You Can Smell the Fear

You Can Smell the Fear

Hardcore Trumpers may be experiencing a loss of bowel control in anticipation of Americans finally issuing their verdict in 2020 that they had expressed as best as they were allowed in 2018.

Rs took 63 house seats in 2010 and lost the 2012 election.

Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
Anyone notice that all the blue spaces are where all the riots are happening and people are fleeing? How could Anyone live in those cities and vote for a democrat??

Some people are that stupid. Just look at the stupidity of the democrats in this forum.

Some of them are beyond stupid. But many of them are evil.

I love the smell of commie fear on election night.
From their website right now

View attachment 410214

I smell something, but it ain't fear.
Fake news!

From their website right now

View attachment 410214

I smell something, but it ain't fear.
CBS is fake news. What you're smelling is shit.
From their website right now

View attachment 410214

I smell something, but it ain't fear.

You smell Trunalimunumaprzure Badakathcare
Regular working Americans do not put out national polls. In fact regular working people have been losing ground for years ,Now we are down to their last ability to effect change ONE AMERICAN ONE VOTE. If you were to be honest who has been fighting against that every American deserves a vote.

There was never a surge in 2016, and there isn't one now.

President Trump had been in the lead since the beginning and they know it.

Polls are nothing but tools used for psychological manipulation same as the scamdemic which is NOT SURGING. Just more lies.

The polls are either flawed or they are damn outright lies by the Libtard Left media.

To have accurate polls they need to have a very representative sample and an accurate demographics model to extrapolate the results to the voting public.

Trump being a populist has defied the models these pollsters use.

A good "poll"? How about the 56,000 Trump supporters in Democrat Miami Florida that came out to see him at midnight?

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