You can't make this shit up

Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?

Sad, isn't it.

Now, let's see:

A neo-nazi sympathizer as GOP majority whip in the HOR, replacing the only Jewish GOPer who had been in congress. Wow, that's change that elephants can believe in!

And now, after cops choked a black man to death and they got off for it, the dude who enabled their "free get out of jail" card is running for a VERY competitive house seat. LOL. This is gonna be fun.

And the GOP crazy train just keeps on chugging along....


How so?

his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.

Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board. I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.
Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?
That's the reason for the ball in cup recruitment. Not a deep bench for the GOP. And no one hard core enough for the Tea Party wing.

I played a round of golf once with my Father-in-Law, my Pop and my brother. It was getting dark and a twosome behind us asked if they could play with us on the 17th and 18th holes. One of them introduced himself as Reverend So and So.

My Father-in-Law, a 7 handicap, just stitched up the 18th fairway. Slice off the tee into the woods, duck hook out of the trees and into the left rough. He topped his shot out of the rough, right along side of Rev. So and SO's drive. He stood up above his crappy lie, looked the good Rev. So and So in the eyes said, "Rev. I'm having one Hell of a time trying not to say 'Motherfucker' right now."

I have a feeling that that is what the GOP Congressional Committee is thinking right about now.
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Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?
Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?
Should they have waited for you to tell them who to run?

Surely there are some Republicans on Staaten Island who could have run well. But now this dude is starting with a pretty darned heavy millstone around his neck. That is, politically speaking, not wise.

Or perhaps it's just no that big of a deal to the Republicans. Anyone they run will be attacked as if they are Hitler himself by the rabid leftist loons. This shows that the GOP doesn't think those voices matter much. It also shows how feckless the Democrats are there, so that's good political entertainment too.
Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?

Sad, isn't it.

Now, let's see:

A neo-nazi sympathizer as GOP majority whip in the HOR, replacing the only Jewish GOPer who had been in congress. Wow, that's change that elephants can believe in!

And now, after cops choked a black man to death and they got off for it, the dude who enabled their "free get out of jail" card is running for a VERY competitive house seat. LOL. This is gonna be fun.

And the GOP crazy train just keeps on chugging along....


How so?

his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.

Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board.I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.
You live in the real world, but you take note of threads to haul out in support of your arguments on USMB.

Interesting real life you got there.
Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?
That's the reason for the ball in cup recruitment. Not a deep bench for the GOP. And no one hard core enough for the Tea Party wing.

I played a round of golf once with my Father-in-Law, my Pop and my brother. It was getting dark and a twosome behind us asked if they could play with us on the 17th and 18th holes. One of them introduced himself as Reverend So and So.

My Father-in-Law, a 7 handicap, just stitched up the 18th fairway. Slice off the tee into the woods, duck hook out of the trees and into the left rough. He topped his shot out of the rough, right along side of Rev. So and SOS's drive. He stood up above his crappy lie, looked the good Rev. So and So's eye and said, "Rev. I'm having one Hell of a time trying not to say 'Motherfucker' right now."

I have a feeling that that is what the GOP Congressional Committee is thinking right about now.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?

Sad, isn't it.

Now, let's see:

A neo-nazi sympathizer as GOP majority whip in the HOR, replacing the only Jewish GOPer who had been in congress. Wow, that's change that elephants can believe in!

And now, after cops choked a black man to death and they got off for it, the dude who enabled their "free get out of jail" card is running for a VERY competitive house seat. LOL. This is gonna be fun.

And the GOP crazy train just keeps on chugging along....


How so?

his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.

Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board. I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.

Maybe you have problems with English. When inquired about where you live by using the word "here," that represents a geographic location and not a message board. "Here" in the sense that we're posting these comments to "US Messageboard" obviously means the US.

You are welcome.
You live in the real world, but you take note of threads to haul out in support of your arguments on USMB.

Interesting real life you go there.

Many times on internet forums, some posters repeatedly ignore factual information that is posted on a forum and runs counter to their worldviews. Why should one feel responsible to repeatedly repost information?
Well, this thread has all the best elements of a thread that might just live forevuh!

