You are gay... we don't care.

Really Bobby Boy? What might that be? It is clear from you writing that you are something much worse than a bigot and a troll

How come you never post in anything but pervert threads and fag threads.
You clearly do. Since you read the op and felt a need to comment. .

Also ProgressivePatriot. He thinks everyone has a RIGHT to be respected, and wants us to celebrate the choices of homos.

You are a dumbass. You pretend that it is silly of us to comment on these issues, while you are in the thread commenting on these issues. You are clearly just talking shit, to distract from points you don't want to be discussed.
Meh. I’m rubbernecking at a car wreck. It is silly for you to align with a bro triggered by car stickers but have at it. I am here to laugh at it…. And you.
You are so full of shit that your eyes must be brown. I have constantly stated exactly what I think and believe.

For your part, you are to insecure to allow others who are different than you to enjoy the same rights, respect and dignity that you take for granted. So, who is the coward?

In addition , continually insisting being gay is a choice shows that you are just not that bright

If I dressed like a fucking freak, and acted like a freak, in public, I would expect to be judged as a freak and disrespected for it.

To hold others to that same standard, is me allowing them the same rights and respect that I "take for granted".

You are an asshole.
Meh. I’m rubbernecking at a car wreck. It is silly for you to align with a bro triggered by car stickers but have at it. I am here to laugh at it…. And you.

"Triggered" is your spin, liberal. He saw a car with a political message on it, and he is commenting on the message, on a political discussion forum.

That you pretend there is something odd about that, is just you being a gaslighting troll.
Because bigots like you call them perverted, marginalize and scorn them. They are reclaiming the pride that you are trying to rob them of. Next stupid question.

No, because the dictionary calls them perverted, moron. I'm not trying to rob them of anything other than to just respect others at least as much as they respect themselves.
If I dressed like a fucking freak, and acted like a freak, in public, I would expect to be judged as a freak and disrespected for it.

To hold others to that same standard, is me allowing them the same rights and respect that I "take for granted".

You are an asshole.
Gay people dress like and act like everyone else YOU are an asshole. You seem to be very confused
I hear what you're saying OP. You're not wrong, I mean that.

But a little context is needed for those pride stickers and flags, before we condemn them as exhibitionists. For a long . . . I mean long . . . time, gays were not simply left alone. They would have hoped and prayed for an attitude of "I don't care" from the straight world, rather than the hateful condemnation, open discrimination, and frequent verbal and physical attacks that they were subjected to by people who did indeed care.

Hoping and praying were no more effective than usual, so they had to fight for their right to be left alone and to convince people to not care about what they did in private. They fought a hard battle, and have largely succeeded. I applaud that.

So, the pendulum has swung a little ways past the middle. Maybe far past the middle. Some - and I hope and pray it is a minority - of the gays who stand on the shoulders of the civil rights fighters have used that fleshy platform to advocate taking rights away from others, such as parents, churches, and businesses, in the name of "tolerance."

I'd like to assure you that things will even themselves our and it will be fine. Things will almost certainly even themselves out as far as gay civil rights, maybe soon after things are evened out for racial civil rights. But there will always be injustice and those who fight injustice and there will always be those who go to far in fighting injustice, thus perpetrating injustice themselves.

It is the nature of humanity, and I wouldn't exchange that world for any improbable conflict-free socialist paradise.
GAYS all go to hell. repent now.

I think at one time or another other stuff was thought to send people to hell, like heavy metal music, dungeons and dragons and such.

And at one time a composer named Niccolò Paganini was thought to be hellbound.

I wonder what happened to Christians protesting against heavy metal, dungeons and dragons and harry potter?
Sorry bout that,

1. Fags going to Fag.
2. Get away from me fags.
3. Be cast out into utter darkness.
4. Nothing good should ever come your way.
5. Orphaned of decent society.

Sorry bout that,

1. Fags going to Fag.
2. Get away from me fags.
3. Be cast out into utter darkness.
4. Nothing good should ever come your way.
5. Orphaned of decent society.


You sound like a closet case or a nazi.
There is NOTHING in this world to be "proud" of. People are simply people. This being "proud" of this and proud of that is ridiculous. I have nothing against gays or straight or whatever others do with themselves and it's nobody's right or business to judge. This guy is proud of nothing.
Then it stopped in front of me, I kid you not I would say there was at least 30 stickers and bumper stickers all over this thing. Gay pride this and gay pride that... the car was a rolling gay parade.

I am 6'4"... it would be no different if I had stickers all over my vehicle saying "Height Pride" or "Tall Unity". being gay doesn't make you special. Anymore than being straight does, or being taller or having brown hair or green eyes.

One certainly cannot help but be reminded of the biblical concept of “pride” as a sin or a weakness.

It's one thing to be proud of having accomplished something good. Perhaps a sin or a weakness if one is too proud, of such a thing.

But it's something else entirely to be proud of madness and evil. To be a depraved sexual pervert, and to be proud of that. It's rather like being proud of being a thief, or an adulterer, or a drug addict.
Yesterday we were out and I am waiting at a light when I see a white Jeep coming, at first I thought it was a commercial vehicle because the front of it had all these colored lights on it. And it had those "ring lights" around the headlights that was bright purple.
As it got closer I realized this was made to look like the gay colors flag.
Then it stopped in front of me, I kid you not I would say there was at least 30 stickers and bumper stickers all over this thing. Gay pride this and gay pride that... the car was a rolling gay parade.

I am 6'4"... it would be no different if I had stickers all over my vehicle saying "Height Pride" or "Tall Unity". being gay doesn't make you special. Anymore than being straight does, or being taller or having brown hair or green eyes.

I will go out on a limb and say this gal driving the vehicle, or wait... maybe it was a dude... couldn't see well enough, anyway... I bet you $50 they frown upon a Jesus freak who had their car plastered with religious symbols and "God Loves You". And probably have a Karen moment if their college professor worse a cross necklace.

Anyway... who gives a shit if you are gay? That is a pretty fucked up way of identifying yourself and nothing to be "proud" of.

People are gay or not, people fuck others, we don't care.

HOWEVER, there are people who do care. Usually interfering old busy bodies with religion behind them to get more busy body in their life. Demanding everyone do what they think Jesus wants.
We know Jesus fucking hates gays because the Bible says: "The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”"

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