you can't make this stuff up. wtf?

I know facts are important. It is factually accurate to say that people get paid to 'dish the dirt' on other people.

I'm talking about being factually accurate that the d-bag in question was paid by liberals to dish shit on the Palins. I've never heard of THAT "fact". It wouldn't be surprising if he was, but still.

Do I need to do a lecture about the importance of reading comprehension and why non-idiots are good at it?

No, you need to show me where I claimed he did get paid. I didn't make such a claim. But, it is common practice.... the 'kiss and tell' shit doesn't happen for free.

:lol: Get a clue. I quoted chanel, asking her about the veracity of him getting paid. Then for some reason you decided to pop in with the assumption framed as a rhetorical question that I'm unfamiliar with the concept of airing dirty laundry for dollars.

Do I need to go on a lecture about making assumptions? No? You get the last word.
I'm talking about being factually accurate that the d-bag in question was paid by liberals to dish shit on the Palins. I've never heard of THAT "fact". It wouldn't be surprising if he was, but still.

Do I need to do a lecture about the importance of reading comprehension and why non-idiots are good at it?

No, you need to show me where I claimed he did get paid. I didn't make such a claim. But, it is common practice.... the 'kiss and tell' shit doesn't happen for free.

:lol: Get a clue. I quoted chanel, asking her about the veracity of him getting paid. Then for some reason you decided to pop in with the assumption framed as a rhetorical question that I'm unfamiliar with the concept of airing dirty laundry for dollars.

Do I need to go on a lecture about making assumptions? No? You get the last word.

She asked how much. If i was a betting person, I would put a bet on it being in the region of $100k. But.... most of the time, they use NDAs so we'll never know.
I suppose , given the level of pure hatred in American politics today, it's not enough to merely hate the politicians. No, apparently, we have to hate their spouses and children as well. It's gone past inappropriate, to just plain vile and despicable!

I don't think, I know, that some of the people hare blasting Sarah Palin's kids (whatever you think of her) would be screaming bloody murder, and shouting "Racism!" at the top of your lungs, if anyone on the right tried to drag Obama's kids through the muck like this; and to tell the truth, you'd be right to say it. So why is it, that Bristol, and even Trig, Palin are fair game? Whatever else you people on the Left believe about yourselves, one thing is for certain; conservatives have no monopoly on hate! YOU certainly have NO compunctions whatever, about hating when you think it suits your desired end. Your side has demonstrated that repeatedly, until I think, that for you, there are no limits; ANYTHING, ANY tactic, ANY filth, ANY attack, however vile, is fine with you, if it's aimed at someone on the right; family takes? Perfectly OK. Attacking someone's children? Perfectly fair. Get any of it, the least bit, slung back at politicians YOU favor, and all of a sudden, you grow a conscience and a sense of outrage. I've watched Liberals be "as nasty as we wanna be" for forty years; I've been on the receiving end of some of it myself-"peace, love and compassion" my arse, you sanctimonious hypocrites! Yet, get any of it back, and you're the first to howl about how "thoroughly mean-spirited" everyone on the right is.

I dislike Obama, at least as much as you dislike Palin. I can't stand his politics, and I have increasing reservations about the man's personal character. Now, you libs find me ONE post, where I've said ANYTHING, anything at all, negative about his wife, or his kids. You won't find one. You want find one, because this "mean, evil conservative" is not going to go there. Some things are just wrong; some things really ought to be out-of-bounds. It's a pity, that some of you are so blinded by your zeal to remake America in the supposed perfection of your own image, that you can't see that.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

The only reason this bothers you so much is it has the name of Palin attached to it.

Shows you how much people hate this woman.Anyone else's kid does this and no one notices it.

Kinda sad actually that some people take whatever this woman does and some times stuff she doesn't and uses it to get them so worked up that they even spend time writing about it.

And then I have to respond to point out the hate in these people...

Why can't we just leave the stupid shit alone and work on the fact that this country is about to destroy itself with incredible debt brought on by this administration. :eusa_pray:
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bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

Kind of hard to provide an example when you haven't any experience.

What does AA use as examples for their members?

Former drug addicts.

I rest my case.

Is she a former teen mom? Did she give her child up for adoption when she realized her mistake? No? Then how can you compare the two? AA members have stopped drinking, has she stopped having sex?

Palin is to liberals as brains are to zombies.

And Palin never goes after liberals.:eusa_whistle:

Momma Bear should shut her trap, and stop posting crap on facebook if she wants it to stop. Just sayin.

Except in this time she didn't do anything.

This is totally a tempest in a teapot created by liberals with zero help from that bubblehead Sarah.

Would I donate to the Candies foundation? No. I believe they are being inefficient with their money in this case. Do I think Bristol is a spoiled brat? Yes, I do.

