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You Can't Make This Stuff Up!

TRUMP: “We’re having the best economy we’ve ever had in the history of our country.” — remarks in Granite City, Illinois.

THE FACTS: Even allowing for some Trumpian exaggeration, this overstates things.

The unemployment rate is near a 40-year low and growth is solid, but by many measures the current economy trails other periods in U.S. history. Average hourly pay, before adjusting for inflation, is rising at about a 2.5 percent annual rate, below the 4 percent level reached in the late 1990s when the unemployment rate was as low as it is now.

Pay was growing even faster in the late 1960s, when the jobless rate remained below 4 percent for nearly four years. And economic growth topped 4 percent for three full years from 1998 through 2000, an annual rate it hasn’t touched since.


TRUMP, on GDP figures: “On Friday, the numbers come out, and I don’t know what they are, but there are predictions from 3.8 to 5.3. … Nobody thought we were going to be this great. … When I took over, those numbers were bad, and they were heading in the wrong direction, because of regulation. Really the taxes were too high … jobs were, forget it.” — remarks at workforce event in Peosta, Iowa.

THE FACTS: Economists do expect a strong number for growth in the April-June quarter, but it is likely to be a temporary bounce. And the U.S. economy wasn’t doing nearly as bad before Trump took office as he suggests.

Few economists doubted that growth could accelerate after the Trump administration’s tax cuts were passed last year, and Congress approved a big increase in government spending earlier this year.

But the skepticism Trump describes centers on whether the second quarter’s outsize growth can be sustained. The economy faces two significant structural drags: an aging population, which means fewer people are working and more are retired, and weak productivity growth, which means that those who are working aren’t increasing their output as quickly as in the past.

Trump’s tax cuts can stimulate faster growth by putting more money in people’s pockets, but most economists expect the effect will be temporary, as those two trends act like gravity and pull the economy’s longer-term growth lower.

When the Commerce Department releases the growth figures for the April-June quarter Friday morning, economists forecast they will show the economy expanded at a 4.1 percent annual rate, according to data provider FactSet. Some analysts have said the figure could reach as high as 5 percent.

Americans have ramped up their spending after cutting back in the first three months of the year, encouraged by tax cuts that have left more money in their pockets. Yet the tax cuts provide a one-time lift to take-home pay and will likely have less impact next year, analysts say.

A large, temporary surge in agricultural exports, specifically soybeans, should also juice growth in the second quarter. Exports of U.S. soybeans soared as companies sought to ship them to China before that country slapped tariffs on them in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods. Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan Chase, forecast that soybean exports alone likely boosted GDP by 0.5 percentage point in the second quarter.

Many economists forecast growth will drop back to roughly 2.5 percent to 3 percent in the third quarter.

For the year, the economy is likely to expand at a 3 percent pace or more for the first time since 2005. But most economists forecast it will fall back below 3 percent soon afterward.

It’s not unusual for the economy to surge forward temporarily. Growth reached 5.2 percent in the third quarter of 2014, before falling back to 2 percent in the next quarter.

Growth also wasn’t as bad when he took office as Trump claims. The economy expanded 2.9 percent in 2015, though it slowed the following year. Businesses added 2.3 million jobs in 2016, before Trump took office, more than the 2.2 million gained in 2017.


TRUMP: “The Canadians, you have a totally closed market … they have a 375 percent tax on dairy products, other than that it’s wonderful to deal. And we have a very big deficit with Canada, a trade deficit.” — remarks in Peosta, Iowa.

THE FACTS: No, it’s not totally closed. Because of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada’s market is almost totally open to the United States. Each country has a few products that are still largely protected, such as dairy in Canada and sugar in the United States.

Trump also repeated his claim that the U.S. has a trade deficit with Canada, but that is true only in goods. When services are included, such as insurance, tourism, and engineering, the U.S. had a $2.8 billion surplus with Canada last year.
She does not read facts.


Here are the facts:

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake”that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. " http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/terence...-obama-has-lowest-average-1stq-gdp-growth-any

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..." http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/03/b...rkers-see-biggest-drop-in-paychecks.html?_r=0

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.
Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

One more?

13. "The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class
December 9, 2015
A just-released analysis of government data shows that as of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority.
And middle-income Americans not only have shrunk as a share of the population but have fallen further behind financially, with their median income down 4 percent compared with the year 2000, Pew said."
The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

The only question is, what was the worst disaster for American and the world, Obama, or the Obama voter.
Apparently, if you're Trump, you can make things up.

