"You didn't get there on your own"

And now we see the true agenda, problem is idiots like this poster will soon no longer own property when his owners, the oligarchs, take it all


DailyKOS hasn't programmed you with an argument against requiring property to vote?

The argument in favor is that of "Stake Holders." Those who own property have a stake in the nation, those who don't, don't.

See if you can wrap both your IQ points around that concept.

I think you are in the wrong country
And how that is pertinent to the topic goes back to the President's remarks that would suggest that nobody who is really rich got there by any means other than with subsidy and help from others.

Because, in order for obammy to implement his utopian country where the ACA is a money makin machine, where rich people and businesses finally ay a fair share (which always means more), where artists don't have to worry about gainful employment, and where unicorns prance in verdant fields of poppies, he is gonna need a shitload mo' money.

The thing is, the taxes Obama wants to impose on the 'super rich' would run the government at most for a few days at the current rate of spending. If he confiscated ALL the wealth of the top 5% of wage earners in the country, it would run the government for maybe a few weeks. Meanwhile, thousands upon thousands of jobs would go away or never be created throwing the country into far deeper deficits for as far as the eye can see.
Well, let's examine the stupidity of such a statement. The total Wealth of everyone in the USA is over 50 trillion. The top 1%, not the top 5%, have 40% of the wealth which is 20 trillion, which is certainly enough to run the country for more than a few weeks, even at the rate Republicans spend money.
I understand you are frustrated with me, you cant win a single argument with me, nor could you with any decent human being on the planet, because you start from a position of hate, intolerance, bigotry and ignorance...

not my opinion, this is known to all, but you
Now they loathe literature, no surprise.

No, stupid...just Certain usual suspects. Some of us have minds of our own and can think for ourselves, differentiate between REAL and fantasy, and aren't so quick to "go with the flow...and aren't part of the 'Cult Of Personailty' Like you ignat.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0"]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]

I absolutely LOVE that song!! Thanks!
I understand you are frustrated with me, you cant win a single argument with me, nor could you with any decent human being on the planet, because you start from a position of hate, intolerance, bigotry and ignorance...

not my opinion, this is known to all, but you

You need to check your assigned talking points. You've already used that line a couple of times and if you keep it up, it will be less effective in derailing the thread.
Will concede that Ed is right. If you confiscated all the wealth of the 400 richest Americans it would pay off this year's deficit. And if you confiscated all the wealth of those Obama wants to tax, it would make a significant dent in the debt. However you would also destroy roughly half of the income producing businesses in the country and that would certainly throw us into a depression from which we would likely never recover.

I should have said that confiscating all the INCOME of the richest Americans would only run the government for a short while at the current rate of spending.

Ed hasn't noticed that the Republicans have not been in charge of spending for roughly six years now.

And yet the economy remains in limbo and unemployment remains unacceptably high.

Wouldn't you think all that spending would have fixed the economy by now if government was what makes the economy run and allows all those businesses to do business? Without governmen help,t they wouldn't exist? That is what Fearless Leader seems to want us to believe.
Will concede that Ed is right. If you confiscated all the wealth of the 400 richest Americans it would pay off this year's deficit. And if you confiscated all the wealth of those Obama wants to tax, it would make a significant dent in the debt. However you would also destroy roughly half of the income producing businesses in the country and that would certainly throw us into a depression from which we would likely never recover.

I should have said that confiscating all the INCOME of the richest Americans would only run the government for a short while at the current rate of spending.

Ed hasn't noticed that the Republicans have not been in charge of spending for roughly six years now.

And yet the economy remains in limbo and unemployment remains unacceptably high.

Wouldn't you think all that spending would have fixed the economy by now if government was what makes the economy run and allows all those businesses to do business? Without governmen help,t they wouldn't exist? That is what Fearless Leader seems to want us to believe.

NO Government has EVER spent themselves into prosperity on the people's dime.

A lesson through history that has YET to be learned.
Even if he did that, the 'extra revenue', assuming there would be any, would at most reduce the defifict by a tiny percentage while the debt will continue to accumulate at a rate of more than a tirllion dollars a year for as far as the eye can see.

