You are required by law to own a gun

Assume for the moment...

Congress has exercised its Article 1 Section 8 powers to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, by requiring all able bodied citizens legally able to own a gun to buy, at their own expense. a rifle suitable for use with the militia, ammunition and magazines suitable for this purpose, and regularly train with it.

-The rifle must be semi-auto or select fire with a detachable magazine chambered in 5.56x45m 7.62x51 or 7.62x39. It must be a derivative of any service rifle put into service on or after1950 (more broadly, for those of you who know little about firearms -- an 'assault weapon').. The citizen must also acquire sufficient 20-30 round magazines to carry a basic load of 300 rounds of suitable ammunition, as well as 500 rounds of said ammunition; if 20-30 rd magazines are not available for the riffle in question, the largest capacity magazine will suffice.

-Citizens must train with their rifle at least every other year by attending the US military's Small Arms Firing School; or equivalent. The year in which citizens are required to attend based on the eve/odd last digit of their SSN.

-Citizens not meeting these criteria will pay a tax of $2500 in every year that they fail meet these requirements; revenue from this tax will subsidize the cost of those schools and fund a program for those who who seek to comply with the law but are economically unable to do so.

-The Federal requirement for the purchase and possession of an 'assault weapon' and magazines supersedes any state or local regulations to the contrary.

Would you buy an 'assault weapon' and 'hi-cap magazines' and train with it, or would you pay the tax?

Dude, in the "real" world, most gun owner's in order to protect themselves, often shoot "unarmed" victims. In the real world gun owners guns too often kill unintended victims, family the real world, gun owners are often without their weapons when greeted with gun violence and in the real world....the first order of business, as humans, is to run for cover and then contemplating your next you imagine that little scenario and you tell me, should ever fool in this country own guns?

You know….we actually have statistics, facts and reality…..and those all say you are completely wrong…we had 8,124 gun murders in 2014….than number is down from the year before and has been going down since the 90s… as more Americans own guns the gun crime rate has gone down, so you are wrong on that point….

Another point that you are wrong on….normal people do not shoot other people. of the people who use a gun to murder other people, the majority of them have long histories of violence going back to their teen years, and long criminal records and they are shooting other criminals……..and those shooting unintended victims…are gang bangers in democrat cities doing drive bys trying to kill other gang bangers…….
Well, that's nothing new...Carson did a monologue about freeway shootouts in LA once. When we have this many new gun owners, this many people who have no social skills, and are buying into this much's going to manifest itself in various ways.

I just predicted 3 of them. There will be many more manifestations.

Get back to me when you're a millionaire

Shouldn't be long.... I hope I'm wrong that all of these people are level headed and aren't going to carry it around in their glove compartment or beneath their car seat. I think we both know better.

No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Actually it can be argued that it already started. A waitress was gunned down after telling a gun toting weirdo he couldn't smoke in the Waffle House.

Yeah…..someone who was illegally carrying…right? I happened to call that waffle house corporate headquarters on this story…….I was told that this chain asks people not to carry guns in their restaurants…so it too was a gun free zone.

Your idiocy knows no bounds. She should have told the cook to "cover her" as she reached for the customers's plate..right? Were you always a blithering idiot?
Well, that's nothing new...Carson did a monologue about freeway shootouts in LA once. When we have this many new gun owners, this many people who have no social skills, and are buying into this much's going to manifest itself in various ways.

I just predicted 3 of them. There will be many more manifestations.

Get back to me when you're a millionaire

Shouldn't be long.... I hope I'm wrong that all of these people are level headed and aren't going to carry it around in their glove compartment or beneath their car seat. I think we both know better.

No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Well, that isn't the case but I'm pretty sure if you looked at a situation soberly, you would come to the same conclusions.

How can I when gun ownership is rising and there haven't been shootouts on the highways at all in fact viloent crime and murder rates have both been dropping

I don't believe we're talking about the same thing.

I made predictions....they concern what will happen in the future. As more people are hyped up by fear, you'll have a certain percentage that are probably not cut out for having a weapon that can rob you of your life in a split second. Just like you'll have a certain percentage that discover they are good with accuracy and a certain percentage that will decide they've been had by the NRA and right wing nut job radio and sell their weapon...

Its a pretty simple calculation that if you have 1,000 people from across the nation who buy guns this very moment, you'll have X number of people who fall into each category. If you have 2,000 people from across the nation buying guns at this very moment, the number is X+100% . Third grade math.
Get back to me when you're a millionaire

Shouldn't be long.... I hope I'm wrong that all of these people are level headed and aren't going to carry it around in their glove compartment or beneath their car seat. I think we both know better.

