You can't make this shit up

Should they have waited for you to tell them who to run?

Your attempts at strawman arguments are both transparent and sad.
This THREAD is a strawman argument.

Oh, that's cute. You don't know what a strawman argument is, do you? Buy a damn dictionary.
straw man
: a weak or imaginary argument or opponent that is set up to be easily defeated

It describes this thread and the argument you're trying to sell.
Are you trying to claim the repubs didn't pick this guy to be their fair haired boy?

How so?

his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.

Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board. I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.

Maybe you have problems with English. When inquired about where you live by using the word "here," that represents a geographic location and not a message board. "Here" in the sense that we're posting these comments to "US Messageboard" obviously means the US.

You are welcome.

Oh, I knew exactly what you meant, but because you were silly enough to get personal about ME instead of focusing on the issue, you deserved the slap-down from me. Debate is not about attacking the other person, it is about fighting ideas with ideas. Capisce?

You see, a person's geography these days may or may not have anything to do with his citizenship, linguistic skills or grasp of US-American politics. So, where I am on this wonderful planet of ours has absolutely no bearing on this conversation.

You are welcome.

Where you are is apparently informing your lack of ability to have a discussion on this thread, especially if you think you gave anyone a "slap-down." It wasn't a personal issue, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. My mistake, obviously.

So what's the connection between Daniel Donovan and Neo-Nazis again?
Should they have waited for you to tell them who to run?

Your attempts at strawman arguments are both transparent and sad.
This THREAD is a strawman argument.

Oh, that's cute. You don't know what a strawman argument is, do you? Buy a damn dictionary.
straw man
: a weak or imaginary argument or opponent that is set up to be easily defeated

It describes this thread and the argument you're trying to sell.
Are you trying to claim the repubs didn't pick this guy to be their fair haired boy?
No, why would you ask that?
his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.

Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board. I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.

Maybe you have problems with English. When inquired about where you live by using the word "here," that represents a geographic location and not a message board. "Here" in the sense that we're posting these comments to "US Messageboard" obviously means the US.

You are welcome.

Oh, I knew exactly what you meant, but because you were silly enough to get personal about ME instead of focusing on the issue, you deserved the slap-down from me. Debate is not about attacking the other person, it is about fighting ideas with ideas. Capisce?

You see, a person's geography these days may or may not have anything to do with his citizenship, linguistic skills or grasp of US-American politics. So, where I am on this wonderful planet of ours has absolutely no bearing on this conversation.

You are welcome.

Where you are is apparently informing your lack of ability to have a discussion on this thread, especially if you think you gave anyone a "slap-down." It wasn't a personal issue, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. My mistake, obviously.

So what's the connection between Daniel Donovan and Neo-Nazis again?

It's not about Daniel Donovan, he is not the GOP majority Whip in the US HOR.

Do try to keep up.
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.

A forum search isn't very difficult for most of us with opposable thumbs and a good memory.

And our knuckles don't scrap the floor while we are doing it!


Do you have an example of an actual US voter having this posture? I'd love to see the proof.

I see that when the masters programmed you, they forgot to install the humor subroutines..... a common trait among Rrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties. Don't worry: stick around long enough, we will get that fixed!
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.

A forum search isn't very difficult for most of us with opposable thumbs and a good memory.

And our knuckles don't scrap the floor while we are doing it!

Our noses don't hit the walls when we turn corners! :p
Oh jeesh. What next a statement from the repubs that hitler was right?
Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?

Sad, isn't it.

Now, let's see:

A neo-nazi sympathizer as GOP majority whip in the HOR, replacing the only Jewish GOPer who had been in congress. Wow, that's change that elephants can believe in!

And now, after cops choked a black man to death and they got off for it, the dude who enabled their "free get out of jail" card is running for a VERY competitive house seat. LOL. This is gonna be fun.

And the GOP crazy train just keeps on chugging along....


How so?

his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.
David Duke was a Democrat when he was in the KKK.

David Duke was still active in the KKK, albeit behind the scenes, when he switched parties. He also founded not only one, but TWO White-Supremacist organizations in Lousiana.