Trump inauguration crowd photos were edited after he intervened

I believe you may be able to be edified.

Here, let's test that idea.....speaking of 'making things up'....no one can compare to Hussein.....


1.” "We can't drill our way out of this problem." Any time he talks about energy, he trots out that phrase. Whatever the problem, increasing domestic oil supply is never the solution. In 2012, when running for re-election, the president declared: "Even if we drilled every square inch of this country right now, we're going to be relying on other countries for oil."
The Daily Bulletin - December 8, 2014 | RealClearEnergy

“Sorry, Mr. President: Turns Out We Can Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices Sorry, Mr. President: Turns Out We Can Drill Our Way to Lower Gas Prices - American Energy Alliance

Could his lies about drilling have anything to do with this???

“Obama's OMB ignores document subpoena; Upton/Stearns House panel says Monday morning or else…The subpoena is for thousands of documents requested months ago by the committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations concerning OMB's evaluation of a Department of Energy economic stimulus program loan guarantee worth $535 million for Solyndra, Inc.,…” http://www.sfexaminer.com/blogs/bel...ocument-subpoena-uptonstearns-house-panel-say

2. Obama…a supporter of infanticide…which is why he lies to support Planned Parenthood.

“....on abortion, Obama is an extremist. He has opposed the Supreme Court decision that finally upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act against that form of infanticide. Most startlingly, for a professed humanist, Obama – in the Illinois Senate – also voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

I have reported on several of those cases when, before the abortion was completed, an alive infant was suddenly in the room. It was disposed of as a horrified nurse who was not necessarily pro-life followed the doctors’ orders to put the baby in a pail or otherwise get rid of the child.” Infanticide candidate for president

…who has stated that he didn’t want his daughters ‘punished’ with a baby…..told this lie:

You’ve got issues like Planned Parenthood, where that organization provides millions of women cervical-cancer screenings, mammograms, all kinds of basic health care.”— President Obama during an interview on “The Tonight Show,” Oct. 24, 2012

The president has suggested time and again that Planned Parenthood directly provides mammograms, but the organization only offers referrals and helps women find financial resources for the exams. This suggests an intentional attempt to mislead voters…
Obama’s ‘Tonight Show’ remark: Planned Parenthood provides mammograms

3. Get this lie:
“’more black men languish in prison in America than attend college.” Obama

"the most frequently quoted statistic about black men in the United States."

4. Lies, damn lies….and Obama lies:

Obama: Doctors Choose Amputation Because Surgeons Get Paid More Than Physicians

Obama: Doctors Choose Amputation Because Surgeons Get Paid More Than Physicians


5. Obama’s claim that Keystone XL oil ‘bypasses the U.S.’ earns Four Pinocchioshttps://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2015/03/02/obamas-claim-that-keystone-xl-oil-bypasses-the-u-s-earns-four-pinocchios/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8c2ed3f65ed8


6. After accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, Obama bombed more countries than any President since WWII

“U.S. Bombed Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia in 2016” The U.S. dropped an average of 3 bombs per hour last year

His whole presidency was a lie by the Left.....and suckers bought it like it was on sale.

7. Is this a lie, of just the sort of thing Liberals do?

The Peace Prize for a man who had a kill list in the Oval Office:

“The Disposition Matrix, informally known as a kill list, is a database of information for tracking, capturing, rendering, or killing suspected enemies of the United States.[1] Developed by the Obama administration beginning in 2010, the "Disposition Matrix" goes beyond existing kill lists and is intended to become a permanent fixture of U.S. policy.[1] The process determining criteria for killing is not public and was heavily shaped by National Counterterrorism Director and former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director John O. Brennan.[2]

“Team Obama: Sorry, America, the ‘new normal’ may be here to stay

The good times may be over for good. In a speech to the Economic Club of New York yesterday, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said the US GDP growth rate, adjusted for inflation, is now projected to run a little above 2% a year.”
Team Obama: Sorry, America, the 'new normal' may be here to stay - AEI

Then, along came Trump….

“U.S. households are back to their free spending ways, with the strength of May’s retail sales figures implying that second-quarter real consumption growth (and GDP growth for that matter) will now be more than 4% annualized.

9. “Obama’s whopper of a claim on tax cuts

“We said working folks deserved a break, so within one month of me taking office, we signed into law the biggest middle-class tax cut in history, putting more money into your pockets.”
— President Obama, Sept. 5, 2011

10. 10. “Obama’s claim that ‘90 percent’ of the current deficit is due to Bush policies

…he can’t blithely suggest that 90 percent of the current deficit “is as a consequence” of his predecessor’s policies — and not his own.

