you can't make this stuff up. wtf?

Yes, I did. I see nothing wrong with bringing one's children into the public eye in these cases.

You do as you call it 'pimping'.

Now, you have some perspective. Or not. I suspect you do, but it goes against your character to admit much of anything. That's odd, but that's you.

Some of the attacks on the Palin children are unfair and repulsive. But politicians use their children as political tools. Scenes of families are meant to convey a powerful image in politics. Children are brought into the public arena by their parents for political ends. Because they are political tools, they are subject to public scrutiny. But the type of criticism says volumes about the critics.
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Does Bristol Palin actually appear on teen's radar screens? I tend to think not. She seems to be more well known among the politically minded older population.

Whether she is the right choice for this sort of spokesperson or not, it just doesn't make sense to me why she was chosen if the aim truly is to educate teens. This is just a sweet deal for Bristol. Nothing more.

Apparently, you can't read the information provided by the Charity. Yes, she does register on their radar. Perhaps you should find out before you post? Just an idea.

I'd believe if I heard it from an independent source.

In January 2011, the Candie's Foundation commissioned YPulse, a youth media research firm, to conduct a survey with 1,000 14-19 year-olds throughout the United States to compare impact and resonance of celebrity-driven teen pregnancy prevention PSAs with non-celebrity PSAs. Teens viewed four different video PSAs. The two Candie's Foundation PSAs featured Bristol Palin and Jenny McCarthy. The two comparison PSAs were produced by a national teen pregnancy prevention organization and featured non-famous teens. All four PSAs have received comparable national media air time. The tables below outline some of the key findings.
[Emphasis added]

the candie's foundation
Does Bristol Palin actually appear on teen's radar screens? I tend to think not. She seems to be more well known among the politically minded older population.

Whether she is the right choice for this sort of spokesperson or not, it just doesn't make sense to me why she was chosen if the aim truly is to educate teens. This is just a sweet deal for Bristol. Nothing more.

Apparently, you can't read the information provided by the Charity. Yes, she does register on their radar. Perhaps you should find out before you post? Just an idea.

I'd believe if I heard it from an independent source.

The charity undertook its own research. You think they want to waste money on a campaign that they haven't researched? Seriously? Is that your stance? :lol::lol:
From the Candie's Foundation regarding Bristol Palin's involvement:

the candie's foundation

For ten years, The Candie's Foundation has been working to prevent teen pregnancy by producing and funding celebrity-driven print, television, radio and online public service announcements. Ms. Palin was compensated for her work with the foundation, which included appearing in video and print PSAs, two town hall meetings, and numerous media interviews.

The message of the foundation about teen pregnancy prevention has generated more than ONE BILLION media impressions – tremendous reach for any teen pregnancy prevention campaign. We know that Ms. Palin's work has had a positive effect on teens. In a recent independent national survey of 1,000 teens that compared a Bristol Palin PSA with those of nother national teen pregnancy organization that use non-famous teens, more than twice as many teens (57% vs. 27%) said Bristol's PSA "got my attention", three times as many (41% vs. 11%) said it was "powerful", and more than twice as many (38% vs. 16%) said it was "memorable".

Bristol Palin is one of dozens of celebrities who has worked with the foundation. She has been a courageous and powerful partner to the foundation as we attempt to discourage teen pregnancy.

Below the above statement is a link to the research, backing up the campaign.

Shockingly, I was correct. She was not paid $262k for one advert. She was paid for a series of work undertaken with the charity.

So this is just another "I hate Bristol Palin" thread. I really get tired of the Palin-bashing threads.

It does appear that the real issue is her last name.

Every single bullshit 'point' has been systematically blown out of the water... and still they whine.

IMO, this thread should be moved to the Romper Room.
Apparently, you can't read the information provided by the Charity. Yes, she does register on their radar. Perhaps you should find out before you post? Just an idea.

I'd believe if I heard it from an independent source.

