'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

I disagree with the owner. I used to own a cafe, and I hated to have to throw out unsold soup at the end of the second day. Asking Trump voters to wear identification of some kind would have solved the waste problem for me!
the person that owns the business can run it anyway he/she wants too .... geeeeezus H kriest @ RW asshats ... STFU !

he could get Trump to come shit on his floor the Trumpbots would show up in droves holding a big spoon, and wearing a bib, all set to fight for the big chunks,

So, a bakery not selling wedding cakes to same sex couples is now ok in your eyes?

It's running their business the way they like.

Well that's against the law .

For the record I think this guy is dumb and petty . But discrimination based on who you vote for is not protected .
"PROTECTED" CLASSES are UnAMERICAN. But then, we're talking about libs
Good for them :clap:

What if that sign said Whites Only? Maybe you'd say "Good for them" too.

I thought that discrimination was both illegal and causes liberals to hyperventilate.

Are Trump supporters a protected class? Have they historically been under represented? Is the restaurant breaking any laws? Quit whining. There are plenty of other places in town that will accept their business. I thought you supported a business owner refusing service.

No, Mr. Dense, I'm complaining about discriminating discrimination laws. If businesses can refures serve, it should to all or none. Equal protection under the law is a right to EVERYONE, not to just select persons.

The liberal courts caused this mess.

You should send a letter to the supreme court, and explain it to them. They act like they aren't aware of what you just said. I'm sure a strongly worded letter from you would straiten them right out.
As long as it's for religious reasons, it's OK. And now that Trump has been declared the new Messiah, then it all comes together.

With this level of tolerance, no wonder the Democrats couldn't win and unite the country...

'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with FoxNews.com. One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told FoxNews.com she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”
Bad business move, but his choice.
With this level of tolerance, no wonder the Democrats couldn't win and unite the country...

'You cannot eat here': Hawaii café riles residents with ban on Trump voters

Honolulu’s Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its “Radiatore Verde” and “Italian stir fry,” among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant – but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: “If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis.”

A photo of the sign was shared with FoxNews.com. One also is proudly posted on the café’s Facebook page, and was “liked” by some 40 people.

“…The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable,” one Facebook user wrote next to the photo.

Others aren’t so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told FoxNews.com she found the sign in “extreme poor taste.”

“It's childish and very unprofessional,” she said in an email. “… The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment.”

If you refuse to bake a cake to flaming gay couple, your business is fined to the point of closing down.

If you refuse to serve a flaming Trump supporter, that also has to be the case, in the name of equality.

Sorry regressives, you can't have it both ways.
Can you show us a PA law that is based on political affiliation?
Good for them :clap:

What if that sign said Whites Only? Maybe you'd say "Good for them" too.

I thought that discrimination was both illegal and causes liberals to hyperventilate.

Are Trump supporters a protected class? Have they historically been under represented? Is the restaurant breaking any laws? Quit whining. There are plenty of other places in town that will accept their business. I thought you supported a business owner refusing service.

No, Mr. Dense, I'm complaining about discriminating discrimination laws. If businesses can refuse service, it should be to all or none. Equal protection under the law is a right to EVERYONE, not to just select persons.

The liberal courts caused this mess.

It's not courts . It's laws passed by your legislature.
the person that owns the business can run it anyway he/she wants too .... geeeeezus H kriest @ RW asshats ... STFU !

he could get Trump to come shit on his floor the Trumpbots would show up in droves holding a big spoon, and wearing a bib, all set to fight for the big chunks,

the person that owns the business can run it anyway he/she wants too .... geeeeezus H kriest @ RW asshats ... STFU !

he could get Trump to come shit on his floor the Trumpbots would show up in droves holding a big spoon, and wearing a bib, all set to fight for the big chunks,

Unless you are a Christian baker that doesn't want to make a cake for two queers....then it's lawsuits and legislation and a full out assault on this business, no?

Personally, I wouldn't patronize a business that is so staid in their beliefs unless they meshed with mine...but leftards are the ones that set the bar......no????
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Good for them :clap:

When a doctor put up a sign that stated if you supported Barrypuppetcare, find another doctor? Leftards lost their ever-lovin' minds.....imagine that???
Doctors get to take whatever healthcare they want.

Holy fuck...you have done no research whatsoever when it comes to what doctors can or cannot do regardless of socialist healthcare and who has it or who doesn't....why do you even post here? You don't have a fucking clue on any topic...you simply embarrass yourself daily.
Okay Dale :itsok:

I'll go ahead and "research" something that I do every single day Dale :rolleyes:

Yeah, you betcha....you are one of the dumbest leftard fucks on this forum.......you have few peers when it comes to wallowing it utter stupidity....
So, a bakery not selling wedding cakes to same sex couples is now ok in your eyes?

It's running their business the way they like.

Well that's against the law .

For the record I think this guy is dumb and petty . But discrimination based on who you vote for is not protected .

So, I put a sign up saying "we reserve the right to refuse service" and a same sex couple walks in wanting a wedding cake.

