You Can Smell the Fear

CBS is fake news.
As Trump lickspittles mewl, all sources of information that do not french kiss Trump's big, fat bum are "fake." Please don't lace your Kool-Aid with bleach.

Hey Shitlap, I'm glad you joined just in time! You sound like a guy who won't take BAD NEWS well. :auiqs.jpg:
From their website right now

View attachment 410214

I smell something, but it ain't fear.
What do you smell? Bullshit?

Me too.

That "toss up" area must include Texas, which is a real knee slapper.
There was never a surge in 2016, and there isn't one now.
President Trump had been in the lead since the beginning and they know it.
Polls are nothing but tools used for psychological manipulation same as the scamdemic which is NOT SURGING. Just more lies.

The polls are either flawed or they are damn outright lies by the Libtard Left media.

If a total schmuck like Biden can win POTUS who has given us not ONE redeeming quality in 50 years why anyone should like much less trust him, next election, I'm running my tree stump for office, as apparently voters have dead wood for brains.

Here's what I am seeing.

It's Trump who doesn't need NC, Michigan, or Wisconsin.
From their website right now

View attachment 410214

I smell something, but it ain't fear.
How convenient for the polsters lol

Just put out every possible scenario then claim victory no matter who wins. And you lemmings eat it up

Anyone notice that all the blue spaces are where all the riots are happening and people are fleeing? How could Anyone live in those cities and vote for a democrat??

People who can flee the results of their democrat policies do so. People all
Over the country move from their blue cities and states and head to red states.
but they don’t realize that what they are fleeing is the result of what they vote for, so they continue to vote for democrats.
They then destroy the areas they move to, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat.
That’s why I refer to democrats as locusts. They come to an area, destroy it, then move to the next area and destroy it.
PA Nov 2, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 47.8%
Joe Biden 45.9%

Jo Jorgensen 1.4%
Someone Else 1.2%
Undecided 3.7%

MI Nov 1, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.3%
Joe Biden 45.8%

Jo Jorgensen 1.7%
Someone Else 1.3%
Undecided 3.0%

AZ Oct 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.9%
Joe Biden 46.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.3%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 0.7%

NC Oct 31, 2020 Presidential Poll
TOTALS (with leans)
Donald Trump 48.6%
Joe Biden 46.5%

Jo Jorgensen 2.6%
Someone Else 1.4%
Undecided 1.0%

OH Nov 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 49.2%
Joe Biden 44.4%

Jo Jorgensen 2.1%
Someone Else 1.7%
Undecided 2.6%

FL Sept 2020 Presidential Poll
Donald Trump 48.7%
Joe Biden 45.6%

Jo Jorgensen 2.2%
Another Party Candidate 1.3%
Undecided 2.3%

Anyone notice that all the blue spaces are where all the riots are happening and people are fleeing? How could Anyone live in those cities and vote for a democrat??

People who can flee the results of their democrat policies do so. People all
Over the country move from their blue cities and states and head to red states.
but they don’t realize that what they are fleeing is the result of what they vote for, so they continue to vote for democrats.
They then destroy the areas they move to, and repeat, and repeat, and repeat.
That’s why I refer to democrats as locusts. They come to an area, destroy it, then move to the next area and destroy it.

Maybe to some extent, but a lot of those people either won't like red states and move back, or removed from the constant flood of leftist indoctrination and talking to independent thinkers, some of it will rub off on them, some of it will begin to make sense and they will be converted.

And former democrats burned by their own ideals and converted to conservatism often make your best Conservatives! Why? Because like a poor person raised on Hamburger Helper turned rich, people who once were liberal know the dark side FIRST HAND of just how evil progressivism really is!

YUGE: Trump Campaign’s Internal Numbers Explain Why Team Biden Is Freaking Out About Election Day.
“Election day is going to look like a Trump rally,” Nick Trainer, the campaign’s director of battleground strategy said on the press call.
Then vote now, in case Antifa/BLM suddenly attacks polling stations in pro-Trump neighborhoods.
“Democrat are really panicking because Joe Biden hasn’t run up a large enough lead” in absentee ballots and mail-in ballots in order to counter the expected Trump turnout on Election Day, Deputy Campaign Manager Justin Clark said. “They know that Trump’s margin on Election Day will make up the difference for victory.”
Vote Early
Therefore, Democrats are working to delegitimize the Election Day results as a “red mirage,” claiming that postal delays with mail-in ballots are giving a false impression of a Trump victory. “None of this will be true,” Clark argued.
Vote NOW! Don't wait until the last moment when Lefty Seditionists may attempt to prevent you from voting.
PA Nov 2, 2020 Presidential Poll

So which conservative push poll are you quoting? Very dishonest to not mention that. But then, you are a Trump cultist.
I did mention it. Same poll that predicted his win in 2016. Its Trafalgar. I am a cultist to my family only so be quiet, crazy cat lady.
You Can Smell the Fear

Hardcore Trumpers may be experiencing a loss of bowel control in anticipation of Americans finally issuing their verdict in 2020 that they had expressed as best as they were allowed in 2018.

Rs took 63 house seats in 2010 and lost the 2012 election.
They lost 40 in

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