You Can Smell the Fear

You worthless leftist traitors are pretty witty this afternoon.
It's amusing that the rabid RINOs of trumpery need to whine that the majority of Americans who have relentlessly and consistently disapproved of Trump ever since most voted against him in 2016 are "leftist traitors!"

Conservative Republican George Conway and others in the Lincoln Project are trying to save the GOP from the fowl perversion as well as insider rightists like John Bolton, top Pentagon brass such as Generals Kelly, McMaster, and Mattis, and the 500 retired top military and national security officials who all expressing their patriotism by endorsing Biden, all now "leftist traitors" because they refuse to fall to their knees and pucker.

The osculating Trumpaloons are undoubtedly frightening themselves over the prospect of all these bad, bad hombres gathering after the election at a pedophile pizza parlour to celebrate.

Oh the humanity.
"Conservative" my ass. George Conway is a communist. Anyone who endorsed Biden is a communist traitor and a fool.
If a total schmuck like Biden can win POTUS who has given us not ONE redeeming quality in 50 years why anyone should like much less trust him, next election, I'm running my tree stump for office, as apparently voters have dead wood for brains.

If you do, I hope your tree stump wins. Your tree stump will not increase taxes on our job producers. It will not destroy the market by raising capital gains taxes. It will not drive more jobs overseas by increasing the national minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. It will not bring back Commie Care and the fines associated with it. It will not make attempts to wipe out all gun manufacturers and sellers so law abiding citizens have no access to firearms. It will not open up the border creating a problem that President Trump pretty much has control over now. It will not enforce a policy of bussing in low-income, high-crime people into what are now safe and secure suburbs thus cutting their property value in half or more.

WHAT A GREAT POINT, Ray! In many ways, my tree stump is better qualified and would make a better POTUS than Joe Biden! At least a hunk of dead wood can't make any BAD decisions, can't curb our economy, won't ever lie to the public, will not lock people in their homes, can't make deals with China through one of its tree branches, will never tell you how to care for your body, is no threat to your inalienable rights, and certainly can't open the floodgates to a bunch of illegals and thugs.

My stump could invite Lady Gaga to play the piano at his rallies or maybe Billy Joel, then say: "Vote for me! I invited a big name musician to play for you paid for by YOUR donations! Just as I'll waste your tax money when I'm in office."

Come to think of it, didn't Lady Gaga wrap up HILLARY'S campaign four years ago? Uh Oh. I hope that isn't a sign of things to come! :eusa_whistle:

Anyone notice that all the blue spaces are where all the riots are happening and people are fleeing? How could Anyone live in those cities and vote for a democrat??

People who can flee the results of their democrat policies do so. People all
Over the country move from their blue cities and states and head to red states.
but they don’t realize that what they are fleeing is the result of what they vote for, so they continue to vote for democrats.
They then destroy the areas they move to, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat.
That’s why I refer to democrats as locusts. They come to an area, destroy it, then move to the next area and destroy it.

Maybe to some extent, but a lot of those people either won't like red states and move back, or removed from the constant flood of leftist indoctrination and talking to independent thinkers, some of it will rub off on them, some of it will begin to make sense and they will be converted.

And former democrats burned by their own ideals and converted to conservatism often make your best Conservatives! Why? Because like a poor person raised on Hamburger Helper turned rich, people who once were liberal know the dark side FIRST HAND of just how evil progressivism really is!

I understand what you are saying, but trust me, it’s not the majority that snap out of it.
I live in south Florida. The number of northern transplants we have is astounding, and I speak to the frequently. I’ll ask them why they moved and it’s always the same story... “it was too expensive to live. The taxes were outrageous and just kept going up. Crime just kept getting worse. Everything is run down. It’s so difficult to start a business up there. The regulations were crazy” and on and on. Theb ask them which way they vote, and you get the glazed over liberal look as they say “I vote democrat”.
Complete disconnect between what they fled being the result of liberal policies, and where and what they want being a result of conservative policies.

Then its YOUR job to POINT THAT OUT to them! Ever consider that maybe God sent those people to you so you could help them MAKE that connection? It's up to people like you to make these people realize the failings of liberal policy-- -- remember, all their lives they have been inundated by progressive programming which trains them not to think or question. They need that little push to wake them up now that they are out of the fog of liberalism.

Never underestimate the power of an individual: every person like that you put the bug in their ear connecting the horrors that they fled with progressivism, they eventually pass on to ten other people. Then each of those people pass it on to ten more. The power is in you to change the world.
I don't know who's going to win
Oh, you know who's going to win because you would never have said that before last week.
More standard Trumpian arrogant ignorance. You assume that everyone else is like you and will say anything.
I have no idea who's going to win, but basing electoral predictions on reason and logic may not work out, again.

From Post 11, September 17:

Anyone notice that all the blue spaces are where all the riots are happening and people are fleeing? How could Anyone live in those cities and vote for a democrat??

