"You didn't get there on your own"

Note he didn't post the entire quote. He's a COWARD.

I have no issue with snipping, provided context is maintained. Sometimes, if I am only replying to a specific point of a long post, I'll snip it down to just the section I'm responding to.

And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it
Taco Bell doesn't have the authority to write law or police powers with which to enforce it.

RW is a retard. He spews insane idiocy. He's reached the level of Mr. Shaman, where nothing he posts has any merit at all.

All they can do is report somebody for breaking laws imposed by GOVERNMENT. Now, if government is limited as intended by the Framers, the political class is not in a position to pick winners and losers.

I can imagine a cop called by Taco Bell.

It's not even a criminal matter, cops don't enforce business license issue. Rightwinger is simply a retard, not for what he said, but for thinking anyone would believe his bullshit.

Aww... I'm not bugged by RW. I like to think guys like him are learning in spite of themselves, even if they can't admit it. ;)
Not to say that I don't have some pointlessly belligerent lefties stuffed into the echo chamber of iggy already though.
I have no issue with snipping, provided context is maintained. Sometimes, if I am only replying to a specific point of a long post, I'll snip it down to just the section I'm responding to.

And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it

...and you can't seem to figure out where the shift button on your keyboard is.
I have no issue with snipping, provided context is maintained. Sometimes, if I am only replying to a specific point of a long post, I'll snip it down to just the section I'm responding to.

And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it


No whining. Just calling YOU OUT for your dishonesty. :eusa_hand:

And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it


No whining. Just calling YOU OUT for your dishonesty. :eusa_hand:


no, nothing dishonest, you do not and cannot (well maybe you could if you tried) think for yourself, you simply cannot be a middle class or lower middle class person and vote republiklan and insist that you think for yourself

absolutely impossible
I have no issue with snipping, provided context is maintained. Sometimes, if I am only replying to a specific point of a long post, I'll snip it down to just the section I'm responding to.

And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it

Sock Puppet Alert!!!!!!!!!
stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it


No whining. Just calling YOU OUT for your dishonesty. :eusa_hand:


no, nothing dishonest, you do not and cannot (well maybe you could if you tried) think for yourself, you simply cannot be a middle class or lower middle class person and vote republiklan and insist that you think for yourself

absolutely impossible

Son? I was defending this nation when you were a cell swimming around in your mommy.
And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.

stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it

Sock Puppet Alert!!!!!!!!!

yeah, I made that note a week ago.
Gentlemen, please stop. You have allowed a professional internet troll, probably a paid one, to derail the thread and thereby are allowing him a great deal of satisfaction and private snickering at how easily that is accomplished.

Let's refocus on the topic which is an excellent topic and has thus far generated some thought provoking discussion. Our task is to educate minds full of mush. We can't do that if we allow people to turn our thoughts any way they choose to do so.
Last edited:
Gentlemen, please stop. You have allowed a professional internet troll, probably a paid one, to derail the thread and thereby are allowing him a great deal of satisfaction and private snickering at how easily that is accomplished.

Let's refocus on the topic which is an excellent topic and has thus far generating some thought provoking discussion. Our task is to educate minds full of mush. We can't do that if we allow people to turn our thoughts any way they choose to do so.

Fair enough.
1) :clap2: Thank you Captain Obvious. The nation owes you a debt of gratitude. The chow line forms outside next to the latrine. As with earlier experiences with you, we must again insist you avoid drinking the latrine water.

2) Question: Do you know who the President's economic advisers are? Here's a clue: The President's Council of Economic Advisers 2a) No one outside your imagination argues the government produces things the way you insist it does. 2b) Governments print money. It's one of the reasons we have a Central Bank No reasonable, rational, and sane person argues getting rid of the Fed. 2c) Nobody with any credibility argues the President and his economic team wants to get businesses to stop operating.

3) Lower income people pay their fair share. The tax breaks go to people like Willard Mitt Romney. It is one of the reasons I suspect he doesn't want to release more tax records. They will show how little he pays.

Lots of lower income people are totally exempt from paying certain taxes simply by reason of their income. Talk about a tax break....

And many wealthy people are exempt in ways that would embarrass them if word got out: Romney doesn't want Americans to see what he really pays after exemptions and shelters.

If you want to argue tax policy is legal .. D'Oh! The matter of the fact is many wealthy people and corporations complain about taxes they NEVER pay.

Lots of poor people- OWS parasite types like you, also complain a.bout taxes theY never pay.:clap2:
stop whining you child, i was doing what people have done for ages on mb, i did NOT change your post, I merely responded to the preposterous statement that you think for yourself, regardless of the topic

as a con you cant think for yourself, it is why you are a con, it is like standing in the middle of a beautiful day at high noon and proclaiming that it is dark outside...

cant do it


No whining. Just calling YOU OUT for your dishonesty. :eusa_hand:


no, nothing dishonest, you do not and cannot (well maybe you could if you tried) think for yourself, you simply cannot be a middle class or lower middle class person and vote republiklan and insist that you think for yourself

absolutely impossible


Uh.....the fact that you can choose who you want to vote for means you're thinking for yourself rather than joining the rest of the Lemmings running over a cliff. It is the very expression of individuality rather than your Pack-mentality.
Lots of lower income people are totally exempt from paying certain taxes simply by reason of their income. Talk about a tax break....