Sorry, the truth will haunt Rrrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties on this one.
Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board. I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.

Maybe you have problems with English. When inquired about where you live by using the word "here," that represents a geographic location and not a message board. "Here" in the sense that we're posting these comments to "US Messageboard" obviously means the US.

You are welcome.

Oh, I knew exactly what you meant, but because you were silly enough to get personal about ME instead of focusing on the issue, you deserved the slap-down from me. Debate is not about attacking the other person, it is about fighting ideas with ideas. Capisce?

You see, a person's geography these days may or may not have anything to do with his citizenship, linguistic skills or grasp of US-American politics. So, where I am on this wonderful planet of ours has absolutely no bearing on this conversation.

You are welcome.

Where you are is apparently informing your lack of ability to have a discussion on this thread, especially if you think you gave anyone a "slap-down." It wasn't a personal issue, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. My mistake, obviously.

So what's the connection between Daniel Donovan and Neo-Nazis again?

It's not about Daniel Donovan, he is not the GOP majority Whip in the US HOR.

Do try to keep up.

I think you're confused. Daniel Donovan is the subject of this thread.

Is google translate down for you?
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.

A forum search isn't very difficult for most of us with opposable thumbs and a good memory.

And our knuckles don't scrap the floor while we are doing it!

Our noses don't hit the walls when we turn corners! :p
Oh jeesh. What next a statement from the repubs that hitler was right?
I've already heard the statements from the Confederates that the plantation owners were.
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.

A forum search isn't very difficult for most of us with opposable thumbs and a good memory.

And our knuckles don't scrap the floor while we are doing it!

Our noses don't hit the walls when we turn corners! :p
Oh jeesh. What next a statement from the repubs that hitler was right?

That would be the next logical step, now that they rewrite the national anthem with the text "Hose, can you see" and disseminate calendars with all 44 presidents (well, 43), only the last one looks like a spook.

Oh, those wascally wepublicans!! What will they think of next?

They could run Tom Tancredo for President with a "nuke Iran with Mexican jihadi anchor baby bombs" platform.
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.

A forum search isn't very difficult for most of us with opposable thumbs and a good memory.

And our knuckles don't scrap the floor while we are doing it!


Do you have an example of an actual US voter having this posture? I'd love to see the proof.

I see that when the masters programmed you, they forgot to install the humor subroutines..... a common trait among Rrrrraging Rrrrrrrighties. Don't worry: stick around long enough, we will get that fixed!

I'm starting to think that instead of this being a language or cultural problem on your part, it's an intelligence problem. It's very clear to see to anyone above a low IQ that I've been on this message board far longer than you.

How is you being so incorrect so often going to fix anything?
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OMG. omg omg omg omg omg

what CRIME did this person commit that you are now passing judgments on them?
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.

A forum search isn't very difficult for most of us with opposable thumbs and a good memory.

And our knuckles don't scrap the floor while we are doing it!

Our noses don't hit the walls when we turn corners! :p
Oh jeesh. What next a statement from the repubs that hitler was right?

That would be the next logical step, now that they rewrite the national anthem with the text "Hose, can you see" and disseminate calendars with all 44 presidents (well, 43), only the last one looks like a spook.

Oh, those wascally wepublicans!! What will they think of next?

They could run Tom Tancredo for President with a "nuke Iran with Mexican jihadi anchor baby bombs" platform.
Jose. Not Hose. Get your mind off of penis and back into the discussion.
  • Thanks
Reactions: NLT
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.

A forum search isn't very difficult for most of us with opposable thumbs and a good memory.

And our knuckles don't scrap the floor while we are doing it!

Our noses don't hit the walls when we turn corners! :p
Oh jeesh. What next a statement from the repubs that hitler was right?

That would be the next logical step, now that they rewrite the national anthem with the text "Hose, can you see" and disseminate calendars with all 44 presidents (well, 43), only the last one looks like a spook.

Oh, those wascally wepublicans!! What will they think of next?

They could run Tom Tancredo for President with a "nuke Iran with Mexican jihadi anchor baby bombs" platform.
Careful, your racism is showing.

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