People who can flee the results of their democrat policies do so. People all
Over the country move from their blue cities and states and head to red states.
but they don’t realize that what they are fleeing is the result of what they vote for, so they continue to vote for democrats.
They then destroy the areas they move to, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat.
That’s why I refer to democrats as locusts. They come to an area, destroy it, then move to the next area and destroy it.

Maybe to some extent, but a lot of those people either won't like red states and move back, or removed from the constant flood of leftist indoctrination and talking to independent thinkers, some of it will rub off on them, some of it will begin to make sense and they will be converted.

And former democrats burned by their own ideals and converted to conservatism often make your best Conservatives! Why? Because like a poor person raised on Hamburger Helper turned rich, people who once were liberal know the dark side FIRST HAND of just how evil progressivism really is!

I understand what you are saying, but trust me, it’s not the majority that snap out of it.
I live in south Florida. The number of northern transplants we have is astounding, and I speak to the frequently. I’ll ask them why they moved and it’s always the same story... “it was too expensive to live. The taxes were outrageous and just kept going up. Crime just kept getting worse. Everything is run down. It’s so difficult to start a business up there. The regulations were crazy” and on and on. Theb ask them which way they vote, and you get the glazed over liberal look as they say “I vote democrat”.
Complete disconnect between what they fled being the result of liberal policies, and where and what they want being a result of conservative policies.

Then its YOUR job to POINT THAT OUT to them! Ever consider that maybe God sent those people to you so you could help them MAKE that connection? It's up to people like you to make these people realize the failings of liberal policy-- -- remember, all their lives they have been inundated by progressive programming which trains them not to think or question. They need that little push to wake them up now that they are out of the fog of liberalism.

Never underestimate the power of an individual: every person like that you put the bug in their ear connecting the horrors that they fled with progressivism, they eventually pass on to ten other people. Then each of those people pass it on to ten more. The power is in you to change the world.

Very true. I often do point it out. I have no idea how many actually wise up.
Big bets were Made on Trump Yesterday. Actually the biggest ever political Bet was Made Yesterday on Trump. Same thing happened in the last day before election four years ago.
"Conservative" my ass. George Conway is a communist. Anyone who endorsed Biden is a communist traitor and a fool.
Get a grip on yourself, Filbert!

Hysterically lashing out at Federalist Society Republicans, ultra-rightist, high-ranking Trump regime officials such as John Bolton, Pentagon brass such as Kelly, McMaster and Mattis - not to mention the majority of American voters - is quite the tantrump!

I understand what you are saying, but trust me, it’s not the majority that snap out of it.
I live in south Florida. The number of northern transplants we have is astounding, and I speak to the frequently. I’ll ask them why they moved and it’s always the same story... “it was too expensive to live. The taxes were outrageous and just kept going up. Crime just kept getting worse. Everything is run down. It’s so difficult to start a business up there. The regulations were crazy” and on and on. Theb ask them which way they vote, and you get the glazed over liberal look as they say “I vote democrat”.
Complete disconnect between what they fled being the result of liberal policies, and where and what they want being a result of conservative policies.

My niece moved down to Jacksonville a few years ago. She said she loves it there and would never move back, although she misses the family. Her main reason was the weather. She hates the cold and hates snow.
Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

Stormfront would be a better home for them. USMB may have actually passed those guys in ugliness. It's more like 4Chan where you find QAnon. ;)

Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

Stormfront would be a better home for them. USMB may have actually passed those guys in ugliness. It's more like 4Chan where you find QAnon. ;)

Oh look, it’s the “everybody is a racist but me and people who agree with me” guy.
Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

Stormfront would be a better home for them. USMB may have actually passed those guys in ugliness. It's more like 4Chan where you find QAnon. ;)

Oh look, it’s the “everybody is a racist but me and people who agree with me” guy.

No, but half the Trumpettes here qualify.
Seems the fear reeks from trump supporters in their posts on this thread. Donald Trump has already assigned lawyers to interfere into the outcome, that suggests he fears a blue tsunami much like 2018.
Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

Stormfront would be a better home for them. USMB may have actually passed those guys in ugliness. It's more like 4Chan where you find QAnon. ;)

Oh look, it’s the “everybody is a racist but me and people who agree with me” guy.

No, but half the Trumpettes here qualify.

Agree. Racism came out of the closet when Obama was elected twice; then came Trump whose rhetoric moved racists not only out of the closet but onto the living rooms and the streets.
Seems the fear reeks from trump supporters in their posts on this thread. Donald Trump has already assigned lawyers to interfere into the outcome, that suggests he fears a blue tsunami much like 2018.

Is that what it suggests? Thanks for telling us.

Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

Stormfront would be a better home for them. USMB may have actually passed those guys in ugliness. It's more like 4Chan where you find QAnon. ;)
Oh look, it’s the “everybody is a racist but me and people who agree with me” guy.

No, but half the Trumpettes here qualify.

Agree. Racism came out of the closet when Obama was elected twice; then came Trump whose rhetoric moved racists not only out of the closet but onto the living rooms and the streets.

Donald will go down in the history books as The President of White Grievance. We'll find out soon about the character of America.

