"You didn't get there on your own"

One of the few responsibilities of government is to protect property rights. Stopping tainted food, or unfair business practices does NOT build business. It might create an environment allowing business to grow, but it doesn't create the business. It doesn't grow the business. It certainly won't keep business open.

And, as so many of us keep saying, we ALL have the EXACT SAME government "help" as our basis to start from, so it's as ludicrous to try to credit that general, ubiquitous starting point for the success SOME - but by no means all - people subsequently achieve as it is to credit the field in the football stadium with the team's victory.
Steven King..

upward mobility, something which Obama can speak on with AUTHORITY of EXPERINCE



He should stick to writing horror novels

Stephen King has not been the same since he got his head bashed in.

As a child of the Vietnam era, King has always been fairly liberal politically, meaning he tends to embrace whatever view is officially politically correct on "the issues", while tending to act more like a conservative in his personal life. As I've said, he's been known frequently in the past to complain about how high his own tax rate is, but like many kneejerk lefties, he has recently absorbed Obama's dogma of "good people LIKE paying taxes; only BAD, SELFISH people object."
Now they loathe literature, no surprise.

Some of us have minds of our own and can think for ourselves,


Oh god


That isnt fair, my stomach hurts so bad right now, havent laughed that hard in years.

(the whole planet is laughing with me, moron...and that isnt an exaggeration)

So YOU post a redacted version of my entire post? Really?

WHY didn't you address the entire post COWARD?

Fucking child neophyte.
One of the few responsibilities of government is to protect property rights. Stopping tainted food, or unfair business practices does NOT build business. It might create an environment allowing business to grow, but it doesn't create the business. It doesn't grow the business. It certainly won't keep business open.

And, as so many of us keep saying, we ALL have the EXACT SAME government "help" as our basis to start from, so it's as ludicrous to try to credit that general, ubiquitous starting point for the success SOME - but by no means all - people subsequently achieve as it is to credit the field in the football stadium with the team's victory.

Yes, the school does not do the homework for the student or study for his/her exams. And the school cannot take credit for the effort the student put into earning a high gradepoint average.

The government risks nothing with whatever services or infrastructure it provides, nor can it do anything without resources provided by the people for which the government had little or nothing to do with. In most cases, the government does not come up with the idea of a product or service to be provided, it does not do the initial planning, pay for whatever licenses and permits are necessary, does not risk a dime in obtaining the infrastructure, supplies, raw materials, tools, equipment, and staff necessary to provide the service or product. Even when the government provides business loans or grants for new business start ups, it had to first take the money from other productive people or obligate them for the money the government borrows to do that.

Before Mr. Foxfyre and I closed down our business and fully retired last year, pray tell who provided us with the tools, equipment, marketing, and resources necessary to do our business? I could swear we paid for every nickle of it out of our bank account financed with money we had earned working for others. Who are we obligated to for doing that?
As the Oligarchs take more and more of your money, while telling you to hate your fellow Americans, you keep following them and that is sad.

If you had a brain, and some of you do, that is the confusing part of this, you would know.
Note he didn't post the entire quote. He's a COWARD.

I have no issue with snipping, provided context is maintained. Sometimes, if I am only replying to a specific point of a long post, I'll snip it down to just the section I'm responding to.

And that's fine as long as the point is maintained. He failed to do that.
Now they loathe literature, no surprise.

Some of us have minds of our own and can think for ourselves,


Oh god


That isnt fair, my stomach hurts so bad right now, havent laughed that hard in years.

(the whole planet is laughing with me, moron...and that isnt an exaggeration)

You're like Michael Scott (Steve Carrol) from """The Office" thinking he's so clever.

BTW,......We're not parroting MSNBC that still thinks the most important issue on the planet is "What's In Mitt Romney's tax-returns".

With Sarah Palin they had her torched by now. It a real struggle making shit up about Mitt. Not much to work with I guess.
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Some of us have minds of our own and can think for ourselves,


Oh god


That isnt fair, my stomach hurts so bad right now, havent laughed that hard in years.

(the whole planet is laughing with me, moron...and that isnt an exaggeration)

You're like Michael Scott (Steve Carrol) from """The Office" thinking he's so clever.

We're not parroting MSNBC that still thinks the most important issue on the planet is "What's In Mitt Romney's tax-returns".

More focused on Obama's failures and why HE and the Statists are AT WAR with the Taxpayers?

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