No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Well, that isn't the case but I'm pretty sure if you looked at a situation soberly, you would come to the same conclusions.

How can I when gun ownership is rising and there haven't been shootouts on the highways at all in fact viloent crime and murder rates have both been dropping

I don't believe we're talking about the same thing.

I made predictions....they concern what will happen in the future. As more people are hyped up by fear, you'll have a certain percentage that are probably not cut out for having a weapon that can rob you of your life in a split second. Just like you'll have a certain percentage that discover they are good with accuracy and a certain percentage that will decide they've been had by the NRA and right wing nut job radio and sell their weapon...

Its a pretty simple calculation that if you have 1,000 people from across the nation who buy guns this very moment, you'll have X number of people who fall into each category. If you have 2,000 people from across the nation buying guns at this very moment, the number is X+100% . Third grade math.
The problem is you got your cart before your horse. You need to support the foundation of your argument first, that people are buying guns out of fear instead of doing it because they don't trust lefties and their laws.
I would purchase exactly the gun I used to own.

An AK-47 with a synthetic stock and 10 thirty round magazines. I'd gladly do that.
Shouldn't be long.... I hope I'm wrong that all of these people are level headed and aren't going to carry it around in their glove compartment or beneath their car seat. I think we both know better.

No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Well, that isn't the case but I'm pretty sure if you looked at a situation soberly, you would come to the same conclusions.

How can I when gun ownership is rising and there haven't been shootouts on the highways at all in fact viloent crime and murder rates have both been dropping

I don't believe we're talking about the same thing.

I made predictions....they concern what will happen in the future. As more people are hyped up by fear, you'll have a certain percentage that are probably not cut out for having a weapon that can rob you of your life in a split second. Just like you'll have a certain percentage that discover they are good with accuracy and a certain percentage that will decide they've been had by the NRA and right wing nut job radio and sell their weapon...

Its a pretty simple calculation that if you have 1,000 people from across the nation who buy guns this very moment, you'll have X number of people who fall into each category. If you have 2,000 people from across the nation buying guns at this very moment, the number is X+100% . Third grade math.
The problem is you got your cart before your horse. You need to support the foundation of your argument first, that people are buying guns out of fear instead of doing it because they don't trust lefties and their laws.

What is the total number of guns confiscated by Obama?


Fear is the only commodity that the RWNJs have.
No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Well, that isn't the case but I'm pretty sure if you looked at a situation soberly, you would come to the same conclusions.

How can I when gun ownership is rising and there haven't been shootouts on the highways at all in fact viloent crime and murder rates have both been dropping

I don't believe we're talking about the same thing.

I made predictions....they concern what will happen in the future. As more people are hyped up by fear, you'll have a certain percentage that are probably not cut out for having a weapon that can rob you of your life in a split second. Just like you'll have a certain percentage that discover they are good with accuracy and a certain percentage that will decide they've been had by the NRA and right wing nut job radio and sell their weapon...

Its a pretty simple calculation that if you have 1,000 people from across the nation who buy guns this very moment, you'll have X number of people who fall into each category. If you have 2,000 people from across the nation buying guns at this very moment, the number is X+100% . Third grade math.
The problem is you got your cart before your horse. You need to support the foundation of your argument first, that people are buying guns out of fear instead of doing it because they don't trust lefties and their laws.

What is the total number of guns confiscated by Obama?


Fear is the only commodity that the RWNJs have.
You assume it's fear to fit your agenda. I don;t even know what a rwnj is, not everyone lives in your dank hatebubble.
^That's how I picture these All Guns All the Time sissies...crouching and crawling and constantly expecting to be attacked.

I walk out my front door with my head up and my shoulders back. I've never carried and I never will. I won't ever cower in my bunker twitching at every sound, either.

There's something wrong with people who say "I'm strong because I gots gunz" and when you ask them "so, somebody who feels strong without guns is stronger than you?" they say "Fuck you fucking leftist progressive liberal you're a chickenshit coward because you don't got gunz!"

Unassailable logic, that.
Straw man, that.
Assume for the moment...

Congress has exercised its Article 1 Section 8 powers to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, by requiring all able bodied citizens legally able to own a gun to buy, at their own expense. a rifle suitable for use with the militia, ammunition and magazines suitable for this purpose, and regularly train with it.