Do I care that a charity approached her and offered to pay her a salary for a celebrity endorsement campaign? Not really.
I'm actually now quite interested in the outcome of the campaign, so I'm gonna email the Foundation as ask what, if any, evaluation they have planned and what, if any, follow up campaigns they have in the pipeline.
And Palin never goes after liberals.:eusa_whistle:

Momma Bear should shut her trap, and stop posting crap on facebook if she wants it to stop. Just sayin.

And here I thought you libs were all for free speech...

The only reason the zombies want brains is because they have none for themselves.

Are you saying that Palin is brainless?

No... I'm saying Palin has a Constitutional right to say anything she wants...

She doesn't need to "shut her trap and stop posting crap on facebook"...
And Palin never goes after liberals.:eusa_whistle:

Momma Bear should shut her trap, and stop posting crap on facebook if she wants it to stop. Just sayin.

And here I thought you libs were all for free speech...

The only reason the zombies want brains is because they have none for themselves.

Are you saying that Palin is brainless?

I believe she has a bit of a lower brain stem left.

I've yet to see any evidence beyond that, though.
bristol palin has been hired to be the poster child for teen abstinence for $262K

really? really.

"Teen mom Bristol Palin, now 20, scored $262,000 in 2009 as Candie’s Foundation ambassador promoting abstinence.

Let me get this straight: Candie’s paid a teen mom a quarter-million dollars to tell other teens not to become teen moms?

According to the Candie’s Web site, Palin’s job — which she still has — is “helping other teens understand the incredible challenges teen parents face, and encouraging them to wait until they are socially and financially independent to start their families.”

What incredible challenges? Like walking the red carpet and mastering the paso doble on “Dancing with the Stars”?"

Teen mom Bristol Palin’s hefty check gives birth to outrage -

cut the shit

The only reason this bothers you so much is it has the name of Palin attached to it.

Shows you how much people hate this woman.Anyone else's kid does this and no one notices it.

Kinda sad actually that some people take whatever this woman does and some times stuff she doesn't and uses it to get them so worked up that they even spend time writing about it.

And then I have to respond to point out the hate in these people...

Why can't we just leave the stupid shit alone and work on the fact that this country is about to destroy itself with incredible debt brought on by this administration. :eusa_pray:

yeah, no other admin ever put us into debt.

anyone else's kid wouldn't get a quarter mill.

no hate involved

have a lovely day
No offense, Mal, but I rarely read your posts. I find your writing style to be somewhat 'babbling' so I tend not to read it.

I still don't get what you're asking me. I think Palin is an appropriate spokesperson. I've already outlined why. I'm not in the habit of repeating myself.

that's some funny shit right there. :thup:

^And that's why she does it...

Hey del, instead of being a Hired Troll, how about Addressing my Question without being an Asshole?...



she repeats herself to amuse me? damn thoughtful

Palin is to liberals as brains are to zombies.

And Palin never goes after liberals.:eusa_whistle:

Momma Bear should shut her trap, and stop posting crap on facebook if she wants it to stop. Just sayin.

Except in this time she didn't do anything.

This is totally a tempest in a teapot created by liberals with zero help from that bubblehead Sarah.

Would I donate to the Candies foundation? No. I believe they are being inefficient with their money in this case. Do I think Bristol is a spoiled brat? Yes, I do.

Do I care that a charity approached her and offered to pay her a salary for a celebrity endorsement campaign? Not really.

when did i become a liberal?

just curious. do i get a lapel pin?
And Palin never goes after liberals.:eusa_whistle:

Momma Bear should shut her trap, and stop posting crap on facebook if she wants it to stop. Just sayin.

Except in this time she didn't do anything.

This is totally a tempest in a teapot created by liberals with zero help from that bubblehead Sarah.

Would I donate to the Candies foundation? No. I believe they are being inefficient with their money in this case. Do I think Bristol is a spoiled brat? Yes, I do.

Do I care that a charity approached her and offered to pay her a salary for a celebrity endorsement campaign? Not really.

when did i become a liberal?

just curious. do i get a lapel pin?

I don't think I called you a liberal.

I was referring to the members of the media that are/were going "ZOMFG, PALIN!!!" I wasn't talking about anyone on the board. Sorry I wasn't clear.
Except in this time she didn't do anything.

This is totally a tempest in a teapot created by liberals with zero help from that bubblehead Sarah.

Would I donate to the Candies foundation? No. I believe they are being inefficient with their money in this case. Do I think Bristol is a spoiled brat? Yes, I do.

Do I care that a charity approached her and offered to pay her a salary for a celebrity endorsement campaign? Not really.

when did i become a liberal?

just curious. do i get a lapel pin?

I don't think I called you a liberal.

I was referring to the members of the media that are/were going "ZOMFG, PALIN!!!" I wasn't talking about anyone on the board. Sorry I wasn't clear.

being clear would be pretty gross, especially on spaghetti night.

no worries, although i would like a lapel pin

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