you can't make this stuff up. wtf?

In other news, meet the new spokesperson for Health and Wellness in Teens.


That's the biggest, floppiest gunt I have ever seen!
amazing. the hate is palpable. I don't get it, even when I had my Hillary punching clown back on the 90's, I don't think I had a hate on for her, like some folks have for anything palin.

if Cameron Diaz or Mariah Carey had done this, we would not even have a thread on it, hell, Mariah took a million bucks from Qaddafi's son for some a few songs at a new years
amazing. the hate is palpable. I don't get it, even when I had my Hillary punching clown back on the 90's, I don't think I had a hate on for her, like some folks have for anything palin.

if Cameron Diaz or Mariah Carey had done this, we would not even have a thread on it, hell, Mariah took a million bucks from Qaddafi's son for some a few songs at a new years
Yeah...... I don't get it. Hate doesn't suit me.

Let me get you the transcript.

"What if i didn't come from a famous family
What if I didn't have all their support
What if I couldn't finish my education
What if I didn't have all these opportunities

****cut to empty appartment, frumpy clothes, no makeup*******

Beleive me, It wouldn't be pretty (baby cries)

Pause, Before you Play
:eek: She forgot to say:

What if I didn't pimp my child for profit


:lol: Funny funny.

On a serious note, what do you think now that you know what the ad was about? Do you still feel this way about it?

And yet she's giving lectures about the repercussions of teen pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy sounds awesome based on her life. Everyone should have a baby out of wedlock.
I liked that message better. Now that I know what she said, she makes it sound like babies are burdens and that she is a victim. If I were a pregnant teen it would inspire me to abort. If I were her kid, I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life.
you laugh all you want - i'll stay over here not caring one whit about what the ad says because the truth is it doesn't matter.

just by having the girl as a spokesperson they're sending the wrong message. she's rich and famous because she was stupid and spread her legs without protection. she's never suffered for that mistake, and she likely never will. she makes teenage pregnancy look glamorous and easy.

frankly, putting her on any kind of pedestal is disgusting.

Actually, the ad does quite the opposite. But you wouldn't get that because you haven't watched it. You'd rather remain ignorant and talk out of your ass. She quite clearly takes the glamor OUT of teen pregnancy... and she wasn't the one who made it 'glamorous', that was the media, and stupidly shallow celebs dragging their illegitimate offspring around like fashion accessories.

Again... you're an idiot if you comment before you find out the facts. You are clearly more concerned with her last name than the message... that's pretty fucking stupid.

I watched the ad. It doesn't matter. Do what I say, not what I do has never worked and will never work. If she's got all that help and money for being a single mom, why wouldn't another teenager think "Hey, maybe I could do that too?"

Well, you're welcome to your opinion - and to ignore the wealth of research that shows the opposite. I personally tend to look at research before I form an opinion.... that's called forming an 'informed opinion'.

Corporations, like Coke, Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, and thousands of others use this kind of advert to promote their products. They do that because they KNOW it works. They KNOW that their target markets are more likely to listen to someone they recognize. This is exactly the same thing. And thousands of charities around the world do the exact same thing - they use celebrities or people who they know will attract the attention of their target audience. That's exactly what the Candie Foundation did.

If you've seen the ad, then I fail to see how you can get the 'Hey, maybe I can do that@ message from it.

If we didn't have a bunch of idiot celebrities dragging their kids around like fashion accessories, we might not have such a large number of teens trying to follow their example. If you're gonna criticize anyone, why not them? Why not the stupid airhead magazines that promote this pathetic 'fame' culture? Why dismiss one girl who's actually trying to do something to change that culture?
A baby is not a Pepsi. Marketing campaigns that make you want a Pepsi are using positive messaging. Palin is using negative messaging, i.e., babies are bad.

Shelia is exactly correct.
A baby is not a Pepsi. Marketing campaigns that make you want a Pepsi are using positive messaging. Palin is using negative messaging, i.e., babies are bad.

Shelia is exactly correct.

I assume you realize that Bristol didn't actually write the ad, right? That would be done by professional advertising guys. And, no, she wasn't saying 'babies are bad'. But, nice try at spinning. Don't get dizzy, Rav. :lol:

Thousands of charities use this approach - they use it because it's been shown to work. Having a kid in your early teens is not a smart thing to do, all this ad is doing is giving the kids a dose of reality. Babies are not fashion accessories, and life as a teen parent is hard. You disapprove of giving kids a dose of reality?
Bullshit. She is not saying "babies are bad" She is saying "babies are hard" and anyone who thinks otherwise isn't doing it right.

Wasn't it Mrs Obama that said she didn't want her daughters "burdened with a child"?
Actually, the ad does quite the opposite. But you wouldn't get that because you haven't watched it. You'd rather remain ignorant and talk out of your ass. She quite clearly takes the glamor OUT of teen pregnancy... and she wasn't the one who made it 'glamorous', that was the media, and stupidly shallow celebs dragging their illegitimate offspring around like fashion accessories.

Again... you're an idiot if you comment before you find out the facts. You are clearly more concerned with her last name than the message... that's pretty fucking stupid.

I watched the ad. It doesn't matter. Do what I say, not what I do has never worked and will never work. If she's got all that help and money for being a single mom, why wouldn't another teenager think "Hey, maybe I could do that too?"

Well, you're welcome to your opinion - and to ignore the wealth of research that shows the opposite. I personally tend to look at research before I form an opinion.... that's called forming an 'informed opinion'.

Corporations, like Coke, Pepsi, Nike, Adidas, and thousands of others use this kind of advert to promote their products. They do that because they KNOW it works. They KNOW that their target markets are more likely to listen to someone they recognize. This is exactly the same thing. And thousands of charities around the world do the exact same thing - they use celebrities or people who they know will attract the attention of their target audience. That's exactly what the Candie Foundation did.

If you've seen the ad, then I fail to see how you can get the 'Hey, maybe I can do that@ message from it.

If we didn't have a bunch of idiot celebrities dragging their kids around like fashion accessories, we might not have such a large number of teens trying to follow their example. If you're gonna criticize anyone, why not them? Why not the stupid airhead magazines that promote this pathetic 'fame' culture? Why dismiss one girl who's actually trying to do something to change that culture?

maybe i can do what? get pregnant and go on dancing with the stars?

if babies were like soft drinks and sneakers, you'd very likely have a point.

in my informed opinion, they're not, and dragging celebrity idiocy into the debate is a red herring.

kids were having sex loooooong before there were celebrities, idiots or otherwise.

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