-The rifle must be semi-auto or select fire with a detachable magazine chambered in 5.56x45m 7.62x51 or 7.62x39. It must be a derivative of any service rifle put into service on or after1950 (more broadly, for those of you who know little about firearms -- an 'assault weapon').. The citizen must also acquire sufficient 20-30 round magazines to carry a basic load of 300 rounds of suitable ammunition, as well as 500 rounds of said ammunition; if 20-30 rd magazines are not available for the riffle in question, the largest capacity magazine will suffice.

-Citizens must train with their rifle at least every other year by attending the US military's Small Arms Firing School; or equivalent. The year in which citizens are required to attend based on the eve/odd last digit of their SSN.

-Citizens not meeting these criteria will pay a tax of $2500 in every year that they fail meet these requirements; revenue from this tax will subsidize the cost of those schools and fund a program for those who who seek to comply with the law but are economically unable to do so.

-The Federal requirement for the purchase and possession of an 'assault weapon' and magazines supersedes any state or local regulations to the contrary.

Would you buy an 'assault weapon' and 'hi-cap magazines' and train with it, or would you pay the tax?

Dude, in the "real" world, most gun owner's in order to protect themselves, often shoot "unarmed" victims. In the real world gun owners guns too often kill unintended victims, family the real world, gun owners are often without their weapons when greeted with gun violence and in the real world....the first order of business, as humans, is to run for cover and then contemplating your next you imagine that little scenario and you tell me, should ever fool in this country own guns?
I missed your answer to the question.
Just in case you did not see it:
Would you buy an 'assault weapon' and 'hi-cap magazines' and train with it, or would you pay the tax?
Get back to me when you're a millionaire

Shouldn't be long.... I hope I'm wrong that all of these people are level headed and aren't going to carry it around in their glove compartment or beneath their car seat. I think we both know better.

No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Actually it can be argued that it already started. A waitress was gunned down after telling a gun toting weirdo he couldn't smoke in the Waffle House.

Yeah…..someone who was illegally carrying…right? I happened to call that waffle house corporate headquarters on this story…….I was told that this chain asks people not to carry guns in their restaurants…so it too was a gun free zone.

Your idiocy knows no bounds. She should have told the cook to "cover her" as she reached for the customers's plate..right? Were you always a blithering idiot?

Moron….it is a gun free zone policy for those places….meaning good people who normally carry guns were not carrying guns into that gun free zone….the guy broke the rules and since he shot someone over a non smoking policy more than likely has a violent, criminal record…meaning he couldn't legally carry that gun….which he then brought into a gun free zone.
Get back to me when you're a millionaire

Shouldn't be long.... I hope I'm wrong that all of these people are level headed and aren't going to carry it around in their glove compartment or beneath their car seat. I think we both know better.

No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Well, that isn't the case but I'm pretty sure if you looked at a situation soberly, you would come to the same conclusions.

How can I when gun ownership is rising and there haven't been shootouts on the highways at all in fact viloent crime and murder rates have both been dropping

I don't believe we're talking about the same thing.

I made predictions....they concern what will happen in the future. As more people are hyped up by fear, you'll have a certain percentage that are probably not cut out for having a weapon that can rob you of your life in a split second. Just like you'll have a certain percentage that discover they are good with accuracy and a certain percentage that will decide they've been had by the NRA and right wing nut job radio and sell their weapon...

Its a pretty simple calculation that if you have 1,000 people from across the nation who buy guns this very moment, you'll have X number of people who fall into each category. If you have 2,000 people from across the nation buying guns at this very moment, the number is X+100% . Third grade math.

Yes….and that argument…about fear, and the NRA were used back in the 90s when the States started the process of passing concealed carry laws…

In each state people like you said….they only want to carry a gun because they are afraid, that every traffic stop would be a blood bath, and every burnt dinner would be a family murder……and now, with all 50 states having some sort of carry law on the books if not in practice, we have 13 million people carrying guns for self defense and over 357 million guns in private hands…

And our gun murder rate, our gun suicide rate, and our gun accident rate…have gone down, not up……there was not an increase in shootings over traffic incidents…since the people who would do that were already breaking the law before they passed concealed carry laws, and there was not an increase in domestic violence with guns, since normal people don't shoot family members over the t.v. remote….

You guys have been wrong every step of the way……since the 90s……..and you are wrong now...
Get back to me when you're a millionaire

Shouldn't be long.... I hope I'm wrong that all of these people are level headed and aren't going to carry it around in their glove compartment or beneath their car seat. I think we both know better.

No you think you know better than everyone else

not true.

Actually it can be argued that it already started. A waitress was gunned down after telling a gun toting weirdo he couldn't smoke in the Waffle House.

