You are gay... we don't care.

OP didn’t post about:
  • Sports team stickers on cars
  • Hunters plastering antler or realtree on their truck
  • MAGA stickers and signs
  • My kids an honor roll student
  • Jesus fish and he loves you stickers
He only posted about gay pride stickers. Seems like a selective gripe to me.
OP didn’t post about:
  • Sports team stickers on cars
  • Hunters plastering antler or realtree on their truck
  • MAGA stickers and signs
  • My kids an honor roll student
  • Jesus fish and he loves you stickers
He only posted about gay pride stickers. Seems like a selective gripe to me.

Yesterday we were out and I am waiting at a light when I see a white Jeep coming, at first I thought it was a commercial vehicle because the front of it had all these colored lights on it. And it had those "ring lights" around the headlights that was bright purple.
As it got closer I realized this was made to look like the gay colors flag.
Then it stopped in front of me, I kid you not I would say there was at least 30 stickers and bumper stickers all over this thing. Gay pride this and gay pride that... the car was a rolling gay parade.

I am 6'4"... it would be no different if I had stickers all over my vehicle saying "Height Pride" or "Tall Unity". being gay doesn't make you special. Anymore than being straight does, or being taller or having brown hair or green eyes.

I will go out on a limb and say this gal driving the vehicle, or wait... maybe it was a dude... couldn't see well enough, anyway... I bet you $50 they frown upon a Jesus freak who had their car plastered with religious symbols and "God Loves You". And probably have a Karen moment if their college professor worse a cross necklace.

Anyway... who gives a shit if you are gay? That is a pretty fucked up way of identifying yourself and nothing to be "proud" of.
Was it worse than these? Actually, I couldn't find a private citizen having their car plastered like that on google or bing.

And therein lies the problem.

Listen, city. Seeing a car with a sticker or two, about the drives's children, is one thing. A person likely won't care, but won't be annoyed.

Seeing car after car with retarded pride stickers, and then seeing one covered in teh shit, a person can easily still NOT car about the person's sexuality and yet, now be annoyed enough to post about the retarded stickers.

It is incredible that you need this explained to you. I find it hard to believe you are really too stupid to not know that.
Wow. You still working the semantics angle? Piss off old man.
Right! Now you are going to try to squirm out of the fact that you are so stupid that you made an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics. You seem to think that only gay people support and defend gay people
I did not concede anything. The point is that not everyone deserves respect, such as YOU

Got it. As I expected, you dropped your own point, to just be a snide little fag.

Back to your point.

You did not state that everyone "deserves" respect. YOu stated that everyone had THE RIGHT, to be respected.

That is simply not true.
Right! Now you are going to try to squirm out of the fact that you are so stupid that you made an assumption about my sexuality based on my politics. You seem to think that only gay people support and defend gay people

FUck off asshole. I was clearly using the figurative "you", not specifically singling "you" personally out.

YOu are pretending to be too stupid to get that, so you can gin up a semantics argument to distract from how utterly retarded your position is.
Listen, city. Seeing a car with a sticker or two, about the drives's children, is one thing. A person likely won't care, but won't be annoyed.

Seeing car after car with retarded pride stickers, and then seeing one covered in teh shit, a person can easily still NOT car about the person's sexuality and yet, now be annoyed enough to post about the retarded stickers.

It is incredible that you need this explained to you. I find it hard to believe you are really too stupid to not know that.
Meh. I think you nuts are pretty insecure to be worried so much about gay pride stickers. It’s not gonna make you gay, unless you already are curious. Maybe that’s the problem? Just saw this a few weeks ago…


Now that’s nuts.
Meh. I think you nuts are pretty insecure to be worried so much about gay pride stickers. It’s not gonna make you gay, unless you already are curious. Maybe that’s the problem? Just saw this a few weeks ago…


Now that’s nuts.

Well I think you are an asshole. So.... ?
Well I think you are an asshole. So.... ?
Its a free country. Feel free think it. Unless of course you’re a woman and want freedom over your body. Then it’s not a free country.
Its a free country. Feel free think it. Unless of course you’re a woman and want freedom over your body. Then it’s not a free country.

Well, I thought we were sharing. YOU told me what you thought of me, so I did the same.

ANd yes, no one was suggesting that either of us are not allowed to have opinions.

Your stupid shit about women, is just stupid. Why are you here is you are just talking silly shit?
Well, I thought we were sharing. YOU told me what you thought of me, so I did the same.

ANd yes, no one was suggesting that either of us are not allowed to have opinions.

Your stupid shit about women, is just stupid. Why are you here is you are just talking silly shit?
Oh. Was this a serious intellectual thread on bumper stickers? My bad. I have no deep insight into why bumper stickers triggered the OP to start this thread other than my assumption that he’s insecure. You have a more informed diagnosis?
Oh. Was this a serious intellectual thread on bumper stickers? My bad. I have no deep insight into why bumper stickers triggered the OP to start this thread other than my assumption that he’s insecure. You have a more informed diagnosis?

Really? A moment ago, you were hinting that perhaps the op was gay himself, as though that was something to be ashamed of.

Now suddenly, you have "no deep insight", and pretend that it is odd to care about bumper stickers enough to post on them, while you are in this thread too, posting just as much as teh op.

Libs just say shit.

THe truth is, that yes, the topic of the thread is serious. You are trying to minimize it, because you know that any serious, honest "intellectual" discussion, is a threat to your agenda, because your lefty agenda is nothing but bad news for any good person.
Really? A moment ago, you were hinting that perhaps the op was gay himself, as though that was something to be ashamed of.

Now suddenly, you have "no deep insight", and pretend that it is odd to care about bumper stickers enough to post on them, while you are in this thread too, posting just as much as teh op.

Libs just say shit.

THe truth is, that yes, the topic of the thread is serious. You are trying to minimize it, because you know that any serious, honest "intellectual" discussion, is a threat to your agenda, because your lefty agenda is nothing but bad news for any good person.
What is the intellectual angle of this thread?

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