You can't Cancel Southern History, no matter what, no bullies.

There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.
My great great grandfather was a highly decorated sharpshooter (aka sniper) for the Stonewall brigade. He was a poor hillbilly from Monroe County in what is now west Virginia. They never thought of owning slaves nor could they have afforded it.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.
Confederate Flag is not really Southern pride as it became their symbol not during the Civil War but after the cancelation of Jim Crow. That is what I recall anyway. Don't shoot the messenger as I don't believe in censorship and think vilifying it is stupid.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.

The 1860 census showed that only 1/3 of Southern households owned slaves. Only about 10% of Southerners actually held title to slaves.

I have nothing against the Confederate flag, and I see no reason to be tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. I would not fly or otherwise display the Confederate flag, but I have nothing against it.
Tearing down statues and monuments honoring Confederate leaders was a bad idea. Leaving them up would have been a better. Next to each one we put up others, these new ones reminding everyone that The South Lost the War!!! For example, here we have a statue of Robert E. Lee, astride his horse and looking like the conquering hero. Next to it another monument, this new one celebrating Lee's surrender to U.S. Grant after Appomattox.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.

The 1860 census showed that only 1/3 of Southern households owned slaves. Only about 10% of Southerners actually held title to slaves.

I have nothing against the Confederate flag, and I see no reason to be tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. I would not fly or otherwise display the Confederate flag, but I have nothing against it.
Tearing down statues and monuments honoring Confederate leaders was a bad idea. Leaving them up would have been a better. Next to each one we put up others, these new ones reminding everyone that The South Lost the War!!! For example, here we have a statue of Robert E. Lee, astride his horse and looking like the conquering hero. Next to it another monument, this new one celebrating Lee's surrender to U.S. Grant after Appomattox.

How about a statue twice its size right next to it showing Grant standing on the traitor's neck? Or maybe a giant stone monument showing Lincoln beating the traitor's bare ass with a hickory stick? That would give the best impression of what happened.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.

The 1860 census showed that only 1/3 of Southern households owned slaves. Only about 10% of Southerners actually held title to slaves.

I have nothing against the Confederate flag, and I see no reason to be tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. I would not fly or otherwise display the Confederate flag, but I have nothing against it.
This would have never been the issue it is now, but for right wing bigotry which should have ended after the Civil War or WWII at the very latest.
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How about a towering statue of William Tecumseh Sherman, with glowing red eyes, standing in front of Stone Mountain in Georgia? Sherman will breath fire every few minutes on those treasonous slavers.
The confederacy was a foreign country that attacked the US and lost. It doesn't matter how many whites did not own slaves.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.
What are you talking about? The Civil War was not about States' rights, it was about right wingers commiting the treason of levying war against the Union.

it is abhorrent that any rebels' body is buried in arlington.
Fuck off, asshole....They were all declared full-fledged Murican veterans, worthy of all the honors privileges thereof.
No they were not. The Confederacy was it's own nation that did not abide by US laws.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.
What are you talking about? The Civil War was not about States' rights, it was about right wingers commiting the treason of levying war against the Union.

it is abhorrent that any rebels' body is buried in arlington.
Fuck off, asshole....They were all declared full-fledged Murican veterans, worthy of all the honors privileges thereof.
No they were not. The Confederacy was it's own nation that did not abide by US laws.
If they are their own nation, then the U.S. laws are obviated, you cretinous fool.

The designation of the Confederate troops as full-fledged U.S. veterans was an integral part of the truce and southern states rejoining the union.

Just STFU, you ignoramus.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.

The 1860 census showed that only 1/3 of Southern households owned slaves. Only about 10% of Southerners actually held title to slaves.

I have nothing against the Confederate flag, and I see no reason to be tearing down statues of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. I would not fly or otherwise display the Confederate flag, but I have nothing against it.
Tearing down statues and monuments honoring Confederate leaders was a bad idea. Leaving them up would have been a better. Next to each one we put up others, these new ones reminding everyone that The South Lost the War!!! For example, here we have a statue of Robert E. Lee, astride his horse and looking like the conquering hero. Next to it another monument, this new one celebrating Lee's surrender to U.S. Grant after Appomattox.

How about a statue twice its size right next to it showing Grant standing on the traitor's neck? Or maybe a giant stone monument showing Lincoln beating the traitor's bare ass with a hickory stick? That would give the best impression of what happened.
The SJWs have torn down Grant and Lincoln statues.....sooo
This is not really about the civil war.
It is about "cancel culture", it is about cultural genocide, it is about left wing racial hate.
The confederacy was a foreign country that attacked the US and lost. It doesn't matter how many whites did not own slaves.

South Carolina had a legitemate territorial claim on Ft. Sumter, and the Union refused to vacate....It is they who were the defacto unwelcome occupiers of foreign soil.
They seceded from the union and formed their own country. They lost territorial claim based on US law by doing that.
There are far too many proud people, poor people, whose ancestors who settled the souther were poor and didn't own any slaves. They fought for states rights, and they fly the stars and bars today - you can't change that. Many are getting bulk flags and selling them to family and friends all around the three counties I work it, it's amazing to see them flying more and more. Glad that they won't be bullied by those who don't want their history forgotten, seems a bit hypocritical to me.
What are you talking about? The Civil War was not about States' rights, it was about right wingers commiting the treason of levying war against the Union.

it is abhorrent that any rebels' body is buried in arlington.
Fuck off, asshole....They were all declared full-fledged Murican veterans, worthy of all the honors privileges thereof.
No they were not. The Confederacy was it's own nation that did not abide by US laws.
If they are their own nation, then the U.S. laws are obviated, you cretinous fool.

The designation of the Confederate troops was an integral part of the truce and southern states rejoining the union.

Just STFU, you ignoramus.
Wrong. The confederacy was it's own nation with a constitution and their nations capital was Richmond Va. Your last sentence proves my point.
LOL You aint' from the south.

I am from the south. I come from a long line of southerners. And I agree with InstantOn.

I am a proud, patriotic American. And state's rights? If that was the reason for the rebellion, why didn't the Confederate Constitution allow state's rights?

And why did the vice-president say slavery was the reason for the secession and that it was the cornerstone of the confederacy?

" ts foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests upon the great truth, that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery—subordination to the superior race—is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."
Vice-President Alexander H. Stephens.
My family has been part of southern culture since the 1600s. I am proud to be a southerner . Anyone flying any flag they want dosent bother me. Those that want to tear down civil war monuments to southern leaders only have a superficial knowledge of history.
Slave owners were lazy anti Christian folk. I cannot believe the others supported slavery.

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