You Can Smell the Fear


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified


Newt Gingrich admitted on Wednesday that his prediction Mitt Romney would handily defeat Barack Obama was way off, crediting an effective campaign from the president and his own misreading of the country for upending his election forecast.​
“I was wrong,” Gingrich, a former Republican presidential candidate, said on CNN.​


Except, PA will go to court and Harris will end up with 2 votes more than Trump during a finding of a bunch of votes hidden in a van somewhere. Notice they didn't put him at 290 and they gave him PA?

I find it peculiar that some newer voices in media have been pushing PA as "the one state that will decide it all", as if that is the only path to victory, when clearly it is not. Coinciding with this mantra, the mayor of Philly says "it will take many days to count all the votes due to the numbers". Why don't so many other major city mayors come out and say the same thing? Why is Philly so unique?

Look, I have never been a conspiracy guy my entire life, but the last 4 years of 24/7 anonymous allegations, "Russia, Russia, Russia", Jussie Smollett, obvious bias by Debate Moderator bias (even one guy caught messaging creepy, Dbag The Mooch), outright Social Media bias, CPL allegations and so many other false, dishonest or misleading stories from media, who give Communist China a free pass on every, really have my Spidey Senses tingling on so many issues. The Wuhan Virus jst before an election really broke the camels back, I know I'm not alone.

I don't like being this guy, but global media has done this to my trust. Canada is much worse, since we have massive abuses by creepy, covert police that is so bad, we are the East Germany of North America and politicians and state run media that appease them.
You Can Smell the Fear

Hardcore Trumpers may be experiencing a loss of bowel control in anticipation of Americans finally issuing their verdict in 2020 that they had expressed as best as they were allowed in 2018.

Rs took 63 house seats in 2010 and lost the 2012 election.

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