You can't post about the Hunter Biden scandal on Twitter now

Twitter is now stopping anyone from posting about the new revelations about the Hunter Biden scandal.

It will be interesting, if Biden is elected, to see what lengths the press will go to so suppress any negative news regarding their boy Biden. In fact, could this site be shut down?

Those Stalinist cocksuckers!
I guess the first step is to make any comment of dissent disappear from the internet.

Then they will come for those who speak out.

It's this way in pretty much every Marxist regime.

What comes to mind are the Alien and Sedition laws that Jefferson luckily broke up. What was left of it FDR imprisoned innocent Japanese Americans during WW2

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

There's a "Plan" to make Social media live up to the Agreement they signed, you can't stop it!

Nothing can stop what's coming (except Barr punting this into the Xi/Harris/Biden administration)
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

Conspiracy theory worth $83,000 a month to Biden's kid. $3.5 Million from the mayor of Moscow's wife. $1.5 Billion from the Chinese.

You're just pissed because you're having to face the fact Bidum is a crook.

And your conspiracy source of information is from Russian agents that feed all these nonsense about Hunter.

You cannot even get your lies straight Hunter was paid $50,000 a month not $83,000. You also knew that Biden tax returns are available compared to Trumo hiding his tax returns. Also Trump paid millions of $ from corruption and fraud cases. Talking about corrupted individual.

Do you know why 2 Republican Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley that is heading this Hunter investigation about had abruptly stopped? Do you know why?? They found out they were working with a Russian agents name Telizhenko. Guilliani also worked with another Russian agents Derkach are now both banned and revoked their US visa by State Department.

US revokes visa of Giuliani's Ukrainian ally who spread conspiracy theories about the Bidens

The US State Department revoked the visa of a former Ukrainian diplomat who has worked with Republicans to spread baseless conspiracy theories about the Biden family and foreign meddling in 2016, American and Ukrainian officials told CNN on Monday.


For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

She's posted more lies than all the tRumplings on this board combined. She should be permanently blocked.

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Actually, the laptop was abandoned at a repair shop, where it became the property of the owner to cover the repairs...

And the owner turned it over to the FBI (after making copies of the emails and a rather raunchy video of Hunter smoking crack and having sex with a hooker)...

So, can anyone explain how someone can "hack" a computer that they OWN???

Mark Levin explained in detail why Dorcey and Zuckerberg pounced upon the information, shutting Americans out from seeing it entirely, the information is devastating to Biden, whose own impossibly stupid & loose lips have damned him beyond all doubt!

But the information is being looked into so it may come out yet..

How long will it take to get an NSA warrant for the communications chains? This is blowing up in their faces... No amount of censorship will keep this from becoming public...

The problem is there are only 19 days until the Election, is there enough time now? Don't forget the MSM will be doing 24/7 deflections to assist the cover up so that the majority of peoples do NOT get to hear about it in full UNTIL AFTER the Election and then if they succeed with the Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme and Biden/Harris get it the ENTIRE thing will DISAPPEAR.

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Actually, the laptop was abandoned at a repair shop, where it became the property of the owner to cover the repairs...

And the owner turned it over to the FBI (after making copies of the emails and a rather raunchy video of Hunter smoking crack and having sex with a hooker)...

So, can anyone explain how someone can "hack" a computer that they OWN???

Mark Levin explained in detail why Dorcey and Zuckerberg pounced upon the information, shutting Americans out from seeing it entirely, the information is devastating to Biden, whose own impossibly stupid & loose lips have damned him beyond all doubt!

They acting like the ChiComs!
Wow! The full state control on twitter has begun. We should all know after the first debate Slow Joe admitted himself on live tv he did illegal dealings with Hunter involved. Now it's in full throttle after the news reported more findings. The Biden Russia collusion is on.

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Twitter and Facebook are both in violation of USC 403.2.. They are violating the communications act... Time to pull the plug on both of them..

Billy Bob......

The only reason they can and will bust every code, law and rule is because they know they are protected by the Establishment.
I said 5 months ago that leading up to the election they will censor / block every important Republican.

Been warning for years.......but nooooooooooooooo The right kept right on running to both.

They are bullet proof no matter what they do

They are about to ramp up censorship and favoritism. It's what Communist do.
This thread belongs in Conspiracy Theories where sane people don't have to listen to this yapping.

Conspiracy theory worth $83,000 a month to Biden's kid. $3.5 Million from the mayor of Moscow's wife. $1.5 Billion from the Chinese.

You're just pissed because you're having to face the fact Bidum is a crook.

And your conspiracy source of information is from Russian agents that feed all these nonsense about Hunter.

You cannot even get your lies straight Hunter was paid $50,000 a month not $83,000. You also knew that Biden tax returns are available compared to Trumo hiding his tax returns. Also Trump paid millions of $ from corruption and fraud cases. Talking about corrupted individual.

Do you know why 2 Republican Senators Ron Johnson and Chuck Grassley that is heading this Hunter investigation about had abruptly stopped? Do you know why?? They found out they were working with a Russian agents name Telizhenko. Guilliani also worked with another Russian agents Derkach are now both banned and revoked their US visa by State Department.

US revokes visa of Giuliani's Ukrainian ally who spread conspiracy theories about the Bidens

The US State Department revoked the visa of a former Ukrainian diplomat who has worked with Republicans to spread baseless conspiracy theories about the Biden family and foreign meddling in 2016, American and Ukrainian officials told CNN on Monday.

You moron... Hunter was the owner of the laptop that was not picked up or paid for.... Hunter is who screwed the pooch on his father..... Irony!

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Twitter and Facebook are both in violation of USC 403.2.. They are violating the communications act... Time to pull the plug on both of them..

Billy Bob......

The only reason they can and will bust every code, law and rule is because they know they are protected by the Establishment.

They are bullet proof no matter what they do

And William Barr is ONE of them, he's on THEIR side.

For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Actually, the laptop was abandoned at a repair shop, where it became the property of the owner to cover the repairs...

And the owner turned it over to the FBI (after making copies of the emails and a rather raunchy video of Hunter smoking crack and having sex with a hooker)...

So, can anyone explain how someone can "hack" a computer that they OWN???

Mark Levin explained in detail why Dorcey and Zuckerberg pounced upon the information, shutting Americans out from seeing it entirely, the information is devastating to Biden, whose own impossibly stupid & loose lips have damned him beyond all doubt!

But the information is being looked into so it may come out yet..

This is why I hope Pubs are obliterated at the polls on November 3rd. This BS of their political show trials because Putin wannabe Trump demands it. This Hunter Biden crap that Johnson is starting is nothing but an abuse of power. Just like Hillary’s e-mails or Bill Barr’s unmasking farce, there will be nothing found. Nothing whatsoever. Pubs are turning our nation’s politics into a third world crap hole.

Can't stand it when the Democrats get exposed, can you???

I don’t give a damn about a politician’s kid. You have nothing on Joe so you pathetic bunch go after his kid.

Ignores the pay to play scheme ^^^

Hunter Biden is a deflection. It will be a nothing after Nov. 3rd no matter who wins. It is sham like Hillary’s e-mails, unmasking , the caravan and host of other Pub fabricated hoaxes.


For posting ground breaking news Joe sold his son for pay for play!

Twitter is working for bindens and needs to pay! Campaign finance laws! Antitrust!

Trump needs to send federal agents into Twitter and Facebook now like Obama sent them into Gibson Guitar to seize their property, arrest the staff and smash their gear. Time for these two subversive organizations to go out of business.

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