It is astonishing to see the president repeat this faulty claim once again, as if it were an established fact.
Obama’s claim that ‘90 percent’ of the current deficit is due to Bush policies

"It is astonishing to see the[Democrat Obama] repeat this faulty claim once again, as if it were an established fact.
And they're still lying!!!

11. Obama called ISIS the JV and then said he didn’t call them the JV…

“Obama said he “wasn’t specifically referring” to ISIS when he made the junior varsity reference during an interview with The New Yorker in January. But the magazine article and a transcript of the interview — which Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler obtained and wrote about earlier this month — shows that Obama was referring to ISIS when he said “if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant.”
Obama Fumbles 'JV Team' Question - FactCheck.org

WaPo calls him a liar……again.

12. Here he goes again:
Obama in 2015: ‘Assad Gave Up His Chemical Weapons…Those Have Been Eliminated’”


Then explain this:

“The April 4 attack in Khan Sheikhun, which cost the lives of more than 80 people ….

Defense Secretary James Mattis said Monday the firing of 59 cruise missiles from two U.S. Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean was intended to “show the United States will not passively stand by while [President Bashar] Assad murders innocent people with chemical weapons, which are prohibited by international law and which were declared destroyed.” Obama in 2015: ‘Assad Gave Up His Chemical Weapons…Those Have Been Eliminated’

13. President Obama: “So let’s start with this fact: For more than a thousand years, people have been drawn to Islam’s message of peace. And the very word itself, ‘Islam,’ comes from ‘salam’ — peace.”

Why did Obama say this? Even Muslim websites acknowledge that “Islam” means “submission” [to Allah], that it comes from the Arabic root “aslama” meaning submission, and that “Islam” is in the command form of that verb.

14. Obama Saying 'Islam has been Woven into the Fabric of our Country Since its Founding'

15. The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression." Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression

16. The Kick-Back to Donors Plan….I mean the Stimulus…

In Barack Obama’s speech to the joint session of Congress, the President emphasized that his new jobs plan had four specific qualities that made it easy to pass this bill immediately, as Obama chanted repeatedly during his speech. His plan would be fully funded, it would not add to the deficit, it would create jobs immediately, and it was chock-full of bipartisan ideas. The Associated Press fact-checked these claims, and found them all false.

17. Obama lied and misled the American people in his description of his relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers as casual and arm's-length:” just a guy in my neighborhood.” His spokesman even claimed he ony knew him because his kids went to school with Ayers’ kids. Now it is clear that the relationship was close, and the evidence is that Ayers actually wrote Obama’s ‘autobiography.’

18. Report: Released Criminal Aliens Committed Nearly 10 Times More Crimes Than Obama Admin. Told Congress
Report: Released Criminal Aliens Committed Nearly 10 Times More Crimes Than Obama Admin. Told Congress | Breitbart

19. Do you recall this Obama response at one of the debates: “I think America's greatest moral failure in my lifetime has been that we still don't abide by that basic precept in Matthew that whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.”

Perhaps this is the biggest hypocrisy and the greatest look into his character: “The average American household gives about two percent of adjusted gross income,” …Obama…less than 1%

And he wouldn’t help the ‘least of his own brothers’ out of poverty:

"Barack Obama's half brother, George Onyango Obama, was found living in a 6 by 10 foot slum hut in Huruma estate just outside of Nairobi. According to reports George Obama survives on $12 a year in the slums of Kenya."

Barack's Half Brother: George Obama's Hut Is In The Slums Of Kenya

20. “Obama: 'I Didn't Have Scandals.' So What Are All These?
Former president Barack Obama might not have experienced the fallout from a scandal, but that's very different from never having been involved in one.” Obama: 'I Didn't Have Scandals.' So What Are All These? | RealClearPolitics

21. Not only do the Leftists like Obama lie to their base with no compunctions….but they laugh at how gullible their voters are:

Charlie Rose and President’s Speechwriters Laugh About ObamaCare Lie ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.’

22. The lies often serve the purpose of appealing to particular constituencies…..here, to Jewish voters:

"The Nazi death camp that Barack Obama's great-uncle helped liberate
MAY 27, 2008 | 4:21 PM
Barack Obama, at a Memorial Day event in Las Cruces, N.M., credited his great-uncle, Charlie Payne, as being among the U.S. troops who liberated the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz.

