'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Liberals prefer to live apart from the right and would except that they need our tax money so they cling to us like leaches.

Remind us of your opinion on whether businesses should be able to refuse service to gays.
Every business should refuse service to these sex perverts. These sick fucks are a drain on our society.

Isn't your closet a bit cramped?

So you're siding with this Hawaiian business. Refuse service to Trumptards.
If another restaurant declined to serve Hillary voters, they would be about 99% correct to refuse service to black people due to their political affiliation.
Liberals prefer to live apart from the right and would except that they need our tax money so they cling to us like leaches.

Remind us of your opinion on whether businesses should be able to refuse service to gays.
Every business should refuse service to these sex perverts. These sick fucks are a drain on our society.

Isn't your closet a bit cramped?

So you're siding with this Hawaiian business. Refuse service to Trumptards.
I am. They can feed all the communists they want. We kill our food.
So, I put a sign up saying "we reserve the right to refuse service" and a same sex couple walks in wanting a wedding cake.

What's the difference between that act and refusing service to someone that you don't agree with who they voted for? I don't see a difference. They are both common afflictions.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ummm because the law says so.

For example, you can't refuse someone because they are disabled .

But you could refuse someone for being a New York Yankee fan , or someone wearing a "I love isis " t shirt .

Ya dig ?

So, because a drunk walks into a bar and the bartender doesn't serve him because he's drunk, then the drunk is protected because he is a drunk and alcoholism is a disease. and therefore protected?

Ok, I get it now. The law is as clear as my comment, right?

No. he's drunk .

But if you deny someone for being in a wheelchair . We have problems.

Do you want everything equal??? Then adults can have sex wh kids . Right ? Why should sex wh a child be illegal? Equality dammit !

Leftards are working on making pedophilia acceptable.....they are conditioning the unwashed masses to accept it.....

Really? Do you have a credible link to that? Sorry, but the voices in your head don't qualify this time.

Oh, Salon.com has given a platform to a pedophile....and they have come up with a term of instead of pedophile? It's Minor Attracted Persons". GLSEN, an offshoot of the LGBTQ ( and as a part of common core agenda) is allowed to go to schools and teach acceptance of the queer and transgendered crowd to even grade schoolers and they want to lower the age of consent.......have you done any research of this issue? I doubt it.....
So, I put a sign up saying "we reserve the right to refuse service" and a same sex couple walks in wanting a wedding cake.

What's the difference between that act and refusing service to someone that you don't agree with who they voted for? I don't see a difference. They are both common afflictions.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ummm because the law says so.

For example, you can't refuse someone because they are disabled .

But you could refuse someone for being a New York Yankee fan , or someone wearing a "I love isis " t shirt .

Ya dig ?

So, because a drunk walks into a bar and the bartender doesn't serve him because he's drunk, then the drunk is protected because he is a drunk and alcoholism is a disease. and therefore protected?

Ok, I get it now. The law is as clear as my comment, right?

No. he's drunk .

But if you deny someone for being in a wheelchair . We have problems.

Do you want everything equal??? Then adults can have sex wh kids . Right ? Why should sex wh a child be illegal? Equality dammit !

Leftards are working on making pedophilia acceptable.....they are conditioning the unwashed masses to accept it.....
Not at all....it is the Biblical RW that keeps the age of consent down below 18.

Got proof that Christians are behind GLSEN????? That they are behind the LGBTQ?????? Let's see it, buttecea.....
'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

"A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with FoxNews.com. One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people."

Not only are liberals bat-shit crazy, but now they are engaging in 'illegal political discrimination'.

This election has exposed Liberals for who they are:

Rigged their own Primary
Fed Hillary debate questions in advance
Vandalized GOP HQs
Firebombed GOP HQs
Hired thugs to beat/bloody Trump Supporters
Planned Obstructionists
And NOW Political Discriminators

Hillary declared oppising the election results undermined the very pillars on which our democracy rests...then did just that.

Liberals' actions are not just disappointment, anger, and 'sour grapes' due to a lost election.

They are not just attempts to undermine our democracy.

It is all a full intolerant Socialist assault against our democracy!
One isolated incident does not equal all the white supremacists being really charged up at the thought of Trump being president. Remove the log from your own eye before pointing out the speck in others eyes.
One isolated incident does not equal all the white supremacists being really charged up at the thought of Trump being president. Remove the log from your own eye before pointing out the speck in others eyes.
One oncident? Did you read the 'laundry list' in my initial post? This latest case of political discrimination is NOT the only one.
Thanks for reminding us all, Jake, that the only thing you have to offer in the midst of intelligent discussion is ignorance and insults.
So, I put a sign up saying "we reserve the right to refuse service" and a same sex couple walks in wanting a wedding cake.

What's the difference between that act and refusing service to someone that you don't agree with who they voted for? I don't see a difference. They are both common afflictions.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ummm because the law says so.

For example, you can't refuse someone because they are disabled .

But you could refuse someone for being a New York Yankee fan , or someone wearing a "I love isis " t shirt .

Ya dig ?

So, because a drunk walks into a bar and the bartender doesn't serve him because he's drunk, then the drunk is protected because he is a drunk and alcoholism is a disease. and therefore protected?

Ok, I get it now. The law is as clear as my comment, right?

No. he's drunk .

But if you deny someone for being in a wheelchair . We have problems.

Do you want everything equal??? Then adults can have sex wh kids . Right ? Why should sex wh a child be illegal? Equality dammit !

Leftards are working on making pedophilia acceptable.....they are conditioning the unwashed masses to accept it.....
Not at all....it is the Biblical RW that keeps the age of consent down below 18.

I dunno, in Colorado a woman can get married at 18 without a parents consent, a man has to be 21. At least that's what it still was when my son got married in 95.

The way I look at it is if you're old enough to serve, you should be old enough to give consent and drink alcohol, but that's just me.
Actually, this is fantastic. A whole slew of Democrats changed Party over to either Republican or to Independent and voted for Trump in the election because they were fed up with the Democratic Party. Let these fools keep on fanning the flames. Let the Democrats in the Senate and in the House stall and block and hinder. We will see yet another election in two years where we will gain a super majority in the Senate and see Republicans win at state and local levels yet again. Even sensible Democrats can see through this parade of protests, hate, and mud slinging these butt hurt immature Liberal loons are exhibiting. They will only serve to further destroy their own Party.
With this level of tolerance, no wonder the Democrats couldn't win and unite the country...

'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with FoxNews.com. One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told FoxNews.com she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”
Shit food?
So the rules the left wanted to apply to a Christian baker who did not want to bake a cake for a gay wedding do not apply here interesting if unsurprising.

Are you now claiming you are not one of those conservatives who says that a business should have th right to refuse service to anyone for any reason?

It actually reads in the fine print the right to refuse service to ALMOST anyone but only for those reasons that are not approved by Liberals
With this level of tolerance, no wonder the Democrats couldn't win and unite the country...

'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with FoxNews.com. One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told FoxNews.com she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”

Big talk from those who defend anti gay business (example : wedding cake makers)

Big difference hombre. The baker is not refusing service, rather they are refusing to bake a cake in a certain way for a gay wedding. This asshole wants to discriminate against people with a certain political view. That is not against law.

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