You Can Smell the Fear

From their website right now

View attachment 410214

I smell something, but it ain't fear.
Yes, those websites have Trump getting far fewer votes than is possible with the number of Rs who have already voted.
Anyone notice that all the blue spaces are where all the riots are happening and people are fleeing? How could Anyone live in those cities and vote for a democrat??

Some people are that stupid. Just look at the stupidity of the democrats in this forum.
Facebook has a plethora of psychotic Liberals who are showing their real names.
Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.
Either way america loses.
This was penned as the world, in shock, looked back at WWI, where the world backed into unimaginable bloodshed that nobody saw coming, and then once the world was engulfed in it, could not be exited until the will of one side was broken, which generally requires the death of a frightening percentage of their fighting age males. Gyre is an old word for circle. W. B. Yeats:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.​

This is not our future because, here, the Center will hold.
Sebastian Gorka?
OmG it's official - We've hit rock bottom!
*We're rid of two - Stephen Miller and Trumpy Bear come next!!

What proof do you have that they are white supremacists?
PA Nov 2, 2020 Presidential Poll

So which conservative push poll are you quoting? Very dishonest to not mention that. But then, you are a Trump cultist.
I did mention it. Same poll that predicted his win in 2016. Its Trafalgar. I am a cultist to my family only so be quiet, crazy cat lady.
Trafalger is a narrative pollster and not very accurate.

But hey, that’s you.
Accuracy is subjective...ask 2016
Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.
I don't know who's going to win
Oh, you know who's going to win because you would never have said that before last week.

100% of rioters are Liberals, you dog faced pony liar.
You worthless leftist traitors are pretty witty this afternoon.
It's amusing that the rabid RINOs of trumpery need to whine that the majority of Americans who have relentlessly and consistently disapproved of Trump ever since most voted against him in 2016 are "leftist traitors!"

Conservative Republican George Conway and others in the Lincoln Project are trying to save the GOP from the fowl perversion as well as insider rightists like John Bolton, top Pentagon brass such as Generals Kelly, McMaster, and Mattis, and the 500 retired top military and national security officials who all expressing their patriotism by endorsing Biden, all now "leftist traitors" because they refuse to fall to their knees and pucker.

The osculating Trumpaloons are undoubtedly frightening themselves over the prospect of all these bad, bad hombres gathering after the election at a pedophile pizza parlour to celebrate.

Oh the humanity.
It's actually quite sad, hilarious, scary and pathetic how left wing AMERICAN SOCIALISTS/MARXISTS have no clue what they should actually be afraid of as they laugh at American capitalists.

They will find out. Easily the stupidest people on earth. American middle class marxists.
You worthless leftist traitors are pretty witty this afternoon.
It's amusing that the rabid RINOs of trumpery need to whine that the majority of Americans who have relentlessly and consistently disapproved of Trump ever since most voted against him in 2016 are "leftist traitors!"

Conservative Republican George Conway and others in the Lincoln Project are trying to save the GOP from the fowl perversion as well as insider rightists like John Bolton, top Pentagon brass such as Generals Kelly, McMaster, and Mattis, and the 500 retired top military and national security officials who all expressing their patriotism by endorsing Biden, all now "leftist traitors" because they refuse to fall to their knees and pucker.

The osculating Trumpaloons are undoubtedly frightening themselves over the prospect of all these bad, bad hombres gathering after the election at a pedophile pizza parlour to celebrate.

Oh the humanity.
I know you're an idiot, but the people who hate Trump now are the same globalists who wanted the EV to go to Hillary.
Now that you actually have a fact in your head...
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I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

I think most are expecting Trump to win. DC, LA, SF are all boarding up their store windows anticipating the worst from leftists.
If a total schmuck like Biden can win POTUS who has given us not ONE redeeming quality in 50 years why anyone should like much less trust him, next election, I'm running my tree stump for office, as apparently voters have dead wood for brains.

If you do, I hope your tree stump wins. Your tree stump will not increase taxes on our job producers. It will not destroy the market by raising capital gains taxes. It will not drive more jobs overseas by increasing the national minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. It will not bring back Commie Care and the fines associated with it. It will not make attempts to wipe out all gun manufacturers and sellers so law abiding citizens have no access to firearms. It will not open up the border creating a problem that President Trump pretty much has control over now. It will not enforce a policy of bussing in low-income, high-crime people into what are now safe and secure suburbs thus cutting their property value in half or more.
Except, PA will go to court and Harris will end up with 2 votes more than Trump during a finding of a bunch of votes hidden in a van somewhere. Notice they didn't put him at 290 and they gave him PA?

I find it peculiar that some newer voices in media have been pushing PA as "the one state that will decide it all", as if that is the only path to victory, when clearly it is not. Coinciding with this mantra, the mayor of Philly says "it will take many days to count all the votes due to the numbers". Why don't so many other major city mayors come out and say the same thing? Why is Philly so unique?

It's not. The entire state is rigged for Creepy Joe to win. They decided they will be accepting mail in ballots up to three days after the election no matter how it's postmarked. So if Trump wins by a slim margin, some of those lazy welfare voters just may mail in their ballot on Wednesday morning.

Anyone notice that all the blue spaces are where all the riots are happening and people are fleeing? How could Anyone live in those cities and vote for a democrat??

People who can flee the results of their democrat policies do so. People all
Over the country move from their blue cities and states and head to red states.
but they don’t realize that what they are fleeing is the result of what they vote for, so they continue to vote for democrats.
They then destroy the areas they move to, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat.
That’s why I refer to democrats as locusts. They come to an area, destroy it, then move to the next area and destroy it.

Maybe to some extent, but a lot of those people either won't like red states and move back, or removed from the constant flood of leftist indoctrination and talking to independent thinkers, some of it will rub off on them, some of it will begin to make sense and they will be converted.

And former democrats burned by their own ideals and converted to conservatism often make your best Conservatives! Why? Because like a poor person raised on Hamburger Helper turned rich, people who once were liberal know the dark side FIRST HAND of just how evil progressivism really is!

I understand what you are saying, but trust me, it’s not the majority that snap out of it.
I live in south Florida. The number of northern transplants we have is astounding, and I speak to the frequently. I’ll ask them why they moved and it’s always the same story... “it was too expensive to live. The taxes were outrageous and just kept going up. Crime just kept getting worse. Everything is run down. It’s so difficult to start a business up there. The regulations were crazy” and on and on. Theb ask them which way they vote, and you get the glazed over liberal look as they say “I vote democrat”.
Complete disconnect between what they fled being the result of liberal policies, and where and what they want being a result of conservative policies.

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