In January 2011, the Candie's Foundation commissioned YPulse, a youth media research firm, to conduct a survey with 1,000 14-19 year-olds throughout the United States to compare impact and resonance of celebrity-driven teen pregnancy prevention PSAs with non-celebrity PSAs. Teens viewed four different video PSAs. The two Candie's Foundation PSAs featured Bristol Palin and Jenny McCarthy. The two comparison PSAs were produced by a national teen pregnancy prevention organization and featured non-famous teens. All four PSAs have received comparable national media air time. The tables below outline some of the key findings.
[Emphasis added]

the candie's foundation
If you look at the stats you provide, Bristol Palin, while beating out two non celebs and Jenny MCCarthy (isn't she that vaccines cause autism fruitcake?), certainly did not do very well in terms of being a convincing spokesperson.

This further strengthens my suspicion that this was all some back roon deal.
Apparently, you can't read the information provided by the Charity. Yes, she does register on their radar. Perhaps you should find out before you post? Just an idea.

I'd believe if I heard it from an independent source.

The charity undertook its own research. You think they want to waste money on a campaign that they haven't researched? Seriously? Is that your stance? :lol::lol:
Are you a paid Bristol Palin spokesperson, CG? If so, I hope they are making it worthwhile to make such a fool of yourself.
Shouldnt someone that HAS practiced abstinence be the spokesperson for such a thing?
I do admit I cant stand anything Palin, so my opinion is biased and unfair...yes, I do admit that. But seems awfully strange to me they would choose her. A more stable role model would have been better. JMHO.

Bristol's a good spokesperson on the topic just as an addict is the person you want to counsel addicts.

Because she has made the mistakes, and the whole world has seen the pain that those mistakes have caused. I think she's a pretty good spokesperson for abstinence.

And remember...abstinence can include virgins...but non-virgins can also choose abstinence. It's never too late to make the right choice! And she's also a good one because she's someone who has a CHILD but now is walking a different path. And it seems to be working for her. Despite the unprecedented and revolting attacks upon her by the left.
I'd believe if I heard it from an independent source.

In January 2011, the Candie's Foundation commissioned YPulse, a youth media research firm, to conduct a survey with 1,000 14-19 year-olds throughout the United States to compare impact and resonance of celebrity-driven teen pregnancy prevention PSAs with non-celebrity PSAs. Teens viewed four different video PSAs. The two Candie's Foundation PSAs featured Bristol Palin and Jenny McCarthy. The two comparison PSAs were produced by a national teen pregnancy prevention organization and featured non-famous teens. All four PSAs have received comparable national media air time. The tables below outline some of the key findings.
[Emphasis added]

the candie's foundation
If you look at the stats you provide, Bristol Palin, while beating out two non celebs and Jenny MCCarthy (isn't she that vaccines cause autism fruitcake?), certainly did not do very well in terms of being a convincing spokesperson.

This further strengthens my suspicion that this was all some back roon deal.

A back rune deal?

I'd believe if I heard it from an independent source.

In January 2011, the Candie's Foundation commissioned YPulse, a youth media research firm, to conduct a survey with 1,000 14-19 year-olds throughout the United States to compare impact and resonance of celebrity-driven teen pregnancy prevention PSAs with non-celebrity PSAs. Teens viewed four different video PSAs. The two Candie's Foundation PSAs featured Bristol Palin and Jenny McCarthy. The two comparison PSAs were produced by a national teen pregnancy prevention organization and featured non-famous teens. All four PSAs have received comparable national media air time. The tables below outline some of the key findings.
[Emphasis added]

the candie's foundation
If you look at the stats you provide, Bristol Palin, while beating out two non celebs and Jenny MCCarthy (isn't she that vaccines cause autism fruitcake?), certainly did not do very well in terms of being a convincing spokesperson.

This further strengthens my suspicion that this was all some back roon deal.
In most areas, Palin and McCarthy did quite well. In the PSA spokesperson category, Palin did at least as well as the other options. Based on the entirety of this research, the foundation made the best non-emotional choice.
I'd believe if I heard it from an independent source.

The charity undertook its own research. You think they want to waste money on a campaign that they haven't researched? Seriously? Is that your stance? :lol::lol:
Are you a paid Bristol Palin spokesperson, CG? If so, I hope they are making it worthwhile to make such a fool of yourself.