The trouble with that bit of history -- as the Republican National Committee pointed out today -- is that the Soviet Red Army was the military force that liberated the World War II death camp."
The Nazi death camp that Barack Obama's great-uncle helped liberate

23. The lies are often revealed in the actions of the Democrats. While thumping their collective chests about how they feel for black Americans….their actions reveal something altogether different:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found

24. Here is Democrat apparatchik George Stephanopoulos ‘correcting’ Obama’s mention of his Muslim faith…

His actions throughout his presidency make this an admission more than a gaffe.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

25. "My expectation is that if you want to be president, you have to work for everyone, not just for some," Obama said in a taping of the "Late Show" with David Letterman... …the job of the President is to “represent all people.” “If you want to be President, You have to work for everybody, not just for some." Obama: As president you represent everyone, most people don't think they're victims

“According to the experts who contributed to the Brookings Institution report, Barack Obama numbers among the most polarizing presidents in American history.” These Are the Most Polarizing Presidents (and How Donald Trump Compares)

“A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that former President Obama's approval ratings are easily the most polarized in modern American history, with Democrats rating him highly and Republicans rating him poorly.

"Throughout his presidency, Barack Obama averaged 83% job approval among Democrats and 13% among Republicans," reports Gallup. "That 70-percentage-point party gap in job approval ratings easily eclipses the prior high — 61 points for George W. Bush.

"All other presidents had party gaps of 55 points or less." Gallup: Obama approval ratings most polarized in US history

The Democrats wanted to put Hussein Obama on Mt. Rushmore....but they don't have enough room for two more faces.


26. Remember Edward Snowden? Obama responded to Snowden’s stunning revelations of the National Security Agency’s vacuuming up millions of Americans’ personal data by going on the Jay Leno Show and proclaiming: “There is no spying on Americans.

How quickly NY Times forgets Obama's lies and frauds


Henceforth, the terms 'lie' and 'liar' and 'making things up' must be permanently reserved for, and applied to, Hussein Obama.
TRUMP: “We’re having the best economy we’ve ever had in the history of our country.” — remarks in Granite City, Illinois.

THE FACTS: Even allowing for some Trumpian exaggeration, this overstates things.

The unemployment rate is near a 40-year low and growth is solid, but by many measures the current economy trails other periods in U.S. history. Average hourly pay, before adjusting for inflation, is rising at about a 2.5 percent annual rate, below the 4 percent level reached in the late 1990s when the unemployment rate was as low as it is now.

Pay was growing even faster in the late 1960s, when the jobless rate remained below 4 percent for nearly four years. And economic growth topped 4 percent for three full years from 1998 through 2000, an annual rate it hasn’t touched since.


TRUMP, on GDP figures: “On Friday, the numbers come out, and I don’t know what they are, but there are predictions from 3.8 to 5.3. … Nobody thought we were going to be this great. … When I took over, those numbers were bad, and they were heading in the wrong direction, because of regulation. Really the taxes were too high … jobs were, forget it.” — remarks at workforce event in Peosta, Iowa.

THE FACTS: Economists do expect a strong number for growth in the April-June quarter, but it is likely to be a temporary bounce. And the U.S. economy wasn’t doing nearly as bad before Trump took office as he suggests.

Few economists doubted that growth could accelerate after the Trump administration’s tax cuts were passed last year, and Congress approved a big increase in government spending earlier this year.

But the skepticism Trump describes centers on whether the second quarter’s outsize growth can be sustained. The economy faces two significant structural drags: an aging population, which means fewer people are working and more are retired, and weak productivity growth, which means that those who are working aren’t increasing their output as quickly as in the past.

Trump’s tax cuts can stimulate faster growth by putting more money in people’s pockets, but most economists expect the effect will be temporary, as those two trends act like gravity and pull the economy’s longer-term growth lower.

When the Commerce Department releases the growth figures for the April-June quarter Friday morning, economists forecast they will show the economy expanded at a 4.1 percent annual rate, according to data provider FactSet. Some analysts have said the figure could reach as high as 5 percent.

Americans have ramped up their spending after cutting back in the first three months of the year, encouraged by tax cuts that have left more money in their pockets. Yet the tax cuts provide a one-time lift to take-home pay and will likely have less impact next year, analysts say.

A large, temporary surge in agricultural exports, specifically soybeans, should also juice growth in the second quarter. Exports of U.S. soybeans soared as companies sought to ship them to China before that country slapped tariffs on them in retaliation for U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods. Daniel Silver, an economist at JPMorgan Chase, forecast that soybean exports alone likely boosted GDP by 0.5 percentage point in the second quarter.

