'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Really? Do you have a credible link to that? Sorry, but the voices in your head don't qualify this time.

Oh, Salon.com has given a platform to a pedophile....and they have come up with a term of instead of pedophile? It's Minor Attracted Persons". GLSEN, an offshoot of the LGBTQ ( and as a part of common core agenda) is allowed to go to schools and teach acceptance of the queer and transgendered crowd to even grade schoolers and they want to lower the age of consent.......have you done any research of this issue? I doubt it.....

So Salon magazine publishing an article is undeniable proof that the entire left wing is invested in what ever the article, or the author of that article discusses? So when did Salon become the only deciding authority for the Democratic party? I know you are used to being told you are nuts, but this time you really should consider the possibility that the accusation is right.

So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Oh Snap! Good shot!

That's a mortal wound there, BULLDOG!!!!
Oh, Salon.com has given a platform to a pedophile....and they have come up with a term of instead of pedophile? It's Minor Attracted Persons". GLSEN, an offshoot of the LGBTQ ( and as a part of common core agenda) is allowed to go to schools and teach acceptance of the queer and transgendered crowd to even grade schoolers and they want to lower the age of consent.......have you done any research of this issue? I doubt it.....

So Salon magazine publishing an article is undeniable proof that the entire left wing is invested in what ever the article, or the author of that article discusses? So when did Salon become the only deciding authority for the Democratic party? I know you are used to being told you are nuts, but this time you really should consider the possibility that the accusation is right.

So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Oh Snap! Good shot!

That's a mortal wound there, BULLDOG!!!!

If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?
Oh, Salon.com has given a platform to a pedophile....and they have come up with a term of instead of pedophile? It's Minor Attracted Persons". GLSEN, an offshoot of the LGBTQ ( and as a part of common core agenda) is allowed to go to schools and teach acceptance of the queer and transgendered crowd to even grade schoolers and they want to lower the age of consent.......have you done any research of this issue? I doubt it.....

So Salon magazine publishing an article is undeniable proof that the entire left wing is invested in what ever the article, or the author of that article discusses? So when did Salon become the only deciding authority for the Democratic party? I know you are used to being told you are nuts, but this time you really should consider the possibility that the accusation is right.

So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

So what did you learn about this fag friendly association to the LGBTQ?????? be specific......
So Salon magazine publishing an article is undeniable proof that the entire left wing is invested in what ever the article, or the author of that article discusses? So when did Salon become the only deciding authority for the Democratic party? I know you are used to being told you are nuts, but this time you really should consider the possibility that the accusation is right.

So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

So what did you learn about this fag friendly association to the LGBTQ?????? be specific......

Your games are too tedious. What does a gay and lesbian group have to do with pedophilia, and even if they did support it, how does that define the entire lft wing as supporting it? Did you suddenly decide that Salon wasn't the ones calling the shots after all?
So Salon magazine publishing an article is undeniable proof that the entire left wing is invested in what ever the article, or the author of that article discusses? So when did Salon become the only deciding authority for the Democratic party? I know you are used to being told you are nuts, but this time you really should consider the possibility that the accusation is right.

So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Oh Snap! Good shot!

That's a mortal wound there, BULLDOG!!!!

If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?

The leftard clown pose supports the LGBTQ.......the LGBTQ supports GLSEN..........do you need a fucking road map?????
If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?

And the post said you wanted proof that the left supported it. Since the left makes all kinds of wildly fantastic woven assumptions to call all conservatives some label they cobble up It is only fitting that when we KNOW of a liberal pile of crap that many of those who attacked trump and voiced their unswerving support for the lowlife dimocrat candidate we present the same. Why don't you just google that too since it is so easy to discern who is really the group behind the moral decline and loss of morals in this country. Go on pick another label out of your silly little Talking points for liberals book.
So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

So what did you learn about this fag friendly association to the LGBTQ?????? be specific......

Your games are too tedious. What does a gay and lesbian group have to do with pedophilia, and even if they did support it, how does that define the entire lft wing as supporting it? Did you suddenly decide that Salon wasn't the ones calling the shots after all?

Leftards support queers...queers support targeting youth at the elementary grade school level.....what other conclusion can one come to???? Distancing yourself from the goal of the fag whose manta is "get them while they are young" makes you just as disgusting and complicit....get it now??????
So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Oh Snap! Good shot!

That's a mortal wound there, BULLDOG!!!!

If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?

The leftard clown pose supports the LGBTQ.......the LGBTQ supports GLSEN..........do you need a fucking road map?????

Just as soon as you show me the road that proves the left supports pedophilia. Why haven't you done that yet?
If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?

And the post said you wanted proof that the left supported it. Since the left makes all kinds of wildly fantastic woven assumptions to call all conservatives some label they cobble up It is only fitting that when we KNOW of a liberal pile of crap that many of those who attacked trump and voiced their unswerving support for the lowlife dimocrat candidate we present the same. Why don't you just google that too since it is so easy to discern who is really the group behind the moral decline and loss of morals in this country. Go on pick another label out of your silly little Talking points for liberals book.

So you don't have any reason to claim the left supports pedophilia other than it seemed like a good lie at the time. Got it.
Oh, Salon.com has given a platform to a pedophile....and they have come up with a term of instead of pedophile? It's Minor Attracted Persons". GLSEN, an offshoot of the LGBTQ ( and as a part of common core agenda) is allowed to go to schools and teach acceptance of the queer and transgendered crowd to even grade schoolers and they want to lower the age of consent.......have you done any research of this issue? I doubt it.....