And many wealthy people are exempt in ways that would embarrass them if word got out: Romney doesn't want Americans to see what he really pays after exemptions and shelters.

If you want to argue tax policy is legal .. D'Oh! The matter of the fact is many wealthy people and corporations complain about taxes they NEVER pay.

Lots of poor people- OWS parasite types like you, also complain a.bout taxes theY never pay.:clap2:

Still dragging the topic back onto the tracks here. . . .

Mitt Romney earned his millions. Yes he was fortunate to be born into an affluent family and that family certainly gave him some values, work ethic, ability to obtain a top quality education, and probably some encouragement and tutoring on how to put it to work for fun and profit. He did NOT keep ANY of his inheritance from his father, however, as he didn't need it so he gave it all away. Probably proportionately he doesn't pay as much in taxes as he would pay if he were more middle class, but if he was more middle class he would not be running for high office because he would be focused on supporting his family.

So long as he is paying the taxes he owes, why should it matter to anybody how much in taxes he pays. There is no suggestion he is cheating on his taxes. You can be damn sure the IRS has looked at Romney's taxes very closely by now.

How is it NOT class warfare to try to diminish and smear him re what he pays in taxes? Why are his accomplishments somehow less worthy than a rock star or movie actor or sports figure who also earn millions and millions of dollars? Do you think the left would be clamoring for Oprah (last reported to be worth more than 2 billion) to open up years and years of her tax returns if she decided to run for high office? Did they do that to John Kerry or ANY other affluent Democrat who has run for office? The record would not suggest that they did.
And how that is pertinent to the topic goes back to the President's remarks that would suggest that nobody who is really rich got there by any means other than with subsidy and help from others.
And how that is pertinent to the topic goes back to the President's remarks that would suggest that nobody who is really rich got there by any means other than with subsidy and help from others.

Because, in order for obammy to implement his utopian country where the ACA is a money makin machine, where rich people and businesses finally ay a fair share (which always means more), where artists don't have to worry about gainful employment, and where unicorns prance in verdant fields of poppies, he is gonna need a shitload mo' money.
And many wealthy people are exempt in ways that would embarrass them if word got out: Romney doesn't want Americans to see what he really pays after exemptions and shelters.

If you want to argue tax policy is legal .. D'Oh! The matter of the fact is many wealthy people and corporations complain about taxes they NEVER pay.

Lots of poor people- OWS parasite types like you, also complain a.bout taxes theY never pay.:clap2:

Still dragging the topic back onto the tracks here. . . .

Mitt Romney earned his millions. Yes he was fortunate to be born into an affluent family and that family certainly gave him some values, work ethic, ability to obtain a top quality education, and probably some encouragement and tutoring on how to put it to work for fun and profit. He did NOT keep ANY of his inheritance from his father, however, as he didn't need it so he gave it all away. Probably proportionately he doesn't pay as much in taxes as he would pay if he were more middle class, but if he was more middle class he would not be running for high office because he would be focused on supporting his family.

So long as he is paying the taxes he owes, why should it matter to anybody how much in taxes he pays. There is no suggestion he is cheating on his taxes. You can be damn sure the IRS has looked at Romney's taxes very closely by now.

How is it NOT class warfare to try to diminish and smear him re what he pays in taxes? Why are his accomplishments somehow less worthy than a rock star or movie actor or sports figure who also earn millions and millions of dollars? Do you think the left would be clamoring for Oprah (last reported to be worth more than 2 billion) to open up years and years of her tax returns if she decided to run for high office? Did they do that to John Kerry or ANY other affluent Democrat who has run for office? The record would not suggest that they did.


So Obama saying Romneyis a Felon has zero traction. ALL of the bain attacks are debunked. Obama is out there still foisting it, repeating it...taking the Saul Alensky line...Repeat, rinse Repeat until belived.

it's backfiring.

YES the IRS would have now called FOUL.
And how that is pertinent to the topic goes back to the President's remarks that would suggest that nobody who is really rich got there by any means other than with subsidy and help from others.

Because, in order for obammy to implement his utopian country where the ACA is a money makin machine, where rich people and businesses finally ay a fair share (which always means more), where artists don't have to worry about gainful employment, and where unicorns prance in verdant fields of poppies, he is gonna need a shitload mo' money.

The thing is, the taxes Obama wants to impose on the 'super rich' would run the government at most for a few days at the current rate of spending. If he confiscated ALL the wealth of the top 5% of wage earners in the country, it would run the government for maybe a few weeks. Meanwhile, thousands upon thousands of jobs would go away or never be created throwing the country into far deeper deficits for as far as the eye can see.

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