"You didn't get there on your own"

Only a damn fool doesn't see why the "Citizen's United" ruling makes us MORE like Mexico. Oh wait. Forgot who I was talking to .

Never mind. :eusa_whistle:


Alright champ, explain how "Citizens United," allowing corporations and unions to contribute to election campaigns, "Makes us more like Mexico?"

Something more that "Because ThinkProgress told me" would be preferable.
The government helps two ways. They prevent Jose from selling cheap but unsafe tamales. They also ensure that the meat that he buys is safe for the public to consume. The Government will also make sure that Jose's carts meet cleanliness standards.
The government will protect Jose from unfair business practices of competitors as well as from theives who want to steal his days profits

None of that happens because Jose can't raise the start-up costs and he can't get a loan since he has no collateral. Instead, Jose needs government assistance to take care of his family.

You know, liberals have NO PROBLEM understanding that preemptive war is a bad thing. But they can't seem to wrap their minds around the fact that preemptive regulatory law is keeping people poor by limiting their access to the sales end of the marketplace. There's no profit in Jose poisoning his customers. His business can't grow unless he offers a quality product that people are willing to buy. And... on the off-chance that he does make someone sick, there are legal consequences for his crime.

Don't be such sissies. Nobody's going to MAKE you buy a tamale from a guy you don't know. Oh.... wait. Maybe they will, with Congresses new power to tax if you don't do as you're told. :eusa_whistle:

You see how unlimited government can hurt both you and Jose yet?

Actually, Jose can't get started because huge conglomerate Taco Bell down the street sends the police after him because he is undercutting their profit

Taco Bell doesn't have the authority to write law or police powers with which to enforce it. All they can do is report somebody for breaking laws imposed by GOVERNMENT. Now, if government is limited as intended by the Framers, the political class is not in a position to pick winners and losers.
You find it funny Democrats-Liberals-Progressives don't see a damn thing wrong with UNIONS donating union dues from workers to the fund of the Democrat campaigns, usually against the wishes of whether those workers want it to go to a Democrat candidate.

but corporations, they yell about

More Cult of Personality LaDorka? Really?

Taco Bell doesn't have the authority to write law or police powers with which to enforce it.

RW is a retard. He spews insane idiocy. He's reached the level of Mr. Shaman, where nothing he posts has any merit at all.

All they can do is report somebody for breaking laws imposed by GOVERNMENT. Now, if government is limited as intended by the Framers, the political class is not in a position to pick winners and losers.

I can imagine a cop called by Taco Bell.

It's not even a criminal matter, cops don't enforce business license issue. Rightwinger is simply a retard, not for what he said, but for thinking anyone would believe his bullshit.
Hur hur, lefty come dun say sheezzz gotz du atoms appel -- hur hur, lefty shore is clevor..


Her stupidfuck, is she a man too?

:snort: :lol:

How about this one?? Is she a man???


I'm always amazed by the vast ignorance that passes for biological education amongst liberals. Someone should tell these anatomical geniuses that EVERYONE has an Adam's apple, and how prominent it is varies according to genetics and how skinny one happens to be. This whole "only men have visible Adam's apples" schtick of theirs smacks of an old wives' tale.
Good science, but bad example. Maddow WANTS to be a man if you get my drift.
What does Mexico have to do with anything? Other then to prove my point?

Mexico is an example of harmful income inequality. It is so bad it harms the economy. Incime inequality in this country works because the rich provide jobs. In Mexico there aren't any jobs. You cannot sell this shit here in America because expecting total income equality is a pipe-dream designed to create division. It's not realistic. It is simply a way to rationalize tax increases. It is government sponsored theft, and I'm not gonna go along with it as long as government refuses to stop wasting our tax dollars on superfluous bullshit.

We are fast moving into a space where the income inequality isn't good..like Mexico.

Oh, really?

Is that the change Obama wanted, cuz he's been prez for almost 4 years. If what you say is true he had something to do with it. Business owners didn't build that.
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Now they loathe literature, no surprise.

No, stupid...just Certain usual suspects. Some of us have minds of our own and can think for ourselves, differentiate between REAL and fantasy, and aren't so quick to "go with the flow...and aren't part of the 'Cult Of Personailty' Like you ignat.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0"]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]

Obama is taking an interesting and dangerous approach on the campaign trail, telling successful business owners that they "didn't get there on their own", that their success is predicated in part on the labor and efforts (and taxes) of others. This gives the GOP an opening to say, "see, he hates business owners, we told you so."

On the other hand, it opens up a national conversation that I've never seen before, building on Elizabeth Warren's comments as she runs for office.

This tactic is flying right into the teeth of the GOP's strength, that business and employers are the key to economic success. He's betting that the GOP, so controlled by absolutists right now, is going to look anti-ALL workers, not just union.

Pretty brave, and I think it's a good conversation to have.

Obama Mocks Rich: 'You Didn't Get There On Your Own'


Why didn't you just take this from Rush's latest screed? He said the same thing

Barack Obama's Declaration of War Against the Way America was Founded and Built - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Let's ALL little CONservative sheeple get in line behind the latest talking point now!

If we're going to twist people's words we all need to be on the same page with our message!
i've always loathed Stephen King. He's over-rated, seriously.

There was a time when he was good. He wrote "The Stand," "Carrie," and "Pet Cemetery;" but in the last 20 years what he's written is crap. "Deloris Claiborn" was crap, as was everything after it.

The The Stand was a long winded predictable and boring story with a deus ex machina ending.
Yeah, conz never, not once, not ever, never ever, think for themselves.

they have an opinion ONLY after Rush or Karl tells them what that opinion is...

Otherwise how could they always repeat lies and misinformation 100% of the time...think about it.

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