So Salon magazine publishing an article is undeniable proof that the entire left wing is invested in what ever the article, or the author of that article discusses? So when did Salon become the only deciding authority for the Democratic party? I know you are used to being told you are nuts, but this time you really should consider the possibility that the accusation is right.

So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

We don't know, but trying to recruit kindergarten children makes them suspect.

Why even put the thought in their heads? If trying to entice them to experiment isn't Pedophilia by Proxy I would be surprised. But in the Liberal mind that it is perfectly alright to play slap and tickle with another child of their own sex, but taboo with one of the opposite sex.

I thought that they were or they weren't, and WHEN THE TIME COMES THEY WOULD KNOW.

The liberal mind works in bizarre ways.
I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

So what did you learn about this fag friendly association to the LGBTQ?????? be specific......

Your games are too tedious. What does a gay and lesbian group have to do with pedophilia, and even if they did support it, how does that define the entire lft wing as supporting it? Did you suddenly decide that Salon wasn't the ones calling the shots after all?

Leftards support queers...queers support targeting youth at the elementary grade school level.....what other conclusion can one come to???? Distancing yourself from the goal of the fag whose manta is "get them while they are young" makes you just as disgusting and complicit....get it now??????

Really? You got a credible source saying gay people are pedophiles? Again, the voices in your head still don't count.
If you say so. The claim was that the left supported pedophilia. How does a gay and lesbian group have anything to do with that?

And the post said you wanted proof that the left supported it. Since the left makes all kinds of wildly fantastic woven assumptions to call all conservatives some label they cobble up It is only fitting that when we KNOW of a liberal pile of crap that many of those who attacked trump and voiced their unswerving support for the lowlife dimocrat candidate we present the same. Why don't you just google that too since it is so easy to discern who is really the group behind the moral decline and loss of morals in this country. Go on pick another label out of your silly little Talking points for liberals book.

So you don't have any reason to claim the left supports pedophilia other than it seemed like a good lie at the time. Got it.

So Salon magazine publishing an article is undeniable proof that the entire left wing is invested in what ever the article, or the author of that article discusses? So when did Salon become the only deciding authority for the Democratic party? I know you are used to being told you are nuts, but this time you really should consider the possibility that the accusation is right.

So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

We don't know, but trying to recruit kindergarten children makes them suspect.

Why even put the thought in their heads? If trying to entice them to experiment isn't Pedophilia by Proxy I would be surprised. But in the Liberal mind that it is perfectly alright to play slap and tickle with another child of their own sex, but taboo with one of the opposite sex.

I thought that they were or they weren't, and WHEN THE TIME COMES THEY WOULD KNOW.

The liberal mind works in bizarre ways.

So in other words, you're just another right wing idiot spouting hateful lies. Got it.
So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

We don't know, but trying to recruit kindergarten children makes them suspect.

Why even put the thought in their heads? If trying to entice them to experiment isn't Pedophilia by Proxy I would be surprised. But in the Liberal mind that it is perfectly alright to play slap and tickle with another child of their own sex, but taboo with one of the opposite sex.

I thought that they were or they weren't, and WHEN THE TIME COMES THEY WOULD KNOW.

The liberal mind works in bizarre ways.

So in other words, you're just another right wing idiot spouting hateful lies. Got it.

Child Trauma Expert: Pro-Pedophilia Groups Are ‘Grooming’ Public to Accept Adult-Child Sex
So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

We don't know, but trying to recruit kindergarten children makes them suspect.

Why even put the thought in their heads? If trying to entice them to experiment isn't Pedophilia by Proxy I would be surprised. But in the Liberal mind that it is perfectly alright to play slap and tickle with another child of their own sex, but taboo with one of the opposite sex.

I thought that they were or they weren't, and WHEN THE TIME COMES THEY WOULD KNOW.

The liberal mind works in bizarre ways.

So in other words, you're just another right wing idiot spouting hateful lies. Got it.

Redefining pedophilia with pedophiles’ help
So are you saying that GLSEN isn't visiting grade schools to push the LGBYTQ agenda??? Is that what you are claiming????/ I just want you to be "crystal clear" before I drop an avalanche of knowledge on you.......deal????

I want you to declare that there isn't an agenda to push queerness on grades school kids.........declare that it's nor true........can ya do that, punkinpusss????/ Let's "cyber dance"..........

I don't know what GLSEN is, and if it was a prominent left wing group, I probably would. I suspect you are trying to say that gay and lesbians are all pedophiles. That's just nuts. You can do what ever you want to with your knowledge. It's proven to be severely defective every time so far, and I have no reason to believe there has been any change recently.

Google GLSEN...........and then get back to me............

Just did. What does that have to do with pedophilia?

We don't know, but trying to recruit kindergarten children makes them suspect.

Why even put the thought in their heads? If trying to entice them to experiment isn't Pedophilia by Proxy I would be surprised. But in the Liberal mind that it is perfectly alright to play slap and tickle with another child of their own sex, but taboo with one of the opposite sex.

I thought that they were or they weren't, and WHEN THE TIME COMES THEY WOULD KNOW.

The liberal mind works in bizarre ways.

So in other words, you're just another right wing idiot spouting hateful lies. Got it.

Firsthand Report on B4U-ACT Conference for ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’ — Aims at Normalizing Pedophilia » Americans for Truth

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