No, I actually avoid reading anything about the girl, or anyone else with the name Palin. I have no dog in the hunt, other than I think the charity know their business better than a bunch of fools on a forum. I've seen bullshit argument after bullshit argument about this... and each and every one of those arguments has proven to have no basis in reality and fact. I like reality. I like facts. I'm big on logic and not overly fond of emotional responses.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Should Virgins be the one's Warning other Young People?...


The charity undertook its own research. You think they want to waste money on a campaign that they haven't researched? Seriously? Is that your stance? :lol::lol:
Are you a paid Bristol Palin spokesperson, CG? If so, I hope they are making it worthwhile to make such a fool of yourself.

No, I actually avoid reading anything about the girl, or anyone else with the name Palin. I have no dog in the hunt, other than I think the charity know their business better than a bunch of fools on a forum. I've seen bullshit argument after bullshit argument about this... and each and every one of those arguments has proven to have no basis in reality and fact. I like reality. I like facts. I'm big on logic and not overly fond of emotional responses.
Too bad you're not big on common sense. :lol:
Are you a paid Bristol Palin spokesperson, CG? If so, I hope they are making it worthwhile to make such a fool of yourself.

No, I actually avoid reading anything about the girl, or anyone else with the name Palin. I have no dog in the hunt, other than I think the charity know their business better than a bunch of fools on a forum. I've seen bullshit argument after bullshit argument about this... and each and every one of those arguments has proven to have no basis in reality and fact. I like reality. I like facts. I'm big on logic and not overly fond of emotional responses.
Too bad you're not big on common sense. :lol:

Most people know that logic, and facts, and critical thought add up to common sense. I'm surprised that you don't, to be honest. :lol:
If you look at the stats you provide, Bristol Palin, while beating out two non celebs and Jenny MCCarthy (isn't she that vaccines cause autism fruitcake?), certainly did not do very well in terms of being a convincing spokesperson.

This further strengthens my suspicion that this was all some back roon deal.
In most areas, Palin and McCarthy did quite well. In the PSA spokesperson category, Palin did at least as well as the other options. Based on the entirety of this research, the foundation made the best non-emotional choice.
"quite well" ? They all gave a very poor showing. And you have wonder what pitting Bristol against Jenny McCarthy and two unknowns tells you about the intentions of the researchers.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Should Virgins be the one's Warning other Young People?...



I'm impressed by your ignorance.
If you look at the stats you provide, Bristol Palin, while beating out two non celebs and Jenny MCCarthy (isn't she that vaccines cause autism fruitcake?), certainly did not do very well in terms of being a convincing spokesperson.

This further strengthens my suspicion that this was all some back roon deal.
In most areas, Palin and McCarthy did quite well. In the PSA spokesperson category, Palin did at least as well as the other options. Based on the entirety of this research, the foundation made the best non-emotional choice.
"quite well" ? They all gave a very poor showing. And you have wonder what pitting Bristol against Jenny McCarthy and two unknowns tells you about the intentions of the researchers.
When one has four choices, one of those choices scoring more than 25% is doing pretty well, in my book.

But, that's just me.
In most areas, Palin and McCarthy did quite well. In the PSA spokesperson category, Palin did at least as well as the other options. Based on the entirety of this research, the foundation made the best non-emotional choice.
"quite well" ? They all gave a very poor showing. And you have wonder what pitting Bristol against Jenny McCarthy and two unknowns tells you about the intentions of the researchers.
When one has four choices, one of those choices scoring more than 25% is doing pretty well, in my book.

But, that's just me.

Let me guess.... you understand basic math, right? :lol:
In most areas, Palin and McCarthy did quite well. In the PSA spokesperson category, Palin did at least as well as the other options. Based on the entirety of this research, the foundation made the best non-emotional choice.
"quite well" ? They all gave a very poor showing. And you have wonder what pitting Bristol against Jenny McCarthy and two unknowns tells you about the intentions of the researchers.
When one has four choices, one of those choices scoring more than 25% is doing pretty well, in my book.

But, that's just me.
It is just you.

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