The amount Obama wants to take from the 'rich' would be like you or me paying $10 on a $10,000 credit card bull and then feeling proud of ourselves. And that is assuming that the higher taxes do not diminish the amount of new employment/wages/benefits or other investment that would take money out of the economy elsewhere. The rich did not get rich by just passively accepting losses and doing nothing to offset them.

Which is how we know this is nothing but a political game from Team Obama. Well, that and the fact that they could've passed ANYTHING THEY WANTED back in 2009 when Dems had a supermajority, but didn't.

How people get taken in by the likes of Barack Obama I will never understand.

Education and thinking process. Stress education. WE have stupid people voting.

Good point. However, being in a kind frame of mind, you may continue to vote.
Will concede that Ed is right. If you confiscated all the wealth of the 400 richest Americans it would pay off this year's deficit. And if you confiscated all the wealth of those Obama wants to tax, it would make a significant dent in the debt. However you would also destroy roughly half of the income producing businesses in the country and that would certainly throw us into a depression from which we would likely never recover.

I should have said that confiscating all the INCOME of the richest Americans would only run the government for a short while at the current rate of spending.

Ed hasn't noticed that the Republicans have not been in charge of spending for roughly six years now.

And yet the economy remains in limbo and unemployment remains unacceptably high.

Wouldn't you think all that spending would have fixed the economy by now if government was what makes the economy run and allows all those businesses to do business? Without governmen help,t they wouldn't exist? That is what Fearless Leader seems to want us to believe.

NO Government has EVER spent themselves into prosperity on the people's dime.

A lesson through history that has YET to be learned.

The modern day Keynesians and Marxists sure haven't learned it for sure.
Will concede that Ed is right. If you confiscated all the wealth of the 400 richest Americans it would pay off this year's deficit. And if you confiscated all the wealth of those Obama wants to tax, it would make a significant dent in the debt. However you would also destroy roughly half of the income producing businesses in the country and that would certainly throw us into a depression from which we would likely never recover.

I should have said that confiscating all the INCOME of the richest Americans would only run the government for a short while at the current rate of spending.

Ed hasn't noticed that the Republicans have not been in charge of spending for roughly six years now.

And yet the economy remains in limbo and unemployment remains unacceptably high.

Wouldn't you think all that spending would have fixed the economy by now if government was what makes the economy run and allows all those businesses to do business? Without governmen help,t they wouldn't exist? That is what Fearless Leader seems to want us to believe.

NO Government has EVER spent themselves into prosperity on the people's dime.

A lesson through history that has YET to be learned.

The modern day Keynesians and Marxists sure haven't learned it for sure.

NOPE. But they continue the 'Blame game'.
Well, let's examine the stupidity of such a statement. The total Wealth of everyone in the USA is over 50 trillion. The top 1%, not the top 5%, have 40% of the wealth which is 20 trillion, which is certainly enough to run the country for more than a few weeks, even at the rate Republicans spend money.

Education and thinking process. Stress education. WE have stupid people voting.

I think you should have to take a test to vote.
I can see what Obamabots answers to these questions would be:

How many states are there - 57
What language do they speak in Austria - Austrian
If you have asthma what do you use - A breathilizer
What is the greatest threat to America today - Fox News
What is the second greatest threat - The Tea Party
What is your goal in life - To collect unemployment
Is the Daily Show real news - Absolutely
Is Barack Obama honest - No, but does it matter?

Maybe we should have to own property too?
Given that people who own property have a vested interest in making sure that government remains retsricted while America prospers, its an idea.

However, I would say no to having to own property.

I would say that if you get a government check for your subsistence, you should be barred from voting until such time as you can support yourself and/or any and all people who depend upon you.
Education and thinking process. Stress education. WE have stupid people voting.

I think you should have to take a test to vote.
I can see what Obamabots answers to these questions would be:

How many states are there - 57
What language do they speak in Austria - Austrian
If you have asthma what do you use - A breathilizer
What is the greatest threat to America today - Fox News
What is the second greatest threat - The Tea Party
What is your goal in life - To collect unemployment
Is the Daily Show real news - Absolutely
Is Barack Obama honest - No, but does it matter?

Maybe we should have to own property too?

I agree. At the very least, people who get checks from the government shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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