Many economists forecast growth will drop back to roughly 2.5 percent to 3 percent in the third quarter.

For the year, the economy is likely to expand at a 3 percent pace or more for the first time since 2005. But most economists forecast it will fall back below 3 percent soon afterward.

It’s not unusual for the economy to surge forward temporarily. Growth reached 5.2 percent in the third quarter of 2014, before falling back to 2 percent in the next quarter.

Growth also wasn’t as bad when he took office as Trump claims. The economy expanded 2.9 percent in 2015, though it slowed the following year. Businesses added 2.3 million jobs in 2016, before Trump took office, more than the 2.2 million gained in 2017.


TRUMP: “The Canadians, you have a totally closed market … they have a 375 percent tax on dairy products, other than that it’s wonderful to deal. And we have a very big deficit with Canada, a trade deficit.” — remarks in Peosta, Iowa.

THE FACTS: No, it’s not totally closed. Because of the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canada’s market is almost totally open to the United States. Each country has a few products that are still largely protected, such as dairy in Canada and sugar in the United States.

Trump also repeated his claim that the U.S. has a trade deficit with Canada, but that is true only in goods. When services are included, such as insurance, tourism, and engineering, the U.S. had a $2.8 billion surplus with Canada last year.
She does not read facts.


Here are the facts:

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake”that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. " http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/terence...-obama-has-lowest-average-1stq-gdp-growth-any

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..." http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/03/b...rkers-see-biggest-drop-in-paychecks.html?_r=0

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.
Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

One more?

13. "The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class
December 9, 2015
A just-released analysis of government data shows that as of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority.
And middle-income Americans not only have shrunk as a share of the population but have fallen further behind financially, with their median income down 4 percent compared with the year 2000, Pew said."
The Tipping Point: Most Americans No Longer Are Middle Class

The only question is, what was the worst disaster for American and the world, Obama, or the Obama voter.
Glad you distilled all your ranting into a simplistic question. MY answer is neither.

You need these PC. Copy and paste is so difficult.
Not sure I understand the cartoon...
On one hand one might simply surmise that trump broke the chain, allowing our economy to soar...
However... The tool in his hand is designed to close a ring, like one would use to bind a chain; suggesting he was trying to tether our economy, to the anchor of taxes...
Not sure what the artist is getting at...

Are you serious?
Well, yes. The tool in Trumps hand would throw anyone off.

I'm sure the artist isnt a tool guy.
She does not read facts.

The problem is that the facts serve only as a reflection of the distortion in the market. To her credit she does not know this. And that's okay. We can't blame people for not knowing.

Unless people are studying economic theory and monetary policy, the nonsensical political football game between the red helmets and the blue helmets will continue to dominate the narrative, ultimately burying any discussion about the root problem. And the root problem, btw, has been a bipartisan venture over time.

Folks seem to suggest you don't know what you're talking about.....

...why is that?
She does not read facts.

The problem is that the facts serve only as a reflection of the distortion in the market. To her credit she does not know this. And that's okay. We can't blame people for not knowing.

Unless people are studying economic theory and monetary policy, the nonsensical political football game between the red helmets and the blue helmets will continue to dominate the narrative, ultimately burying any discussion about the root problem. And the root problem, btw, has been a bipartisan venture over time.

Folks seem to suggest you don't know what you're talking about.....

...why is that?

A question that does not need a reply. Shoot up. Go to bed. Copy and paste again tomorrow.
Lefties don’t like facts, chic.

It’s their Kryptonite.

C what I did there? :p

But seriously, they are either willfully ignorant or disingenuous, there is no other type of lefty.
She does not read facts.

The problem is that the facts serve only as a reflection of the distortion in the market. To her credit she does not know this. And that's okay. We can't blame people for not knowing.

Unless people are studying economic theory and monetary policy, the nonsensical political football game between the red helmets and the blue helmets will continue to dominate the narrative, ultimately burying any discussion about the root problem. And the root problem, btw, has been a bipartisan venture over time.

Folks seem to suggest you don't know what you're talking about.....

...why is that?

A question that does not need a reply. Shoot up. Go to bed. Copy and paste again tomorrow.

Tough to debate on facts, huh? It’s easier to make personal attacks.
The economy has been on a nonstop upward movemenr ever since the Great Obama stopped a Depression
She does not read facts.

