There is NO RISK. We have the money. You are a tard.

If we have so much money.....what the fuck are you austerity assholes talking about?

I am not a self described conservative. I am a known conservative. It is noticeable in the way I live my life and the pride I take in how I live my life.
That being said...

1) Yes. The GOP created the shutdown. They listened to their constituants ....

WRONG. Sorry. Constituents don't have the money that has flowed into their pockets for the last two years. Please see #EdMeese and #KochBrothers.

a very immature and somewhat paranoid response.

Guess you didn't read the NYT article I posted, either. Too bad. It's neither immature nor paranoid. But does provide actual numbers for funding and the names of the groups involved.
I am wondering if there are any self described "conservatives here" who can agree with any of the following statements:

The GOP is primarily responsible for the fact that the government is shut down. No, Obama and Dems never passed a budget or got spending under control as they all promised they would when running to be elected. Both parties have done this and thus both parties are near equally to blame

The deficit is lower this year than last.

Incorrect, The deficit is lower on the books, but the FEDR is spending over 1 trillion a year stimulating the markets. If you credit Obama with a "recovery' based on markets, then you must hold Obama accountable for the spending that causes the rich investors to get richer.

Failure to raise the debt ceiling will have a negative effect on our economy.

Possibly, but so would raising it.

It is not wise for the GOP to try and use the debt ceiling approval as a bargaining chip in negotiations.

I don't really care to advise Republicans, they are progressive lite and have no intention of cutting any spending as proven when they had a super majority and Bush. However, the debt ceiling and default will destroy Obama even more, and seeing that all the 2 parties care about is bullshit ways to hurt each other leaves no room for taking a position on an issue because "its the right thing to do." rather we get crap like a shutdown where Obama and Dems bank on it hurting republicans more than it hurts them, likewise the Reps bank on it hurting Obama and Dems more than it hurts them. Reality is it hurts US citizens and both parties count on people like the OP to pick a side and blame the other.

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WRONG. Sorry. Constituents don't have the money that has flowed into their pockets for the last two years. Please see #EdMeese and #KochBrothers.

a very immature and somewhat paranoid response.

Guess you didn't read the NYT article I posted, either. Too bad. It's neither immature nor paranoid. But does provide actual numbers for funding and the names of the groups involved.

The bottom line is that we have like $2T in revenue coming in, that's plenty of money for government to live on. It's time to chop up their credit card and live within it's means. If they cut taxes and grow the economy, they will get more money to spend.
a very immature and somewhat paranoid response.

Guess you didn't read the NYT article I posted, either. Too bad. It's neither immature nor paranoid. But does provide actual numbers for funding and the names of the groups involved.

The bottom line is that we have like $2T in revenue coming in, that's plenty of money for government to live on. It's time to chop up their credit card and live within it's means. If they cut taxes and grow the economy, they will get more money to spend.

No problem with that but you see that the scorched earth policy of the Tea Baggers is not working. Just ask any one of the families WHO PAID THEIR OWN WAY to Dover AFB today. They are paying the price of knee-jerk politics and some of the names in the top 10 of the Forbes 400.
I am wondering if there are any self described "conservatives here" who can agree with any of the following statements:

The GOP is primarily responsible for the fact that the government is shut down.

The deficit is lower this year than last.

Failure to raise the debt ceiling will have a negative effect on our economy.

It is not wise for the GOP to try and use the debt ceiling approval as a bargaining chip in negotiations.


1. No. Both of parties are.

2. The debt is almost $17 trillion as compared to last year, when it was 16.3 trillion. Get your head out of your ass.

3. No. It will stop us from further endangering it by borrowing money and indebting ourselves to foreign countries. If those countries decide to pull the trigger, our economy is theirs to control.

4. It isn't wise to use veterans benefits, NIH funding, WWII memorials and other things as a means to an end either.

This self ascribed "conservative" is telling you to go screw yourself.
I am wondering if there are any self described "conservatives here" who can agree with any of the following statements:

The GOP is primarily responsible for the fact that the government is shut down.

The deficit is lower this year than last.

Failure to raise the debt ceiling will have a negative effect on our economy.

It is not wise for the GOP to try and use the debt ceiling approval as a bargaining chip in negotiations.


It is interesting you got so many reasonable responses. When liberals are asked questions like you posed I don't ever remember the same being done. Wonder why?
Guess you didn't read the NYT article I posted, either. Too bad. It's neither immature nor paranoid. But does provide actual numbers for funding and the names of the groups involved.

The bottom line is that we have like $2T in revenue coming in, that's plenty of money for government to live on. It's time to chop up their credit card and live within it's means. If they cut taxes and grow the economy, they will get more money to spend.

No problem with that but you see that the scorched earth policy of the Tea Baggers is not working. Just ask any one of the families WHO PAID THEIR OWN WAY to Dover AFB today. They are paying the price of knee-jerk politics and some of the names in the top 10 of the Forbes 400.

Actually it was Democrats who are blocking that, but nice try. OK, it was a terrible try. Baa

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