What's the difference between that act and refusing service to someone that you don't agree with who they voted for? I don't see a difference. They are both common afflictions.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ummm because the law says so.

For example, you can't refuse someone because they are disabled .

But you could refuse someone for being a New York Yankee fan , or someone wearing a "I love isis " t shirt .

Ya dig ?

So, because a drunk walks into a bar and the bartender doesn't serve him because he's drunk, then the drunk is protected because he is a drunk and alcoholism is a disease. and therefore protected?

Ok, I get it now. The law is as clear as my comment, right?

No. he's drunk .

But if you deny someone for being in a wheelchair . We have problems.

Do you want everything equal??? Then adults can have sex wh kids . Right ? Why should sex wh a child be illegal? Equality dammit !

that is illegal because of age of consent. Without consent it is sexual abuse or rape, both are criminal and against criminal law..

Your question is more absurd than mine, difference is mine was intentional.
So, a bakery not selling wedding cakes to same sex couples is now ok in your eyes?

It's running their business the way they like.

Well that's against the law .

For the record I think this guy is dumb and petty . But discrimination based on who you vote for is not protected .

So, I put a sign up saying "we reserve the right to refuse service" and a same sex couple walks in wanting a wedding cake.

What's the difference between that act and refusing service to someone that you don't agree with who they voted for? I don't see a difference. They are both common afflictions.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ummm because the law says so.

For example, you can't refuse someone because they are disabled .

But you could refuse someone for being a New York Yankee fan , or someone wearing a "I love isis " t shirt .

Ya dig ?

So, because a drunk walks into a bar and the bartender doesn't serve him because he's drunk, then the drunk is protected because he is a drunk and alcoholism is a disease. and therefore protected?

Ok, I get it now. The law is as clear as my comment, right?

No. he's drunk .

But if you deny someone for being in a wheelchair . We have problems.

Do you want everything equal??? Then adults can have sex wh kids . Right ? Why should sex wh a child be illegal? Equality dammit !

Leftards are working on making pedophilia acceptable.....they are conditioning the unwashed masses to accept it.....
Well that's against the law .

For the record I think this guy is dumb and petty . But discrimination based on who you vote for is not protected .

So, I put a sign up saying "we reserve the right to refuse service" and a same sex couple walks in wanting a wedding cake.

What's the difference between that act and refusing service to someone that you don't agree with who they voted for? I don't see a difference. They are both common afflictions.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ummm because the law says so.

For example, you can't refuse someone because they are disabled .

But you could refuse someone for being a New York Yankee fan , or someone wearing a "I love isis " t shirt .

Ya dig ?

So, because a drunk walks into a bar and the bartender doesn't serve him because he's drunk, then the drunk is protected because he is a drunk and alcoholism is a disease. and therefore protected?

Ok, I get it now. The law is as clear as my comment, right?

No. he's drunk .

But if you deny someone for being in a wheelchair . We have problems.

Do you want everything equal??? Then adults can have sex wh kids . Right ? Why should sex wh a child be illegal? Equality dammit !

Leftards are working on making pedophilia acceptable.....they are conditioning the unwashed masses to accept it.....
Not at all....it is the Biblical RW that keeps the age of consent down below 18.
Gawd, it continues to spread like a fungus.
This country's going nuts.
Naw, just the liberal fanatics. A very small minority - not enough to pay attention to.

And these liberal fanatics aren't going nuts. They've been that way for many years. Nothing is changing now, they're just getting their 15 minutes of fame from the (liberal fanatic) press.
Well that's against the law .

For the record I think this guy is dumb and petty . But discrimination based on who you vote for is not protected .

So, I put a sign up saying "we reserve the right to refuse service" and a same sex couple walks in wanting a wedding cake.

What's the difference between that act and refusing service to someone that you don't agree with who they voted for? I don't see a difference. They are both common afflictions.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Ummm because the law says so.

For example, you can't refuse someone because they are disabled .

But you could refuse someone for being a New York Yankee fan , or someone wearing a "I love isis " t shirt .

Ya dig ?

So, because a drunk walks into a bar and the bartender doesn't serve him because he's drunk, then the drunk is protected because he is a drunk and alcoholism is a disease. and therefore protected?

Ok, I get it now. The law is as clear as my comment, right?

No. he's drunk .

But if you deny someone for being in a wheelchair . We have problems.

Do you want everything equal??? Then adults can have sex wh kids . Right ? Why should sex wh a child be illegal? Equality dammit !

Leftards are working on making pedophilia acceptable.....they are conditioning the unwashed masses to accept it.....

Really? Do you have a credible link to that? Sorry, but the voices in your head don't qualify this time.
If they actually tried to enforce that they would be sued for discrimination and lose and it's interesting to see that some of the left here actually support some forms of discrimination.
They should be free to serve, or not serve, anyone as they see fit. Take your dollars elsewhere and let the free market decide if their business practices are worthy or not.
Hey, that's right!

Why aren't the Regressive Lefties whining about "public accommodation" laws?

Just kidding!

We all know why!

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