The problem is that the facts serve only as a reflection of the distortion in the market. To her credit she does not know this. And that's okay. We can't blame people for not knowing.

Unless people are studying economic theory and monetary policy, the nonsensical political football game between the red helmets and the blue helmets will continue to dominate the narrative, ultimately burying any discussion about the root problem. And the root problem, btw, has been a bipartisan venture over time.

Folks seem to suggest you don't know what you're talking about.....

...why is that?

A question that does not need a reply. Shoot up. Go to bed. Copy and paste again tomorrow.

Tough to debate on facts, huh? It’s easier to make personal attacks.
Funny as usual. PC facts are copy and paste BS. Stand by her all you want.
She does not read facts.

The problem is that the facts serve only as a reflection of the distortion in the market. To her credit she does not know this. And that's okay. We can't blame people for not knowing.

Unless people are studying economic theory and monetary policy, the nonsensical political football game between the red helmets and the blue helmets will continue to dominate the narrative, ultimately burying any discussion about the root problem. And the root problem, btw, has been a bipartisan venture over time.

Folks seem to suggest you don't know what you're talking about.....

...why is that?

A question that does not need a reply. Shoot up. Go to bed. Copy and paste again tomorrow.

Tough to debate on facts, huh? It’s easier to make personal attacks.
Funny as usual. PC facts are copy and paste BS. Stand by her all you want.

Take any of those points and explain why it’s bullshit.

What does copy and paste have to do with anything?

Take ANY of them and let’s break it down....you can do it. Pick one.
This is not a joke! He is responsible for the economic growth. I say that because he was thwarted at every position in his effort to repair America after the conservative debacle of Booooosh.
He is responsible for a lot. None of what you said though.
She does not read facts.

The problem is that the facts serve only as a reflection of the distortion in the market. To her credit she does not know this. And that's okay. We can't blame people for not knowing.

Unless people are studying economic theory and monetary policy, the nonsensical political football game between the red helmets and the blue helmets will continue to dominate the narrative, ultimately burying any discussion about the root problem. And the root problem, btw, has been a bipartisan venture over time.

Folks seem to suggest you don't know what you're talking about.....

...why is that?

A question that does not need a reply. Shoot up. Go to bed. Copy and paste again tomorrow.

Tough to debate on facts, huh? It’s easier to make personal attacks.
Funny as usual. PC facts are copy and paste BS. Stand by her all you want.

Are you suggesting that you can prove anything I post isn't 100% true?

Put your Dinaro where you put your dinner.

Either prove it or admit you're a liar.
The problem is that the facts serve only as a reflection of the distortion in the market. To her credit she does not know this. And that's okay. We can't blame people for not knowing.

Unless people are studying economic theory and monetary policy, the nonsensical political football game between the red helmets and the blue helmets will continue to dominate the narrative, ultimately burying any discussion about the root problem. And the root problem, btw, has been a bipartisan venture over time.

Folks seem to suggest you don't know what you're talking about.....

...why is that?

A question that does not need a reply. Shoot up. Go to bed. Copy and paste again tomorrow.

Tough to debate on facts, huh? It’s easier to make personal attacks.
Funny as usual. PC facts are copy and paste BS. Stand by her all you want.

Are you suggesting that you can prove anything I post isn't 100% true?

Put your Dinaro where you put your dinner.

Either prove it or admit you're a liar.

It won’t happen. They can’t debate on facts.
My favorite Obama scandal to discuss is his spying on the press.

That is 100% a fact.

Crickets from his asslickers on that one.
My favorite Obama scandal to discuss is his spying on the press.

That is 100% a fact.

Crickets from his asslickers on that one.

The NYTimes writes:

"The Obama administration, which has a chilling zeal for investigating leaks and prosecuting leakers, has failed to offer a credible justification for secretly combing through the phone records of reporters and editors at The Associated Press in what looks like a fishing expedition for sources and an effort to frighten off whistle-blowers.

On Friday, Justice Department officials revealed that they had been going through The A.P.’s records for months. The dragnet covered work, home and cellphone records used by almost 100 people at one of the oldest and most reputable news organizations. James Cole, a deputy attorney general, offered no further explanation on Tuesday, saying only that it was part of a “criminal investigation involving highly classified material” from early 2012.

Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. said he could not comment on the details of the phone records seizure, which he said was an open investigation — although he was happy to comment on the open investigation into the tax audits of conservative groups, which he said might have been criminal and were “certainly outrageous and unacceptable.”
Opinion | Spying on The Associated Press

That's what Fascists do.
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