1.) a racial element, which attracts USMB racists like the light attracts moths.
2.) and element of tactical stupidity on the part of the GOP, which makes Righties writhe even more and then either get really personal or just take their ball home and sulk.
3.) Lefties imbued with a lot of humor.

Fun times!!
Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?
Desperate thread alert.

Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?
Should they have waited for you to tell them who to run?

Surely there are some Republicans on Staaten Island who could have run well. But now this dude is starting with a pretty darned heavy millstone around his neck. That is, politically speaking, not wise.

Or perhaps it's just no that big of a deal to the Republicans. Anyone they run will be attacked as if they are Hitler himself by the rabid leftist loons. This shows that the GOP doesn't think those voices matter much. It also shows how feckless the Democrats are there, so that's good political entertainment too.
Good point. Killing people for no good reason is a great platform for republicans.
You live in the real world, but you take note of threads to haul out in support of your arguments on USMB.

Interesting real life you go there.

Many times on internet forums, some posters repeatedly ignore factual information that is posted on a forum and runs counter to their worldviews. Why should one feel responsible to repeatedly repost information?
Like the location of old threads? Because you live in the real world, I suppose.
Speaking of desperation, this is the ONLY GUY that the Republicans could recruit to run in this area?

Sad, isn't it.

Now, let's see:

A neo-nazi sympathizer as GOP majority whip in the HOR, replacing the only Jewish GOPer who had been in congress. Wow, that's change that elephants can believe in!

And now, after cops choked a black man to death and they got off for it, the dude who enabled their "free get out of jail" card is running for a VERY competitive house seat. LOL. This is gonna be fun.

And the GOP crazy train just keeps on chugging along....


How so?

his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.

Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board. I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.

Are you confused? Steve Scalise and Daniel Donovan are not the same person. So what are the Neo-Nazi ties again?
Sad, isn't it.

Now, let's see:

A neo-nazi sympathizer as GOP majority whip in the HOR, replacing the only Jewish GOPer who had been in congress. Wow, that's change that elephants can believe in!

And now, after cops choked a black man to death and they got off for it, the dude who enabled their "free get out of jail" card is running for a VERY competitive house seat. LOL. This is gonna be fun.

And the GOP crazy train just keeps on chugging along....


How so?

his ties to David Duke, an avowed neo-nazi.

Ah. Someone who was in the same hotel or something like that. You don't live here do you?

No, I don't live in USMB. USMB is a message board. I live in the real world.

But if you are stuggling with the issue, here are two very informative threads for you:

David Duke Steve Scalise Lousiana Timeline.... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Scalise I m a David Duke Republican US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You are welcome.

Maybe you have problems with English. When inquired about where you live by using the word "here," that represents a geographic location and not a message board. "Here" in the sense that we're posting these comments to "US Messageboard" obviously means the US.

You are welcome.

Oh, I knew exactly what you meant, but because you were silly enough to get personal about ME instead of focusing on the issue, you deserved the slap-down from me. Debate is not about attacking the other person, it is about fighting ideas with ideas. Capisce?

You see, a person's geography these days may or may not have anything to do with his citizenship, linguistic skills or grasp of US-American politics. So, where I am on this wonderful planet of ours has absolutely no bearing on this conversation.

You are welcome.
Good point. Killing people for no good reason is a great platform for republicans.

particularly if they're black males who look scary/dangerous.
Good point. Killing people for no good reason is a great platform for republicans.

particularly if they're black males who look scary/dangerous.

Yes, they are hoping to set a new electoral record in the black vote in the 2016 election, and go from 5% to 2%. Progress!!!
There's that good old open-minded non-racist thinking at work :)
Should they have waited for you to tell them who to run?

Your attempts at strawman arguments are both transparent and sad.
This THREAD is a strawman argument.

Oh, that's cute. You don't know what a strawman argument is, do you? Buy a damn dictionary.
straw man
: a weak or imaginary argument or opponent that is set up to be easily defeated

It describes this thread and the argument you're trying to sell.

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