Yeah…..someone who was illegally carrying…right? I happened to call that waffle house corporate headquarters on this story…….I was told that this chain asks people not to carry guns in their restaurants…so it too was a gun free zone.

Your idiocy knows no bounds. She should have told the cook to "cover her" as she reached for the customers's plate..right? Were you always a blithering idiot?

Thanks for reminding me about the waffle house shooting…..the shooter had suffered a traumatic brain injury and had stopped being a fire fighter…also…he had a history of misdemeanor criminal offenses….so again, not a normal person and in violation of the gun free zone policy of the waffle house…..

Biloxi Waffle House server killed over a cigarette 'was so friendly'

However, Waffle House prohibits firearms in its restaurants unless the customer works in a law enforcement field, or the military, Warner said.

Mount has no felony record, but he does have misdemeanor violations.

Read more here: Biloxi Waffle House server killed over a cigarette 'was so friendly'
Congress has exercised its Article 1 Section 8 powers to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, by requiring all able bodied citizens legally able to own a gun to buy, at their own expense. a rifle suitable for use with the militia, ammunition and magazines suitable for this purpose, and regularly train with it.
Since you are trying to parallel the ACA, you would have to include subsidies for the poor.
Congress has exercised its Article 1 Section 8 powers to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, by requiring all able bodied citizens legally able to own a gun to buy, at their own expense. a rifle suitable for use with the militia, ammunition and magazines suitable for this purpose, and regularly train with it.
Since you are trying to parallel the ACA, you would have to include subsidies for the poor.

Of course……..that would be great…….paying the poor to own rifles and pistols…..I am all for that.
^That's how I picture these All Guns All the Time sissies...crouching and crawling and constantly expecting to be attacked.

I walk out my front door with my head up and my shoulders back. I've never carried and I never will. I won't ever cower in my bunker twitching at every sound, either.

There's something wrong with people who say "I'm strong because I gots gunz" and when you ask them "so, somebody who feels strong without guns is stronger than you?" they say "Fuck you fucking leftist progressive liberal you're a chickenshit coward because you don't got gunz!"

Unassailable logic, that.
It's unassailable because you pulled it out of your ass. The real stupidity comes from you thinking it would come across as remotely credible.

It's what y'all post. So either you're lying or you're not making yourselves very clear. This is your opportunity to set the record straight.

Do you feel safer than I am because you have guns?
^That's how I picture these All Guns All the Time sissies...crouching and crawling and constantly expecting to be attacked.

I walk out my front door with my head up and my shoulders back. I've never carried and I never will. I won't ever cower in my bunker twitching at every sound, either.

There's something wrong with people who say "I'm strong because I gots gunz" and when you ask them "so, somebody who feels strong without guns is stronger than you?" they say "Fuck you fucking leftist progressive liberal you're a chickenshit coward because you don't got gunz!"

Unassailable logic, that.
Straw man, that.

Then say what you mean. Do you feel safer than I am because you have guns?
^That's how I picture these All Guns All the Time sissies...crouching and crawling and constantly expecting to be attacked.

I walk out my front door with my head up and my shoulders back. I've never carried and I never will. I won't ever cower in my bunker twitching at every sound, either.

There's something wrong with people who say "I'm strong because I gots gunz" and when you ask them "so, somebody who feels strong without guns is stronger than you?" they say "Fuck you fucking leftist progressive liberal you're a chickenshit coward because you don't got gunz!"
Unassailable logic, that.
Straw man, that.
Then say what you mean.
I did.
There's a law. You have 2 ways to comply with the law, as noted on the OP.
Which do you choose?
^That's how I picture these All Guns All the Time sissies...crouching and crawling and constantly expecting to be attacked.

I walk out my front door with my head up and my shoulders back. I've never carried and I never will. I won't ever cower in my bunker twitching at every sound, either.

There's something wrong with people who say "I'm strong because I gots gunz" and when you ask them "so, somebody who feels strong without guns is stronger than you?" they say "Fuck you fucking leftist progressive liberal you're a chickenshit coward because you don't got gunz!"

Unassailable logic, that.
It's unassailable because you pulled it out of your ass. The real stupidity comes from you thinking it would come across as remotely credible.

It's what y'all post. So either you're lying or you're not making yourselves very clear. This is your opportunity to set the record straight.

Do you feel safer than I am because you have guns?
Feelings have nothing to do with it. And I'm an individual last I checked and I haven't seen anyone make your claims. Obviously people are safer armed than unarmed, who would argue the point?

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