You can't expect a party that kills unborn babies to care about Dreamer kids...

...really, Democrats don't care about people at all, only VOTES.
You know what we say about republicans? You don’t care about life after it’s born. Only when it’s in the womb. After that fuck it it’s on it’s on.
...really, Democrats don't care about people at all, only VOTES.
You know what we say about republicans? You don’t care about life after it’s born. Only when it’s in the womb. After that fuck it it’s on it’s on.
Yeah, but Trump cares about Dreamers and Democrats don't.
Why don’t we care?
Because Trump wants to help Dreamers and Democrats are saying NO!!!
...really, Democrats don't care about people at all, only VOTES.
So-called pro-lifers aren't. We all know that now with your silent or even vocal approval of separating children from their parents and putting them in cages guarded by people looking to sell them into sex slavery.
...really, Democrats don't care about people at all, only VOTES.
And oddly, you would think a party that claims to care about the unborn would also care about the born.

Wouldn't you think so? That's what I would think.

And yet, they don't.


It's only the party that believes in women's rights that believes in helping children. That we know for sure.

How do we know?


They tell us.

Listen to what they say and watch what they do. It will tell you everything you need to know.


The base could have said, "Why not do both?"

But they didn't.

Because they just..............don'
Democrat murder of unborn babies means everything they say about "compassion" is a lie.

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