President Donald Trump is shrugging off concerns within his party over his divisive rhetoric and is convinced that stoking the grievances of his white core voters will see him reelected in November, the Washington Post reported Saturday.
In recent weeks there has been growing alarm within Trump's reelection campaign and in the Republican party about national and swing-state polls showing Trump crashing to defeat to his Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden in November.​
Some advisers are reportedly urging the president to tone down his rhetoric, and reach out to independent and suburban voters repelled by his response to the George Floyd anti-racism protests.​
But Trump reportedly believes that "following his own instincts on race and channeling the grievances of his core base of white voters" will see him beat Biden in November, a White House official and outside adviser to the president, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the publication.​

If a total schmuck like Biden can win POTUS who has given us not ONE redeeming quality in 50 years why anyone should like much less trust him, next election, I'm running my tree stump for office, as apparently voters have dead wood for brains.

If you do, I hope your tree stump wins. Your tree stump will not increase taxes on our job producers. It will not destroy the market by raising capital gains taxes. It will not drive more jobs overseas by increasing the national minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. It will not bring back Commie Care and the fines associated with it. It will not make attempts to wipe out all gun manufacturers and sellers so law abiding citizens have no access to firearms. It will not open up the border creating a problem that President Trump pretty much has control over now. It will not enforce a policy of bussing in low-income, high-crime people into what are now safe and secure suburbs thus cutting their property value in half or more.

WHAT A GREAT POINT, Ray! In many ways, my tree stump is better qualified and would make a better POTUS than Joe Biden! At least a hunk of dead wood can't make any BAD decisions, can't curb our economy, won't ever lie to the public, will not lock people in their homes, can't make deals with China through one of its tree branches, will never tell you how to care for your body, is no threat to your inalienable rights, and certainly can't open the floodgates to a bunch of illegals and thugs.

My stump could invite Lady Gaga to play the piano at his rallies or maybe Billy Joel, then say: "Vote for me! I invited a big name musician to play for you paid for by YOUR donations! Just as I'll waste your tax money when I'm in office."

Come to think of it, didn't Lady Gaga wrap up HILLARY'S campaign four years ago? Uh Oh. I hope that isn't a sign of things to come! :eusa_whistle:
That's actually a true statement. No government is preferable to any government I've ever lived under.
Seems the fear reeks from trump supporters in their posts on this thread. Donald Trump has already assigned lawyers to interfere into the outcome, that suggests he fears a blue tsunami much like 2018.
Biden has hired hundreds of lawyers, douchebag, so what is their function?
Sebastian Gorka?
OmG it's official - We've hit rock bottom!
*We're rid of two - Stephen Miller and Trumpy Bear come next!!


Liar. Nothing he does will ever get you to admit that he is a not a ws.
Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

Stormfront would be a better home for them. USMB may have actually passed those guys in ugliness. It's more like 4Chan where you find QAnon. ;)
Oh look, it’s the “everybody is a racist but me and people who agree with me” guy.

No, but half the Trumpettes here qualify.

Agree. Racism came out of the closet when Obama was elected twice; then came Trump whose rhetoric moved racists not only out of the closet but onto the living rooms and the streets.

Donald will go down in the history books as The President of White Grievance. We'll find out soon about the character of America.

President Donald Trump is shrugging off concerns within his party over his divisive rhetoric and is convinced that stoking the grievances of his white core voters will see him reelected in November, the Washington Post reported Saturday.
In recent weeks there has been growing alarm within Trump's reelection campaign and in the Republican party about national and swing-state polls showing Trump crashing to defeat to his Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden in November.​
Some advisers are reportedly urging the president to tone down his rhetoric, and reach out to independent and suburban voters repelled by his response to the George Floyd anti-racism protests.​
But Trump reportedly believes that "following his own instincts on race and channeling the grievances of his core base of white voters" will see him beat Biden in November, a White House official and outside adviser to the president, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the publication.​

You TDS morons really crack me up. Trump is stoking grievences? Trump indulges in "divisive rhetoric?" Nobody stokes grievances like the left. Why do you imagine we had these riots for the past 4 months? How is saying that police deliberately murder blacks not divisive? How is calling all white people "racist" not divisive?

You're a sleazy douchebag. I'll piss on your grave, you disgusting piece of shit.
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Are you ready for your own bloodbath? 2018 was just a teaser! :cool-45:
I don't know who's going to win, but one of the many interesting things to watch if Biden wins would be how many of these posters returned to Stormfront. This place is turning into one of those secret underground sites you hear about.

Stormfront would be a better home for them. USMB may have actually passed those guys in ugliness. It's more like 4Chan where you find QAnon. ;)

Oh look, it’s the “everybody is a racist but me and people who agree with me” guy.

No, but half the Trumpettes here qualify.

Agree. Racism came out of the closet when Obama was elected twice; then came Trump whose rhetoric moved racists not only out of the closet but onto the living rooms and the streets.
Yes, Obama's racism did come out of the closet. There hasn't been a day since that some leftwing politician or "journalist" hasn't called some white person a racist simply for being white.

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